What if ‘SNL’ or the MSM mocked Michelle Obama or Barack Obama … Media Double Standard


Double standard in the media … You betcha!!!

Humor is not only supposed to be funny, really good humor is also based on a hint of the truth. The fact that the media cannot poke fun of Obama is telling. Personally, if one cannot find humor in their own actions and poke fun at themselves, they are not well rounded enough to lead as they take themselves far too seriously.

Why can’t the “lame” stream media or late night comedy shows like SNL be fair in their representation of their craft? One, the media, is supposed to report the news, provide us with insight and expose the truth. They are supposed to do this without an overt bias an openly rooting for a political candidate. The other, comedy, is supposed to make us laugh through whatever method and provide a satirical environment of not only the political landscape, but our society. Why do they both fail miserably? Is it any wonder why the NY Times is losing money. They must ask themselves, in an Obama Administration … what is the media and SNL going to show their readers and viewers, a blank page or screen?

As Pat Buchanan recently wrote, what if SNL mocked Michelle Obama? Buchanan’s thought is if they did they would be brought up on hate crimes. If anyone thinks that is far fetched all one needs to look at is the consistent use of the word “racist” for any questioning of Barack or Michelle Obama. Instead the MSM piles on Sarah Palin, John and even Cindy McCain and forgets Biden and the Obama’s. The liberals play the “experience” card with Palin, yet forget their hypocrisy in that not too long ago the Dems were a scream way from nominating Howard Dean, an inexperienced Governor of the small state of VT to be President.

The media cannot get enough of the “Saturday Night Live” impersonations of Palin as a bubblehead. News shows pick up the Tina Fey clips and run them and run them to the merriment of all.

Can one imagine “Saturday Night Live” doing weekly send-ups of Michelle Obama and her “I’ve never been proud” of my country, this “just downright mean” America, using a black comedienne to mimic and mock her voice and accent?

“Saturday Night Live” would be facing hate-crime charges.

The fact that SNL, the supposed satirical standard bearer of our day refuses to play any skits that is critical of the gaffes that Obama and Biden do is telling. One thought a show about comedy is supposed to be about that … comedy. However, in today’s world those is the laughter business are more concerned with political ideology than they are their own craft.

Late night talk show writers one said they don’t do anything on Obama because he is not funny. Really? One would think that there would be an open skit of Obama pulling the hair out of his head while wearing a Sarah Palin wig for all the gaffes that Biden does on the campaign. Or Obama out on the campaign trail dressed as Joe the Plumber shouting from the crowd favorable Obama quotes during a Biden speech. Now that would be funny.

Imagine, just imagine if Sarah Palin had said the same remarks of Joe Biden regarding an imminent attack on the USA with 6 months and that a McCain Administration would not initially get it right. All network programming would be interrupted for the BREAKING NEWS that Sarah Palin said USA will be attack and predicts McCain response will fail.

Alas, the MSM is nothing more these days than a liberal propaganda rag who are basically creating their own demise as a majority of Americans think that they are bias and many hope the position that they are not credible.

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  • Comments

    84 Responses to “What if ‘SNL’ or the MSM mocked Michelle Obama or Barack Obama … Media Double Standard”

    1. Miss-Underestimated on October 24th, 2008 6:49 am

      How about Michelle bitch slapping Obama for smoking. Or that Obama is avoiding Rev Wrights phone calls.

    2. dennisintn on October 24th, 2008 7:00 am

      to begin with, there is no clear picture of what obama is or what he stands for. his empty suit is filled each morning with whatever his keepers think will get approval and votes for the day. in the second place, if someone like snl were to actually latch onto something real about him and do a biting comedic routine about it, snl would be immediately trounced by the rest of obamedia as being racist and bigoted and not worthy.

    3. Diane on October 24th, 2008 7:22 am

      The Obama’s don’t need Sat. night live, they have Rush Limbaugh and

      Barack, the Magic Negro, remember?

      Rumor has it that Senator Obama will be on SNL the weekend before the election.

    4. scott on October 24th, 2008 7:25 am

      People like Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin and anybody else on SNL are cowards who hide behind the cloak of liberal NBC. That station is a joke and the fact that NBC is failing, is hilarious.

      You are going to see a strong move away from the media after this election because the public is now just beginning to see that there is no such thing as true journalism!

    5. Lotusjani on October 24th, 2008 7:39 am

      Agree completely. The media is definetly bias towards Obama, the NY Times has been highly criticized for its lack of respect to a lady who is only trying to win the election with her prime candidate. Michell Obama is not a likely person, her personality sucks, but does anyone in CNN or NY Times comment anything on this woman that is not First Lady material? Oh, noo! And Tina Fay is making a leaving, but come on! her impersonating a Governor of one of our States is already getting old. I do not believe is one little bit funny and I don’t even watch SNL because of that.
      I can not believe how ignorant some members of the media can be. I hope the Republican ticket gets elected, or Obama is still in kindergarten and should not be trusted with the Presidency of this troubled country, it might sink it even deeper. And Biden? forget it!

    6. Richard on October 24th, 2008 8:02 am

      And the question that I keep asking … how is it that our society has gotten (“has fallen” would be a better way of putting it) to the point where the opinions of movie stars and TV performers are supposed to have any importance at all?

      Would you want Ellen DeGeneres, for example, to perform surgery on you? To oversee your finances? To teach your kids?

      (I cite her as an example because a friend of mine watches her show, and I have had to see it as well on occasion, and I honestly can’t see any appeal in it at all … complete waste of time, in my opinion, unless you think hearing Hollywood types talk about each other is worthwhile.)

      But she can give Obama a boost every day now, and nobody seems to think it worthy of comment.

      I grant that she has the right to her opinions.

      But why should anyone give a damn about them? Except, of course, that in our society of today to be on television is to be a heroic figure.

      How far we have fallen….

    7. MKS on October 24th, 2008 8:38 am

      Two reasons for the NY Times decline: (1) on-line competition, and (2) customers are starting to informally boycott the continual leftist drumbeat of the NYT, WaPo, and so many other major newspapers. Their viewpoints have in many cases become inaccurate and boring.

      A free press is a wonderful thing; it guards freedom. But so much of our “mainstream” press now suppresses facts, suppresses free thought, and thus suppresses freedom.

      Leftist faculties have been steadily indoctrinating our journalists, lawyers and teachers for the last 50 years, and they receive money directly from the federal government, whether it has been liberal or conservative. We must stop this flow of government money going directly to colleges and universities, and either cut it off altogether, or send it through parents, guardians or students themselves, so that each college or university recognizes the parents, guardians or students as their customers.

    8. Cinderella on October 24th, 2008 9:51 am

      WHat would happen?
      30 Rockefeller Center would be burned to the ground – that’s what!

      Y’all GET READY! If the Obamas rise to power…

      THEIR GLOVES WILL BE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. chloe on October 24th, 2008 9:55 am

      I don’t watch SNL, but of course they won’t make fun of Michelle because she is not running for office. I don’t know if they have spoofed McCain’s wife, but if they have it’s wrong. And Obama is up for grabs- have they spoofed hime yet?? Don’t know, but like another commentator pointed out he has been spoofed on conservative shows. Stop crying about double standards when it comes to racism. Do you who complain honestly want all things equal? I doubt it. Only when it comes to the times white people are treated unfairly. But when the shoe is on the other foot, you forget how “important” equality is. If everything should be equal, then I’m sure you don’t mind putting your money where your mouth is and pay higher taxes so all children can have equal healthcare, schools, etc. Oh really? I didn’t think so.

