Beth Twitty at Western Kentucky University at Bowling Green, KY ; International Safe Travels Foundation

Beth Twitty was at Western Kentucky University at Bowling Green, KY at the Sloan Convention Center discussing “The dangers that can exist are right around the corner from where they are within the borders or not.”

“Natalee has created a form for parents to initiate dialog with their sons and daughters. “Throughout Natalee’s disappearance we’ve learned we need to learn the infrastructure of country we’re visiting.”

That’s just one of the tips provided by Beth Holloway Twitty’s non-profit organization called “International Safe Travels Foundation.”

“The dangers that can exist are right around the corner from where they are within the borders or not. It also shows them challenges they face if they find themselves victims of crime in a foreign country.”

Having now dealt with the horrific roller coaster ride of Natalee Holloway missing in Aruba for ten months, Beth Twitty now also focuses on helping others before it is too late for them.

Her non-profit website is designed to help and protect young adults before it’s too late.

Julia Renfro Pod-casting Discussing the Natalee Holloway Disappearance with C-Band Talk Network

Julia Renfro of Aruba Today did a pod cast with Dana Pretzer and The C-Band Talk Network. The following is the link to a rather long interview, but well worth listening to. The Renfro interview is in the second part of the show that starts at approximately 22 minutes in.

Sunday Night Satellite Interview

We will disagree with only one premise of the host, Dana Pretzer, and that is that Dompig regrets going the 48 Hours interview. Gerold Dompig had a gag order placed on him and was allowed to do this interview with the blessing of Aruban authorities. It was an intended trial balloon and smear piece rolled up in to one. All allegations and comments made against Natalee Holloway were based on speculation. It is one thing for people to discuss the case and speculate, but the lead investigator? Just one in the many of a long line of PR mistakes and investigative blunders out of Aruba.

Here are some of the more interesting exchanges and comments by Julia Renfro. Not too bias against the family and holding the Aruban government line.

Julia Renfro: “large groups of people have been canceling their trips to Aruba.”

Dana Pretzer: “You are a parent and I am a parent. This is a parents worst nightmare.”
Renfro: ” … the parents had lost their child, but they created massive chaos on an innocent island of 100,000 people.”

With regards to Julia Renfro watching the Joran Van der Sloot interviews she remarks, “I do not see an inconsistencies in what you see.”

Dana Pretzer towards the end makes a comment that is the crux of the story and the reason why so many have been drawn, captivated and demand answers as to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

The family has criticized the investigation. You will move heaven and earth to find your child. It is unfair to brandish the Twitty family themselves as reeking chaos on Aruba. They did what they had to do to get answers.

Tune in to this interview, well worth hearing.

Beth Twitty Reacts to Dompig’s comments, “it has always been in our minds, thinking that it sounded as if Natalee had been drugged.”

Beth Twitty makes the case for the suspects involvement with the following comments,

“… it still shows these suspects are so guilty of involvement into Natalee’s disappearance, you know, from—from whether they drugged her and she experienced a drug overdose—you know, but then, how they have, you know, covered this up from the beginning and derailed the investigation to where we could never proceed forward (INAUDIBLE) for weeks into it because the suspects just kept lying to the authorities.

And you know, it’s just going to be hard for us to believe this was accidental or anything other than something that was planned. It will be hard for—I know, for Dave and I to ever think that—you know, you don’t cover up something that was accidental.”

We are now to believe that giving someone drugs and shots of 151 is not somehow murder? All of a sudden the three suspects are not responsible for Natalee’s possible murder, but only for the cover up of a crime? Since when do people who did not contribute to a possible crime hide a body? None of the actions of hiding a body are consistent with an accidental overdose. Of course nearly ten months later, what credibility does Dompig have anyhow.

From ‘Rita Cosby Live & Direct’ for March 23, 2006

But first, some breaking news in the Natalee Holloway investigation. In a shocking new CBS News report, the chief investigator in the case says Natalee Holloway may not have been murdered, and instead may have died from a drug and alcohol-related overdose. And for the first time, we are seeing this newly released photo of Natalee. It’s the last known image of the Alabama teen from the night that she disappeared.

