SNL Mocks Barack Obama’s Debate Performance … He Was Distracted because He Forgot to Buy Michelle’s Anniversary Gift (VIDEO)
The LEFT goes after Obama poor debate performance … Art imitating Life.
SNL skewered President Barack Obama during a skit last night that mocked Obama over his failed, pathetic and disastrous debate performance in the first Presidential debate in Denver Colorado against Mitt Romney. SNL’s premise is that Obama was distracted during the debate because he had forgot to buy Michelle Obama’s 20th wedding anniversary gift. Even when moderator Jim Leher asked Obama whether he wished to comment as Romney just took credit for killing Osama Bin Ladin, Obama responded by saying, “No, you two go ahead”. They even depicted as tired and sleeping Obama about to lose consciousness because of the Al Gore altitude excuse. At debates end, Obama was asleep.
Why was this skit funny, because it was damn near close to what happened during the debate as Barack Obama was a no show and could not defend his failed presidency or counter any of Romney’s comments. It was not until the next day before Obama’s minions decided the Obama campaign direction would be to just call Romney a liar as they had no direction for America. Hey why not, they had no problem calling Romney a murderer, calling someone a liar pales in comparison.
Posted October 7, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Debates, Epic Fail, Humor, Liberals, Media, Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012, Obamanation, Politics, Presidential Election, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |
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