ACORN, Pimps and Prostitutes: Part 4 San Bernardino, CA Edition … Did ACORN Employee Just Say She Shot her Husband?


OMG, This is UNREAL!!!

As promised … Big Government comes through with video #4 … California Dreamin, or is it Pimpin’?

If it’s ACORN, it must be James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles pulling a fast one on the nutroots at ACORN and exposing the corruption once again. It is hard to believe that four ACORN office fell for the pimpin’ Ain’t Easy routine. Yet another ACORN employee not having a problem with the prostitution. People against prostitution are narrow minded.

Holy Cow Batman, did this ACORN employee (Tresa Kaelke) just admit to running an escort service and shooting & killing her husband?

OMG, even an Obama  and Kennedy reference from the ACORN employee: “do you think that even Obama, new President, or any of them put down every single resource where they got there money?”

She also admitted to not declaring a dime of her escort service.

The Gateway Pundit provides a picture that was scrubbed off the ACORN website prior to the 2008 Presidential elections of Barack Obama. Makes one wonder what Barack trained them in?

One of Barack Obama’s first big “community organizer” jobs involved ACORN in 1992. Obama also trained ACORN employees. He represented ACORN in court. Obama worked with and protested with ACORN. His campaign donated $800,000 to ACORN in 2008 for voter registration efforts.

These videos keep getting progressively worse. And if we thought #4 was bad, I can’t even begin to imagine what has in the pipeline.

UPDATE I: Hot Air has all of the unedited video of the sting on ACORN San Bernardino

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  • Comments

    11 Responses to “ACORN, Pimps and Prostitutes: Part 4 San Bernardino, CA Edition … Did ACORN Employee Just Say She Shot her Husband?”

    1. Greg the Mongoose on September 15th, 2009 10:53 pm

      Big Bad Momma. Just when you think it can not get any worse for Acorn. Now Murders.

    2. Scared Monkeys on September 16th, 2009 12:19 am

      At the next ACORN office we will learn that they took part in starting the CA wildfires or kidnapped the Lindbergh baby. WTF!!!

      I thought these classic admissions of guilt were only for the idiot thugs in YouTube admitting to crimes. Unreal.

    3. nurturer on September 16th, 2009 9:23 am

      So, can this chick be investigated. I would assume so.

      But who is so dumb as to admit to murdering somebody. What’s the IQ on these dumbbells??

    4. super dave on September 16th, 2009 10:35 am

      acorn has probably raped the government for billions. judging from the supposed employees running this criminal gang, it’s ok to pimp and whore and abuse underage kids. that’s the democratic way !
      acorn employees are handpicked by the democrats and their thug brethren.

    5. super dave on September 16th, 2009 2:00 pm

      wonder if Nancy P has a call girl service ?

    6. Kim on September 17th, 2009 3:05 am

      Well atleast she represents the majority of the people who have brought corruption into this country. When you whites start abiding by the law and the constitution, then maybe you can come and preach your hypocrisy to the Blacks, until then count the daily death toll of White on white crime, exspecially the death of Your white children!
      SM: “When you Whites”???

      So you hear yourself?

    7. Scott on September 17th, 2009 6:48 am


      Wack job….Twilight zone! Another CLASSIC example of an IGNORANT liberal…seriously.

      Let me tell you something…the slavery thing is old and tired. My family or any of my ancestors NEVER owned slaves. In fact, the came over to Ellis Island from Poland and lived in the inner city “slums” and working meanial jobs. Another fact for you is my ancestors, people in my family were thrown into the ovens by the Germans…yeah that’s right….so get off the bottom of the deck racist card you are using. The majority of Americans don’t buy it and are sick of it and won’t deal with it anymore.

      I hope they keep playing that card…it’s working AGAINST them!

    8. I on September 18th, 2009 1:21 am

      This is better than Saturday Night Live! Where is she performing next? You have got to love the liberals. So this makes Obama the Mack Daddy in Chief.

    9. CBS Face the Nation Snippet: Barack Obama Blames Blogs & 24 Hour Cable News For Driving Passions | Scared Monkeys on September 20th, 2009 9:57 am

      [...] Obama, was it not those same blogs and cable news who outed Van Jones and ACORN? Driving passions? The blogs and certain cable news are getting the job done for the rest who are [...]

    10. Obama White House Whines & Tells CNN They Are Punishing FOX NEWS for Dissent | Scared Monkeys on October 12th, 2009 10:05 am

      [...] guess the cracking of ACORN by Fox News along with Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles. A story that the [...]

    11. Pimps in the Pulpit on March 4th, 2010 4:10 pm

      This article reminds me of the book, “Church Pimps.”

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