Natalee Holloway’s mother, Beth, joins us now by phone with her reaction. Beth, what do you think when you hear all of this?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY’S MOTHER: Well, Rita, I—you know, I’m hearing that—something just doesn’t seem to fit, if we’re talking about, you know, Natalee have—you know, having died from a drug overdose. I mean, you know, I think that the bottom line is, we’re looking at, you know, where is Natalee, you know? We’re looking at a recovery mission. And really, what we wanted to stay focused on, let’s get these searches under way on the sand dunes, and let’s find out if—we need to rule this in or out, find out where Natalee is, where they placed her.
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Natalee Holloway Disappearance: Even the Carlos N’ Charlie’s Story Does not Match Up

One would suspect that the original stories that were told to the Aruban authorities CarlosnCharliesStreet2were discussed between the three suspects. This was a version of the truth that they wanted the police to believe. However, it is rather telling that even these events have changed over time. The three suspects and who ever else was involved in fabricating the initial stories never could have imagined that Beth Twitty would have been as persistent in her efforts to get the truth.

Deepak in his statement to police stated that Natalee Holloway was very drunk. This would have obviously been a point that the three suspects agreed to tell the ALE. Interestingly enough, that is not the story that Joran Van der Sloot proclaimed in his interview with Greta Van Susteren. Suddenly, Natalee Holloway went from drunk and falling asleep in the Deepak version to not drunk and knowing what was going on in the Joran version.

Why does the initial agreed upon story change? The three suspects have admitted that their initial statements to police were lies. However, why does the fact that Natalee SM CnC close viewwent from drunk to sober change? Or as Joran states, “she had been drinking, but she knew what she was doing”. What kind of a self-serving after the fact comment is that? Could it be that nine months later Joran Van der Sloot not only wants to dodge a murder rap, but also a sexual assault one as well? We can see the changes and the evolution of the story in how it serves Joran Van der Sloots advantage.

It is interesting to anyone who questions the lies that come out of all three suspects mouths and continue to do so, that the accounts that they try to present today continue to make no sense. The initial lies are what they wanted people to believe, so why now is it so important for Joran Van der Sloot to show Natalee Holloway was not drunk? A petite girl not drunk after drinking for hours and being given a shot of 151 rum at the end of the night after a days worth of drinking.

Deepak’s first statement he gave police on June 9, 2005

The following portion discussing the three going to, being in and leaving Carlos N’ Charlie’s. SM CnC from rear parking lot

Then we drove to Carlos and Charlie. I parked my car at the back, in the parking lot of Carlos and Charlie, with the front of my car facing the wall of Carlos and Charlie. We got out and walked to Carlos and Charlie. It was then about 12:30. We went straight to the bar. Joran bought drinks for us. He didn’t ask us what we wanted, as he already knew what we wanted. He bought three yards with whiskey and Coke.

We walked to the stage. The stage is a raised floor where people dance. C&CWe stood there looking on. I guess there were about 70 people present, or more perhaps. We stood there chatting among the three of us. A little later, I guess about three or four minutes, Joran was called by a girl by a movement of her hand. Judging by the way that the girl was dancing, I presumed that she was pretty drunk. Joran had indicated, signaling by hand, that he did not want to go over to her. After the song was finished, the girl walked over to Joran.

The girl walked swaying to Joran. I could see that it was a pretty girl. I saw that the girl was talking to Joran. I heard that they were talking about dancing. I saw Joran laugh and saw him reply to her. I couldn’t hear what Joran replied. I looked around and didn’t follow their conversation.

A friend of mine came walking over to me. His name is Ali. I don’t know Satish_joran_depak_200182his surname. He used to be in the same class with me at the middle school. Ali stood and talked to me for five to ten minutes. Ali then walked away. When I turned around, both Satish and Joran were nowhere to be seen. They hadn’t told me where they were going. I looked for them briefly but couldn’t find them. I was briefly in the restrooms. I was not patient enough to keep on looking.

After I left the restrooms, I looked around a bit. I went by the bar, passed the glass area where souvenirs of Carlos and Charlie are sold, and walked outside. When I walked outside, I heard the announcement that it was the last chance to buy alcohol. That is always announced before closing time.

