Boston Travel Show Part II: Aruba’s Travel Marketing Campaign vs Freedom of Speech

For those that missed it over the weekend, check out Scared Monkeys at the Boston Travel Show reminding Aruba, No Justice For Natalee Holloway … No Tourism For Aruba. A tremendous job by all who attended in support of Natalee and her family. I believe Aruba heard you loud and clear. The power of freedom of speech on display in Boston, MA.

Aruba, you have all the information and evidence that you need to prosecute Joran Van der Sloot. Its time you act or risk further tourism woes.


Listen to the wrap up summary HERE from the Boston Travel show.


Check out the initial posts from Day 1 of the Boston Travel show (Justice for Natalee), pics, videos, audio comments and much more. Also go HERE for more pics and comments from the road at the Boston Travel Show.

The Disappearance and Water Search for Natalee Holloway in Aruba Discussed on Dateline NBC, Part 1

The disappearance and search for Natalee Holloway in Aruba

It was the beginning of a quest that would transform two parents from small town America into international investigators, who even today are trying to answer the question: what happened to Natalee?



Beth Holloway: I was excited the Mountain Brook students had been there the previous two years. Even my step-son — the year 2003. And there were going to be over 150 plus classmates. So, we felt like, you know, there’s safety in numbers.

She felt good about it except for one troubling piece of information about a nightspot down there, a bar called Carlos ‘n Charlie’s.

SM CnC close view

Beth Holloway: My step-son had had an encounter at Carlos ‘n Charlie’s during 2003.

Chris Hansen: During his senior class trip?

Beth Holloway: Yes– yeah. Tere were some locals there. And they Beth twitty 1had coaxed some young females into leaving the establishment with them… and he stepped in at the last minute because just didn’t feel good about the situation, you know, with them–


Beth Holloway: I knew instantly when I received that call that just from Natalee’s history and character and just her record, I– I knew instantly that she’d either been kidnapped or murdered. There was no hesitation. Absolutely none– absolutely none.

She raced towards home and frantically called 911.

Beth Holloway: I’m saying, “My daughter’s been kidnapped or murdered in Aruba. Help me. I need some help, you know?” And then Dave holloway signthe calls turned into I’m calling 911 and I’m telling them I’m driving a 120 miles an hour down the interstate and don’t anybody stop me.

She finally did get pulled over — and a state trooper got her in touch with the FBI.

Back at his home in Mississippi, Dave Holloway also got the frightening news:


And the lead detective, he told me that he would have to have a shave. And he rubbed his cheeks, and his stretched his arms down to his large stomach and said he would have to have his Frosted Flakes first before he could deal with me.

And then, after two hours, he came out and said that he’d changed his mind. That he didn’t need to meet with us after all. (Beth Holloway)

Beth Holloway: So, all I did was give this little bit of information to the nighttime manager and she knew instantly who he was.
Chris Hansen: And who was he?
Beth Holloway: She said, “Oh, that’s Joran Van der Sloot and he’s — 17. No, he’s a local here. No, he hangs out here.
Now that they knew his full name Beth wanted to put a face on it.
She asked to see the casino security videotape.
And as she watched it play, she was on the phone with her step-nephew, who had been on the trip, and had sat next to Joran in the casino the night before.
“We’ve got the car. And we’ve got the address.”
Joran Van der Sloot’s address.
Minutes later the group from Alabama was arriving at his family’s home.
While Beth sat in the car her friends from home grilled Joran, pressing him for details about what happened after he and Natalee left the bar.
Beth Holloway: The words that he uses are sexually explicit and graphically detailed of what he is engaging in. The conduct he’s engaging in with Natalee in the backseat of the car.
Dave Holloway: On June 1.
Chris Hansen: From the get go.
Dave Holloway: He said “A lot of these girls come to the island, they miss their flights. She’ll show up in a few days.”
Chris Hansen: In a few days.
Dave Holloway: Yeah. Says, “She’s probably out just partying. A lot of them will come here and get hooked up with a drug dealer. They’ll be under drugs for awhile.”
Chris Hansen: How did you respond to that?
Dave Holloway: I said, “that’s not my daughter.”
Both parents felt nearly paralyzed with fear, but they did keep moving.
The next day Beth was back at the police station and this time the detective had questions for her.
Beth Holloway: He asked me if Natalee ever had a history of seizures or epilepsy? And I said, “No.”
Chris Hansen: Did you think that was odd? At the time?
Beth Holloway: No, I just thought, “Why are you asking that?”
Beth Holloway Twitty says she didn’t understand the significance of that question at the time and wouldn’t for more than two years. But soon after that question was posed to her, there were arrests in the case. Just not who she thought.

