VP Joe Biden’s Moment of Truth as He Tells Supporters … “The Middle Class Has Been Buried the Last Four Year”

Another Joe Biden gaffe or a fact under the Obama Presidency?

At a campaign stop yesterday in Charlotte, NC, Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a crowd of  supports what many of us have known and experienced during the Obama presidency, “the middle class has been buried the last four years”. DOH! Oh how Barack Obama and his reelection minions must have hung their head after hearing these words coming from Biden’s mouth. Does Biden realize that Obama has been the president for the past four years, or does he think that this is still the 2008 election as Obama does not appear to ever have come out of campaign mode and done the work of the president?

Biden made the remark at a campaign stop in Charlotte, N.C., in the course of slamming Republican tax policies which Democrats claim would cut taxes for the rich and hike them for the middle class.

“This is deadly earnest,” Biden said. “How they can justify — how they can justify raising taxes on the middle class that’s been buried the last four years. How in the lord’s name can they justify raising their taxes with these tax cuts?”


The middle class buried, ya think? Under President Obama he has increased our national debt by nearly $6 trillion in 4 years. Average American household now owes $137,000 as share of national debt. We have had 43 consecutive months of unemployment above 8%, millions of Americans have left the work force, a record number of people are on food stamps and median income is at its lowest level since 1995. of course the middle class has been buried for the past 4 years under the failed policies of Barack Obama.

Mitt Romney responded to the Biden comments that the middle class has been buried for the past four years. Look for this to be used again tonight at the 1st Presidential debate between Romney and Obama.

This was not a gaffe, sadly it is the painful truth. It might have been the first truthful thing he has said since Joe stated that Barack Obama was not ready to be President. BTW, it is barack Obama who is raising taxes on the middle class through Obamacare and his unwillingness to extend all of the Bush tax cuts and make them permanent. TAXMAGEDDON affect all, including the Middle Class.

US Sen. Barrasso (R-Wyoming) Delivered the Weekly GOP Address … “President Obama is on track to have the worst jobs record of any President since World War II” … “More presidential rhetoric, and a plea for more time, won’t heal our economy.”

Barack Obama, a legacy of failure for America …

US  Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyoming) yesterday delivered the Weekly GOP Address, following Friday’s dismal  jobs report. In the Weekly Republican Address, Barrasso said the following that, We are not better off than we were four years ago and “the undeniable truth is, President Obama is on track to have the worst jobs record of any President since World War II.” Barrasso went on to say,“when the President was hyping his so-called stimulus program, his economic team claimed unemployment would not go above 8 percent”. Instead, it’s been higher than 8 percent for 43 straight months.” 43 months and counting and the only reason why it is has gone up even more is that the participation rate is at a low not seen since 1981, those individuals who have just given up and left the work force is not counted. If they were, the actual unemployment rate would be over 11%.

“More presidential rhetoric, and a plea for more time, won’t heal our economy.”

Excepts of the GOP Weekly Address:

“The reality is that America is not better off than it was four years ago.

“Today, 23 million Americans are unemployed or underemployed. Many are our friends, neighbors, and family members.

The undeniable truth is, President Obama is on track to have the worst jobs record of any President since World War II.

“When the President was hyping his so-called stimulus program, his economic team claimed unemployment would not go above 8 percent, and that it would be below 6 percent by now. Instead, it’s been higher than 8 percent for 43 straight months.

“It’s bad enough the stimulus money was wasted. Even worse, he borrowed the money, much of it from China.

“Household incomes have dropped by more than $4,000, while the cost of everyday living has gone up.

“Gasoline prices have gone up another 30 cents a gallon in just over a month. Americans recently paid the highest prices ever on a Labor Day weekend.

One out of every seven people in America is now on food stamps.

“For every year since he took office, President Obama has spent at least a trillion dollars more than Washington took in, all of it borrowed.

“Under his watch, government spends too much, borrows too much, and grows bigger every day.

“President Obama’s record of failure has come at a great cost to our country and our future.

“The President’s policies have failed to produce the results, accountability, and solutions the American people deserve. The Obama Administration is simply not moving our country forward.

“It’s been said that, faced with his record, the President has changed his hope and change message of four years ago to one of divide and conquer today.

“More presidential rhetoric, and a plea for more time, won’t heal our economy.”

Wake up America, Barack Obama did not but provide promises in 2008. During the 2012 DNC convention it was just more of the same and provided more empty promises.

Patches O’ Hoolihan Would be Proud, Obama’s Senior Adviser David Axelrod Dodges Whether Americans Better Off Than Years Ago … Axelrod Masters the 5 D’s of Dodgeball, Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive & Dodge (So Does Plouffe)

We have finally found the theme of the Barack Obama reelection campaign. It’s not “Forward” … ITS DODGE!!!

