Joe Biden Talks About a 2016 Presidential Run … What a Delusional Little Man

Joe Biden is 2016 dreamin’ … Because Biden is just so Presidential.

Biden has not even completed making gaffes as VP in the 2012 Presidential election and this guy is making comments about running on 2016?  Sorry Joe but the only reason you are VP is because you happen to the the running mate of the first black president. No one voted for you as frankly you scared the living daylights out of most people that you are a heart beat away from the presidency.

“Look, I’m not trying to talk you into voting for me, I just wanted to say hi to you. And after it’s all over, when your insurance rates go down, then you’ll vote for me in 2016. I’ll talk to you later,” Biden said, according a pool reporter traveling with the vice president.

Biden, of course, hasn’t said whether he would run for president in 2016 and has been intensely focused on getting President Obama reelected next week, serving as the president’s chief attack dog on the trail.

I am going to go out on a limb and say there is no way Biden in the Democrat nominee for president in 2016. But as we stated above. Joe has not even finished making an ass out of himself in 2012 yet. Today Biden told supporters, “As they say in my business. I’m Going to Give You the Whole Load”.  Um, huh? Exactly what business are you referring to Joe?

Who would trust this man with the keys to the White House? Some how I doubt that America will be so forgiving with Biden’s gaffes when he is running for the top spot as opposed to Obama’s cabana boy.

Joe Biden in a State of Confusion … Biden Tells Ohioans ‘Here In Iowa’

Joe Biden in a constant state of delusion, or is it confusion?

What is wrong with this dude? VP Joe Biden has done it again. Today while campaigning in the battleground state of Ohio, Biden tells the Ohioans … “Here in Iowa”. HUH?

Marion, Ohio – With so many swing states to hit in so little time, Vice President Biden mistakenly referred to Ohio as Iowa while attacking Mitt Romney.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the guy who’s running all the ads here in Iowa saying that he’s going to get tough on China,” Biden said. Problem was, he was at a high school in Ohio.

I would dare say that if you do not know what state you are in, the folks there probably do not need to vote for you. Biden is a joke. Just imagine America, this idiot is a heart beat away from the presidency.

Biden Gaffe Alert … Joe Biden to Crowd of Supporters: “How Many of You Know Someone Who Served in Iraq or Iran?” HUH? Then Biden Makes Reference that GOP has Bullets Aimed at You.

And you wonder why Biden was sequestered prior to his VP debate for 7 days … Biden is a National disgrace.

Just think America, if Obama is reelected Joe Biden is just a heart beat away from the Presidency. With that in mind, check out yet another Biden gaffe from the man who is supposed to be the foreign policy wiz of the Democrat party and the Obama White House …

“How many of you know someone who served in Iraq or Iran? How many of you know someone who was injured in Iraq or Iran?”

Um, served or was injured in Iran Joe? Even ABC News did not miss the gaffe from Biden confusing Afghanistan with Iran. Oops. But that’s just Joe being Joe and some how we are supposed to give the screw up a minute a free pass. Oh, but it got worse for Biden and in turn Obama. Once again Biden went off teleprompter when an individual in the audience yelled “They have guns but no bullets,” referring to Young Guns, Republican VP nominee, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-VA, and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-CA.  Then it got worse when Biden said … “Unfortunately, the bullets are aimed at you.” Really?

They have guns but no bullets,” a member of the crowd shouted.

“Unfortunately, the bullets are aimed at you,” Bidenreplied, pointing at the man who had spoken and prompting laughter from the audience.

Shortly after the rally, Romney-Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck hit back at Biden.

“Today’s over-the-top rhetoric by Vice President Biden is disappointing, but not all that surprising,” Buck wrote in an emailed statement. “In the absence of a vision or plan to move the country forward, the vice president is left only with ugly political attacks beneath the dignity of the office he occupies.  Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will bring serious leadership to Washington that will focus on an agenda of job creation and economic growth that benefits all Americans.”

Biden Press Secretary Amy Dudley, clarified, saying in an emailed statement, “The Vice President’s exchange with an audience member today was clearly a reference to how the policies discussed in Paul Ryan’s book, ‘Young Guns,’ would devastate the middle class. Given that people don’t assume that Paul Ryan is literally a gun, it probably makes sense not to assume that Joe Biden was speaking literally about bullets.”

During the foreign policy portion of his stump speech, Biden made a mistake.

So now Republicans are going to put you back in chains and now shoot you. Who is going to actually say it and maybe Biden is not really fit for office. Thankfully, November 6th will be his end. As the Lonely Conservative aptly points out, hmm, how is that for civil discourse? Imagine if Romney or Ryan made such a comment about having bullets pointed to you? They would be branded racists and accused of making an assassination threat.

Joe Biden “the Gifted Orator” Takes 6 Days Off Campaign Trail for Debate Prep … More Like So No Gaffes Occur to Provide Debate Material … SNL Gets it Right … It’s Up to Biden to get the Lead Back

Does Obama’s Hopes for Reelection rest upon the “gifted orator” gaffe machine, Joe Biden?