    10. Mr. Bridge to Nowhere McCain / Palin on October 24th, 2008 10:21 am

      Give Me a Break! This quote coming from this web site? “They are supposed to do this without an overt bias an openly rooting for a political candidate”…B.S! What’s this site about? Everything positive for Republicans…All Negative towards Democrats…which is fine. I still check this site for updates on N.H and C.A.
      Maybe that’s what this site should stick to. Stop all the crying that they make fun of S.P on SNL! Who cares! Are you mad because SNL actually has higher ratings now that they do make fun of her? I don’t care about SNL…I wish they would poke fun about Obama..maybe you bitc*es would stop your crying! For God Sake Grow up!

    11. Steve Holloway on October 24th, 2008 10:32 am

      Well my good friends, hear is an update to Obama’s birth? Maybe one of the reason’s for the trip (beside her health) to see her and get her to rebuff the statements.

      Democrat: Obama’s grandma confirms Kenyan birth
      ‘This has been a real sham he’s pulled off for the last 20 months’


    12. Steve Holloway on October 24th, 2008 10:36 am

      Newspaper shows Obama belonged to socialist party
      Democrat’s campaign denied allegations, but new evidence indicates membership


    13. Steve Holloway on October 24th, 2008 11:06 am

      This is a man Obama rubbed elbows with, and don’t say Obama was 8 yrs old. Ayers did not change his idea’s when he got older.

      OBAMA IS OUR NEXT 911.

      Ayers’ group foresaw genocide of capitalists
      Informer says communist U.S. envisioned, re-education centers, 25 million ‘eliminated’


    14. Para2Legal on October 24th, 2008 11:53 am

      Thank you for the articles. I’ve long wondered how Obama afforded Harvard and this answers my question. He’s such a fraud! The logical next question is why isn’t our Justice Dept. investigating his backgound?

    15. SUPER DAVE on October 24th, 2008 12:16 pm

      SNL can’t find a pair of purple lips nor a pair of ears large enough to mock barry with.

    16. Mr. Bridge to Nowhere McCain / Palin on October 24th, 2008 12:16 pm

      Get a life Steve O…I’m sure if these stories were true your boy McSame would be all over them. Must be the Holy Christians who front this site.
      Those that preach are often hypocrites….

    17. Diane on October 24th, 2008 12:53 pm

      Do not complain about liberal media bias and then
      “PROVE” that Obama is a Socialist, Terrorist and an immigrant, not eligible for the presidency based on biased information?
      I took a look at WND website and it clearly identifies itself as conservative and shows Senator Obama with Mickey Mouse ears!
      Why did you not identify it as a conservative website?
      Why should I believe what they say?
      Don’t you think that Sen. McCain would have halted Sen. Obama’s campaign months ago if they truly believed that he was unable to run for President based on his birthplace?
      Why would they not have sued to stop the campaign and saved all this money?
      Or were they afraid to run against Hilary?

    18. caesu on October 24th, 2008 1:13 pm

      they did mock Obama on SNL.

      and this WorldNetDaily site is a total joke.
      full of unsubstantiated rumours and lies.

      and all this crying about ‘liberal’ media…

      don’t watch it then if you don’t like it and watch Hannity and listen to the talkradio Limbaugh, Savage.
      in my opinion they are a bunch of morons, so I refrain from listening to them.

    19. denise on October 24th, 2008 2:03 pm

      waah waah waah get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    20. JoseTheUndocumentedPlumber on October 24th, 2008 2:18 pm


      Your point about WND identifying itself as conservative clearly puts the MSM’s liberal bias into perspective: members of MSM DON’T identify themselves as liberals. Instead they try to trick the sheeple into believing they are just “reporting” the news, instead of trying to shape it with their liberal spin. Just saw a link showing 39 newpapers back McCain, 112 for the Obamunist.

      Steve: after viewing your posts, I took a quick look at Drudge, and of course there’s nothing there on it. Surprise! But I did notice a headline where “JayZ is dedicating a raunchy song to McCain, Palin”, and another listing “latest Obama advocates….”

      Imagine if, say Toby Keith, or maybe Don Imus were to dedicate “a raunchy song” to Obamessiah/Biden? The firestorm would be “nucular”, or would get no coverage at all. In this day and age, mainstream media coverage is a complete one-way street where hypocrisy reigns!

      o’bummer/bidet: PLEASE just go away!

    21. JoseTheUndocumentedPlumber on October 24th, 2008 2:37 pm

      Denise, Diane, and caesu, and your minions: consider taking that “bridge to nowhere” so we can keep our country from socialist rule.

      The complaining about media bias is not simply to complain about its inherent unfairness. It’s about gross misuse of a powerful tool to sway the undecideds and the uninformed with their hidden agenda: to convert the USA to socialism.

      The ones complaining of MSM bias on this website are generally in favor of self-determination, self-reliance, and small government. The MSM is trying its damnedest to turn this into a nanny-state, with gub’mint controlling our lives from cradle to grave. Look at the debacle the Fannie Mae turned out to be. That would only be the tip of the iceberg if the socialists take over.

      I can guarantee you, its not what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they framed the US Constitution.

    22. dePlume on October 24th, 2008 2:46 pm

      House Dems considering Nationaizing part of 401K accounts?

    23. dePlume on October 24th, 2008 2:50 pm

      SNL will survive for a while during an Obama Admin . . . until they make a mistake.

      I doubt the newspapers will fair as well. They’ve served to undermine truth, and will be rewarded (temporarily) while they lose reporters. Then they’ll be “guided” by government policy. It’s easy; Congress votes; Obama passes . . . who’s to stop them.

      Answer: Nobody.

      Say “Hello to Hugo.”

    24. Steve Holloway on October 24th, 2008 2:54 pm

      If the truth hurts, learn from it. It is a dem that brought the lawsuit against Obama, not me. I just turned your nose to it. Stinks don’t it….

    25. bob on October 24th, 2008 3:03 pm

      Obama won’t be the next president. Despite the lying polls, Americans won’t vote for a “black”, communist, Moslem, racist. Prepare for mass rioting the week of the election. Check out this video of the “Obama Youth Brigade.”
      http://www.youtube.com/watch v=LSvBCBnulLs&feature=related

    26. dePlume on October 24th, 2008 3:05 pm

      Union organizers gave $300M to Dems. They’re hoping to get rid of secret ballots.

      Makes you wonder how long before secrets ballots in all elections become a thing of the past.

      Couldn’t do it? Who can stop them?


