The Insanity Continues … Deepak and Satish Kalpoe Let Out of Jail in Aruba in the Natalee Holloway Case

When will Aruba stop embarrassing themselves?

Why would any tourist island ever want to be forever known as the place where Natalee Holloway disappeared and the place where they did nothing to provide justice?


More insanity out of Aruba, two of the three suspects released from jail in the case of the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway. Why would Aruban officials and prosecutors continue to make a mockery of this case? With the eyes of not only the United Stated but the world on Aruba, they continue to embarrass themselves in a manner that is beyond ridiculous. How could anyone be so cruel to continually do this to both Beth and Dave Holloway? What are Aruban officials thinking?

Was there new evidence or not!!! If that is considered a difficult question then we are all in trouble. How can telling the truth be this difficult? Is anyone capable?

Aruba NH Vanderbilt

The manner in how Aruba has and continues to handle this case defies all logic. Either you have the evidence or you do not. This is not a matter of legal terminology. After over 2 1/2 years and dragging the family of Natalee Holloway through this roller coaster ride, its finally time to make a decision. Either bring a case against the suspects who were last seen with Natalee Holloway like any normal country would do, or deal with the fact forever that individuals will always refer to Aruba as that place where Natalee went missing and they did nothing to provide justice.



It really is that simple. Either prosecute the case or don’t and live with the consequences. Either provide “Justice for Natalee” or deal with the fact that many who have come to Aruba will never do so again. Honestly, if this is how an investigation and prosecution is handled in a place where people spend 1000’s of dollars to vacation, why would anyone go there? Heaven forbid that it happen to you?


ORANJESTAD, Aruba  —  One of two brothers charged in the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway was seen leaving the prison Saturday afternoon after a judge ruled the evidence wasn’t strong enough to keep holding them.

Sateesh Kalpoe walked out and was accompanied by his attorney and an unidentified woman, according to an Associated Press photographer who observed them leave.

His brother, Deepak Kalpoe, was expected to be released shortly, his attorney, Hose Figaroa, said. Both have denied having any role in Holloway’s disappearance. (FOX News)

UPDATE I: Brothers in Holloway case walk away from jails — again

Hans Mos, Aruba’s chief public prosecutor, has three days to appeal and will decide Monday whether or not to do so.

Meanwhile, Holloway’s parents met with Mos for about an hour Saturday, and with interrogators for three hours. Neither spoke to reporters afterward.

The brothers’ release was “a bit of a setback,” Mos said Friday. But it does not change his plan to decide by the end of the year whether to prosecute anyone in Holloway’s disappearance.


Joran Van der Sloot back in Aruba and Back in Court Today in Front of a Judge regarding New Evidence

What about Natalee Holloway’s life?

“He has just got his life together. This arrest has now undone that like a bolt from the blue.”

Suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, Joran Van der Sloot, is back in Joran_VDS112307bfront of a judge this morning regarding the new evidence that has lead to his arrest. Updates will follow during the day. Joran Van der Sloot’s lawyer, L. van den Eeden, states that his client was just trying to get his life back together and these events have undone those efforts. Cry us a river as maybe the fact that Beth Holloway and Dave Holloway’s life as well as their entire family’s life has been undone. What about Natalee Holloway’s life? Think her life has not been undone?

According to lawyer L. van den Eeden, who represented Joran van der Sloot in the Netherlands, his client was very emotional before departure to Aruba. “He has just got his life together. This arrest has now undone that like a bolt from the blue.” Joran will be taken before the examining magistrate this coming Monday.

Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe’s will finally have to answer for their actions, “Justice for Natalee”.

UPDATE I:  Judge has ruled Joran to remain in jail 8 days

Amigoe: Joran back in Aruba via short cut

ORANJESTAD — Joran van der Sloot, the 20-year old suspect in the Natalee Holloway-case, has arrived in Aruba yesterday evening around 23:00. He was taken to jail about 30 minutes later.

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Natalee Holloway Missing in Aruba: Renée Gielen … You Sad Pathetic, Misguided Attention Seeker, Blame the Victims

Why Natalee Holloway will haunt the island of Aruba forever, until there is “Justice for Natalee.”

If anyone in Aruba, including the many that email Scared Monkeys stating that we only post negative comments about Aruba, want to know why your island has such a negative perception … you only need look at the words of Renee Gielen.

The lies in the book and the many other doubtful claims and occurrences in the past 2.5 years made me think: Has Beth really wanted Natalee to be found?”  

Over 2 1/2 years after Natalee Holloway went missing in Aruba while on a vacation with her teenage classmates, we still get this kind of dribble and insanity from people who would wish to throw mud at a missing person and the mother of a missing child. How pathetic could one possibly be to make these accusations? I suppose Dave Holloway and the rest of the family members did not wish to find Natalee either?

If this “so-called” documentary maker had a real clue, then they would know that Natalee’s case in Aruba is no different than many missing person cases in the United States like Taylor Behl, Julie Popovich, Imette St. Guillen, Michelle Gardner Quinn and the list goes on and on and on. The Natalee Holloway case was not unique or a mystery in what occurred. What was unique was how authorities handled the case. The only difference is, for some reason in Aruba when all signs, evidence and logic point toward the suspects who were last seen with Natalee Holloway and lied about their whereabouts, that makes them innocent. Like a person who abducts and murders a victim ever first admits their guilt. All of the above missing person cases that turned to murder cases all have the same MO. Except in Aruba, people like Renee Gielen wish to blame the victim and the family for a tragedy.

The defend Aruba to protect its precious tourism and the three suspects at all cost as Gielen continues to do for the attention and Aruba’s tourism will never go back to what it once was. No one needs to hear the insane rants and the blaming of a family of a missing child when they have already suffered the worse thing that life has to offer, a parent burying a child. In this case that could not even occur.

Mother wanted to hide Natalee Holloway’s rehabilitation past, Amigoe

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The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio – Monday, November 12, 2007 – Guests Include Pam Bosco, Tim Miller, Wendy Murphy and Susan Murphy Milano … Special Guest, Beth Holloway

Dana’s guests this week include:

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