1980′s Actor Corey Haim Dead at the Age of 38, RIP

Cory Haim, 1980′s teen idol actor and star of such movies like The Lost Boys, License to Drive and and my personal favorite Lucas has passed away at the age of 38.  Most recently, The Corey pals, Corey Haim and Feldman starred in a TV ‘reality’ show titled The Two Coreys, that was on TV from 2007 to 2008.


Cory Haim – RIP

According to reports, The LAPD said that the death of Cory Haim appeared to be an “accidental death.” However, Local TV stations in Los Angeles it appears Haim may have died of a drug overdose.

From TMZ, Actor Corey Haim died this morning of an apparent overdose, according to LAPD. Sadly, Haim struggled with drug addiction during his meteoric rise in the 80′s.

Yet another example of the tragic rise and fall of a teen star. Rest in Peace Corey Haim.

Chief Justice John Roberts Says Obama’s State of the Union Criticism of SCOTUS

Revenge of the Jedi …

Supreme Court Chief Justice of the United States  John Roberts shot back at President Barack Hussein Obama’s criticism of the court’s decision striking down some campaign finance reform laws during the Obama’s  State of the Union.  During a Q & A session at the University of Alabama law school, Roberts responded to a student’s question regarding Obama’s rebuke of the SCOTUS decision.

Justice Roberts stated that anyone was free to criticize the court; however it was the political setting and the image of the members of one branch of government standing up, surrounding the Supreme Court, cheering and hollering. All this while the SCOTUS according the requirements of protocol had to  sit there expressionless. Justice Roberts said,  “I think is very troubling.” Might we also add that it was only one party of another branch of government doing this in lock step with Obama’s urging.

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said Tuesday the scene at President Obama’s State of the Union address was “very troubling” and the annual speech has “degenerated to a political pep rally.”

Obama chided the court, with the justices seated before him in their black robes, for its decision on a campaign finance case.

Responding to a University of Alabama law student’s question, Roberts said anyone was free to criticize the court, and some have an obligation to do so because of their positions.

“So I have no problems with that,” he said. “On the other hand, there is the issue of the setting, the circumstances and the decorum.

“The image of having the members of one branch of government standing up, literally surrounding the Supreme Court, cheering and hollering while the court — according the requirements of protocol — has to sit there expressionless, I think is very troubling.”

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Troubling indeed and a pattern of behavior with President Barack  Obama. This President was elected to change the tome on Washington, DC and how things were done. Obama was to reach across the aisle and create a more collegial atmosphere in DC and govern in a bipartisan manner under the banner of “Hope & Change” … So he said during the campaign.

All The One has done for his rhetoric is bring Chicago-style politics to the White House. Obama is the MOST PARTISAN PRESIDENT in the modern era.  The One has attacked Republican members of the House and Senate and acted  in such a partisan manner that he even went after the SCOTUS in a venue that was completely uncalled for an inappropriate.  Let alone, Obama got the legal case wrong.

From Hot Air comes the response from White House spokesman Gibbs:

Surely you weren’t expecting an apology from this tool.

Asked for comment, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said, “What is troubling is that this decision opened the floodgates for corporations and special interests to pour money into elections – drowning out the voices of average Americans.”

Gibbs continued, saying, “the President has long been committed to reducing the undue influence of special interests and their lobbyists over government. That is why he spoke out to condemn the decision and is working with Congress on a legislative response.”

Roberts would later say at the UA Law School that justices are not required to attend the SOTU but have traditionally done so as a sign of mutual respect for the president and legislative branch. Look for there to be 5 empty seats at Obama’s next State of the Union in 2011, the missing SCOTUS formation as a mutual sign of respect for this President. Respect is a two way street Mr. President.

Shocker, ACORN Registration Workers Charged With Felony Voter Fraud in Wisconsin

From the files of really, who saw this coming and how on earth could it be true … WHAT, ACORN CORRUPT? NEVER! SAY IT ISN’T SO.

Five members pf ACORN from Wisconsin have been charged with election fraud relating to the 2008 presidential election. Now if only the judicial system could see fit tp charge  for aiding and abetting child prostitution.

Five Wisconsin residents, including two who worked for community organizing group ACORN, were charged Monday with election fraud relating to the 2008 presidential election.

State Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced felony charges against Maria Miles, Kevin Clancy, Michael Henderson, Herbert Gunka and Suzanne Gunka.

Miles and Clancy worked for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now and are accused of submitting multiple voter registration applications for the same individuals, including each other, to meet voter registration quotas imposed by the community organizing group.

But really, ACORN has no ties to Barack Obama, really.

More Obama Hope & Change, Poll Shows America Less Respected than Two Years Ago

Hows that “HOPEY, CHANGEY” thing working out for you America?

According to a new poll, most Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than it was two years ago. Oops, wouldn’t that be under President George W. Bush?


Obama & Holder, perfect together

Wasn’t some of candidate Barack Obama’s campaign rhetoric that he would make America more respected in the world and make nicey nice with our friends and enemies? It would appear from this most recent poll that Obama’s bowing and apology tour as well as his policies  have failed to make that respect promise come to fruition.

A majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than it was two years ago and think President Obama and other Democrats fall short of Republicans on the issue of national security, a new poll finds.

The Democracy Corps-Third Way survey released Monday finds that by a 10-point margin — 51 percent to 41 percent — Americans think the standing of the U.S. dropped during the first 13 months of Mr. Obama’s presidency.

“This is surprising, given the global acclaim and Nobel peace prize that flowed to the new president after he took office,” said pollsters for the liberal-leaning organizations.

The poll also shows that Americans don’t trust Obama or Democrats on the issue of national security and keeping America safe. Barack Obama, how is that AG Eric Holder and the DOJ decisions to hire lawyers who have represented terrorists and then withholding their names working out?  This will certainly play well in November 2010 and 2012.

On the national security front, a massive gap has emerged, with 50 percent of likely voters saying Republicans would likely do a better job than Democrats, a 14-point swing since May. Thirty-three percent favored Democrats.

• “Keeping America safe”: Democrats now trail by 13 points (34 percent to 47 percent.) The gap was just 5 points in July 2008.

• “Ensuring a strong military”: Democrats trail by 31 points (27 percent to 58 percent.)

• “Making America safer from nuclear threats”: Democrats trail by 11 points (34 percent to 45 percent,) “despite the president’s strong actions and speeches on steps to reduce nuclear dangers,” the pollsters said.

As Hot Air reminds us, this was a poll of Americans and not foreigners, however, it sheds light on how we perceive ourselves as being respected around the world. Let alone how safe we feel under Barack Hussein Obama.

FYI, this poll was done by Democrats Democrats James Carville and Stanley Greenberg.

Dan Rather Tells Chris Matthews … “Obama Couldn’t Sell Watermelons”

Take a good look and listen to what Dan Rather said about the Obamamessiah on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show via News Busters. The former CBS News anchor may have really stepped in it this time. No word on whether Chris Matthews got a tingly feeling up his leg when he heard Rather make the watermelon comment.

Rather said what? No way he really said this …

DAN RATHER: Part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be President Obama’s leadership. And the Republicans will make a case and a lot of independents will buy this argument. “Listen he just hasn’t been, look at the health care bill. It was his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death.” And a version of, “Listen he’s a nice person, he’s very articulate” this is what’s been used against him, “but he couldn’t sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.”

Hot Air asks the question we all are, could you even imagine what would have happened had a conservative said the exact same thing. Really, imagine if Rush, Beck or Hannity said such words.

I am not sure about watermelons, but we know Obama can’t sell health care.

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