San Diego Getting a Taste of their own Boycott Medicine … Arizonians Canceling Trips to SD

RUT-ROH, It’s the law of unintended consequences that should have been easily predicted.

Suddenly when the “boycott” tables are turned, California, namely San Diego tourism whines as many in Arizona are canceling their trips to San Diego. Go figure, what a shocker.

San Diego tourism leaders and hoteliers fear they could lose a sizable chunk of business this summer from valued “Zonies” who are so angered by elected leaders’ recent censure of Arizona for its illegal-immigration law that they’re mounting an informal boycott of their own.

The San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau and several hotels report receiving e-mails and letters from Arizona visitors saying they intend to change their plans to travel here in light of local outcry over their home state’s anti-illegal-immigration stance.

As Red State brilliantly posted in SD’s comment to AZ …

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Who is Misguided Barack Obama … 59% of Americans in Favor of Arizona Anti-Illegal Immigration Law

Dear President Obama,  who is misguided? An overwhelming majority of Americans, even many Democrats are in favor and split on the issue …


PEW Research Center finds wide approval for Arizona’s new anti-illegal immigration policy. So much for the MSM spin and providing extensive coverage to LA’s decision to boycott Arizona. An overwhelming majority of Americans are in favor of the provisions of the new AZ anti-illegal immigration law. Maybe the answer might be to boycott LA? Cities best think first before they blindly react to a law that simply follows federal immigration law. Bankrupt cities may face a backlash from their boycott.

The public broadly supports a new Arizona law aimed at dealing with illegal immigration and the law’s provisions giving police increased powers to stop and detain people who are suspected of being in the country illegally.

Fully 73% say they approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police ask for them. Two-thirds (67%) approve of allowing police to detain anyone who cannot verify their legal status, while 62% approve of allowing police to question people they think may be in the country illegally.

After being asked about the law’s provisions, 59% say that, considering everything, they approve of Arizona’s new illegal immigration law while 32% disapprove.

As the Gateway Pundit states, despite the harsh words from Barack Obama and Marxist Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, a broad majority of Americans approve of the Arizona immigration law. Obama best think twice about comment on AZ immigration law, especially when his own party is split on the issue.

What polls are showing is that the more information and details that are being reported on the Arizona bill, the more the support grows for it. What a concept, the liberal MSM and Obama are being counteracted by the truth of the law. What does this show once again … like with the Obamcare bill, Democrats, Obama and the MSM have been unsuccessful in lying to the public … WE THE PEOPLE can decide on our own as to the merits and provisions of the law, not accept the Democrat smears as the Gospel.

No wonder this President wants to control the spread of information.

NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, NO BASEBALL … The Masters of the Race Card, Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson Call for Selig to Pull MLB All-Star Game Out of Arizona



Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson, the masters of the race card and race baiting opportunists, are looking to leach onto the Arizona anti-illegal law and cause further division. They think they have found a winning divisive and racial issue and will milk it for all they can.

Even though 59% of Americans and 70% of those who live in Arizona support the new anti-illegal immigration laws passed by AZ Governor Jan Brewer, Sharpton and Jackson look to shake down MLB and Bud Selig. In a NY Times/CBS poll, 60% of Americans responded that the AZ law was just right or did not go far enough. However, the two race baiting opportunists look to have the MLB All-Star game removed from Arizona in 2011.

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition appeals to Major League Baseball to take a public stand against the recently passed Arizona immigration law. We also urge you to move the scheduled 2011 all-star game from Diamondback Stadium in Arizona unless this law is repealed.

America’s democracy is based on the values of freedom and equality–a level playing field for all of its people. The passage of the Arizona immigration law is an affront to these principles, representing the most divisive and polarizing approach to immigration reform. It is morally reprehensible and will be challenged as unconstitutional in the courts. This law – and the social “movement” that has inspired it – will have a negative impact on all of America’s people.

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Expected 20,000 Protesters this Weekend as Pro-Abortion President Obama Gives Commencement Speech at Notre Dame

Notre Dame, losing their religion.

Many at Notre Dame are not just “Fighting Irish,” they are fighting mad over the decision for the most prominent Catholic University in the United States to honor the most radical, pro-abortion president in years. Does anyone really not see the sad, pathetic, insulting irony of a Catholic college name Notre Dame, which translates to “Our Lady,” providing an honorary degree to a man who is as pro-abortion as they come? REALLY?

