Beth Holloway, International Safe Travels Foundation & Offer College & High School Students Spring Breakers Safe Options … BREAK SMART

Spring Break can be the best of times … it can be the worst of times. Beth Holloway asks students to please be safe …

The International Safe Travels Foundation, the non profit organization Beth Holloway, and are jointly releasing important information to our youths in an effort to keep them safe while on vacation. With Spring Break upon us once again, high school and college students need to be more aware of the troubles they could potentially fins themselves in.

No one knows more the potential risks of their child traveling abroad on vacation than does Beth Holloway. Her daughter, Natalee Holloway, went missing in Aruba in May 2005 and has never been seen or hear from since. Beth Holloway has made it her mission in life to never have another parent have to suffer what she has endured in Natalee going missing and the continual road blocks and barriers put forth by the Aruba investigation and their legal system. Beth Holloway stresses the point to teens and college students across America … STAY SAFE WHEN TRAVELING!

PEABODY, Massachusetts, March 24 /PRNewswire/ –, a division of First Choice Student Travel, and the International Safe Travels Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Beth Holloway, the mother of missing teen Natalee Holloway, have jointly released a series of steps students can take to make their travel experiences safer. This announcement follows’s 2007 launch of its BreakSmart ( campaign, which was created to encourage responsible decision-making while on Spring Break.

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Beth Holloway Speaks out to Teens on Safety, Faith and Hope: “I want them to remember Natalee.”

As Spring Break comes upon us again we are reminded of the of the story, Beth_Holloway_LovingNatalee legacy and lessons learned from the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. It’s not only about “Justice for Natalee” its also about providing a message of safety for all teens to follow. There is no better person to provide the message of Safety, Faith and Hope than Beth Holloway.

As Aruba continues to provide no answers or justice for the family of Natalee Holloway, Beth Holloway continues her message to teenagers and their parents so that no one ever need to meet the Holloway’s same fate. Aruba continues to wonder why they have been branded as unsafe and corrupt. Is it really that difficult to understand? Nearly three years have gone by and all look on and see that Aruba cares little to provide “Justice for Natalee”.

“I want young adults and parents to open a dialogue about safety and what you need to know about personal safety on these trips,” she said. “I want them to remember Natalee.”

Alabamians, along with the rest of the nation and the world, were riveted by the news of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance in Aruba on a spring break trip to the country in May 2005. Many could only guess at the grief of a mother losing her daughter so suddenly.

In the months after, and as Beth Holloway began to realize that Natalee may never come back to their Birmingham-area home, Holloway was thrust into the spotlight by others who wanted to hear her story and how her faith had grown in the aftermath.

Holloway responded by spending a year traveling from city to city and state to state sharing the message of an organization she founded in the wake of Natalee’s disappearance, the International Safe Travels Foundation, which was designed to inform and educate the public about how to stay safe when traveling internationally.

UPDATE I: Mother of missing student Natalee Holloway speaks to northeast Ohio students today

Missing in Aruba: Patrick van der Eem Says … I Know Who Threw Natalee Holloway into the Sea

According to reports from De Telegraaf, Patrick van der Eem, the man who Patrick_van_Eembefriended Joran Van der Sloot and got him to confess on video tape, stated … “I know who has thrown the body in sea” … “Joran had asked me 2000 euro to silence that man.”

This better not just be a teaser for a book deal. If Patrick van der Eem does actually know who dumped Natalee Holloway’s body into the ocean, one can only hope that he shared this information with the Aruban and Dutch investigators and with OM Hans Mos. At least he better have shared the individuals name with Natalee’s parents, Beth and Dave Holloway.

‘Friend’ knows who dumped Natalee

But instead he was recorded saying that he knew who had dumped Natalee’s body at sea and that Van der Sloot had asked him for €2,000 to buy the man’s silence, the Telegraaf reports.

Van der Eem was also heard saying he had known Van der Sloot for several years. On Peter R de Vries’ tv programme, he claimed he befriended the Dutch student in a Nijmegen casino in 2007.

Patrick van der Eem, I know who threw Natalee in sea  (Amigoe: 3/6/08)

ORANJESTAD — Patrick van der Eem, who lured Joran van der Sloot in the trap on hidden cameras, was self also secretly filmed.  After an interview in Aruba with a local TV-station, some risqué statements were elicited from Van der Eem, because he thought that the cameras were stopped, reported De Telegraaf today.   

“I know who has thrown the body in sea”, says Van der Eem in Papiamento to interviewer Poentje Castro.  “Joran had asked me 2000 euro to silence that man.”

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Beth Holloway’s Book “Loving Natalee” Now Available in Dutch … Lieve Natalee

For those in the Netherlands that have been following the case of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance in Aruba, they now have the opportunity to read Beth’s Holloway’s accounts and story of her missing daughter, “Loving Natalee”. Hopefully even more people will read Beth’s story following what they saw in Joran Van der Sloot’s actions on the DeVries video tapes.

Lieve Natalee


Loving Natalee is now available in Dutch, or should we say … Lieve Natalee. For those people from the Netherlands who have just recently started following the case again, its a very good read.  Maybe some one can send a copy to Joran Van der Sloot to have him read what he actually did that fateful night and the lives that he affected forever.Joran Van der Sloot, you are not a victim, you are a suspect. Natalee Holloway and her family are the victims.

AUM sleuths Take a look at Natalee Holloway Missing in Aruba Case … Hint, Go to Scared Monkeys … Premeditated

More sleuths try to uncover the mystery and answers of the Natalee Holloway case. They may want to start with internet investigative work that has gone on since day one following Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

Students from three area universities and the The Auburn Montgomery Continuing Education Office and the Alabama Crime Prevention Clearinghouse met to investigate the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. These aspiring sleuths may want to first started with the following information as to the nature of the crime.

“Students from all three universities will be working together to solve cold cases,” said Sheryl McCollum, CCIRI director.

“They will be conducting investigative research where students will formulate a theory based on every piece of research they come across.”

Research will consist of going back to the scene of the crime and interviewing detectives in to get a true sense of what they think may have happened.

A hint to these soon to be sleuths … start here at Scared Monkey’s and then here at the Scared Monkeys forum, the achieves too. You may also want to read the actual witness and suspect statements as well.



1. Lee Ashford Broughten’s statement where Joran said nobody ever goes to CnC on Sundays

2. Jaime statement where he talks about Joran calling him the night of 5/29 to see if he wanted to go to CnC to meet the American girls.

3. Chapter from Joran’s book titled “de pimps” where Joran talks about picking up tourist girls.

4. Joran interview with Greta where he says he’s probably done it 20 times before. I’ll try to get you a fox link but for now I have this:

Thirty Students from three area universities will try to do what countless law enforcement officials in this country and on Aruba have been unable to do — solve the disappearances of Natalee Holloway and Chandra Levy.

Although Natalee Holloway will be one of the program’s two initial cases, Beth Holloway Twitty told students at the event that the program is not just about her daughter — the Mountain Brook student disappeared more than two years ago during a high school graduation trip to Aruba.

“I think we all know that,” she said. “I think that it’s about each and every individual.”

“I think the things you can uncover … will help millions and millions,” Twitty told the students.(Montgomery Advisor)

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