Barack Obama, All Talk & No Action With the BP Oil Spill … ” … so I know whose ass to kick.”


Talk is cheap President Obama …

President Barack Obama ia  all talk and no action when it comes to the BP oil spill and the ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that is recking environmental havoc on Louisiana. Obama decided to not only show a lack of leadership with the BP oil spill as he is in over is head, Obama also decided to ask un-Presidential while doing an NBC interview as he says, ” … we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.”

Classy, President Obama, real classy.


Video Hat Tip: Real Clear Politics

“I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar, we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.”

As reported at CNN, Barack Obama is trying to defend his actions in dealing with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis. Barack, you were really on it. Sure you were. The explosion on the oil platform took place on April 20 that killed 11 workers. The rig sank two days later, and it was not until May 2 that Obama finally visited the Coast Guard command center in Venice, Louisiana.

Obama says during his interview that he was down there (the Gulf Coast) a month ago before most of these talking heads were even paying attention. Really Sir? You were there a month ago yet we are in day 49 of the environmental disaster. As Hot Air stated, he is days and weeks late and three dollars short.

“See? He’s mad. He cares.” It’s completely out of character with his Cool Hand Luke persona and roughly six weeks too late, which means it’s as phony as a three-dollar bill, but so what?

Barack Obama is trying to do every “I care” and “I feel your pain” political ploy because as many have previously stated, the BP oil spill is his Hurricane Katrina. Ouch, we stand corrected … it is much worse than his Hurricane Katrina. According to an ABC poll, 69% of American give the federal government (that would be Barack Obama) a failing grade to the federal response to the BP oil spill. A near whopping 70%, that is going to leave a mark on the midterm elections and most likely the clean up of the Gulf Coast region will be still going on in 2012 when Obama faces reelection.

The full polling data can be read HERE.

What is most amazing is that Hurricane Katrina received a 62% negative rating for the federal response as opposed to Obama’s 69% for his handling of the BP oil spill. Even 56% of Democrats give Obama a failing grade for his handling of the issue.

There’s partisanship in views of the federal response, with Democrats less critical of the
Democratic-led government. Nonetheless, even among Democrats 56 percent rate the federal
response negatively. That rises to 74 percent of independents and 81 percent of Republicans
Partisanship ran in precisely the opposite direction in views of the Katrina response under the
Bush administration. Just 41 percent of Republicans rated that response negatively, rising to 64
percent of independents and 79 percent of Democrats.

Remember when Senator Obama called President GWB administration’s “unconscionable ineptitude” in the context of Katrina and, during the 2008 campaign, declaring, “We can talk about a trust that was broken, the promise that our government will be prepared, will protect us, and will respond in a catastrophe.”

Guess what Barack Obama, WE THE PEOPLE think that your ” UNCONSCIONABLE INEPTITUDE” with the BP oil spill is byond INEPT!!! Once again you big mouth and campaign rhetoric has come to bite you. This is the most over his head President in the history of the USA.

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  • Comments

    21 Responses to “Barack Obama, All Talk & No Action With the BP Oil Spill … ” … so I know whose ass to kick.””

    1. Buster on June 8th, 2010 1:14 am

      How about WE all get together and kick o(edit)’s ass right out the door !!!

    2. dawg1948 on June 8th, 2010 1:24 am

      Nothing like showing class and leadership Mr. President, ROFLMAO.

    3. Jane on June 8th, 2010 5:28 am

      I think what obama did or doing is not adequate in the current situation. He should be more conscious about the people’s demand than other political and diplomatic demands.

    4. Pat in Alabama on June 8th, 2010 6:09 am

      Wow, what a big, bad, tough president. Once again he shows himself to be a buffoon.

    5. Brenda on June 8th, 2010 7:13 am

      Chicago thug. Belongs in jail with them.

    6. Miss-Underestimated on June 8th, 2010 7:24 am

      I think Mr. Obama may have to start kicking, his own ass!

    7. super dave on June 8th, 2010 7:34 am

      the only ass he could kick would be his dog
      bro. what a weak, yellow, coward this little
      mule is. fake anger, fake president, fake identity.

