Marco Rubio Now Trouncing Charlie Crist in Florida Senate GOP Primary Polling, 56% to 34%


Republican challenger Marco Rubio is running away in the polls over incumbent Governor Charlie Crist for the GOP nomination for the Florida US Senate.


The hug that will cost Crist his political career

Marco Rubio now leads Crist in the most recent Rasmussen poll 56% to 34%.  Rubio had a 12% point lead in Feb. 10. That lead has now ballooned to 22% points.   The Florida Republican primary is on August 24.

A new Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of likely Republican Primary voters shows Rubio with a 56% to 34% lead over Crist. Only one percent (1%) prefer some other candidate, and eight percent (8%) remain undecided.

The two candidates were tied in December, but Rubio has been gaining momentum since. In January, Rubio moved out to a 49% to 37% lead. Last month, he posted a 54% to 36% advantage over Crist. In August, Crist had 53% support.

How much will an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat controlled Senate play in the GOP primary and the eventual midterm elections this Fall? Obama’s falling job approval numbers and failing domestic agenda are affecting the GOP race. The incumbent Crist is being looked upon as persona non grata by Republicans after embracing the Obama liberal and socialist agenda.

Charlie Crist finds himself in serious trouble because he has backed Obamanomics and Obamacare. Crist made the mistake of tying himslef to President Obama’s  $787 billion economic stimulus plan.  A jobs plan that all of America has seen to be a failure. That and the passage of Obamacare has angered the electorate in the Sunshine state.  Only 41% of Florida voters favor Obamacare while a resounding 57% oppose it. That is a higher percentage than the national average.

Although 49% of voters nationwide would like their states to sue the federal government and to repeal the passage of Obamacare, 54% of Florida voters are in favor of Florida suing the federal government to challenge the requirement in the new plan that every American must get health insurance. 55% of all Americans are in favor of repealing the Obama Health Care law.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of Florida voters favor their state suing the federal government to challenge the requirement in the new plan that every American must get health insurance. Thirty-six percent (36%) oppose such a lawsuit.

Support for the lawsuit comes from 76% of Republicans and 78% of unaffiliated voters. However, 61% of Democrats are opposed to the legal action.

It is obviously not good news for incumbent Florida Governor Charlie Crist when news comes out that Florida’s unemployment hits a record rate of 12.2%. That is  comparably much higher than the national unemployment rate is 9.7% for February.

Florida’s unemployment hit 12.2 percent in February, the highest rate on record, soaring past even the rates recorded in the 1973-1975 recession, the state work force agency said Friday.

February’s rate rose a 0.2 percentage point from the January revised rate of 12 percent. More than 1.26 million people are out of work in the state.

More on all Florida political polling can be found HERE.

A recent Mason-Dixon Polling & Research poll showed that Rubio was leading Crist 48%-37%.

Other polling shows that no matter who the Republican candidate is in this Fall’s midterm Senate election, the Republicans will hold the US Senate seat.

Jarred Harrell Charged with Murder in the Death of 7 Year Old Somer Thompson

24 year old Jarred Mitchel Harrell has been charged with murder in the case of the death of 7 year old Somer Thompson. Somer Thompson went missing on October 19, 2009 as she was walking home from school. Sadly her body was  discovered two days later in a Georgia landfill about 50 miles from Orange Park, FL


Jared Harrell, the “MONSTER” who killed Somer Thompson

Diena Thompson called Harrell a “monster” during an afternoon news conference.

Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler said detectives used DNA evidence, witnesses and statements from Harrell himself to solve the case.

“Our collective resolve to bring Somer’s killer to justice is the only light in the darkness caused by this tragedy,” Beseler said as about 50 members of “Team Somer” — the sheriff’s office investigators and staff who worked the case — stood by.

Diena Thompson called Harrell a monster; however, we think that this might do a disservice to monsters. Harrell is worse that a monster. He is the biggest POS that exists on this earth. A man that would abduct, rape and murder a 7 year old child does not deserve to be breathing or have a heart pulse. If convicted of the premeditated murder charge in the death of Somer Thompson, Harrell could face the death penalty. It could not happen soon enough.

The heart breaking video of a devastated mom … WE GOT YOU AND YOU AIN’T GETTING AWAY!

Jarred Harrell has been held at the Clay County Jail since his arrest in  February 11, 2010. Law enforcement arrested this dirt bag in Mississippi on child pornography charges in Florida.

Harrell was charged with 29 counts of possessing child pornography in Florida, then charged with a dozen additional counts of child porn and child molestation.

At the time of his February arrest, Harrell’s aunt said she didn’t think her nephew was capable of violence.



