Public Health Danger: Aruba has New Species of Mosquito More Dangerous than One Infected with Dengue.


One Dengue Island. According to MPA party leader Monica Kock and as reported in Amigoe, there is a new species of mosquito on Aruba that is more dangerous than the mosquitoes infected with dengue. Aruba is supposed to be inspected twice every year (PAHO advises four times) for possible dengue breakout places; however, “The Public Health Department has already expressed its concern and Minister Wever has admitted that the government does not comply with these international standards. One wonders whether that is listed in the travel guide of things to be aware of when planning a vacation? Individuals not only have to be wary of predators at dance clubs that prey on tourists, but must also be cautious of the “dengue”.

ORANJESTAD — The MPA has again demanded an explanation from Minister Booshi Wever of Public Health, Environment, Administrative-, and Immigration Affairs about the control of insects that are dangerous for the public health. The opposition party received confirmation that there is a new species of mosquito on the island that is more dangerous than the mosquitoes infected with dengue.

The Minister doesn’t say what the species is. MPA has learned that some people have already been stung by these mosquitoes and that they have become ill. Besides, the Public Health Department is aware of these cases. MPA therefore demands clarity from the Minister and demands that the people be informed as soon as possible.

It must not be a repeat of 2005 when the Minister told the people at the end of that year that the number of dengue-cases was not alarming. After reports in the media, he had to admit that the figures were indeed concerning. He was forced to call in the international public health information (PAHO) to help combat the epidemic.

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  • Comments

    6 Responses to “Public Health Danger: Aruba has New Species of Mosquito More Dangerous than One Infected with Dengue.”

    1. Greg on December 5th, 2008 9:27 pm

      Just another reason to stay out of Aruba. If the Mosquito with dengue does not kill you. You have to watch out for Joran Van der sloot.

    2. Richard on December 5th, 2008 9:35 pm

      Just hope that the mosquitos don’t bite any of the vdScum family … not even a mosquito could withstand that.

      Who knows … maybe the victims of these ‘mosquitos’ are in fact prototype-Pitbull victims.
      Nobody in Aruba could figure out the difference between a mosquito bite and an icepick wound and crucifixion.

    3. Richard on December 5th, 2008 9:36 pm

      For that matter, how can there be a ‘new’ species of mosquito? What happened … did the old one interbreed with Anita vd Scum or the Kalpoes’ mother and go off into some nightmare of evolution?

    4. dennisintn on December 5th, 2008 10:14 pm

      afghanistan would be a safer place to visit than aruba.

    5. Ray on December 9th, 2008 12:51 am

      Another good reason not to go to ARUBA.


    6. Andrei Allicock on August 29th, 2011 10:30 am

      A very beautiful Guyanese family member of mine died in Aruba on 8/20/11 from Dengue fever contracted from a mosquito bite. The authorities should be handing out pamplets at the arrival gate for visitors to be aware and educated about the problem. Below is the Eulogy for this woman that I hope will shake up the reader of this post

      We are here today to say goodbye and celebrate our dear Janice Andrea Daphne Reece. It doesn’t feel right, to say this sentence, for two reasons that of Janice age of 38 and her young son Leo only eight years old as of yesterday.
      Not in my wildest imagination would I have thought that I would be standing here and doing this today. The fragility and unpredictably of life underscore how precious life is.
      Janice was born September 10th 1972 at the Mackenzie hospital in upper Demerara Guyana. She was the first daughter of Virginia Reece, her father is John Pestano. Janice spent her early years at our parents’ home at Lucky Spot Demerara. She became part of the household and our relationship hasn’t changed since then. I can still remember her as a child with her cousins Randy and Nolan playing at the Demerara riverside that made her mother Virgie and grandmother Daphne very anxious. She was nicknamed Mami as a young child and is still fondly called so by her close cousins. Randy has always called Janice the sister that he never had as a child.
      Janice was bright as a child and had the privileged of attending the Mackenzie High School. After High School she went on to develop her passion for business by studying at the Commercial School of Business. Her early career included working for the Linden Town Council, Insurance Agent and real estate agent. Her appetite for private entrepreneurship would soon rise to supreme.
      She went in to private business by opening a retail store at Mackenzie. She became very popular and expanded to the large and successful grocery store called “Leo” that she ran in the heart of Mackenzie.
      She had recently added household furniture to the list of commercial goods and services that she provided. Her high standards and reasonable prices made her very popular and a household name in the Linden Community. She was always willing to work a deal out with her customers and never forgot her humble roots. She provided employment for some and stood out as a shining star for private business and success.
      Her roots of living in the Demerara River were always close by. She recently built a boat and looked forward to using it on the river.
      She also had plans to do some farming at the Lucky Spot Lands and had cleared a large area in preparation. She had a beautiful home built at Watooka which was equipped with all the essential and modern comforts.
      Her only son Leo was however paramount in Janice life. He was afforded the very best of care. Leo was cared for by Janice, his father Harry and her loving mother Vergie. All efforts were made to give Leo the very best. He is currently enrolled in a choice School in the Capital Georgetown. Janice sacrifice was immeasurable in that she stayed in the City with her son and ran the Business from there. This trip to Aruba was done for Leo to meet his cousins and family and have a bit of fun during his August school break.
      This vacation was also meant to be a special time for Janice to enjoy with her Sister Shawna and family. The two sisters hadn’t seen each other for a few years and very excited to spend quality time together. Incidentally, Janice fell in love with this first trip to Aruba and talked about wanting to live there to be closer to her sister. Shawna and Janice celebrated the best two weeks they have had in a long time together before her illness.
      I was frequently in touch with my niece Janice and spoke with her just recently. My family and I vacationed in Guyana last year July and we spent a lot of precious time together.
      Janice immediate family is small and includes her only child Leo and his father Harry Narine.
      Her younger and only sister is Shawna. Shawna’s husband is Ray and children Christie, Joel and Amber. Her mother Vergie is at her side today.
      Janice has 9 uncles and Aunts. Today present is her Uncle William and his wife Janet. Aunts Nola, Maureen and I are able to be here today.
      Other aunts and uncles are Janet, Walter, Brenda, Alan and Verlin are all here in their prayers.
      She has over 40 first cousins and other relatives that are all very close to her and are here in their prayers. Also able to defy Hurricane Irene in the Caribbean are her special cousins Randy and Earlin, who travelled from the U.S.

      The tragic circumstance does not permit most of her love ones to be here. Her Aunt Janet and Cousin Marilyn are holding a memorial service at the Seventh Days Adventist Church in Linden today at this present time as Janice is celebrated. Many of her family and friends would be able to embrace Janice and Leo in this symbolic way. Special mention is to Reginald Gilkes who works for Janice in Guyana and is unable to be here.

      “A ship sails and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon and someone at my side says “She is gone!”
      Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as large now as when I last saw her. Her diminished size and total loss from my sight is in me, not in her.
      And just at that moment, when someone at my side says she is gone, there are others who are watching her coming over their horizon and other voices take up a glad shout – There she comes!”
      A horizon and just the limit of our sight
      Lift us up O Lord, that we may see further.

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