Is the Massachusetts Governor Race Now in Play … Republican Charles Baker Pulls Even with Incumbent Democrat Governor Deval Patrick
More trouble for Democrats leading up to the 2010 midterm elections … Another Tea Party in Massachusetts.
Could there be another Boston Tea Party this year in the Massachusetts Governors race? Could there be another Scott Brown moment this November? According to a new Boston Globe poll, Republican Charles D. Baker has pulled even with incumbent, Democrat Governor Deval Patrick in the Massachusetts gubernatorial race. The Globe must be nashing their teeth on this one, the LEFT can hardly claim that the poll is Tea Party or right leaning.
The poll results also suggest that independent Timothy P. Cahill is pulling voters equally from Baker and Patrick, raising questions about the conventional political thinking that his candidacy is undercutting Baker’s chance to defeat the governor in the Nov. 2 election.
In the Globe poll, taken last week, Patrick, a Democrat, won support from 35 percent of likely voters, compared with 34 percent for Baker, a statistical tie given the poll’s margin of error. Cahill, the state treasurer who left the Democratic Party last year, continued to lag far behind with 11 percent. Green-Rainbow candidate Jill Stein got 4 percent, and 14 percent said they remain undecided.
Rasmussen has the race as a 3% point lead for Deval Patrick; however, the polling data hardly looks favorable for Democrats Patrick or President Obama. In fact, one would almost question that the data is from the “blue” state of Massachusetts. However, this is the state of the political environment against incumbent Democrats.
With less than 40 days to go before the 2010 midterm elections, the polls are trending against Deval Patrick and the momentum seems to be on the side of Republican Charles Baker. Voter turn out and enthusiasm will be the key in 2010 and according to the Globe, the current trend favors Baker as Republicans are much more enthusiastic about the election than Democrats. Patrick is also having polling issues with independents, as are most Democrats this election cycle.
Posted September 27, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Barack Obama, Governor Races, Hope and Change, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Polls, Tea Party, We the People | 8 comments |
Conservative Democrats Want Ike Skelton (MO-D) to Replace Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Trouble in Paradise for Pelosi and Democrats …
According to an article by The Hill, US Representative Gene Taylor would like to see Democrat Ike Skelton of Missouri replace Nancy Pelosi as Speaker next year. Many conservative Democrats, if there is a such thing anymore in the Democrat party, would like to see a similar change occur as a move away from the far left leaning Nancy Pelosi. However, the American voters have a change in mind of their own, a switch from Democrat Speaker Pelosi to the Republicans after they take over the US House of Representatives in this years 2010 midterm election.
It was not too long ago following the 2008 elections that Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House. Since then it has been a disaster as once presented with this majority, they went against the will of the people. Even within their own ranks, there are rumblings. Now they are faced with a midterm election where they could lose seats of epic and historic proportion.
Nancy Pelosi, too liberal for Democrats
Taylor told The Hill that he’d like to see Skelton, a Missouri Democrat and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, succeed Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) if Democrats retain a slimmer hold on the House after the November elections.
Posted September 27, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Generic Congressional Ballot, Hope and Change, House Elections, House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, Polls | 9 comments |
Florida US Senate Election: Republican Marco Rubio Distancing Himself from Crist (I) & Meek (D)
The US Senate race in Florida is becoming a two man race for second place between Democrat Kendrick Meek and so-called independent Charlie Crist.
The US Senate race in Florida is playing out how many predicted when turncoat Charlie Crist left the Republican primary to become an independent because he knew he could not win. Initially the polls showed that Crist was in the lead, but that would be short-lived. How was Crist going to run a campaign when he failed to garner votes with the support of the RNC against Rubio. Eventually, Democrats would support the Dem and republicans would support the GOP candidate, while independents moved to the right leaving Crist without support. Republican Marco Rubio is not only in the lead, he is starting to distance himself from both Meek and Crist. The real battle is for second place. (poll results here)
A statewide poll released Saturday night shows Republican Marco Rubio building on his lead over independent challenger Charlie Crist, while Democrat Kendrick Meek appears to be closing in on Crist in the closely-watched contest.