Vice President Joe Biden takes nearly a week off to prep for the VP debates on Thursday, October 11. Let’s be serious, Biden is taking the week off prior to the debate so not to provide any more gaffes that GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Paul Ryan can use against Biden. But do not fret, Biden has already made enough gaffes during the 2012 campaign season to be used as fodder.

With just about a month until Election Day, Vice President Joe Biden is in the middle of taking nearly a week off the campaign trail. He will return to doing campaign events on Thursday, when he will debate Rep. Paul Ryan in the vice presidential debate.

As for the next three days, Biden will remain in Delaware. “On Monday through Wednesday, the Vice President will be in Wilmington, Delaware. There are no public events scheduled.”

Meanwhile, Thursday, October 11, is a big day for Biden. “On Thursday, the Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden will travel to Danville, Kentucky. In the evening, the Vice President will participate in the Vice Presidential Debate at Centre College. Dr. Biden will also attend. This event is open to pre-credentialed media.”

As reported at The Gateway Pundit, RNC Chair Reince Priebus deviled a nice under-handed compliment to Biden on Fox News this morning,  “I expect Joe Biden to do a good job. He’s been debating since the early 1900?s. He’s done about 18 debates already… Joe Biden’s going to have to deliver big time based on the debate Barack Obama put on the board last Wednesday.” Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark.

OK, I am going to have to throw a penalty flag on Priebus. I am also going to call out Priebus for one comment that he made in that Joe Biden is a “gifted orator”. HUH? Really Reince give me a break. Enough of this setting the bar low of  expectations. I expect Paul Ryan to be brilliant, have a command of the facts, the issues and lay out the Romney/Ryan plan for America. I expect Joe Biden to spin yarns of folksy nonsense. No one is tuning in for this debate to see the “Great Orator” Joe Biden. America will be watching to see if Biden shows up to the correct state where the debate is taking place, whether he praises any people of Indian decent in the audience for owning a Dunkin Donuts, or whether he compliments the moderator stating that was a good “F’n” question. Because make no mistake about it, Ryan is going to make reference that the “middle class has been buried the past 4 years”.

“I think people realize that Joe Biden is a gifted orator. He’s very good at rhetoric. And I think he’s very relatable,” Priebus said on CNN’s ‘State of the Union.’

I have to agree with The Other McCain 100%, it is ludicrous and shameful to think that Biden is a distinguished debtor or orator. The man is only known for his miscues when he speaks, not his speeches. America is setting their DVR’s to record the gaffes, not Biden’s vision for America. A debate, no teleprompters, and no prepared speech, this is what Bides gafftastic dreams are made of.

However, what is most amazing about all of this is that Obama’s reelection hopes could actually hinge on Biden. Because Obama bombed so badly in his Presidential debate in Denver, CO against Romney … the pressure is on Biden to stop the bleeding. How frightening must that be for Team Reelect Obama? Check out the SNL VIDEO below of Seth Meyers “Winner and Loser” at the 1:52 mark where Seth states, “BIGGEST WINNER, America … Is there anything more exciting than Joe Biden thinking it is up to him to get the lead back. IT’S TEVO TIME. There is like a 50% chance he is going to come out for the next debate with his shirt off.”

VP Joe Biden’s Moment of Truth as He Tells Supporters … “The Middle Class Has Been Buried the Last Four Year”

Another Joe Biden gaffe or a fact under the Obama Presidency?

At a campaign stop yesterday in Charlotte, NC, Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a crowd of  supports what many of us have known and experienced during the Obama presidency, “the middle class has been buried the last four years”. DOH! Oh how Barack Obama and his reelection minions must have hung their head after hearing these words coming from Biden’s mouth. Does Biden realize that Obama has been the president for the past four years, or does he think that this is still the 2008 election as Obama does not appear to ever have come out of campaign mode and done the work of the president?

Biden made the remark at a campaign stop in Charlotte, N.C., in the course of slamming Republican tax policies which Democrats claim would cut taxes for the rich and hike them for the middle class.

“This is deadly earnest,” Biden said. “How they can justify — how they can justify raising taxes on the middle class that’s been buried the last four years. How in the lord’s name can they justify raising their taxes with these tax cuts?”


The middle class buried, ya think? Under President Obama he has increased our national debt by nearly $6 trillion in 4 years. Average American household now owes $137,000 as share of national debt. We have had 43 consecutive months of unemployment above 8%, millions of Americans have left the work force, a record number of people are on food stamps and median income is at its lowest level since 1995. of course the middle class has been buried for the past 4 years under the failed policies of Barack Obama.

Mitt Romney responded to the Biden comments that the middle class has been buried for the past four years. Look for this to be used again tonight at the 1st Presidential debate between Romney and Obama.

This was not a gaffe, sadly it is the painful truth. It might have been the first truthful thing he has said since Joe stated that Barack Obama was not ready to be President. BTW, it is barack Obama who is raising taxes on the middle class through Obamacare and his unwillingness to extend all of the Bush tax cuts and make them permanent. TAXMAGEDDON affect all, including the Middle Class.

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