Change We Can Believe In … Majority of American Voters (54%-44%) State that Barack Obama Will Be a One Term President

The One will be soon one and done …

A new CNN poll out shows that not only is President Barack Hussein Obama tied with every and any Republican running for the White House in 2012, it also shows that a majority of American voters believe that The One will be a one term President. There is some real change that America can believe in.A resounding 54% said that Obama would lose in 2012 while only 44% stated he would be one and done. Would not that be considered a mandate Mr. President?


A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates that if the 2012 presidential election were held today, 47 percent of registered voters would back Obama, with an equal amount supporting an unnamed Republican challenger. Fifty-four percent of people questioned say Obama will lose if he runs for re-election in 2012, with 44 percent saying the president would win a second term.

“That may sound like a bad position to start from, but note that Bill Clinton was down 15 points to an unnamed Republican in March of 1994, and wound up winning the election two years later,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Full CNN Poll results can be seen HERE.

A note to CNN Polling Director Keating Holland and his misinformation and incorrect comparisons to make excuses for President Obama.  Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton. When faced with an unpopular health care bill of, by and for the people … Bill Clinton did not ram Hillary Healthcare down the throats of an unwanting public. Bill Clinton triangulated and worked with Republicans to pass other legislation. That is what brought Clinton back from the brink.

President Barack Hussein Obama is the most liberal, socialist President that America has had the misfortune of ever electing. He is the most partisan President in history and his poll numbers reflect his job performance and liberal agenda. That displeasure of the American people will play out this November in the midterm elections. Barack Hussein Obama may not be up for election, but make no mistake it will be a referendum on you!

The LA Times points out that during the midterm elections the White House party historically loses an average of 16 House seats. 16? Hardly. Make no mistake about it, Democrat will lose in historic proportions come this November. It will be epic and it will be resounding. The House will fall back into control of the Republicans and depending on races in California, Wisconsin and Illinois … Republicans might just win back the Senate.

Come 2012 Barack Obama will be voted out of office. We can only hope that the damage has not already been done.

Daily Commentary – Friday, March 26th, 2010 – Two 9 Year Old Kids Suspended for Haircuts Columbia, TN

  • A case of taking things too far? 9 year old suspended from Maury County school in Columbia, TN for gang-like hair cut.  The twins attended Randolph Howell Elementary School, said the school.  The suspension has been lifted and the boys are back in school. Is this PC gone too far or trying to stop the glorification of gang-like behavior at a young age, you make the call.

“If they’ve done it to my kids, they’ve done it to everybody else’s kids,” Edwards said, “but nobody wants to stand up. Well, I’ll stand up. Teachers and principals are making their own rules.”

Edwards said he was told by a principal after the suspensions were issued Tuesday morning that his boys could not return until they shaved their heads.

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Obamacare About Health Care Eh? Designed “To Control the People”

And the hits keep on coming from THE LEFT …

Democrat US Rep. Dingell Says Obamacare will eventually ‘Control the People’. We have to give US Rep Dingle (D-MI) an A for at least telling the truth.

Which is more that we can say for Barack Obama has he lied to the American people before the passage of Obamacare and will be doing so again as he tries to sell this load of bull to the American people after He, Pelosi, Reid and House and Senate Democrats have rammed it down your throats.

At least give him points for honesty, right?  That’s a more succinct, straightforward summary of ObamaCare’s effect (and for many of those who supported it, its aim) than we’ve heard from the President.

From Breibart TV comes the following statements from US Representative  John Dingell (D-MI), ,     “It takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps.”

So America, you actually thought that Obamacare was about health care reform. Really?

Yes. Sadly, it does “take a long time to do the necessary administrative steps … that have to be taken… to control the people.”

“I am convinced our nation is a healthier one today,” Representative Dingell said at the signing of this bill into law. I disagree with him. I’m convinced it’s not healthier today.

Many have long said that this health care plan was never about health care at all. Mr. Dingell has confirmed that.

Control the people.

Via the American Thinker:

Let me remind you this [Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care] has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.

Do not ever forget what Barack Obama has said in the past when it comes to single payer health care. Don’t believe what he says now that the cameras are on him and he has a 40% approval rating. This was never about health care, that was obvious … it was always about control.

Repeal the Dirty, Back Room, Unconstitutional Deal … People Say Change Obamacare NOW!


