ABC/WAPO Poll Uses Questionable Sample to Have Obama Lead Romney 49% to 46% … Under Samples GOP by 10% … NBC/WSJ Skewed Sample as Well

All polls are not created equal … in fact some are just plain disingenuous. 

The most recent ABC/Washington Post poll has President Barack Obama ahead of GOP challenger Mitt Romney, 49% to 46%. Good news for Obama, right? Well, if you like faux polls it is. When will the liberal MSM ever learn that falsifying poll results serves no purpose on election day? The WAPO goes on to say that Obama and Romney are in a dead heat on the economy, Really?

The parity on economic issues foreshadows what probably will continue to be a tough and negative campaign. Overall, voters would be split 49 percent for Obama and 46 percent for Romney if the November election were held now. On handling the economy, they are tied at 47 percent.

Despite flare-ups over issues including contraception and same-sex marriage, more than half of all Americans cite the economy as the one concern that will decide their vote in the fall, relegating others — such as health care, taxes and the federal deficit — to single-digit status.

Voters are evenly divided between Obama and Romney on the question of who could kick-start the economy and also are split on job creation, with 46 percent siding with the president and 45 percent with Romney.

OK, let’s go inside the sampling polling numbers. The full results of the poll can be seen HERE.

The ABC/WAPO poll used the following model sampling: Democrat 32%, Republican 22% and Independents 38%. The exit polling in the 2008 Presidential election was Democrat 39%, Republican 32% and Independents 29%. However, there was a huge change in the 2010 election as Democrats and Obama took a shellacking. Interestingly enough, 2010 exit polling had those voting at Democrat 35%, Republican 35% and Independents 29%.  So the trend is moving to be even rather than Democrats with a large sampling lead. However, that did not stop the WAPO and ABC to use an overinflated Democrat sample to give Obama a more than questionable poll results. The poll over-sampled Democrats to Republicans by 10%, yet Obama only leads Romney by 3%.

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Even RINO’s are Dissatisfied with Obama … Senator Olympia Snowe (ME-R) Gives Obama an ‘F’

A note to President Barack Obama, when RINO Senator from Maine Olympia Snowe Gives Obama an ‘F’, you have a real problem … Snowe said that if she had to grade the President on his willingness to work with Republicans, he would “be close to failing on that point.” Close Olympia? No, I think it is safe to say that he is failing. With a continued failing economy, poor job growth, record number of people on food stamps, unemployment above 8%, gas prices at near record highs and a record federal debt, it is safe to say Obama has been a failure.

If there were ever a Republican for President Obama to work with, it was Maine Senator Olympia Snowe. She was one of just three Republicans in the entire Congress to vote for his economic stimulus plan in 2009 and even tried to work with him on health care, but in an interview with ABC’s Senior Political Correspondent Jonathan Karl, Snowe makes a remarkable revelation:  She hasn’t had a face-to-face meeting with President Obama in nearly two years.

Snowe said that if she had to grade the President on his willingness to work with Republicans, he would “be close to failing on that point.”  In fact, Snowe, who was first elected to Congress in 1978, claims that her meetings with President Obama have been less frequent than with any other President.

Snowe stated that there is no leadership and it is no longer about policy, it is only about politics and reelection in Washington, DC these days. Olympia Snowe earlier this year announced that she will not be seeking reelection in 2012.

Although I have to take exception with Snowe’s that she believes that she is a traditional Republican …  “I represent what I think is a traditional Republican… a limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, individual freedom and liberty.” How could a Republican who believes in these ideals embrace or even discuss any of Obama’s  big government, globalism and loss of liberty positions?

Barack Obama’s Shovel Ready Projects … GITMO Terrorists Get $750,000 Soccer Field

Is GITMO a prison or summer camp for terrorists?

The federal debt is at an out of control $1 trillion, yet that does not stop the feds from continuing to waste even more money. GITMO terrorists get $750,000 soccer field. May I ask who actually provides the stamp of approval on such ridiculous and wasteful projects to the American tax payers? Add this to the list of Obama’s “shovel ready” projects.

At a time of record deficits, a new soccer field for detainees at Camp 6 in Guantanamo Bay is just getting the finishing touches — at a cost of $750,000 to taxpayers.

