Nancy Grace Discusses Case Dismissal with Beth Twitty & Dave Holloway

From Friday August 11, 2006: Nancy Grace:

Its not just about Natalee Holloway, its about ever person who travels abroad. This is just one of the many aspects of this case that make to compelling to so many. It is not just about one missing girl, its about millions of potential travelers.

TWITTY: Well, Nancy, first, I`d like to say that, you know, it`s not just Natalee and it`s not just Natalee`s last shot at justice. What we have, Nancy, we have millions and millions and millions of Americans who travel internationally every year. And what we are learning from Natalee is that, you know, the challenges that you will face should you find a loved one a victim of a crime in a foreign country. Your United States constitutional rights do not apply in other countries, and it`s been a hard life lesson for us to learn. There is no recourse. We faced jurisdictional issues, extradition every — every step of the way. And it`s just hard to know the right turns to make. I mean, we`re doing the best that we can to see what can be done for an American citizen who`s a victim of a crime in a foreign country.

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Beth Twitty,Mother Of Natalee Holloway ‘Crushed’ By N.Y. Case Dismissal

According to the  Boston Herald, Beth Twitty took the news of the dismissal by the Beth twitty 1NYC judge rather badly. That is  to be expected. Even though Beth and Dave knew that this attempt to bring Joran and Paulus Van der Sloot to justice was a long shot, the fact of the matter is everything has been an obstacle and long shot for this poor family who just want answers. “That was our only and last shot for justice,” said Beth Twitty, mother of Natalee Holloway.

Twitty said she knew the case filed in New York State Supreme Court against Joran van der Sloot was a long shot, but the family took a chance.

“Until you hear that door closed you hang onto hope,” Twitty said.

It is obvious that this is a set back for the family, but hardly their last option. The Holloway’s and Twitty’s stunned by the ruling as  the Van der Sloot attorney, Joe Tacopina, was doing his best spinning and misrepresentation of what the NYC judge actually stated. Attorney Tacopina, this was a procedural ruling and you know it. Guilt or innocence or the fact of the case were not decided upon.

“We were never afraid of the facts in this case,” Tacopina said Thursday when the case was dismissed. “He did nothing to this girl. … He’s trying to get on with his life.”

Get on with his life? You mean like Natalee Holloway will be doing? Or how about Imette St Guillen, Attorney Tacopina? Will she be getting on with her life either? Exactly how are you defending the St. Guillen family when you and your staff have made contradictory statements questioning Natalee Holloway that fateful night she left Carlos N’ Chariles? I spoke with Beth Twitty briefly today as well to discuss the decision and what some of the next moves would be. Obviously she was still upset from yesterdays ruling, but doing better today. I said to Beth that if it was any consolation just remember that this was strictly a procedural ruling and any thinking person could see it could have gone either way. It had nothing to do with innocence, guilt or taking Joran off the suspect list, no matter what Joe Tacopina may rant.

Joran Van der Sloot is still a primary suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. That is why Tacopina protests so much. He knows the truth, even though he spins quite a different tale on the cable shows. It is obvious that Team Tacopina fear the facts as they would squelch procedurally any type of trial held in the United States.

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NYC Judge dismisses the Civil Case of Natalee Holloway’s Parents

It is something that many figured would happen, however, many were hoping for a miracle. Today we did not get that miracle. NYC Judge has dismissed the civil case filed by Dave Holloway and Beth Twitty. Its has been confirmed by members of the family.

A New York Superior Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the parents of Natalee Holloway against a Dutch teenager, who was one of three young men arrested in connection with the Alabama teenager’s disappearance in Aruba in May 2005. (KDKA)

I had an opportunity to talk to Dave Holloway after the ruling came down. He said, “that with regards to the lawsuit … we were hoping for the best, but preparing for the worse.” Also Dave Holloway wanted to stress to all involved that this does not clear Joran Van der Sloot in any way. Dave said,

“Joran Van der Sloot is still a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee. There is an ongoing investigation in Aruba and hopefully will be a prosecution. Joran came to NYC with his family and we saw an opportunity to get answers in the US. The judge ruled on a jurisdictional issue, not innocence or guilt.”

Dave Holloway also went on to say “that Joran Van der Sloot is more than welcome to come to either Mississippi or Alabama if he is concerned with providing everyone with the truth.” I wonder if Joe Tacopina would have a jurisdictional issue in those venues? Make no mistake about this. This was a jurisdictional ruling. Not one of guilt or innocence. Joran Van der Sloot and the other two suspects are hardly off the hook and should not yet think about going on with their lives. Natalee Holloway isn’t is she?  