    27. Sharon Chicago on October 24th, 2008 3:13 pm


      Democrat: Obama’s grandma confirms Kenyan birth
      ‘This has been a real sham he’s pulled off for the last 20 months’

      Posted: October 23, 2008
      11:33 pm Eastern

      © 2008 WorldNetDaily
      The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator’s paternal grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.
      The issue of Obama’s birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has been raised enough times that his campaign website has posted an image purporting to be of his “Certification of Live Birth” from Hawaii.
      But Philip J. Berg, a former deputy attorney general
      for Pennsylvania, told the Michael Savage talk radio program tonight that the document is forged and that he has a tape recording he will soon release.
      “This has been a real sham he’s pulled off for the last 20 months,” Berg told Savage. “I’ll release it [the tape] in a day or two, affidavits from her talking to a certain person. I heard the tape. She was speaking [to someone] here in the United States.”
      He said the telephone call was from Obama’s paternal grandmother affirming she “was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born Aug. 4, 1961.”
      Berg said he’s pursuing the issue because of “the most important document in the United States,” the U.S. Constitution.
      “Nothing is more important than enforcing the Constitution,” he said. “The Constitution’s provisions are very small for qualifying for president. One, be over 35, and he is. Two, be in the country 14 years, and he has been. Three, be a natural-born citizen. He is not.”
      Obama campaign officials acknowledged the dispute by posting the image purporting to be a copy of his certification of live birth earlier this year. But they’ve declined to return WND requests for comment on the issues.
      WND reported earlier this week Berg’s claim that Obama has legally “admitted” the accusations included in his lawsuit, including that he was born in Mombosa, Kenya, by not responding to the allegations.
      Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States.
      His lawsuit is demanding that the courts verify Obama’s original birth certificate.
      Berg has cited Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.
      Since Obama filed only motions to dismiss the case and did not actually answer the claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen., asserted Berg, who has taken his information public through his website.
      Berg addressed the existence of a birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser newspaper, featured on the Atlasshrugs2000 website, that suggests Obama was born in the city Aug. 4, 1961.
      But Berg explained to Savage he believes Obama’s mother was near the end of her pregnancy and unable to travel by plane, so Obama was born in Kenya. The family then traveled to Hawaii and registered the birth and submitted the newspaper announcement.
      Besides Berg’s lawsuit, several other court challenges also have been filed, including one in Washington state where petitioners are seeking to have the Washington secretary of state “verify Obama’s eligibility” to serve prior to the election.
      The claim states, “The ‘certificate’ that Mr. Obama has posted on his official Website is a ‘Certification of Live Birth,’ and not a ‘Birth Certificate’ from Hawaii. There is no indication on even this certificate as to specifically where the birth took place.”
      Berg also told Savage there is no information available on which hospital Obama’s mother used in Hawaii.
      The Washington state case also alleges, “Wayne Madsen, Journalist with Online Journal as a contributing writer and published an article on June 9, 2008, stating that a research team went to Mombassa, Kenya, and located a Certificate Registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. at a Kenya Maternity Hospital, to his father, a Kenyan citizen and his mother, a U.S. citizen.
      When Jerome Corsi, senior WND investigator reporter, recently traveled to Kenya to investigate several questions about the candidate, he was told the records were sealed and would not be made available.
      Though it hasn’t given Berg the evidence he seeks, the Obama campaign has publicly answered allegations that the candidate was born in Kenya and faked his Hawaii birth certificate.
      “Smears claiming Barack Obama doesn’t have a birth certificate aren’t actually about that piece of paper,” says the “Fight the Smears” section of Obama’s website, “they’re about manipulating people into thinking Barack is not an American citizen.
      “The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America,” the campaign website states. It also includes images of the Hawaii certificate bearing the name Barack Hussein Obama II.
      The Washington claim states, “If in fact Obama was born in Kenya, the laws on the books in the United States at the time of his birth stated if a child is born abroad and one parent was a U.S. Citizen, which would have been his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother would have had to live ten (10) years in the United States, five (5) of which were after the age of fourteen (14). At the time of Obama’s birth, his mother was only eighteen (18) and therefore did not meet the residency requirements under the law to give her son (Obama) U.S. Citizenship much less the status of ‘natural born.’”
      Berg said he believed it also was a complication that Obama’s mother divorced his father, married and moved to Indonesia for several years and Obama attended school there at a time when, Berg said, only Indonesia citizens were allowed in schools. Records that are available from Indonesia revealed Obama was registered in school as Barry Soetoro, and his religion was listed as Islam.
      When Obama later returned to Hawaii, within the United States, there should have been a government document affirming his citizenship, but that also cannot be found. If that was not processed properly, Berg said, Obama would be in a situation even worse than not being a natural-born citizen.
      “If he didn’t go through immigration, he now is illegal and has been an illegal alien. He couldn’t even hold the position of senator for Illinois,” Berg said.
      Further, Berg said he suspected Obama’s college records may indicate he received aid as a foreigner, and that’s why those records have been withheld by the campaign.
      “I really think it’s because it probably indicates he’s from Kenya, or Indonesia, or received foreign aid,” Berg said.
      “I feel very confident saying these things,” Berg told Savage.

    28. katablog.com on October 24th, 2008 3:17 pm

      Here’s an ABC Columnist on the bias of the MSM: Excellent article by Michael S. Malone at Pajamas’s Media Edgelings, worth a read of the entire piece.

    29. SUPER DAVE on October 24th, 2008 3:43 pm

      if it looks like fraud, smells like fraud, talks like fraud, then it has to be fraud.
      stock the guns and ammo it’s gonna get dirty. grandma says he’s a fraud, now i have to wonder why she won’t live to see November ? maybe he shut her up for talking !!

    30. Lefty on October 24th, 2008 3:57 pm

      This is the Berg you are talking about and want to believe? 9/11 Berg? I just can’t believe YOU believe this guy.

      Berg continued there is overwhelming evidence that:

      “Bush and his cronies made 9/11 happen or let it happen. And, if they let it happen, then they made it happen. Either way, they are responsible; and more important, they have completely and unequivocally covered-it-up!”


    31. JoseTheUndocumentedPlumber on October 24th, 2008 4:12 pm

      Oh, what the heck, the Michael S. Malone piece:

      The traditional media is playing a very, very dangerous game. With its readers, with the Constitution, and with its own fate.

      The sheer bias in the print and television coverage of this election campaign is not just bewildering, but appalling. And over the last few months I’ve found myself slowly moving from shaking my head at the obvious one-sided reporting, to actually shouting at the screen of my television and my laptop computer.

      But worst of all, for the last couple weeks, I’ve begun — for the first time in my adult life — to be embarrassed to admit what I do for a living. A few days ago, when asked by a new acquaintance what I did for a living, I replied that I was “a writer”, because I couldn’t bring myself to admit to a stranger that I’m a journalist.

      You need to understand how painful this is for me. I am one of those people who truly bleeds ink when I’m cut. I am a fourth generation newspaperman. As family history tells it, my great-grandfather was a newspaper editor in Abilene, Kansas during the last of the cowboy days, then moved to Oregon to help start the Oregon Journal (now the Oregonian). My hard-living – and when I knew her, scary – grandmother was one of the first women reporters for the Los Angeles Times. And my father, though profoundly dyslexic, followed a long career in intelligence to finish his life (thanks to word processors and spellcheckers) as a very successful freelance writer. I’ve spent thirty years in every part of journalism, from beat reporter to magazine editor. And my oldest son, following in the family business, so to speak, earned his first national by-line before he earned his drivers license.

