FED Issue Terror Warning For Texas-Mexico Border, But Arizona Law is Misguided?

Talk about your double talk from the Obama Administration and a misguided effort at keeping America safe …

Guess what President Barack Hussein Obama, Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder … the individuals sneaking across the Mexican-US border are not just illegal Mexicans … THEY ARE TERRORISTS! But then again, there is no “war on terror” and these terrorists sneaking in to America are not motivated by radial Islam.

In one breathe Obama and his minions state that the new Arizona immigration law is misguided. Now the Feds are issuing a terror warning for the Texas-Mexico boarder.

The Department of Homeland Security is alerting Texas authorities to be on the lookout for a suspected member of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group who might be attempting to travel to the U.S. through Mexico, a security expert who has seen the memo tells FOXNews.com.

The warning follows an indictment unsealed this month in Texas federal court that accuses a Somali man in Texas of running a “large-scale smuggling enterprise” responsible for bringing hundreds of Somalis from Brazil through South America and eventually across the Mexican border. Many of the illegal immigrants, who court records say were given fake IDs, are alleged to have ties to other now-defunct Somalian terror organizations that have merged with active organizations like Al Shabaab, al-Barakat and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami.

So at the same time that Janet Napoliano & the Home Land Security Agency are criticizing the new immigration law put in place in Arizona that could potentially catch terrorists as well as illegals, they now issue a terror warning stating that Somalian terrorists could be sneaking across the Mexican-US border. WHAT!!!

US immigration and national security are one issue. How the Obama Administration can be so derelict in their duties is beyond words.

You can’t have it both ways folks. Nice to see that Napolitano and DHS read the terror warning first.


LEFT & RIGHT Fed Up With President Obama’s Lack of Response & Tired of Excuses with BP Oil Spill … We don’t need a Finger Pointer in Chief

Obama shows up late to the game and everyone is noticing.

Welcome to Barack Obama’s Hurricane Katrina. There is a reason why Americans give Obama an “F” on how he has handled the BP Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the ecological devastation that is about to occur in Louisiana and the other Gulf Coast states. What is Obama’s reaction … another vacation and a round of golf.

Its a tale of two sides of the political spectrum and both are angry and livid at Barack Obama and his lack of response. You know you have a problem when the RIGHT, Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA)  and the LEFT, James Carville are on the same page … Both against Barack Obama.

We don’t need a finger pointer and chief … “We need a quarterback on the field like the law says he’s supposed to be. He’s not supposed to be the commentator in the booth.”

And now from the LEFT comes an upset and PO’d James Carville … Democratic Strategist Said White House Should’ve Acted Quickly: ‘We’re About to Die Down Here‘:

“It just looks like he’s not involved in this,” an angry Carville said on “GMA.” “Man, you got to get down here and take control of this, put somebody in charge of this thing and get this moving. We’re about to die down here.”

Obama at -22% in Rasmussen Presidential Index and 43% Approval Rating … Failing Grade for BP Oil Spill

Holy Cow Batman … President Barack Hussein Obama has seen the wheels fall of.

Don’t look now but Obama has a -22% rating in the most recent Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index tracking poll. It measures strongly approve vs. strongly disapprove.


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 23% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22. That’s the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for this president.

Obama is at a 43% approval rating in the Rasmussen poll today.

No wonder Barack Obama is going to get out of Washington, DC for Memorial Day and not lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as all other Presidents have done … it is his Southwest Airlines “wanna get away” moment. Nothing is going right from this President with regards to the economy, unemployment, budget deficits, North Korea, Iran, Obamacare, illegal immigration and most recently the debacle of the BP Oil spill.

Everyone, including Democrats and Moderates are livid at Obama’s lack of response and leadership in the wake of the BP oil spill. Mr. President, every one knows that BP will be held responsible for the cost, WE THE PEOPLE want to see leadership from the President in handling this ecological disaster. Not seeing you play golf. Is it any wonder that poll show that Americans give Obama a failing grade on dealing with the BP oil spill. 53% of Americans gave Obama a poor rating on his handling of this mess.

The oil spill off the Gulf Coast is staining more than Louisiana’s beaches.

The response to the disaster by energy giant BP, President Obama and the federal government all get terrible grades from Americans in a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

Nearly three-fourths of those surveyed Monday and Tuesday say BP is doing a “poor” or “very poor” job in handling the calamity. Six of 10 say that of the federal government. And a 53% majority give Obama a poor rating.

So Mr. President, how would you grade yourself on handling the oil spill if you were asked by the MSM? The American people give you an “F”!

Welcome to Obama’s Hurricane Katrina, the LEFT is learning what is good for GWB is good for Obama as well. Many of the Left has asked, what is Obama supposed to do? Maybe they should have asked that same question during Hurricane Katrina. However, fair or not, the buck stops with Obama and he has done a lousy job.

VP Joe Biden Makes Blumenthal Vietnam Military Service Joke at Walter Reed Army Medical Center

OUCH … “I don’t want to make a Blumenthal mistake” … Biden does it again.

VP Joeseph Biden has a fewmisplaced words” of his own …

Vice President Joe Biden while visiting wounded soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center made a gaffe, or did he speak from the heart? Biden took a jab at the Democrat nominee for the US Senate from CT, Richard Blumental, by making a joke regarding his military service … “I didn’t serve in Vietnam. I don’t want to make a Blumenthal mistake here.”

CNN: I don’t want to make a Blumenthal mistake here …

While speaking at a barbecue for wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, he commented about veterans coming home from the Vietnam War. Biden, who has a penchant for being loquacious, veered into the Connecticut Senate race.

“I didn’t serve in Vietnam. I don’t want to make a Blumenthal mistake here,” he said according to a pool report. “Our attorney general from Connecticut, God love him.”

Later he said “I have a bad habit of saying exactly what I think.”

I guess some one forgot to tell Joe Biden that Blumenthal was a Democrat. As Red State comments, Biden’s latest open mouth, insert foot statement is enough to make you wonder whether the White House wants to keep Senator Dodd’s old seat this Fall.  A “Blumenthal mistake” is now part of the lexicon of the English language. Think the Democrat Senate candidate is not going to have much to explain before the November midterms? Think about it, a VP of your own party is referencing and reminding all what you did.

When it comes to misplaced words … Biden is King.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, May 27th, 2010 – Lindsay Lohan’s Trial

  • Looks like she escaped the system again.

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