Marriage Offers For Joran Van der Sloot, The Sporter Continues his Silence with Judge & Murder of Stephany Flores

I guess it is true … some people do have a death wish or just more lies from Joran?

Case and point the supposed marriage offers coming into Joran Van der Sloot. Joran is sick in the head, but what would explain woman who would even entertain the thought? Just a thought, but how would Joran know about such marriage offers? I didn’t notice a wifi hot spot in his prison cell.  Don’t worry about the “little Sporter” while he is in prison in Peru, he will be well kept after.

A Dutch newspaper reports that murder suspect Joran van der Sloot has boasted of receiving marriage proposals in his Peruvian jail cell.

De Telegraaf quotes Van der Sloot as saying one woman even asked him to get her pregnant. He is suspected of killing 21-year-old Stephany Flores in his hotel room on May 30 and is also the main suspect in the 2005 disappearance of U.S. teenager Natalee Holloway in Aruba.

Joran Van der Sloot really is a sociopath …

Aruba, America, the World … are we starting to see the levels of narcissism , selfishness and utter contempt for Joran Van der Sloot’s victims? He is accused of first degree murder of 21 year old Stephany Flores in Peru. He is the main suspect in the 2005 death of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. Joran Van der Sloot faces 35 years in a Peru prison and an extortion charge in the US, yet what is Van der Sloot concerned with … boasting about marriage and sex offers from misguided females who have a death wish.

Before very careful what you ask for Joran Van der Sloot, some of those offers might be coming from the Castro Castro prison where you presently reside.

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Daily Commentary – Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 – Joran Van der Sloot Claims He Was Tricked by Peruvian Police

  • Van der Sloot continues to play games with the media. Joran Van der Sloot now claims that he was tricked into his confession.Wow, that’s creative. Like no criminal has ever said  that beforeAuf Lager. We need to protect the public from Joran Van der Sloot, but do not let him manipulate the media and the police. The story needs to be told; however, not on Joran’s terms. This sociopath has been playing his games for 5+ years. It is time to provide Justice for Natalee & Stephany.

icon for podpress Daily Commentary – Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 – Joran Van der Sloot Claims He Was Tricked [1:15m]:  | Download

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Monday, June 21st, 2010 – Special Guests: Wendy Murphy & Robin Sax Discussing Joran Van der Sloot, Mike McIntyre and Rita Cosby



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

  • Wendy Murphy - Former Sex Crimes DA, Law Professor and Author discussing the murder case against Joran Van Der Sloot
  • Robin Sax - NBC News Analyst and former felony DA will also be discussing the case, confession and non-confession of  the ever lying Joran Van Der Sloot
  • Mike McIntyre - Crime Reporter and Syndicated Radio Host discussing a Canadian Honor Killing  and other high profile cases in the news.
  • Rita Cosby – Emmy Award winning Journalist, television personality, and author will be talking about her new book, ‘Quiet Hero’

Emmy-winning Journalist Rita Cosby uncovers her father’s harrowing story as a WWII Resistance Fighter and Prisoner Of War.  After a daring escape, he and his comrades were saved by American forces.  An emotional story of a daughter finally discovering her own father … Quiet Hero: Secrets from My Father’s Past

Joran Van der Sloot Now Says his Confession a Lie, Little Dutch Boy Says was Tricked by Police



And if you bet in Las Vegas that Joran Van der Sloot was going to come back and say that he is innocent and that the Peru police tricked him into a confession, YOU ARE A WINNER. However, it was an even money bet and so predictable from this sociopath liar that it was hardly worth the time.


Joran Van der Sloot takes his “I was scared” game to Peru

That is now Joran Van der Sloot’s latest story … Joran Van der Sloot has retracted his confession to the murder of Stephany Flores in Peru and has stated that the police tricked him into the confession. Sound familair, it should. Welcome to the Joran Van der Sloot game playing “lieapalooza”.

Joran Van der Sloot, who is spending time in a Peru prison for allegedly murdering a 21-year-old woman, now reportedly claims he didn’t kill her.

In an interview with the Dutch newspaper, De Telegraaf, the poker playing playboy says he was intimidated by police and was told he could go home to the Netherlands if he confessed.

“I was tricked,” the paper quoted him as saying. “I’ll explain later how it all happened.”

Spare us the BS Sporter, your ass is grass and Peruvian police are the lawn mower. The narcisst games you played in Aruba with the aid of your father Paulas Van der Sloot and his connections in politics and LE are not going top get you out of this one. There is a body,  there is a crime and you are on tape. What a shock that this pathetic coward would retract his confession. What’s the matter Joran, were there no two black security guards to try and pin it on this time? 

Van der Sloot claims he was “scared” when police questioned him. “In my blind panic, I signed everything, but didn’t even know what it said,” he reportedly told the newspaper.

Changing stories is nothing new with the 22-year-old. He has repeatedly offered admissions to knowing the fate of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, only to retract his statements later.

Scared, PLUEZE! The only “scared” that exists is that there has been a “Scared Monkeys” on your back for five plus years. I am sure your fellow inmates in general population would like to know how scared you were when talking to the police, Joran or should we say fresh fish. The “I was scared” is not going to work like it did in Aruba pal, man this punk is a one trick pony.

Who are you kidding “Little Sporter,” you have been through this before. Your lies are not going to get you out of this one. There is a thing called evidence that has you dead to rights. It is five years to the day that you went through all this in the Natalee Holloway case and were interrogated by LE. How many times have you been arrested for crimes you did not commit? It is not like this is your first time and you are hardly a teenager any more.

You can lie all you want Joran Van der Sloot … this time you are going to pay for the murder of an innocent girl.  Kick and scream all you want, you spoiled wrotten little SOB, if you can’t do the time then don’t do the crime. Take your medicine like a man, then again … you’re just a pampered “Little Dutch Boy”.

As just an afterthought, maybe it is best he does retract his confession, then more years can be added to his sentence for his not cooperating with police. EXIT QUESTION: How fast is the Peruvian police going to grow wearing of Joran’s games?


Daily Commentary – Monday, June 21st, 2010 – Van der Sloot’s Prison & Aruba to Question the Sociopath

  • Hell on Earth, a nice vacation or a Copacabana for Joran Van der Sloot? The Aruban authorities asre going to send a team to Peru to question Joran Van der Sloot. As if they could not have done this in the past five years and brought justice to the “Little Sporter”.

icon for podpress Daily Commentary – Monday, June 21st, 2010 – Van der Sloot’s Prison [2:14m]:  | Download

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