The project was the highlight of a tour Tuesday of the detention camp for reporters at the facility covering the arraignment in a military court of Majid Khan, a former Baltimore resident and the the only legal U.S. resident on trial at Guantanamo.

The project began in April 2011 and is due to finish this spring. The detainees will now have three recreation facilities at Camp 6, which is home to “highly compliant” detainees who live in a communal setting.

In addition to an indoor recreation field and the existing outdoor recreation field, the new soccer field — selected because it is such a popular sport with detainees — is half the size of an American football field.

How do most Americans feel … what Atlas Shrugs said, “I think I am going to puke. Then cry. Or maybe cry first and then puke.”

Tennessee College Republicans from the Obama Generation to “The Debt Generation” … Welcome to Obama’s Generational Theft

Obama’s reelection bid is no longer and promises of “hope & change,” its about running on his record …

Barack Obama has pretty much disillusions ed every one that voted for him in 2008, no voting block more than the college age youth.  They have gone from the Obama generation in 2008 to the “DEBT GENERATION”. Watch the video below from the Tennessee College Republicans, aptly titled, ” The Debt Generation”. Check out the Debt Clock.

The Debt Generation

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

In 2008 more than 2/3 of America’s youth voted for Barack Obama; however, little did the naive college kids know that Barack Obama would hang them out to dry and create an out of control debt of political gifts that they would be responsible for. Many of them now regret that they ever voted for Obama. The One handed out gifts like Santa Claus; however, Santa does not charge you for the gifts he gives, Obama does. Fewer young voters see themselves as Democrats and unlike 2008, the Obama magic is gone. The bloom is off the rose and Obama is not perceived as “Hope & Change” but instead the same old, same old of an establishment politician.

Welcome to the “generational” theft of Barack Obama. The result, Obama has lost the luvin’ feeling of America’s youth.

UPDATE I: A blast from the past from Vanderbilt from 2009 … And the Obama gang thought we would just forget.


Barack Obama Wants to Raise the Debt Ceiling Again … Borrow Another $1.2 Trillion on Chinese Credit Card

Remember when candidate Obama called W “unpatriotic” for borrowing?

You can’t be serious? Wouldn’t it be nice if “WE THE PEOPLE” had an unlimited budget and debt ceiling as well? We at Scared Monkeys cover political, current events, missing persons stories and true crime. These days the real “TRUE CRIME” is what is being perpetrated on the American people by our Government.

President Barack Obama will ask Congress to raise the debt ceiling once again. Who honestly thinks that this is the way that one handles paying their bills when they spend more than they take in?  Obama is expected to ask for authority to increase the borrowing limit by $1.2 trillion.

Watch the Video below, courtesy of the Gateway Pundit, where Barack Obama, the Hypocrite in Chief, called Bush “unpatriotic” for raising the debt limit by $4 trillion during his eight years. Obama called it irresponsible and unpatriotic. So what does that mean you are Barack for doing worse in three years? Please tell me some one at the GOP is already making this political ad for 2012?

The White House plans to ask Congress by the end of the week for an increase in the government’s debt ceiling to allow the United States to pay its bills on time, according to a senior Treasury Department official on Tuesday.

The approval is expected to go through without a challenge, given that Congress is in recess until later in January and the request is in line with an agreement to keep the U.S. government funded into 2013.

The debt is projected to fall within $100 billion of the current cap by December 30, when the United States has $82 billion in interest on its debt and payments such as Social Security coming due. President Barack Obama is expected to ask for authority to increase the borrowing limit by $1.2 trillion, part of the spending authority that was negotiated between Congress and the White House this summer.

As the Lonely Conservative opines, America is not safe from this President even when he is on his million dollar vacation in Hawaii and playing his 90th round of golf. A tax and spend liberal like Obama always finds time to tax and spend and raise the debt to even higher levels.  The new debt limit will go up to almost $16.4 trillion. That’s $16,400,000,000,000!!! Brought to you by the President and the Democrats who refuse to pass a budget.

What Pat in Michigan said … These people are just running this country into the ground. For all things that are Holy and Good, please, please for the Love of God vote this guy out of office and provide us with a responsible President and Congress in 2012. I beg you America, before it is too late.

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