Barack Obama Reaches New Lows in Weekly Gallup Poll … 43% Job Approval, Could Obama be One & Done?


President Barack Hussein Obama continues to fall in the polls, this time “The One” reaches a new low in the Gallup weekly poll with a 43% job approval. It would seem that the only reason why Obama did not fall farther in the polls was because he was on vacation and out of the media spotlight and making matters worse for Americans.

President Obama’s job approval rating slipped to 43% for the week of Aug. 16-22, down one percentage point from the previous weekly low set a week ago.

The new low also marks the first weekly average in which 50% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s job performance. The erosion reflects particularly low ratings at the beginning of last week, including 41% for Aug. 15-17 and Aug. 16-18, the lowest three-day averages of his administration. By the end of the week, however, Obama’s job ratings inched up, averaging 44% approval Aug. 20-22. 

It is only a question of time before Obama’s poll numbers fall into the 30′s. What then? Could the unthinkable happen as stated at Hot Air, Could Obama really not run for a second term as stated by Neil Cavuto on Fox News? Personally, I find it hard to believe that Obama would pass up the opportunity to continue to play President.

Cavuto’s point basically is, why would Obama need to run for a second term? Obama has already screwed up the country by having his liberal, socialist agenda passed against the will of the people. The laws passed with take years for the courts and future legislation to undo. For Obama, this is a victory … why would he need a second term?

However, it is too bad this does not represent a victory to America or Americans.

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