      So, when I say I’m deeply ashamed right now to be called a “journalist”, you can imagine just how deep that cuts into my soul.

      Now, of course, there’s always been bias in the media. Human beings are biased, so the work they do, including reporting, is inevitably colored. Hell, I can show you ten different ways to color variations of the word “said” – muttered, shouted, announced, reluctantly replied, responded, etc. – to influence the way a reader will apprehend exactly the same quote. We all learn that in Reporting 101, or at least in the first few weeks working in a newsroom. But what we are also supposed to learn during that same apprenticeship is to recognize the dangerous power of that technique, and many others, and develop built-in alarms against their unconscious.

      But even more important, we are also supposed to be taught that even though there is no such thing as pure, Platonic objectivity in reporting, we are to spend our careers struggling to approach that ideal as closely as possible. That means constantly challenging our own prejudices, systematically presenting opposing views, and never, ever burying stories that contradict our own world views or challenge people or institutions we admire. If we can’t achieve Olympian detachment, than at least we can recognize human frailty – especially in ourselves.

      For many years, spotting bias in reporting was a little parlor game of mine, watching TV news or reading a newspaper article and spotting how the reporter had inserted, often unconsciously, his or her own preconceptions. But I always wrote it off as bad judgment, and lack of professionalism, rather than bad faith and conscious advocacy. Sure, being a child of the ‘60s I saw a lot of subjective “New” Journalism, and did a fair amount of it myself, but that kind of writing, like columns and editorials, was supposed to be segregated from ‘real’ reporting, and at least in mainstream media, usually was. The same was true for the emerging blogosphere, which by its very nature was opinionated and biased.

      But my complacent faith in my peers first began to be shaken when some of the most admired journalists in the country were exposed as plagiarists, or worse, accused of making up stories from whole cloth. I’d spent my entire professional career scrupulously pounding out endless dreary footnotes and double-checking sources to make sure that I never got accused of lying or stealing someone else’s work – not out any native honesty, but out of fear: I’d always been told to fake or steal a story was a firing offense . . .indeed, it meant being blackballed out of the profession.

      And yet, few of those worthies ever seemed to get fired for their crimes – and if they did they were soon rehired into an even more prestigious jobs. It seemed as if there were two sets of rules: one for us workaday journalists toiling out in the sticks, and another for folks who’d managed, through talent or deceit, to make it to the national level.

      Meanwhile, I watched with disbelief as the nation’s leading newspapers, many of whom I’d written for in the past, slowly let opinion pieces creep into the news section, and from there onto the front page. Personal opinions and comments that, had they appeared in my stories in 1979, would have gotten my butt kicked by the nearest copy editor, were now standard operating procedure at the New York Times, the Washington Post, and soon after in almost every small town paper in the U.S.

      But what really shattered my faith – and I know the day and place where it happened – was the War in Lebanon three summers ago. The hotel I was staying at in Windhoek, Namibia only carried CNN, a network I’d already learned to approach with skepticism. But this was CNN International, which is even worse. I sat there, first with my jaw hanging down, then actually shouting at the TV, as one field reporter after another reported the carnage of the Israeli attacks on Beirut, with almost no corresponding coverage of the Hezbollah missiles raining down on northern Israel. The reporting was so utterly and shamelessly biased that I sat there for hours watching, assuming that eventually CNNi would get around to telling the rest of the story . . .but it never happened.

      But nothing, nothing I’ve seen has matched the media bias on display in the current Presidential campaign. Republicans are justifiably foaming at the mouth over the sheer one-sidedness of the press coverage of the two candidates and their running mates. But in the last few days, even Democrats, who have been gloating over the pass – no, make that shameless support – they’ve gotten from the press, are starting to get uncomfortable as they realize that no one wins in the long run when we don’t have a free and fair press. I was one of the first people in the traditional media to call for the firing of Dan Rather – not because of his phony story, but because he refused to admit his mistake – but, bless him, even Gunga Dan thinks the media is one-sided in this election.

      Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not one of those people who think the media has been too hard on, say, Gov. Palin, by rushing reportorial SWAT teams to Alaska to rifle through her garbage. This is the Big Leagues, and if she wants to suit up and take the field, then Gov. Palin better be ready to play. The few instances where I think the press has gone too far – such as the Times reporter talking to Cindy McCain’s daughter’s MySpace friends – can easily be solved with a few newsroom smackdowns and temporary repostings to the Omaha Bureau.

      No, what I object to (and I think most other Americans do as well) is the lack of equivalent hardball coverage of the other side – or worse, actively serving as attack dogs for Senators Obama and Biden. If the current polls are correct, we are about to elect as President of the United States a man who is essentially a cipher, who has left almost no paper trail, seems to have few friends (that at least will talk) and has entire years missing out of his biography. That isn’t Sen. Obama’s fault: his job is to put his best face forward. No, it is the traditional media’s fault, for it alone (unlike the alternative media) has had the resources to cover this story properly, and has systematically refused to do so.

      Why, for example to quote McCain’s lawyer, haven’t we seen an interview with Sen. Obama’s grad school drug dealer – when we know all about Mrs. McCain’s addiction? Are Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko that hard to interview? All those phony voter registrations that hard to scrutinize? And why are Senator Biden’s endless gaffes almost always covered up, or rationalized, by the traditional media?

      The absolute nadir (though I hate to commit to that, as we still have two weeks before the election) came with Joe the Plumber. Middle America, even when they didn’t agree with Joe, looked on in horror as the press took apart the private life of an average person who had the temerity to ask a tough question of a Presidential candidate. So much for the Standing Up for the Little Man, so much for Speaking Truth to Power, so much for Comforting the Afflicting and Afflicting the Comfortable, and all of those other catchphrases we journalists used to believe we lived by.

      I learned a long time ago that when people or institutions begin to behave in a matter that seems to be entirely against their own interests, it’s because we don’t understand what their motives really are. It would seem that by so exposing their biases and betting everything on one candidate over another, the traditional media is trying to commit suicide – especially when, given our currently volatile world and economy, the chances of a successful Obama presidency, indeed any presidency, is probably less than 50:50.

      Furthermore, I also happen to believe that most reporters, whatever their political bias, are human torpedoes . . .and, had they been unleashed, would have raced in and roughed up the Obama campaign as much as they did McCain’s. That’s what reporters do, I was proud to have been one, and I’m still drawn to a good story, any good story, like a shark to blood in the water.

      So why weren’t those legions of hungry reporters set loose on the Obama campaign? Who are the real villains in this story of mainstream media betrayal?

      The editors. The men and women you don’t see; the people who not only decide what goes in the paper, but what doesn’t; the managers who give the reporters their assignments and lay-out the editorial pages. They are the real culprits.

      Why? I think I know, because had my life taken a different path, I could have been one: Picture yourself in your 50s in a job where you’ve spent 30 years working your way to the top, to the cockpit of power . . . only to discover that you’re presiding over a dying industry. The Internet and alternative media are stealing your readers, your advertisers and your top young talent. Many of your peers shrewdly took golden parachutes and disappeared. Your job doesn’t have anywhere near the power and influence it did when your started your climb. The Newspaper Guild is too weak to protect you any more, and there is a very good chance you’ll lose your job before you cross that finish line, ten years hence, of retirement and a pension.