This morning on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, President Barack Obama’s chief adviser David Axelrod refused to answer the question that all incumbent reelection campaigns have to, is America better off than they were four years ago? Instead, Axelrod did his best dodge that only Patches O’ Hoolihan of the movie ‘Dodgeball’ could have been proud of.  For Axelrod and Team Obama, “if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a political question about the failed Obama economic policies”. Axelrod actually said, “that we are in a better position today than we were four years ago.”  This is what they are going to tell the American people? Seriously, how does an incumbent President not going to answer questions on his record? Axelrod and Obama actually think they are going to run the campaign based on the 5 D’s of Dodgeball … “dodge, dip, duck, dive and, um dodge”.

As stated at Hot Air, how pathetic and telling is it that the head of Obama’s reelection team suddenly goes mute and tries to run away from the question by talking about the tough environment Barack Obama inherited. Wallace used the following stats, Unemployment: 7.8% then, 8.3% now – Median income: $54,983 then, $50,964 now – Gas prices: $1.85 per gallon then, $3.78 now – National debt: $10.6 trillion then, $15.9 trillion now and expected to go over $16 trillion during the Democrat National Convention.

Also on ABC’s ‘This Week’ George Stephanopoulosasked Obama’s senior White House adviser David Plouffe whether Americans are better off today than they were four years ago. Plouffe also dodged the question as he was taught as opined by the Lonely Conservative, if you can’t answer the question, just avoid it. In other words … “if you can dodge a car, you can dodge an economic question of the failed Obama presidency.

Asked the same question repeatedly host George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week,” President Barack Obama’s senior White House adviser, David Plouffe, reverted to talking points about job creation and the failings of the Bush administration.

“We were this close to a Great Depression,” Plouffe said at one point, pinching his thumb to his index finger.

Stephanopoulos cut him short.

“You still can’t say yes,” he told Plouffe.

As Doug Ross stated, look for the Obama minions to only appear on the complicit, corrupt media complex and away from Fox News where they might actually be asked and expected to answer a question. Now the question is will the liberal, in the tank media and the moderators ask the question to Obama during the debates?

Mandatory Viewing for All Obama reelection mouthpieces … The 5 D’s of political dodgeball” Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!

Flashback: Paul Ryan Laughs at Debbie Wasserman Schultz During CNN Interview … “I would Like to have an Adult Level Converstion …”

Today, Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-R) was announced as Mitt Romney’s GOP Vice Presidential candidate; however, remember this blast from the past where Ryan owned Debbie Wasserman Schultz and laughed at her due to her lack of seriousness and childish approach to the dept crisis and entitlements. All Ryan wanted was for Americans to have the same type of social security plan as they do in Congress. However, for Debbie Wasserman Schultz that was too risky. Huh?

With Saturday’s announcement of Rep. Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s pick for vice president, here’s a flashback to 2010 when Ryan and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) appeared together on CNN to discuss the GOP’s then-proposed “Pledge to America.”

Recall that Republicans were swept into the House of Representatives during the midterm elections less than two months later.

Paul Ryan should have known better than to have an adult conversation with Debbie Waasserman Schultz or any other Democrat when it comes to the responsible manner of dealing with the debt, Medicare or Social Security. Libs and Dems would rather accuse Republicans of pushing grandma over the cliff than they would actually fix the problems of unsustainable entitlement or government healthcare or retirement programs.

The Hill Poll: 56% of Likely Voters Believe Obama Has Changed America for the Worse During His First Term as President

Overwhelming majority think that Barack Obama has changed America for the worse … ya think? Hey America, how’s that “hopey, changey” stuff working out for ya?

More bad polling data for President Barack Obama. A new poll from The Hill conducted by the Pulse Opinion Research stated that 56% of likely voters believe that President Barack Obama has changed America for the worse during his first term in office as opposed to only 35% who think he has changed it for the better. 91% of Republicans polled think that Obama’s changes are bad for America, while an interesting low number of 71% of Democrats think Obama’s changes have been good and a striking 20% of Democrats polled say that Obama has changed America in a negative way.

Full polling results can be seen HERE with cross-tabs.

Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change America — but it’s changed for the worse, according to a sizable majority.

A new poll for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership.

The results signal broad voter unease with the direction the nation has taken under Obama’s leadership and present a major challenge for the incumbent Democrat as he seeks reelection this fall.

This also follows the Rasmussen poll where a substantial percentage of Americans believe Obama’s policies are more extreme than Romney’s.

Who would have thought with an escalating national debt, 40+ weeks with an unemployment rate over 8%, record number of Americans on food stamps and continued poor job creation that Americans would think that Obama shift of America to socialism was a bad thing? But as stated at Jammie Wearing Fool, normally news like this would be a political death blow to an incumbent President, but not with an in the tank, suck up, bias and corrupt liberal media complex. A note to Team Elect Romney … WAKE THE HELL UP AND START TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS TERRIBLE POLLING.

Nice analysis at Q and O with a similar thought process that we have been stating for months. How can there be so much negative polling on specific issues and yet Obama be in the lead in the polls? At some point closer to election day, things are going to break one way or the other.

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