I walked to my car. My car was the only car parked behind in the parking lot. I went and sat in my car to wait for Satish and Joran. I had no more phone credit to be able to call them. I had the car door open. I was listening to the radio and adjusting the volume. The door on the right side opened, and I looked up and saw that it was Satish. Satish sat down next to me.

Then the back door opened. Joran got into the car. He got in on the right side and sat behind Satish. The girl also got in on the left side. I was surprised and had not expected that the girl would also come with them. She sat behind me in the car. I greeted her. I said to her, Hi. She greeted me back and said her name. I immediately forgot her name. I didn’t mind that she was sitting in the car. It was not the first time that I had girls that were on holiday in my car and dropped them off at their hotel.

Joran Van der Sloot interview with Greta Van Susteren

VAN SUSTEREN: When they picked you up, did you go straight from your home to Carlos and Charlie’s?

VAN DER SLOOT: When they picked me up, we went straight there, straight to Carlos and Charlie’s.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you arrived at Carlos ‘n Charlie’s, any idea about what time it is?

VAN DER SLOOT: It was probably, you know, 12:15, I think, 12:30 maybe.

VAN SUSTEREN: How late does it stay open?

VAN DER SLOOT: That night it was open until 1:00 AM.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is that usual? I mean, every…

VAN DER SLOOT: Every — during weekdays, it’s open until 1:00 AM, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: And were the girls from Mountain Brook already there?

VAN DER SLOOT: They were already there. I walked in, and I — when I walked in, I saw one of them on the left-hand side and she just said — she said, Hi. And I said, Hi, back. {{This is already a different version of events from their made up story. Even entering the bar was changed.}} And then I walked in with them and was going to go to the bar with them and get a drink. And that’s when — right when I walked in, I saw Natalee was standing on the dance floor. She was dancing, and she screamed at me to go dance with her. She was dancing on the stage. There was, like, a podium there.

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Natalee Holloway Investigation: Back To the Sand Dunes … Finally

So Aruban officials are finally going to search the sand dunes. What exactly has taken them this long? Unfortunately the discussion of searching the dunes has become Sand dunesnothing more than a joke. One wonders what issues does Aruba and the ALE have in searching this area. They were first offered help from the FBI. Then they were offered help from Texas EquuSearch. They turned down TES and made it impossible for the FBI to help.

Lets look at the time line of events with the sand dunes and the lack of any progress or desperation to search this area in any timely manner, even though they claim they have credible information. Does everyone realize it has been since January 17 since the ALE searched this area?

January 14, 2006: Tim Miller and Jim Whitaker.go to Aruba to discuss water search

January 16, 2006: Tim Miller get green light from Dompig to resume search for Natalee Holloway in the water.

Jannuary 17, 2006: New search at sand dunes begin near the California Lighthouse


The policemen used sticks with an iron ends to prick the sand, hoping in vain to stumble across something.

More than 50 police officers began searching a 1-square-mile area on Monday, said Gerold Dompig, Aruba’s chief of police. The search was suspended Tuesday.

January 19, 2006: Rita Cosby ‘Live & Direct’, New leads discovered bring ALE back to the Sand Dunes.

The island’s deputy police chief now says credible information lead to this latest hunt for clues. These sand dunes could be the very last place where Natalee Holloway was seen alive by three young men previously held by Aruban authorities in her disappearance.

JOSSY MANSUR, “DIARIO” NEWSPAPER: The tip hasn’t been revealed to us. There is a tip that one witness gave to the police that started this whole search at the area of the dunes. They have been searching yesterday. I think they were searching today. They still have about 20 more hours of searches to do.

January 22, 2006: FBI not bringing Search Dogs to Aruba

The reason for the FBI refuses because the Aruban police won’t say who Bruce & Ebby Dunes 2tipped them off to start searching the dune two weeks ago“.

The roller-coaster ride that is the Natalee Holloway investigation continues. As reported last night on ‘Rita Cosby, ‘Live & Direct’, in an interview with Beth Twitty and Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch; the FBI is refusing to send cadaver dogs to Aruban to help in the latest search of the sand dunes.

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