      In other words, you are facing career catastrophe -and desperate times call for desperate measures. Even if you have to risk everything on a single Hail Mary play. Even if you have to compromise the principles that got you here. After all, newspapers and network news are doomed anyway – all that counts is keeping them on life support until you can retire.

      And then the opportunity presents itself: an attractive young candidate whose politics likely matches yours, but more important, he offers the prospect of a transformed Washington with the power to fix everything that has gone wrong in your career. With luck, this monolithic, single-party government will crush the alternative media via a revived Fairness Doctrine, re-invigorate unions by getting rid of secret votes, and just maybe, be beholden to people like you in the traditional media for getting it there.

      And besides, you tell yourself, it’s all for the good of the country . . .

    32. JoseTheUndocumentedPlumber on October 24th, 2008 4:34 pm

      …and the Pat Buchanon piece: THESE two pieces might just scare the liberals back to Huffpo or the daily kos:

      What if ‘SNL’ mocked Michelle Obama?

      Posted: October 23, 2008
      7:17 pm Eastern

      © 2008
      Perhaps the only institution in America whose approval rating is beneath that of Congress is the media.
      Both have won their reputations the hard way. They earned them.
      Consider the fawning indulgence shown insider Joe Biden with the dripping contempt visited on outsider Sarah Palin.
      Twice last weekend, Biden grimly warned at closed-door meetings that a great crisis is coming early in the term of President Obama:
      “Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama
      like they did John Kennedy. … Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said … we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
      A “generated crisis”? By whom? Moscow? Beijing? Tehran?
      This is an astonishing statement from a chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee who has access to the same intelligence as George Bush. Joe was warning of a crisis like the Berlin Wall of July 1961, where JFK called for a tripling of the draft and ordered a call-up of reserves, or the missile crisis where U.S. pilots like John McCain were minutes away from bombing nuclear missile sites in Cuba and killing the Russians manning them.

      Is Russia about to move on the Crimea? Is Israel about to launch air strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites? What is Joe talking about?
      If one assumes Joe is a serious man, we have a right to know.
      Instead, what we got was Obama’s airy dismissal of Joe’s words as a “rhetorical flourish” and a media – rather than demanding that Joe hold a press conference – acting as Obama surrogates parroting the talking points that Joe was just saying that new presidents always face tests.
      Had John McCain made that hair-raising statement, he would have been accused of fear mongering about a new 9/11. The media would have run with the story rather than have smothered it.
      Contrasting McCain with his hero, Joe declared a few weeks back, “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and … said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’”
      Nice historical reference. Except when the market crashed in 1929, Hoover was president, and there was no television.
      Can one imagine what the press would have done to Sarah Palin had she exhibited such ignorance of history. Or Dan Quayle?
      Joe gets a pass because everybody likes Joe.
      Fine. But Joe also has a record of 36 years in the Senate.
      Has anyone ever asked Joe about his own and his party’s role in cutting off aid to South Vietnam, leading to the greatest strategic defeat in U.S. history and the Cambodian holocaust? Has anyone ever asked Joe about the role he and his party played in working to block Reagan’s deployment of Pershing missiles in Europe, and SDI, which Gorbachev concedes broke the Soviets and won the Cold War?
      In the most crucial vote he ever cast – to give Bush a blank check for war in Iraq – Joe concedes he got it wrong.
      Is Joe’s record of having been wrong on Vietnam, wrong in the Cold War, wrong on the Iraq war, less important than whether Sarah Palin tried to get fired a rogue-cop brother-in-law who Tasered her 10-year-old nephew to “teach him a lesson”?
      “I’ve forgotten more about foreign policy …than most of my colleagues know,” says Joe humbly. Given his record, it is understandable Joe has forgotten so much of it.
      Saturday, the New York Times did a takeout on Cindy McCain that delved back into her problem with prescription pills. Yet when Hillary’s campaign manager, Mark Penn, brought up Obama’s cocaine use on “Hardball,” he was savaged by folks for whom the Times is the gold standard.
      The people apparently had a “right to know” of Bush’s old DUI arrest a week before the 2000 election, but no right to know about how and when Obama was engaged in the criminal use of cocaine.
      The media cannot get enough of the “Saturday Night Live” impersonations of Palin as a bubblehead. News shows pick up the Tina Fey clips and run them and run them to the merriment of all.
      Can one imagine “Saturday Night Live” doing weekly send-ups of Michelle Obama and her “I’ve never been proud” of my country, this “just downright mean” America, using a black comedienne to mimic and mock her voice and accent?
      “Saturday Night Live” would be facing hate-crime charges.
      How do we know? When the New Yorker ran a cartoon of Michelle in an Angela-Davis afro with an AK-47 slung over her shoulder, New Yorker editors had to go on national television to swear they were not mocking Michelle, but the conservatives who have so caricatured Michelle and the Messiah.
      Is there a media double standard? You betcha.

    33. Maggie on October 24th, 2008 5:59 pm

      I don’t watch SNL , I haven’t for years.. Sarah brought them the highest ratings since 1994.. I also read Hollywood maybe courting her if she exits politics. I am sure the ratings won’t be anywhere near what they were last week..on SNL.. I just recorded it and watched the first part she was in.. Haven’t been a fan of it for years.. isn’t even funny anymore. Let’s see a skit with Hillary Joe and Bill talking bad about Obama.. like real life.

      The man with the best job in the country is the vice President. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, ‘How’s the President?’” Will Rogers.

      Today though we are suppose to believe the VP job is more important than the President. Maybe someone can tell us what the last 2 VP’s did while in office..
      .Will Rogers

      Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on some man; we never get to vote on what he is to do.

      Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators.

    34. Maggie on October 24th, 2008 6:13 pm

      Gov Palin 5 net pool feed
      Departure Springfield to St Louis
      St Louis arrivals first

      Palin held a rally outside one of the world’s largest sports stores, the flagship store of the Bass Pro Shop. Palin was introduced by country singer, Naomi Judd who railed against the “liberal, biased media.” She said that backing Palin means that she will not be going to anymore “Hollywood parties or Georgetown cocktail parties.” This is the first time Judd has been on the trail with Palin. Her daughter, Ashley backed HRC in the primary.

      Palin said the store and the area remind her of home: “Ok, it took us a few minutes to come out here on stage because I didn’t want to leave that place. That’s a cool place. It reminds me of home. 13:27:46 Well, I appreciate the good folks here at the Bass Pro Shop, again, it does feel like home. And standing here reminds me how similar Missouri is to my home state of Alaska. They’re both states, just filled with good, hard working, all American people, loving the great outdoors.”

      She said the polls are closing: 13:28:18 “And whether you’re a bass pro or a regular joe, you can help us…this is a stretch, but you can help us reel in a big one on Nov. 4th. It is gonna be a close race, man, it’s coming down to the wire and thankfully, we’re seeing some closing there in the poll numbers, we know its gonna be close, but Missouri, with your support, with your vote, we’re gonna take the maverick of the Senate and put him in the White House.”