The controversy began a couple months ago when Notre Dame school administrators asked President Barack Obama to speak at their Commencement ceremony. Notre Dame’s choice to have Obama speak and receive an honorary degree was a bit much for many to stomach as a private, Catholic University honor a man who has been the most radical, liberal, pro-Abortion president in years. The White House and Golden Dome Administrators thought this would blow over. Make no mistake, it has not as 20,000 people are expected to protest this weekend.

A protest on a college campus against a liberal, Democratic President? My how times have changed. Protests are not just at Berkeley anymore. President Barack Obama and Notre Dame University President Jenkins really misread the tea leaves on this one. Or was it the Rosary?


Vanderbilt – ‘09

Petitions to Abort the Commencement Reading of the
Teleprompters by a Pro Abortionist US President at the
University of Notre Dame are being circulated and
signed by thousands. Was it just a ‘Senior Moment’
by Father Jenkins that precipitated this scandalous
situation? Time for the ‘Hook’!

The petition to Father Jenkins  in outrage that Notre Dame will honor President Barack Obama as its commencement speaker has received over 364,351 signers to date and counting.

Dear Father Jenkins:

It has come to our attention that the University of Notre Dame will honor President Barack Obama as its commencement speaker on May 17.

It is an outrage and a scandal that “Our Lady’s University,” one of the premier Catholic universities in the United States, would bestow such an honor on President Obama given his clear support for policies and laws that directly contradict fundamental Catholic teachings on life and marriage …

Catholics may have to look in the mirror and ask why they are Catholics if they are ok with what is transpiring at ND. The idea that they would honor Barack Obama with a Honorary degree defies all logic, common sense and Catholic beliefs.

 Maybe Barack will tell the ND grads these perils of wisdom during his speech, “I don’t want them punished with a baby”. Who knew that a baby was a punishment? I hardly think Obama’s parents thought he was. Where so these people acquire such a screwed up value system?

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CNN … Cartoon News Network: Bias Media & CNN Reporter Susan Roesgen Attacks Thomas Jefferson at Tea Party

Would CNN have covered the actual Boston Tea Party in the same manner? Imagine CNN’s coverage of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Alexander and the rest of our Founding Fathers. They would have been branded malcontents as well wanting to get away from The Crown.


Pics from Nashville, TN Tea Party, 4/15/09

If any of you still questioned whether there was bias in the media, you needed to look no further that CNN and Susan Roesgen’s coverage of the Tea Party protest in Chicago, Ill, the Land of Lincoln. The elite liberal media shows it’s true colors and is found wanting. Take a good look as to see what passes for journalism these days at CNN. Susan Roesgen, CNN reporter, started this with an agenda and sarcasm. She was looking to pick a fight with American’s who were looking to voice their First Amendment rights. However, we know that such rights are only allowed by the LEFT. This elite liberal media type actually had the audacity to say what does “Liberty” and paying excessive taxes that will burden our children and grandchildren for years to come? Susan Roesgen then went on to badger a US citizen expressing his God given right to freedom of speech to say that he should almost be grateful that he was given $400. The selfishness of Susan Roesgen saying look what you get now vs.not caring about the debt price tag down the road was shameful.

From The Founding Bloggers … “CNN reporter says to American Tea Party go’er expressing their Constitutional Right … “you really don’t have to be so antagonistic.” The sole agenda of this CNN reporter was antogonism.


As Michelle Malkin states, who needs ACORN nuts when you have the main stream liberal media. CNN reporter Susan Roesgen went looking for a fight. Then when she found herself in hot water, she took the cowards way out. Hey toots, if you can’t stand the heat, stay at your abortion and anti-war rallies. We all know that those are so pro-American.

“I think you get the general tenor of this. It’s anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox.”

More from Hot Air:

A tour de force of bias via TV Newser, from her sarcasm to her Fox-bashing to her badgering a guy who’ll be paying off Obama’s monstrous deficits for decades about why he isn’t satisfied with a $400 tax break this year. The title of the clip is “CNN Reporter Roughed Up at Chicago Tea-Party,” which, as you’ll see, is a transparent lie unless you consider the crowd yelling at her to stop cutting off the people she’s interviewing as “rough.”

CNN went on to say that is a prime example of what went on across America. Really? That’s not what went on in Nashville, TN. Of course CNN would not promote that. The Nashville Tea Party started off with a blessing and a prayer. CNN’s antics were nothing more than shameful. The Tea Parties represent grass roots protests. However, how dare anyone protest the liberal mainstream media’s messiah, Barack Obama.

Peaceful, Respectful and Forceful Protest in Tennessee

UPDATE I: By the way CNN, You should be ashamed of your ridiculous claim of copyright violation just because CNN was found wanting of being liberal hacks.

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