Rubio is favored by 40 percent of likely voters, up from 38 percent last month; Crist’s support has dwindled to 28 percent from 33 percent, according to the Mason-Dixon Research & Associates survey of 625 likely Florida voters. The margin of error is plus/minus 4 percentage points.
The poll found that Meek is gaining on Crist, with his support rising sharply to 23 percent of likely voters, up from 18 percent. Nine percent are undecided.
So why is Crist’s poll numbers falling?Democrats who once said they supported Crist are now turning to Meek. It is not as though the Democrat machine can turn their backs on Meek in this election for a Republican turned so-called independent. They already played and lost that game with Specter in Pennsylvania. Also, the independents are flocking to Rubio and Meek as well. Charlie Crist is learning a rim reality of running as an independent out of political expediency. Crist neither has a party or a voting constituency. Maybe because Crist does not have a message either, except trying to hand on to political power when the voters had said no.
Real Clear Politics average polling has Republican Marco Rubio up by double digits. Remember when the political experts said that Tea Party backed candidate Rubio could not win?
Posted September 26, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, FL: Rubio (R) - Meeks (D) - Crist (I), Polls, Senate Elections, Tea Party | no comments |
John Kerry Calls Voters Ignorant … Democrats’ Woes Stem from Uninformed voters
Democrats cannot help themselves, they think American voters are ignorant and say it.
John Kerry, the liberal, blue blood US Senator from Massachusetts proves exactly why the American voters have had it with Democrats and are about to throw them out of office this November. Democrats with overwhelming majorities in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate have listened little to the American voters and have crammed unpopular legislation down the throats of the American people. Now, with the voters angered, John Kerry calls them uniformed. Nice job Senator Kerry, calling the voters stupid. Way to ingratiate yourself to an already upset electorate.
Kerry says … The Little People are just to uninformed to understand
A testy U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry yesterday blamed clueless voters with short attention spans for the uphill battle beleaguered Democrats are facing against Republicans across the nation.
“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,” Kerry told reporters after touring the Boston Medical Center yesterday.
Posted September 25, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Economy, Hope and Change, House Elections, Jobs, John Kerry, Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Recession, Senate, Senate Elections, Socialism, Tax & Spend Liberals, Unemployment, We the People, WTF | 15 comments |
Your Tax Bail Out Dollars, “UP IN SMOKE” … Chrysler Autoworkers Busted on Camera Drinking Beer, Smoking Pot
REEFER, Tax Bail Out Madness …
So this is what our tax dollars went to in bailing out the auto industry? Chrysler autoworkers were caught red handed drinking and smoking pot during their lunch. Look what $15 billion in tax payer bailout money gets you these days.
Does any one think that the unions will not come to their defence and save their jobs? If it were a private business, these individuals would have been fired in a heart beat. Wait a minute, since they took our tax dollars to prop up their company, are not we their bosses? If President Obama can fire a CEO, We the People can certainly have these people fired, can’t we?
More unseen footage … Staff – We’re all rooting for the auto industry to come back stronger than ever. It affects every one of us here in metro Detroit and across the country because it’s so important to our economy.
Fox 2′s Rob Wolchek got a tip about what some guys are doing at Chrysler’s Jefferson North Assembly Plant in Detroit. This is the same plant that President Barack Obama visited back in July and talked about the significance of manufacturing in America.
As stated at the All American Blogger, “these drunken potheads have jobs because the President shoveled our tax dollars at a union that ruined the company”. Hot Air asks the all important question, “were they stoned while Obama spoke, or did they feel the need to get stoned afterward?”
We’ll raise a bottle to that, Mr. President! This is the very same plant thta Obama praised back in July for their great work.
Smokin’, tokin’, and drinkin’. Your tax dollars at work.
UAW workers from bailed-out Chrysler’s Jefferson North Assembly – the same plant President Obama visited back in July – were caught on camera getting smoking weed and drinking liquor from brown bags. Every day. 11 AM “lunch break.” Ten days straight
Posted September 24, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Economy, Government, Tax & Spend Liberals, UAW, Unions, We the People, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 19 comments |