      Spoke abt job creation and again hit BHO and said he will raise taxes: Johnny founded one of the America’s great companies with nothing more than a dream and eight feet of space in his dad’s store. And like a lot of other businesses, it grew into a big one. It got to hire more people and create more jobs all across this country. And that’s the kind of job growth and the job creation that our opponents’ massive tax increase would kill. And we’re not gonna let that happen.

      She summarized her special needs speech from this morning going into a lot of the details of her policy including blasting earmarks (all verbated below


    35. Kay Zee Ess on October 24th, 2008 7:21 pm

      All of this propaganda if really giving me a good laugh…

      Sen Obama, should he win, will be the POTUS and, if YOU are citizens of this country, will be YOUR president whether you care to admit or acknowledge it or not.

      I come here to listen to political and philosophical differences in the platform of the respective parties and I get stand-up routines which when taken at face value are really vaudeville routines rehabbed for the 21st century.

      Keep up the great work, you have a lot of us rolling in the isles.

      Whatever happened to the true Republicans and why are so many endorsing Sen Obama instead of Sen McCain?

    36. Fox Fire on October 24th, 2008 8:08 pm

      Saturday Night Live has made plenty of jokes about Michelle Obama, in fact, she is scheduled to appear on their show, as well.

      It’s so weird that, I watch the news all the time, and, never hear anything about the rumors that are posted here. I don’t think the networks are biased; no, I think that most of you are biased!

      This site trashed Hillary, for months, during the primaries; even going as far as to say that your boy, McCain, would have an easier time beating Obama than he would Hillary!

      Well, it looks as though,

      We have 11 days to go,

      Before you eat crow!

      McCain’s attack against Obama concerning socialism?!? That’s a joke that no one is taking any more seriously than the play on words about all these Joes that are showing up everywhere! Joe, Six-Pack and Joe, the Plumber. Sounds more like characters from a cartoon; makes me realize how out of touch McCain, really, is. Does he think the American people are a bunch of idiots with a wrench in one hand and a six-pack in the other? Most of us take this election seriously! Listen to what Billy Joel said about the condition of this country and how he felt compelled to speak his mind, even though he doesn’t think that celebrities should use their status in political issues. But America is mad and no one can blame them! After being ripped off, scammed and sold a bad set of goods with a ‘no refund’ policy; socialism sounds alot better than what we’ve had for the past eight years… Lies, cover-ups, fraud, false reporting by government agencies, AS WELL AS, publicly held corporations and what do the Republicans do? Pay them off to the tune of $785,000,000,000, and try to convince us that ‘its for the greater good… the greater good of WHO?!?! George W. Bush and his ‘Trust’ Fund?

      I think the rest of the country will agree with me, when I say:

      Wake up, you Fools,


      Suck it up, Cry Babies!

      You overrated your boy,

      and underrated the ‘great one’!


      Obama/Biden – 2008!

    37. Fox Fire on October 24th, 2008 8:30 pm

      Oh, by the way; the price of oil went down again!

      It won’t be long before gas is affordable…

      And, where is our Boy George?

      Hiding under his desk…

      Secretly, voting on his ‘absentee’ ballot…

      For OBAMA!


      And this $150,000 wardrobe business?

      I think Sarah should feel fortunate!

      She got her Wardrobe,

      A Million Wooden Arrows for the Kiddo’s,

      And Tax-Free Rum for All her Friends!


      All in a day’s work…


    38. Richard on October 24th, 2008 9:19 pm

      The Democrats of the FDR era said that we can spend our way into prosperity.

      The Democrats of the Obama/Biden era seem to believe that we can spend our way out of debt.

    39. MBS on October 24th, 2008 10:51 pm

      dennisintn said on October 24th, 2008 7:00 am
      “to begin with, there is no clear picture of what obama is or what he stands for. his empty suit is filled each morning with whatever his keepers think will get approval and votes for the day. in the second place, if someone like snl were to actually latch onto something real about him and do a biting comedic routine about it, snl would be immediately trounced by the rest of obamedia as being racist and bigoted and not worthy.
      That is so true Dennis, you really hit the nail on the head.

    40. brie. on October 25th, 2008 3:43 am

      So much talk on MSM about if not voting for Obama your a racist, they are causing a lot of racial issues and someone needs to stop them…people are getting hurt if they indicate they are for McCain/Palin..poor lady trying to get out of her car was beatin up because she had McCain bumper sticker and there is more of this happening..

    41. katablog.com on October 25th, 2008 7:23 am

      Fire fox: I do hope you know it was a democrat majority that shoved through the wooden arrows and rum thing. “Palin’s clothes” will be donated or returned to the vendors. Did the same thing happen with Obama’s columns and the current staging he’s building for election night? Don’t you think $605 million to buy the presidency is a bit much when all those people you care about are suffering?

      McCain’s attack against Obama concerning socialism?!? That’s a joke that no one is taking any more seriously than the play on words about all these Joes that are showing up everywhere!

      You keep saying that over and over and over Fire Fox. You might believe it, but there are a lot of us not buying.

    42. katablog.com on October 25th, 2008 7:27 am

      Oh yeah fire fox, Does this bother you just a little bit?

      My mommy always taught me that a cheat is a cheat. If someone cheats or lies in one situation, they will cheat and lie in other situations.

    43. Sharon Chicago on October 25th, 2008 7:36 am

      36… Fox Fix…. What about Michelle’s comment that this is the first time she is proud of America.

      What an insult to the American people to hear her say that. Those that have given their lives for this country mean nothing to her, based on that comment.

      Her comment was very racist, yes because she is
      black and she wanted to draw in the black peoples
      votes with that comment!

      I would only hope that white people and black people where offended by her comment but unfortunately it only feed those people who see black and not white!

      This does not suprise me since both her and O’Bama sat for 20 years yes 20 years under the teachings of a evil pastor who spewed hatred for America and the whites. He should have been disrobed…

      All of his evil hate sermons feeding Barrak’s spirit and soul makes Barrack who he is today a wolf in sheeps clothing!

      He should never be president!

    44. Sharon Chicago on October 25th, 2008 7:46 am

      Yes, SNL should do a skit of Michelle picking cotton in the fields and talking about the plunge in her stocks and how her out-house stinks and how she rode in the back of the bus to the store, but found that the shelves were empty of room freshners and she no longer likes living in her million dollar Hyde Park mansion because it does not reflect a good image to the people on welfare even though she loves her terrorist neighbor Bill Ayers.

      But Actually she is finally proud of America because her illegal (not born in America) husband is running for president.

    45. Sharon Chicago on October 25th, 2008 7:56 am

      #1 … Now that is funny!

      …or perhaps they can run film clips of Hitler doing one of his radical hate speeches getting all fired up…and split the monitor screen and at the same time have No-Reverend Wright doing one of his radical hate speeches about America and the white people.

      Close comparison…. both hate freedom and equality.

    46. Lefty on October 25th, 2008 8:06 am

      Let’s put this in “media” perspective.

      1. McCain/Palin ticket gives us so much more crap to talk about everyday. There a joke period. Funny ha ha not funny queer.