    8. Reaganite Republican on June 8th, 2010 9:25 am

      If he doesn’t know, maybe he should go and kick Michelle’s then-

      Besides the fact she needs it, should provide ample enough target to insure Mr Girlythrowinmomjeans won’t miss- the thing’s like the back of a bus

    9. bandit on June 8th, 2010 9:57 am

      Some 6 yr old is in fear somewhere. If he was going to do some asskicking what is he waiting for?

    10. nurturer69 on June 8th, 2010 10:28 am

      Very Presidential!

    11. paula on June 8th, 2010 11:09 am

      Wow! What a guy. Notice how inappropriate he is consistently.

    12. yoyo muffintop on June 8th, 2010 12:37 pm

      How many folks died when the levees broke? Loss of human life vs loss of plant/animal life…yeah, that compares.
      As exemplified by the poorly written story above, right wing republican crazies can be so callous in their effort to regain power. Outrageous and sick.

    13. nychic on June 8th, 2010 5:14 pm

      No doubt he will be watching the Laker/Celtics game tonight – He does have his priorities – Of course he will watch while he is “reading”…

      p.s. yoyo – long time no speak
      why are you not defending your hero Sloot ?

    14. rightknight on June 9th, 2010 1:14 am

      If we could only charge admission to see
      this posturing fool up close and personal.
      Posing as a President with zero qualifications
      brought to the table, wow. Actions speak
      louder than words, and there is an eerie
      silence in the accomplishment department.

    15. Scott on June 9th, 2010 5:59 am

      Uh, #12 buffoon…this is the typical liberal douche bag standpoint…

      The fact that the ecosystem of the Gulf will be destroyed means thousands of people will be out of work; fisherman, dock owners, those that work on those boats as mechanics, etc will be broke.

      The levees breaking was NOT President Bush’s fault.

      It’s a FACT, that President Bush had the Coast Guard in ACTION when the storm cleared and saved thousands of lives by removing people from their flooded homes and plucked people off roofs.

      This disaster is far more greater and has a FAR more reach than a hurricane.

      I love how these idiots think it was Bush’s fault the levees broke and it he was the cause of loss of life…NOT TRUE in the slightest.

      This fool probably believes what Farahhkan said; that Bush had a hurricane machine and forced Katrina to hit New Orleans. You’re a wack job!

    16. Brenda on June 9th, 2010 8:19 am

      YoYO! Wondered where you’d been, but didn’t miss you, just wondered….

    17. Brenda on June 9th, 2010 8:22 am

      This IMO we should be drilling in Alaska where they have nearly as much oil as the middle-east. BUT…we may endanger a few moose with 30 million other acres to roam. Well, this is what the environmental wackos came up with Mr. Zero, go kick their butts if you have the balls, which you don’t because you need their pathetic liberal votes.

    18. Profiles in Leadership … President Obama Skipped Mississippi Gulf Memorial Service to Attend Fundraiser for Barbara Boxer | Scared Monkeys on June 12th, 2010 6:15 pm

      [...] Barack Hussein Obama, the (fill in the blank) ________ in Chief looks like he might need to kick his own “ASS”. [...]

    19. Michelle on June 13th, 2010 7:22 pm


      I was hoping that he had crawled back under his rock and we would not have to listen to his idiotic rants.

    20. Martha on June 25th, 2010 8:50 pm

      Yes, he couldn’t handle the situation and it was really out of his control. I think he should be more cautious about political decisions and he still has a lot to learn.

    21. Vote No to Obama in 2012 on May 19th, 2011 4:15 pm

      Obama’s failure to respond faster to the BP Oil Spill only later to state that he wanted to know “whose ass to kick” is another example of Barack “All Talk” Obama at work.

      If everyone were to refer to President Obama as Barack All Talk Obama, his presidential “brand” will be tainted and he will never win the next presidential election.

      If you ask Obama’s supporters, those who agreed they made the mistake of voting for him, and those who did not, they would agree that Obama is nothing but “All Talk”.

      Our country’s president is now known as Barack All Talk Obama. Get the word out. He will then never win the election.

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