Obama AG Eric Holder Just Cannot Say Radical Islam Responsible for Times Square Bomb Attempt


WELCOME TO OBAMALAND … where no one can say “RADICAL ISLAM” is to blame for terrorism in the Barack Hussein Obama Administration.

What is going on with the Barack Obama Administration when it comes to the protection of the United States and the War on Terror. Oh sorry, the Overseas Contingency Operation.

Why can’t Obama, Holder and the rest of Obama’s minions call these terrorists for what they are and what motivates them … RADICAL ISLAM!

How can one protect America and it’s citizens if they are unwilling to simply call the treat for what it truly is? All three attempts in the last year, the underwear bomber, Major Hasan and the Ft Hood shooting and the Times Square bomber , all had radical Muslam ties yet Holder is unwilling to state the simple fact. Instead he painfully tries to parse words and make excuses.   These are the same people that are unwilling to cal a radical Islam terrorist for what they are, yet they will call Tea Party go’ers extremists, racists and dangerous.

Obama claimed that his Administration would be the most transparent ever. They have hardly been when it comes to most things; however, NRO has finally found one thing that they are transparent on … The Most Transparently Irresponsible Administration in American History.

If you thought Mr. Holder’s stubborn refusal to speak the words “radical Islam” was bad during yesterday’s House testimony, get this one:  “I’ve just expressed concerns on the basis of what I’ve heard about the [Arizona immigration] law. But I’m not in a position to say at this point, not having read the law, not having had the chance to interact with people are doing the review, exactly what my position is.”

Eric Holder went on to say that there are a variety of reasons why individuals have taken these actions of terrorism. Like what Mr Holder … excess salt, going to Tea Party events, or is it just Goerge Bush’s fault? Holder just could not say the obvious and the primary reason … RADICAL ISLAM!

How can these people be responsible for defending America against terrorism when they cannot say that RADICAL ISLAM is the reason why they do what they do and want to kill AMERICANS.

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  • Comments

    2 Responses to “Obama AG Eric Holder Just Cannot Say Radical Islam Responsible for Times Square Bomb Attempt”

    1. FED Issue Terror Warning For Texas-Mexico Border, But Arizona Law is Misguided? | Scared Monkeys on May 27th, 2010 12:00 pm

      [...] Guess what President Barack Hussein Obama, Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder … the individuals sneaking across the Mexican-US border are not just illegal Mexicans … THEY ARE TERRORISTS! But then again, there is no “war on terror” and these terrorists sneaking in to America are not motivated by radial Islam. [...]

    2. Two NJ Men, Mohamed Hamoud Alessa & Carlos Eduardo Almonte Arrested at JFK Airport before Boarding Plane to Join Islamist Terrorist Group | Scared Monkeys on June 6th, 2010 10:11 am

      [...] contingency operation? Will AG Eric Holder say that these two men were driven to be terrorist by “radical Islam” or will he come up with some other excuse like they were late on their mortgage payments and faced [...]

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