John Albert Gardner III now linked to the Murder of Amber DuBois after being Charged with the Rape and Murder of Chelsea King

John Albert Gardner III, the registered sex offender who has already been charged with the murder and rape of Chelsea King is now tied to the murder over a year ago of 14yr old Amber Dubois.

John Albert Gardner III

Chelsea King

Amber Dubois

Two wonderful young girls that had so much to offer are gone allegedly because of John Albert Gardner III, a registered sex offender, who it’s reported was supposed to be on medication and was bipolar. By all accounts, John Gardner was protected by his mother. One family member called into a radio station and implied that the mothers lifestyle may not have helped John Gardner’s mental or anger problems. So what do we know about John’s mother?

Catherine J. Osborn

Catherine Osborn during the week is a legislative representative for the American Psychiatric Nurses Assoc of California.

Listed as residents of her townhouse in Escondido near where Chelsea King was found is Kevin P. O’Reilly who claims to run a digital photography company out of the townhouse:

Kevin P. O’Reilly is also listed as living at the Lake Elsinore address that John Albert Gardner III was listed as living at:

What is it about Catherine and Kevin’s lifestyle that could pertain to the murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois?

Read in the forum about the weekend escapades that Catherine and Kevin enjoy and how those lead to the back road trails all over San Diego County.

Posted March 8, 2010 by
Crime, Main, Missing Persons, Murder | 81 comments

Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) … “Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn,

Go Massa,  go Massa, go Massa …

OH MY, If you have not heard embattled US Representative Eric Mass go off on Rahm Emanuel, you might want to take a good listen. Real Clear Politics has the audio. Listen to Massa go off on Obama’s White House Chief of Staff …

Best head line of the day from Real Clear Politics … A Weapon of Massa Destruction.

“Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn”

“He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.”


click on the pic of Rahmbo Emanuel to listen to amazing interview

It’s the Chicago way …

Eric Massa is stating that Democrats and the Obama White House ousted him over his “nay” vote against Obamacare. Massa is being forced to resign from Congress because he spoke inappropriately to a male staffer. That’s it? There are individuals in the Democrat party who still have jobs after not paying their taxes and calling people Retards. Yet, although inappropriate, they were words, not actions. Was Massa set up?

Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) says the House ethics committee is investigating him for inappropriate comments he made to a male staffer on New Year’s Eve — and that he’s the victim of a power play by Democratic leaders who want him out of Congress because he’s a “no” vote on health care reform.

Massa further went on to say that the Obama Administration will stop at nothing to “Rahm” health care down the throats of Americans. Of course he is dead on, as today and tomorrow Obama has his Obamcare road show in PA and MO in fabricated and orchestrated Town Halls that are nothing more than made for MSM Obamcare infomercials.

Read more

Barack Obama Hits the Road to Sell Obamacare Yet Again … What about Jobs?

Didn’t President Barack Obama tell the American people in his State of the Union speech that his second year in office would be entirely devoted to jobs? It would appear that Obama not only does not listen to the American people, but does not listen to his own speeches either.

Barack Obama is once again taking his Obamacare show on the road to try and sell the American people on his same, tired, unpopular and unwanted health care reform. Obama plans to pitch his same tired speech at stops in Philadelphia, PA and St. Louis, MO.

Obama’s pitch in Philadelphia, along with a stop in St. Louis Wednesday, comes as the president begins an all-out effort to pass his health care proposals. Though his plan has received only modest public support, Obama has implored lawmakers to show political courage and not let a historic opportunity slip away.

Despite staunch Republican opposition, Democratic leaders are cautiously optimistic they can pass a bill without GOP votes.

“I think the trend is in the right direction because people see that the status quo is absolutely broken,” Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union”.

The lies and misrepresentations continue from the LEFT with regards to Obamacare. It is the opposition of the people that is driving Obama’s failure to pass his health care reform. The people do not see Obamacare as a trend in the right direction, they want no part of it. This is the reason with in a Rasmussen poll, 55% of Americans wanted Congress to scrap their current bill and start from scratch. Only 37% wanted to go forward. 52% of Americans oppose the bill while only 44% are in favor.

Americans look at Obamacare as an unmitigated disaster and would rather have nothing than be saddled with the government take over of health care. Of course since Obama does not know what the word no means, he is willing to take America and the Democrat party down the politically suicidal path of passing this piece of legislation against the will of the American public.

Can we please have more hope and change President Obama?

By the way, what ever happened to concentrating on jobs and unemployment? Obama’s second year has been nothing more than more of the same of his first.

Real LEFTIST Class … Potty Mouth Comedian Kathy Griffin Says Sarah Palin Gave McCain a BlowJ*b


So this is what passes as comedy for the LEFT these days, eh? So-called comedian Kathy Griffin said on Friday at a performance in Anchorage, Alaska that  Sarah Palin performed a sexual act on John McCain in 2008. We kid you not.

More PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) on display from the LEFT. It is truly amazing just how much the LEFT fears Sarah Palin and the efforts they go to try and discredit her.

KATHY GRIFFIN: She was so famous as Governor, you know, when John McCain picked her after meeting her for ten minutes. And, um, that must have been some blowjob. (H/T: Newsbusters)

FYI Kathy, what you do is hardly humor either

Imagine, just imagine if something comparable was said about Barack Hussein Obama. After all, it’s not like he was a well known commodity when he was tapped to run for President and eventually elected.

So let’s see if we can understand the humor. It’s perfectly ok to say that a  married mother of five children and popular Governor of Alaska gave a BJ to an esteemed and long time Senator from Arizona and a Presidential candidate who all but gave up his life for his country in Vietnam and was a POW for years.  OK, some one find the humor in all this phony, slanderous BS. So some how fabricating the story and making a joke out of it that  Sarah Palin gave John McCain a BJ to be VP is funny. Who knew?

I wonder how many female fools in the crowd would have laughed if it were them or their daughters that a false accusation was made of in order to make a joke. How about the men in the audience if it was their wife, sister, aunt or mother that was accused of performing a sex act for advancement.

The Gateway Pundit reminds us that deadbeat dad Levi Johnston escorted Kathy Griffin to the stage.

Liberal woman, you’ve come a long way baby.

Daily Commentary – Monday, March 8th, 2010 – Sean Penn Wishes His Critics Ill

  • He had some interesting things to say about people who questioned his motives regarding Haiti. Hey Sean, you know what happens when you wish others well, right? More class spewed from the lips of Penn.

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