      2. Negative campaigning does not work for the vast majority anymore. Anything you have on my guy, I have equal on yours. Good stuff the public is concerned about and is proving their concern of daily with votes.

      3. America is tired of the Republican Fear Machine. Alot of us will not be swayed by your lying fear tactics anymore. Bring on the war! There is not a country out there to scare us anymore. Everyone has skeleton’s in their closet, except you RWCN’s.

      4. Maybe the mass media is trying to make up for every time a 3 yr old black child is murdered, beaten and raped and neglected by the masses in MSM.

      People have been getting hurt for supporting Obama also brie. I’ve had my car personally plastered at my local college so back at ya baby. Not to mention the lady that was punched in the face 2 wks ago door to door campaigning, but gee you don’t see that plastered all over the media do you? Look it up, it’s out there. We are tired of the crap.

      You guys don’t want to see what the empty suit is filled with and that’s ok, because he let’s us know at every townhall and at every debate. It may be all small lies but he’s talking. Your guy spews hatred negativity and lies about our guy, where does he actually state what he’s gonna do. He takes weeks to change his ideas on policy, we see this, he can’t even keep up with current events. And if you think for a second he is going to give you some right wing christian agenda I would tell you to think again, the proof is the pudding, what did any repub do to change this agenda lately? They lie to you also, they do not overturn any big policies you guys want. Smoke in mirrors all around.

    47. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 8:26 am

      While you’re down there rolling in the aisle, sniffing the Dem-glue, you might consider thinking about the huge portion of crow you’ll have to swallow. There is a reason you don’t see what some of us see, you’ve been watching and listening to all the propaganda the Mainstream Media can feed you and not looking at everything.

      Take the blinders off and look around. You don’t have a wrench, or 6-pack, and you really believe you will escape from your “Great One.” He’s going to spread your income around, and mine. Obama’s “set-up Congress” is already thinking about how they can get to your 401K, and make it their own, partly under their control. When they give most of it to Billy (under the Billboard) we’ll hear you screeching.

      Just give your computer to the guy in the soup line, so we don’t have to hear you blame this on someone else. Add another brickload to the sinking Ship of State, and hope someone tosses you a lifeline.

      Obama is going to tax you ’til you’re broke, because he wants to and because he believes taxes are the answer for his social programs.

      Take a moment from feeding at the Dem-trough. The Democrats are the ones preoccupied with giving everyone a house; regardless of ability to pay. Who pays if the homeowner can’t . . . well, this time it’s YOU, baby. Congress smoothed it over for years. Congress looked the other way, and sold YOU a bill of goods; and then, Congress told you it wasn’t the Democrats fault . . . it was those nasty Republicans. You bought it and now we’ll all have to pay for it. We will not be paying alone; you will be right there, too.

      The “free lunch” program was poisonous. Obama and his Democrat Crews (Congress) will be giving out more. Grab your lunch while you can. We don’t have much time, so eat fast.

      Suck it up! You will have no excuses. Your only chance is your vote. You’ve already made your choice.

      If Obama wins . . . see you at the BOTTOM. I’ll probably be waiting to welcome you.

    48. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 8:41 am

      And this $150,000 wardrobe business?

      I think Sarah should feel fortunate!

      She got her Wardrobe,

      A Million Wooden Arrows for the Kiddo’s,

      And Tax-Free Rum for All her Friends!

      - – - – -

      $150K wardrobe compared to $5M in miscellaneous Obama expenses. What a “Kitty!” Could have been useful for the poor, but nevermind them. Taxpayer money is better for “them.”

      Did Sarah Palin have anything to do with wooden arrows? No! Two guys from the northwest (Oregon, or Washington) shot those arrows into the “bail out.”

      Tax free RUM for whom? Wasn’t Sarah Palin. Who was it? Who benefitted from that piece of added garbage?

      American Samoa: Hmmm, does that have any connection to Leader of the “HOUSE” Peloski? I hear it helps tuna, which helps a tuna firm, which helps a husband, who helps a wife. At the time, I wondered what that was about. Now, I think it’s the Great Tuna Trickledown.

    49. Richard on October 25th, 2008 8:42 am

      #31 … With regards to the column posted here, it’s simple. There used to be a difference between news and entertainment. And it used to be believed that the media people were not the news … they reported the news … that their opinions were not what mattered, and that TV actors and Hollywood stars might have been prestigious in their own domain, but that they didn’t know anything more than anyone else outside of that domain.

      Long gone are those days. There’s so much media now … and most of it seems to consist of empty yapping.

      And because it’s supported by company advertising, it seems that we have no input.

    50. katablog.com on October 25th, 2008 9:08 am

      Your guy spews hatred negativity and lies about our guy, where does he actually state what he’s gonna do.

      No, “our guy” is merely repeating your guy’s words and then putting it into prospective.

      Isn’t it TRUE that Obama said he wanted to spread the wealth around?

      Isn’t it TRUE that Obama sat in church with Reverend Wright, had a long, in-depth relationship with William Ayers that he lied about?

      Isn’t it TRUE that just this week the Democrats 1) threatened to increase the bailout if we don’t give them $170 billion more now? 2)Took a good look at the possibility of nationalizing 401k plans?

      Isn’t it TRUE that Joe Biden said if Barack Obama is elected we will face an international crisis within 6 months?

      Repeating the truth and explaining its repercussions is not negative campaigning. It is exposing the truth.

      Negative campaigning is calling a Governor a “small town mayor”. Negative campaigning is rifling through the records of an American citizen and trying to expose him to ridicule. Negative campaigning is crapping about $150,000 of clothes donated to a candidate when you have a huge log (or is that a pillar) in your own eye. Negative campaigning is all the phony photos of a VP candidate passed around as if true. Negative campaigning is making fun of candidates because of their age, looks, way they speak etc.

      It is NOT negative to simply talk the issues that your opponent brings up.

    51. Michelle on October 25th, 2008 9:48 am


      You are wasting your time trying to talk to these dems they are so brainwashed that they can not be reached no matter how hard you try. You can present them with the facts over and over again and they continue to remain ignorant. They want to believe the Smooth Talking sheep in wolves clothing.
      Barrack Obama promises good things for the people of America and of course we all know he wouldn’t deceive the American public since he is an American himself.

      Barrack is a crock

    52. Lefty on October 25th, 2008 9:51 am

      News flash – they already have our money! Well Duh, I wonder why everyone’s crying the blues as they watch the stock market crash daily?! Everything you state is already done, Wake up, Look around it ain’t just the good ol US feeling the pain. It’s the world, break us down, bring us to our knees, keep us confused, remind you of something?? 2004, but today it’s Money Terrorism instead of bombs on US.

      Gee, I guess when those Good Upstanding Repubs were running Congress for Bushey’s first 6 they did a helluva knock up job in your mind?! Are they blameless, did they do you any good?

      Who are you kidding, yourself, you can drink your swill I’ll drink mine. And I happen to like the little people at the bottom who actually help to keep the wheels spinning so see you there.