Natalee Holloway: John Q. Kelly On the Record … Civil Case & Where is the Missing Statements from Joran Van der Sloot ( Aruba Cover up & Corruption)


John Q. Kelly briefly discusses the Dutch reporting of a civil case possible being brought against Joran Van der Sloot by the parents of missing Natalee Holloway. At the moment it appears to be a non-story as Beth Holloway has had no conversations with the attorney in question.

However, the real question that has to be answered is what part did the Aruban police take in the cover up, corruption and destruction of documents and evidence in the case of Natalee Holloway. If they covered up and destroyed the initial witness statement, what else did they subsequently destroy as well? Possibly evidence taken from Deepak’s car? Once one questions police actions … all of their actions come under scrutiny.

Since the beginning of the investigation Beth Holloway had made references to a crumpled up piece of paper on that looked like a statement that was on the desk at the police station when she spoke with the ALE discussing her Natalee’s disappearance. Scared Monkeys has always questioned why there would have been no statement from Joran Van der Sloot, yet everyone else had been questioned at the outset. Are we really supposed to believe that no witness statement existed from the #1 prime suspect, Joran Van der Sloot, who was last seen with Natalee Holloway until 6/9/05.

The very same witness statement that Joran van der Sloot actually references in his own book. The very same witness statement that most likely gives rise to a confession and admission of guilt and where the ALE knew to ask questions of seizures.

Greta: He must have told the police that first time he spoke with them because why would they have asked Jug about the shaking and the epilepsy type seizures or something? I think to myself, what are the Aruban police up to? But that is for another day.

John Q. Kelly: May 31st Joran was the first person interviewed by Jacobs who was taking statements. Every police report subsequent to that. The statements made by Deepak, made by Satish, made by Beth that day we have them all. There is no statement from Joran until June 9th.

Greta: Something is funny. Something is not quite right. I would like to see our State Department get a little busy on this one. (Fox: On The Record 2/20/08)

Then there is this bit of information from Joran Van der Sloot’s book (translation) … “It is already 4 PM in the afternoon when I sign my witness statement and my father and I leave the interrogation room.”

Oh, I guess Joran Van der Sloot is lying here too?


Interestingly enough we seem to have most, if not all the witness and suspect statements (HERE) from the initial parts of the investigation. All, but Joran Van der Sloot’s 5/31/05 statement that is in question. The very same one that probably tipped off the Aruban police to ask Beth Holloway and Jug Twitty about whether Natalee Holloway had a history of seizures.

From Page 111 of Joran’s book:

Tuesday May 31st 2005

Joran rides bus to school, takes exam, visits with principal Werner and sleeps in sick bay.

Paul calls school at 10:30am. Jan van der Straten wants Joran to give a voluntary witness statement, since the family was creating quite some noise.

Paul meets with principal, then he and Joran head to Bubali Station.

Joran calls Deepak who says, “stick to our story, the police has also phoned Satish and me and asked us to come.”

Beth Holloway, Peter R. DeVries … Art Wood Interviews with Dana Pretzer on Scared Monkeys Radio

If you missed it last night, go HERE, and listen to Dana Pretzer’s the interviews on Scared Monkeys radio with Beth Holloway, Dutch crime reporter … Peter R. DeVries and Art Wood.

All are must listen to and informative interviews …

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