Crist an Independent … Hardly …Bill Clinton Asked Democrat Meek to Quit Senate Run in Florida? Meek’s Says No
Democrat Primary elected candidates, back room Democrat deals and so-called Charlie Crist, OH MY!!!
If you ever wanted to know why Americans are disgusted with politics and politicians … you need to look no further than the shenanigans and corrupt back room conversations and deals going on in the Florida US Senate race between Democrats and the Crist campaign. If Democrats get their way, they will have an individual in Charlie Crist become US Senator of Florida having never won a Republican or Democrat primary. With the Democrats actions, who really thinks Crist is independent? Come on Florida … Crist is beholden to the Democrat party … WAKE UP!!!
Did former Democrat President try and interfere in the US Senate race in Florida and ask Democrat Kendrick Meek to withdraw from the race to provide an advantage to so-called independent Charlie Crist? According to the Politico, Clinton did. At all costs the Democrats are looking to winthe Florida US Senate seat, even if it means throwing a fellow Democrat under the bus. Democrats will do anything to maintain power … that is what this about America … not WE THE PEOPLE, not your votes, but what back room deals they can do, usurp the process and maintain power.
Bill Clinton sought to persuade Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for Senate during a trip to Florida last week — and nearly succeeded.
Posted October 29, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Corruption, FL: Rubio (R) - Meeks (D) - Crist (I), Obamanation, Politics, Senate Elections, Tea Party, We the People, WTF | 3 comments |
Larry J. Sabato & The Crystal Ball’s Final 2010 Midterm Call: GOP +55 House; GOP +8 Senate
Political election guru and handicapper Larry J. Sabato at the Crystal Ball has made his final call for the House and Senate for the 2010 midterm elections and they are as follows … Republicans will pick up +55 seats in the House and+8 seats in the Senate. Sabato also predicting a GOP pick-up of 8 to 9 Governors.
Even at this late date, we see no need to do anything but tweak the total R gains, based on more complete information now available to all. Thus, we are raising the total to +55 net R seats. We consider 47 to be in the ballpark still, but more of a floor than a ceiling. In fact, if you’ll go back to our pre-Labor Day analysis, that’s exactly what we suggested +47 would end up being.
The Crystal Ball has operated within a very narrow range all year. When others were projecting GOP Senate gains of just +3-4, we were already at +6. Depending on the primary results and other circumstances, we’ve landed between +6 and +9 in the last half-year. We have never gotten to +10, the number needed for Republican takeover of the Senate, and we do not do so in this final forecast either. To us, the number of GOP gains looks to be +8. Ten was always a stretch.
Posted October 29, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Governor Races, Harry Reid (D-NV), House Elections, House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, Politics, Polls, Senate Elections | no comments |
Daily Commentary – Friday, October 29th, 2010 – Honoring a Real Hero
- A police officer in San Diego was shot on Thursday in an armed conflict with a gunman barricaded in an apartment.
Democrat Doug Schoen Poll: 56% of Americans Want President Barack Obama Fired in 2012
56% of likely voters want Obama to be a one term “One-der”.
My how the times have changed and it took less than two years for America to become fed up with Obama and Democrats. As if you thought it could not get any worse for Democrats and President Barack Hussein Obama. According to a recent Democrat pollster Doug Schoen, 56% of likely American voter want President Obama fired in 2012. Also, do you miss George W. Bush? The continuous Democrat “blame Bush” campaign has been a failure for Obama. Americans wanted leadership and instead they got a finger pointer who says, the buck stops with everyone else, but Obama. It would seem so as the poll also showed that 48% of likely voters thought GWB was a better President than BO. The complete poll can be seen HERE.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, rapped by the White House for pledging to make Barack Obama a one-term president, seems to have the support of a majority of Americans. A new poll provided to Whispers says that 56 percent of likely voters want the president fired.
According to pollster Doug Schoen, whose new poll shows vast support for the Tea Party movement among voters, the president is still liked by about half the nation. In fact, more like him personally than like his policies. Some 48 percent think he’s a nice guy, while just 42 percent approve of his job performance.
But that personal favorability doesn’t translate into re-election support when voters are asked if Obama deserves a second term. Says Schoen: “Despite voters feelings toward Obama personally, 56 percent say he does not deserve to be re-elected, while 38 percent say he does deserve to be re-elected president.” Worse, Schoen adds, “43 percent say that Barack Obama has been a better president than George W. Bush, while 48 percent say Bush was a better president than Obama has been.”
Posted October 29, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Doug Schoen, Hope and Change, House Elections, Lost in Smallness, Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Polls, Rasmussen, Senate Elections, Tea Party, We the People | 5 comments |
Sharron Angle Sends Joy Behar Flowers and Thanks Her for the 150,000 online Donations … Response, Behar Calls her a Bi@ch Again
Oh those kind, tolerant and classy liberals …
After being called a“bitch” and told she’s “going to hell” the other day on the “Liberal” View, Republican US Senate candidate Sharron Angle sent Joy Behar flowers and a note.
Keep talking Behar … Angle’s lead is growing in the polls
“Joy, Raised $150,000 online yesterday. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Sharron Angle”
Obviously Sharron Angle has a sense of humor, too bad that the so-called comedian Joy Behar does not. Having been bested, she was not able to laugh it off and instead spewed more hate as she called her a bitch again. The exact comment was … “Those flowers were picked by ILLEGALS and they aren’t VOTING for you, B*tch! VIDEO“ Just curious, why is Barbra Walters and the producers of The “liberal” View allowing this to continue? Have the no shame? Is this what Barbara Walters wants to have her show reduced to … the Jerry Springer Show? Does ABC want to become MSLSD MSNBC?
Joy Behar wasn’t amused and pointed out that those flowers were probably picked by illegal immigrants, which is why Behar attacked Sharron Angle to begin with. She doesn’t approve of the ads being used in Nevada, seeing them as racist and putting immigrants down.
Behar still referred to Angle as a “bitch.”
From The Daily Caller … Woman’s Groups Outraged by Behar’s comments.
The fantastic irony of the venomous Joy Behar comments is that all she managed to do was make herself look silly and fill the coffers of Sharron Angle with donations. How great was this by the Angle camp to turn the tables on Behar and continue to make her look like a partisan hack. Who finds it comical, if you will, that Angle is one upping Behar on the zingers?
By the way Barbara Walters, you are a disgrace if you think someone calling another a “bitch” is a point of view. A brilliant media career reduced this accepting the rantings of the “Moonbat” LEFT.
Posted October 28, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Media, Media Bias, Moonbats, NV: Reid (D) - Angle (R), Senate Elections, WTF | 19 comments |