Court documents: (Decision/Order)

Initially Attorney Joe Tacopina went on the record saying that if this case was thrown out there would be no counter suits filed. We shall see if that is upheld. However, it is unlikely that Tacopina will want his client exposed to any legal proceedings in the United States.

Greta Van Susteren Answers Criticism About Natalee Holloway Shows. Why?

Greta Van Susteren, I am not sure why we would even have to say this to you … butGreta van susteren why would you feel the need to answer criticism about your show and the coverage of Natalee Holloway? Who would complain about your coverage of Natalee Holloway, a missing teenager in Aruba, who symbolically represents all teenage girls who go on vacations and think they are safe and immune to real life dangers that exist in overstated safe island paradises.

Let us just say there is a big difference between criticism of one’s opinions and criticism of one’s content. One you have a right to, the other you do not.

I agree with Greta’s answer when it comes to those who wish to tell you what is important and what you should do and write on. The blogosphere is not all that much different from TV in that respect. Whether it be remote, key board or mouse; they are one in the same. Remote control

“They should take out the remote control if they don’t like it,” says the attorney-cum-broadcasting star with characteristic directness.

One wonders why people would criticize Greta for her coverage of Natalee Holloway. Is it the competition who fell to a distant second, or those that just feel the need to think they know more than a successful broadcaster? The make-up of Greta’s show would be a natural to cover such a story.

“On Natalee Holloway, we worked hard and fast in the beginning and we had all the sources and contacts — and being aggressive enables us to get the jump on other people.” (National Ledger)

For the most part Greta Van Susteren walked a fine balance between reporting, fact gathering, exclusives and ratings. That is what boosted her show, “On The Record” ahead of The O’Reilly Factor last summer. On The Record was must see TV for those that wanted information on the Natalee Holloway case. However, I will say she made a tactical error when she had the opportunity to interview Joran Van der Sloot, (interview 2 or 3) that cost her in the eyes of many. Not holding Joran’s feet, or sneakers as the case may be, to the fire was one. The other was stating “she was inclined to believe him“. It hardly seem possible especially coming from an attorney who was privy to so much inside information in the case due to her special relationship with Beth Twitty. Maybe it was just said in hopes of getting interview II?

Natalee Holloway

 For those who wish to criticize Greta for her coverage of Natalee Holloway miss the big picture. Yes, I know this is a new flash to all you college journalism majors, but the media is about ratings. The media is not about altruistic stories that win Pulitzers. You will learn that when you graduate. That being said, the media is about ratings. What the media learned is that missing persons gather ratings. 

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Quick Chat with Beth Twitty from Wisconsin

Earlier today I caught up with Beth Twitty while she was coming from her speech  for the Wisconsin Sheriffs in Madison, WI. (Greta Van Susteren’s old stomping grounds.)  Catching her in the airport seems to be a knack of mine  these days. Beth told me that she still has not heard anything regarding the civil case in NYC; however, she continue speaking to law enforcement and students regarding “Safe Travel” and gaining more states to independently endorse her “Safe Travels” program.

I was also able to tell Beth that Aruba is announcing that their airplane passengers to Aruba were down for the first 6 months of 2006. Beth was not aware of today’s Amigoe article due to the busy schedule with her Madison speech and running to the airport. We further went on to discuss the fact that American passengers were down 11.5% while Colombians increased by 14.3%. That will be a major issue in the not too distant future. That discussion is for a future post.

What Aruba has not figured out is the the clock will never stop, that will allow their tourism to rebound. The reason is because the Natalee Holloway disappearance does not go away. Aruba thought it would in one week, they had planned on it. Beth Twitty’s speaking engagements discuss safe travel, but they also reference Natalee. The story will always be told, it does not go away. Beth Twitty is too strong a women to let the story go away without justice. So ever time Beth speaks to a crowd of law enforcement or students, she tried to prevent a future incident from occurring. In the process she brings up the specter of Natalee Holloway and Aruban tourism goes down again. One would think that Aruba could figure this out.

After some more catching up on some other  topics, questions and theories, I heard in the back ground the call for all to shut off their cell phones. Having got Beth in trouble in the past with flight attendants and cell phones, I figured I best not press my luck this time. We are working on some things that should be coming to fruition in the not too distant future.

We wish Beth Twitty a safe flight and Godspeed.

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