Food Porn … Good Grief, Is Your Restaurant on the Taboo List of the Food Police?

The food police have now dubbed certain restaurants items … FOOD PORN. Hmm, so if the SCOTUS deems porn Freedom of Speech, then so is a persons right to eat their food porn.

It’s “food porn.” That’s what the Center for Science in the Public Interest dubbed the 1,030-calorie, deep-fried Lasagna Fritta appetizer at the Olive Garden.
The restaurant, known for its “bottomless” salad and breadsticks, made the consumer group’s 2010 “Xtreme Eating Awards”.

Other restaurants you frequent also made the list: P.F. Chang’s, Five Guys, The Cheesecake Factory, California Pizza Kitchen, Outback, Chevy’s and Bob Evans.

 Please, make em stop!

Wonder Why MSM Hates Fox News … 81% Polled Get Their Midterm Election News from Cable Channels Like Fox News

It is the continued death of the old media, so went the dinosaurs, so goes the old and tired MSM.

It is the MSM’s and LEFT’s worst nightmare … this can’t be good news for the liberal slanted MSM nor the Democrat party, more people are turning to the 24 hour cable news networks for the election news and out of the cable news networks, Fox News is the most watched. The trend is only going to continue away from the old MSM do to a liberal slant and an obvious agenda. This does not bode well for Democrats in 2010, 2012 and thereafter …

More people are getting their news about the upcoming election from cable television than any other source, and from Fox News more than any other cable channel, according to a POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday.

The poll found that 81 percent of those polled get their news about the midterm elections from cable channels, like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or their websites, compared with 71 percent from national network news channels, such as ABC, NBC or CBS, and their websites.

Among cable news channels, Fox was the clear winner, with 42 percent of respondents saying it is their main source, compared with 30 percent who cited CNN and 12 percent who rely on MSNBC.

FOX NEWS wins the cable wars hands down in election news coverage for the American people. Think Obama and Democrats are beginning to sweat?

When you use cable TV news channels to get news about the election, would you say you are mainly getting information from CNN, Fox News, MSNBC or some other cable news channel or website?
Mainly CNN…………………………………………………30%
Mainly Fox News………………………………………….42%
Mainly MSNBC…………………………………………….12%
Other cable news channel/website…………………….9%
UNSURE/REFUSED (DNR)…………………………..7%

Full polling results here. Check out page 9 of the polling data, what a shock, the people have no idea who Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow are. Maybe because MSNBC has no viewership.

One more bit of data from the poll regarding Barack Obama’s re-election. Only 38% think he deserves reelection.

Now, thinking again about Barack Obama –
20. Do you think President Obama has performed his job as President well enough to deserve re-election, will you consider voting for someone else, or do you think you will vote to replace Barack Obama?
Deserves re-election………………………………………………………38%
Will consider voting for someone else……………………………..13%
Will vote to replace Barack Obama…………………………………44%
UNSURE/REFUSED (DNR)…………………………………………..6%

Colorado HS Student Told To Remove US Flags from Truck … Might Make People Feel Uncomfortable


Jeremy Stoppel, a Northglenn High School student in Colorado was told by school security to stop flying the US flags on his truck. He was told to do so because the high school focuses on diversity and she doesn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. WTF. Maybe some one should tell the moron security guard that the United States flag represents diversity and the greatest melting pot ever known.


So the delusional concept of making others feel uncomfortable trumps the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech? Who is making who feel uncomfortable?

Could some one please tell me what country we live in again and how it can make any one uncomfortable seeing the America flag flying? What’s next, we are not allowed to fly the American flag on Flag Day? Just curious does this high school have an American flag atop their flag pole? What is wrong with people who actually think that the Red, White and Blue flag of the United States of America would make people feel uncomfortable. Those that actually do, might want to think about living some place else.

Read more

Daily Commentary – Monday, August 30th, 2010 – Great Turnout for Glen Beck’s Rally in DC

August 30th, 2010 Daily Commentary

* A huge number of people attended the “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial on the 28th. Dana comments on the content and Glen Beck himself.

Daily Commentary – Monday, August 30th, 2010 – Great Turnout for Glen Beck's Rally in DC [2:06m]: Download

Alveda King, Niece of Martin Luther King Jr, Speaks at Beck’s “Restoring Honor” Rally on Anniversary of ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech

“I have a dream too” … So said the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. at the “Restoring Honor” rally.

As the liberal MSM and Al Sharpton condemn Glenn Beck for daring to have his Restoring Honor” rally of the anniversary of MKK Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech, I wonder how they will respond to this “Restoring Honor” speaker? Alveda King,  the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., spoke today at the “Restoring Honor” rally honoring her uncle on the 47th anniversary of his “I have a Dream”.

This is a must see video … “I too have a dream too, its in my genes.”

“Faith, hope and love are not dead in America …. We still Trust in God!”

This must have driven the liberals and the Al Sharpton brigade to have Alveda King speak at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally. As American Power stated, the libs heads must have exploded to have such an event occur. It’s kind of hard for ReverendAl and the bias and hateful MSM to claim that the Beck rally to dismiss it with MLK Jr’s niece attending. The following is from ABC News:

On the 47th anniversary of her uncle’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, politician and activist Alveda King has joined conservative commentator Glenn Beck at the same spot to bring people together in paying tribute to America’s soldiers and “restoring honor” to America.

King, the niece of civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. and daughter of his brother activist A. D. King, is currently the director of African-American outreach at the pro-life group Priests for Life and has recently stepped into the spotlight after several appearances on Beck’s radio program.

“I am attending this rally to help reclaim America,” she told “Good Morning America’s” Ron Claiborne today from Capitol Hill. “I’m joining Glenn to talk about faith, hope, charity, honor. Those are things that America needs to reclaim. Our children need to remember to love each other how to honor each other, their parents, God and their neighbors. I agree with Glenn on all of those principles. So that’s why I’m here. For me it’s principles over politics.”

Amen sister!

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