According to the following CBS poll, most Americans want the Republican Party to “REPEAL THE DIRTY DEAL”. A resounding 62% of Americans stated that they want Congressional Republicans to keep challenging the bill, while 33 percent say they should not do so.


You wanted bipartisanship America? It would appear you have it against Obamacare. 89%  of Republicans say yes to challenging the law.  But what about the 41% of Democrats and 66% of Independents that state the same?

I guess this can explain why the Democrat spin doctors are in full mode with their Obamacare talking points and the reason why The Chosen One, Barack Hussin Obama, feels the need to go out to the America people and sell this bill of goods to “WE THE PEOPLE” after the Democrats have already rammed it down our collective throats.

A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill.

Senate Republicans are now challenging whether the bill is truly a budget reconciliation bill (which is what makes it filibuster-proof) and inserting amendments designed to slow down passage. Republican attorneys general are also planning to challenge the constitutionality of the law.

The poll finds that 62 percent want Congressional Republicans to keep challenging the bill, while 33 percent say they should not do so. Nearly nine in ten Republicans and two in three independents want the GOP to keep challenging. Even 41 percent of Democrats support continued challenges.

Americans are split about the fact that the bill largely lacked bipartisan support. Fifty percent said they were disappointed that the bill did not have support from both parties, while 44 percent said that it doesn’t matter.

Some how we are supposed to believe Obama and his minions that the people are for Obamacare. It’s only supposed to be as Weasel Zippers states, those evil tea party folks that are against it.  Really? The One might want to step back and instead of calling people tea baggers, read the tea leaves instead.  Hell, even Obama own Dr cousin Milton Wolf is against Obamacare.

Obama and the Democrats wanted to break the will of the people by ignoring them and making them feel otherized, all they have done is awoke a not so sleeping giant … America is ready for the fight.

There are no threats here, there are only promises … say good bye Democrats to your jobs in 2010 and to your Chosen One in 2012. REPEAL THE DIRT DEAL!!!

Tennessee Governor Election 2010: Republicans Haslam, Ramsey & Wamp All Lead Democrat Challengers by Double Digits

Can Republicans regain the majority of Governorships in 2010 as well?

The Tennessee governors race could see a shift of power in The Volunteer state this November. Republican candidates Bill Haslam, Rom Ramsey and Zach Wamp all have early double digit leads over their Democrat challengers Mike McWherter and Kim McMillan in a recent Rasmussen poll.

In the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey of the governor’s race in Tennessee, all three top Republican candidates hold double-digit leads over two potential Democratic opponents, but no one earns 50% support in any of the match-ups. Nearly one-quarter of the state’s voters remain undecided, too, in every potential contest.

Knoxville’s GOP Mayor Bill Haslam leads former State House Majority Speaker Kim McMillan 46% to 26%. He posts a similar 45% to 27% lead over businessman Mike McWherter.

The 2010 race this Fall in Tennessee is to replace outgoing, term limited Democrat Gov. Phil Bredesen. Although popular in the Volunteer state, Bredesen’s 70% job approval rating is not rubbing off on any of his fellow Democrats challengers.

The mood of most TN voters is anti-incumbency and especially anti-Democrat, anti-Stimulus bill and  anti-Obamacare. The Tea Parties in Tennessee have been a tremendous success.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Tennessee voters hold a favorable opinion of the Tea Party movement, but only 22% consider themselves a part of it.

Look for the vote in November to be a Tennessee ballot revolt against Washington, DC in the off year midterm election.  Politics may be local, but it has been the federal government controlled by Barack Obama and the Democrats that has overstepped it’s authority and mandate. Look for Tennessee to show their displeasure this Fall in the Governor and House races.

Opposition to the recently passed national health care plan is even higher in Tennessee than it is nationally. Thirty-one percent (31%) favor the plan, while 65% oppose it. This includes 24% who Strongly Favor it and 57% who Strongly Oppose it.

This gives the GOP candidates an edge for now since all three are strongly supported by those who strongly oppose the health care plan. Both Democrats are the favorites of those who strongly support the plan.

Both Republican and Democrat primary elections to pick their gubernatorial nominees is on August 5, 2010.

It’s not just the US House of Representatives and US Senate that Republicans are looking to regain power of, it is the majority of the all important Governorships as well.  Tennessee looks like an almost lock to move from Democrat to Republican in 2010.

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