Harrell moved to his aunt’s home in Meridian, MS a few weeks earlier prior to the arrest. He was then extradited to Florida.  Of course his relatives don’t believe he is capable of violence, but I guess they don’t believe in DNA evidence.

At the time of Somer Thompson’s disappearance, Jared Harrell was living at his parents’ Jacksonville home, near the elementary school and house where Somer attended and lived.

For more and to provide your opinion and comments go to Scared Missing Persons and Crimes Forum: Somer Thompson.

Democrat Speaker Pelosi Says Health Care Reform Is “Model” For Future Reform Efforts Against the Will of the American People

Get ready America for more of the same from the Far LEFT controlled House of Representatives, Senate and Obama White House. Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told PBS that the way in which Democrats handled Obamacare was the “model” for things to come.

It’s not only the Chicago-way, it’s the socialist, Marxist, Progressive way as well.

“I see the way we did health care reform as a way of getting something done for the American people”

What does that mean for America? Look forward to the same low handed tactics and the continued disregard for the American people and your voice in the up coming isses of illegal immigration reform, Tax & Trade and the rest of Obama’s socialist agenda.

So Pelso has no issue with the bribes, threats and back room deals that took place in order to pass Obamacare. In fact, she is gleeful. Imagine that America … the Democrats did it for America even though ever poll showed that Americans were against Obamacare. The most recent CNN poll showed that by a 20% margin (59% to 39%) opposed Obamacare. The recent CBS poll showed that 62% of Americans want this Obamacare law repealed. Yet these people keep claiming that they passed it for the people.

A note to Pelosi, Reid, Obama and the rest of you who forces this on America, see you in November in 2010, 2012, 2014 … That is not a treat, that is a promise from We the People.

Welcome to Obamanomics, CBO Says National Debt Will be 90% of GDP in 10 Years


Welcome to the not-so Wonderful World of OBAMANOMICS. This is how Obama’s socialism destroys a nation. This is what happens when you put a socialist in charge.

The CBO has stated that the 2011 Obama budget be nearly $10 trillion in budget deficits and a $1.2 trillion more than Obama had projected. But don’t worry folks, Obamacare is going to reduce the budget. Sure it is.

Get this, the national debt will be 90% of GDP by 2020.

President Obama’s fiscal 2011 budget will generate  nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation’s economic output by 2020, the Congressional Budget Office reported Thursday.

In its 2011 budget, which the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released Feb. 1, the administration projected a 10-year deficit total of $8.53 trillion. After looking it over, CBO said in its final analysis, released Thursday, that the president’s budget would generate a combined $9.75 trillion in deficits over the next decade.

Thanks President Obama and the spend happy Democrat socialists in Congress.

The federal public debt, which was $6.3 trillion ($56,000 per household) when Mr. Obama entered office amid an economic crisis, totals $8.2 trillion ($72,000 per household) today, and it’s headed toward $20.3 trillion (more than $170,000 per household) in 2020, according to CBO’s deficit estimates.

The Jawa Report takes down memory lane where Obama talked about responsible spending. Responsible, eh?

Budget reform is not an option, it is a necessity

As stated at Conservatives for Palin, “All of this is unsustainable and will result in an economic disaster if someone doesn’t put a stop to it”.  This must be stopped and stopped now! It is irresponsible to allows this to go on any longer.  STOP IT NOW, unless you don’t mind living in a third world Banana Republic.

The President should have been focusing on jobs, but instead it is still this health care bill, now law, that is front and center. Next it will be “illegal” immigration reform and “cap & tax”.  This White House seems to focus on everything but jobs.  Ask yourself, why is that?

Cuba’s Former Communist Leader Fidel Castro Endorses Obamacare

America, how is that “Hopey, Changey” stuff working out for you?

WOW, finally President Barack Hussein Obama has garnered bipartisan support for his government take over of healthcare. Was it a Republican Congressman? NOPE. Was it WE THE PEOPLE? NOPE.


Obamacare gets a ringing endorsement from Cuba’s Fidel Castro.

It perhaps was not the endorsement President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress were looking for.

Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform “a miracle” and a major victory for Obama’s presidency, but couldn’t help chide the United States for taking so long to enact what communist Cuba achieved decades ago.

“We consider health reform to have been an important battle and a success of his (Obama’s) government,” Castro wrote in an essay published in state media, adding that it would strengthen the president’s hand against lobbyists and “mercenaries.”

That should give you a warm fuzzy America and tell you all you need to know about Obamacare and the Democrats attempt to take over health care. Do you still think it’s not socialism? Especially when it gets the endorsement of a socialist?

But wait America, Castro is not pleased with Obama with his leadership on climate change and immigration reform.

Question is, will Barack Obama disappoint to Communist buddy?

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