Charles Krauthammer Says Hillary Clinton Will Be “Relatively Weak” Presidential Candidate & Republicans Going to Have “a Really Good Shot at the White House”


Krauthammer Says Hillary Clinton Will Be “Relatively Weak” Presidential Candidate …

Yesterday, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer has some interesting things to say regarding Hillary Clinton as a Democrat nominee for 2016 and how she would fare in the general election. Much like a recent CNN poll and many others, Krauthammer believes that, should she ran and he believes she will, Hillary Clinton will have a cake walk thru the Democrat primaries. Krauthammer stated that the status that Hillary has with Democrats is semi-devine, the primaries are “not going to be a coronation, it is going to be a worship service.”  And we all know how that worked out with the Obamamessiah. There will be no serious challenger against her in the Democrat primaries. But where Charles differs from many is that he believes that that in the general election … Hillary will be  “a relatively weak opponent. And, Republicans are going to have a really good shot at the White House.”

“I think she’s going to be a rather weak, if she decides to run which she likely is, a relatively weak opponent. And, Republicans are going to have a really good shot at the White House.”

As it is, in a hypothetical match-up between NJ Gov. Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton, Hillary trails. It is not a draw as the Politico headline says, Christie leads 48-46. So even with all the popularity and exposure of a Hillary Clinton without even delving into the real Hillary, she is behind.

Hmm, I am not sure if I would call her a weak candidate; however, I will say that she will be weakened by many factors that did not even exist when she was stunned by Barack Obama in the 2008 Democrat primaries.

  1. Hillary Clinton is going to have to defend Benghazi and why she did nothing to protect Americans where individuals begged for extra security in the run up to the anniversary of 9-11.
  2. How is the black vote going to rally when Clinton most likely is going to have to distance herself from a toxic Obama?
  3. What accomplishments did she ever do as a US Senator or Secretary of State … Hillary is not Bill Clinton.
  4. How is she a change from the policies of Barack Obama?
  5. Obamacare! … Can you say Hillary Healthcare?
  6. Her husband campaigned and said that no one could have fixed the economy, so why should anyone think Hillary could?
  7. A shift in the electorate against Democrats due to Obama fatigue.
  8. Trying to defend the comments, “What Difference Does it Make!”
  9. Duck Dynasty voters
  10. Did we say Obama and Obama scandal fatigue?

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  • Comments

    One Response to “Charles Krauthammer Says Hillary Clinton Will Be “Relatively Weak” Presidential Candidate & Republicans Going to Have “a Really Good Shot at the White House””

    1. A Texas Grandfather on December 27th, 2013 9:52 am

      The TEA party plan is working. The Socialist/Democrats suddenly find themselves without a viable candidate in the 2016 Presidential election.

      Hillary is no different than Obama. Obama would not have been able to operate if he did not use Clinton people. The population is waking up to just what the Democrat party has become and they are loosing their base. The only hope they have is by stealing the vote and the work of their media propaganda machine along with promising more free handouts.

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