VP Biden Tells Democrat Liberal base to Stop Whining, Take Some Cheese Instead

Hey Democrats, how about some cheese with that “whine” so says VP Joe Biden.

Its getting a bit tense in the Democrat party these days.  Vice president Joe Biden visited New Hampshire and told Democrats to stop whining. Wow Joe, way to make friends and influence people. This is how they talk to and treat their donors, can you imagine what they think of the rest of the American people? Biden, Obama and the Democrat power elite live in a different, alternative universe from the place we like to call Earth. Maybe that is what Biden is referring to when he says “compare us to the alternative”.

Stop Whining, run on your Obama record … Oh my there is a winning strategy for Dems

At a fundraiser in Manchester, NH, today, Vice President Biden urged Democrats to “remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This President has done an incredible job. He’s kept his promises.”

The remarks, made to roughly 200 top Democratic activists and donors, recall comments President Obama made last week to “griping and groaning Democrats…Folks: wake up. This is not some academic exercise. As Joe Biden put it, Don’t compare us to the Almighty, compare us to the alternative.”

The Vice President said that “every one of these political races is winnable” if the candidates draw clear distinctions between themselves and their GOP opponents. Biden also believes that the moon is made of cream cheese. Democrats drawing distinctions between them selves and their republican opponents, are you joking? Democrats do not even reference in their ads that they are Democrats, or that they voted for the stimulus bill or Obamacare. They only one’s that do are the one’s who opposed Obamacare.

As Sundries Shack aptly states, there certainly is a civil war going on; however, it is in the Democrat party as the minions suddenly realize they have been sold down the river by Obama and his agenda. What did Democrats expect when they blindly followed Obama, Pelosi and Reid against the will of the American people, forgiveness?

If you listen to the Democratic Party or their lapdogs in the MSM, there is a “civil war” right now raging inside the Republican Party. This is a good story for them for two reasons. First, they get to paint the Tea Parties as a bunch of violent reactionaries who want to take over the Capitol, smear feces all over the wallpaper, and paint moustaches on the portraits of the great Democratic statesmen; and Republicans as a bunch of old-fashioned do-nothings.

Or as Hot Air refers to what Biden did, “Hippie Punching”.  it is hard to believe at this late hour with the 2010 midterm elections in sight, VP Biden has to go to the liberal base and tell them that Obama has done an outstanding job and they need to get over it. Can you say trouble in paradise? Even the moonbat LEFT knows that Obama has been an empty suit.

It is not whining that Democrats will be doing election eve 2010, it might, however, be crying. What will Joe Biden say t Democrats after the 2010 midterms?

Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel Likely to Leave the Sinking Ship This Week

According to ABC reports, Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is likely to leave this week to run for the Mayor of Chicago. It is no guarantee that Emanuel will win the election to be the next Mayor of Chicago, then again, it is Chicago.  Although it is not surprising that Rahm Emanuel is pursuing the position, what is surprising is that he is doing so prior to the November 2010 midterm elections. Then again, Emanuel’s leaving coupled with much of Obama’s economic team … what else do certain rodents do with a sinking ship?

Although no final decision has been made because of family considerations, ABC News has learned that White House officials are preparing for Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to announce on Friday — as Congress adjourns for recess — that he is leaving his post to explore a run for mayor of Chicago.

White House officials expect that President Obama will also name an interim chief of staff, perhaps senior adviser Pete Rouse, at the announcement. 

Rahm Emanuel’s time in as White House Chief of Staff is much like that of his boss, uninspiring, lackluster and downright terrible. Emanuel’s legacy as White House Chief of Staff will be forever his comment that, ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”. Welcome to the exploitative nature of the Obama way via Chicago. I guess America can now understand why other liberal. socialist agenda items were deemed more important that the economy and jobs, hmm?

Obamanomics: CNN Poll Has Republicans Doing a Better Job of Fixing the Economy than Democrats

More terrible Democrat polling leading up the the 2010 midterm elections …

While President Barack Hussein Obama continues to trot out the same tired speech of Republicans driving the economy into the ditch, according to a new CNN poll, the voters trust the GOP more than Democrats to get fix the economy.  Full poll results [pdf] here. How Bad must Obama and Democrats be in the eyes of Americans if they trust the people who they belived caused the problem to fix it as well? There is a reason why Obama has a poor job approval rating and the polls can be tied directly to his poor handling of the economy and his lack of making jobs the number one, two and three priority of his Presidency.

Although more people blame the Republicans than the Democrats for the country’s economic problems, a larger number of people think the Republicans are more likely to fix those problems, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday indicates that 41 percent of adult Americans say congressional Republicans are more responsible for the nation’s economic problems, with 35 percent saying the Democrats are more to blame, and nearly one in five saying both are equally to blame.

But 47 percent of those questioned say the economic policies of congressional Republicans are more likely to improve economic conditions, with 41 percent saying Democrats in Congress have the better prescriptions, five percent saying both have equally good solutions and five percent saying neither are more likely to improve conditions.

Once again Obama has lost the spin war with the economy and who can do a better job to get the car out of the ditch. The voters appear to disagree with the President as to who should be given the keys. For 20+ months all Obama has managed to do is “SPIN” the tires.

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Daily Commentary – Monday, September 27th, 2010 – Natalee Holloway: When Petty Rivalry Interferes with Justice

Last week’s show was all about a dispute between people involved in the Holloway case, but how does any of this kind of stuff help bring justice to the victims?

 Daily Commentary – Monday, September 27th, 2010 – When Petty Rivalry Interferes [1:59m]:  | Download

Rasmussen Vindicated: President Barack Hussein Obama at All Time Low in Real Clear Politics Average Polling

It would seem that Present Barack Hussein Obama has driven his job approval ratings into the ditch and over the cliff.

The polling data of President Barack Obama’s job approval indicates one clear and present fact, Scott Rasmussen’s polling data was correct all along, the LEFT just did not want to accept it. Obama’s job approval ratings have fallen and they can’t get up

Scott Rasmussen was correct all along with Obama’s job approval rating, the LEFT just could not handle the truth

In the latest Real Clear Politicas average job approval polling, Barack Obama finds himself at an all time low of -6.4%. Obama’s job approval numbers keep getting progressively worse as the jobs and unemployment numbers continue to flounder. The LEFT was so quick to comment months ago that Scott Rasmussen’s polling was bias against Obama and that he was in the pocket of the Republican party, even though Rasmussen called the 2008 Presidental election nearly spot on for Obama.

So what does the LEFT have to say now when Rasmussen was basically correct and accurate all along with Obama’s job approval numbers? Presently Rasmussen has Obama’s job approval rating at 47% approval and 52% disapprove. Meanwhile a CNN poll has “The One’s” job approval rating at 42% approve, 54% disapprove and Gallup has it at 44% approve, 49% disapprove.

It would appear that Rasmussen was the only accurate polling data out there and has been consistent all along. It was the other polling outlets that have now come back the a more accurate polling number. Scott Rasmussen vindicated once again and shown to be one of the best and most accurate in the business.

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