      I’m one of those personal / corporate owning tax payers who don’t mind paying a little more to get a cleaner, healthy public pool of intelligent thinking people. It’s time to invest in America from the bottom up, the top has shown us their way and it’s not that pretty.

      USA – 2nd highest Corporate Taxes
      USA – 1st in Corporate Tax Write Offs

      I laugh at the ignorance of people when talking tax policy in Corporate America, what a joke, you are hoodwinked lock stock and barrel. AIG and the rest laugh at you all the way to the bank, I know. Why do you think they take bail outs and go on retreats basically piss in our faces? Because they can! Wake up, they will not be hurt by more taxes and actually being made to give a shit about you, the american worker. You want to talk about Anti – American? Think about all these great Corporations who take their factories over seas they should be paying a Anti – American Penalty but no we reward them. What since does that make? They are so Pro-America? Wake up!

      Get a grip, you want guns, keep them, I’ll march w/you. you want abortion limits, take it, with exception for women that we all agree on, I’m sorry that my husband thinks my life should count for more than the little soldier in my womb, I’ll march. You want money for your bible preaching propaganda, I’ll give it. You want the death penalty, done. Marriage of gays given to the states or not at all, done. These are all issues we can get to if your guy appealed to the right conservative issues instead of running a negative smear job. You know talking about the real issues.

      Please get off your pipe dream of every Dem is a lib, we are not, just as every Repub is not far right Conservative. We are mixed and believe me the Conservatives out rule the libs if you speak to us in the right way, you know with code talk. Your guy fails by pandering to your far right. He used to speak to the middle we wonder what the hell happened to him.

      We are tired of being screwed by Corporate America and the dogs who allow it. You take off the blinders and look at the big picture here. As many like to say and do “Follow the Money” we want money and the workers rights to go with it.

      He’s not the great one, he’s just a better tool in my eyes. As are all public servants.

      If McCain wins I’ll see you at the bottom and raise you 20 more of my tax dollars. But hell as I said my Corporate Taxes paid are not killing me, and unlike Joke the Plumber, Paid to date. So sweety take that to the bank.

    53. Lefty on October 25th, 2008 9:54 am

      P.S. I could care less about her clothes, she needed them, and the RNC and McCain needed a another write off, gee, uniforms, 150K, not a bad day of write offs in Corporate America!!!

    54. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 10:07 am

      The Democrats won’t believe it until they feel it. By then, it’s too late.

      They are all in leftist crock-step.

    55. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 10:10 am


      The sincere belief that the top 5% will support a tax increase without extreme layoffs, high-powered tax lawyers, or moving off shore (or to Mexico, etc.)

    56. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 10:11 am

      CROCK-Omania, plus

      The Democrats belief that they can elect Obama and escape tax increases and job losses which won’t impact them.

    57. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 10:18 am


      The Siamese Triplets: Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and their comrades of the coin–Frank ‘n Dodd.

    58. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 10:38 am

      Democrat Biden says: Obama will be tested in the first 6-mo.

      Democrat Solution: Cut Defense Spending!

      Your Democrats at work promoting losership as a National Hobby. White Flag for Iraq. Taking LOSERSHIP to a new level.

    59. brie. on October 25th, 2008 11:02 am

      What I want to know if he is even a citizen, it’s all been covered-up..Obama knows who he is, Barry Sorento….of course, in the change of time has has numerous names….Barry has started a racist war and MSM has promoted it…and he does nothing to stop it from happening, in fact, I think he rather enjoys it….

      Look at Congress, we are all hurting but the senators seem to be doing just fine…Barney Smith with 400 million dollars, where did that come from….our gov’t is corrupt….the Democrat’s are stealing…

      Where is Bush, not a word, I guess he is done with everything and can’t wait to leave..meanwhile we suffer…

    60. katablog.com on October 25th, 2008 11:36 am

      Lefty: You seem awful angry and confused to boot.
      McCain simply does not pander to the far right – if he did, he might be higher in the polls. He’s a RINO. However, RINO beats Marxism in my book.

      If you think for a second that corporate America (as you call it) is going to pay more in taxes and not turn around and raise their prices and lower their wages and layoff works, you haven’t been around long enough to vote. You simply can’t tax people into submission. They will stop working, charge more or layoff more to get around the punitive measures.

      You are no Republican. Republicans recognize that the “poor” do not jump start the economy nor do they make it run. Republicans believe in letting the market determine whether they want foreign or domestic goods. We believe in LESS regulation and interference from the government. However, we did TRY to regulate ACORN’s, Dodd’s, Waters’ and Frankin’s insistence that financial institutions make bad loans. It was Republicans who warned of the consequences we are now all suffering.

      It’s simply bad thinking to believe that you can redistribute someone’s hard earned money to someone else and yet the hard working will keep working. It won’t happen! It’s been tried! It’s failed. Look at Cuba, Venezuela and other countries.

    61. katablog.com on October 25th, 2008 11:37 am

      brie: I’d like to know too. This makes me very uncomfortable. I do not trust Berg – but I can’t explain why the heck Barry Sorento doesn’t just produce a legal birth certificate. The Indonesian citizenship also bothers me.

    62. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 11:52 am

      USA – 2nd highest Corporate Taxes
      USA – 1st in Corporate Tax Write Offs

      I laugh at the ignorance of people when talking tax policy in Corporate America, what a joke, you are hoodwinked lock stock and barrel. AIG and the rest laugh at you all the way to the bank, I know. Why do you think they take bail outs and go on retreats basically piss in our faces? Because they can! Wake up, they will not be hurt by more taxes and actually being made to give a shit about you, the american worker. You want to talk about Anti – American? Think about all these great Corporations who take their factories over seas they should be paying a Anti – American Penalty but no we reward them. What since does that make? They are so Pro-America? Wake up!

      I must apologize about generalization. I did lump people together. Not all Democrats are banded together; as, not all Republicans are lumped together. All are individuals.

      AIG has loans, and laughs, and vacations. I’d love to see them pay for the privlege of the spa-trip out of personal funds. Make them pay for the pheasant hunting. Arrogance run rampant! Conservators for them. Punctured parachutes all around. Their dedication to the dollar demands a penalty in kind.

      IMO, you move offshore, you pay an extra tax to import goods back into the US. If you make pencils, those pencils are taxed if you try to bring them back in. Lower the taxes on the corporations who hire Americans, produce American goods. Corporations pay attention to bottom-line, so make it profitable to be an American Corporation in America, paying American workers.

      Corporations are Pro-Coin, not Pro-American.

    63. brie. on October 25th, 2008 11:59 am

      Bush should of done something about the stock market like he did with 911…no trading, no selling, he froze everything but not this time..he could of stopped this…I guess he is in the booze bottle…and really doesn’t care anymore….

      What a sad state of affair for our nation, how did all of this happen…

      Now we looking at another 911 brought on by Obama…they all know he is the weakest link and his allegiance is not to America…I don’t think this would of been case with Hillary…and I think her votes were probably tampered with….

    64. brie. on October 25th, 2008 12:12 pm

      How do we get our country back and in control of the people, we elect people who we are going to help and it doesn’t happen…it’s not about us anymore, it’s all about what the Democrats can do to ruin your life..

      I really don’t believe Barry Sorento is a citizen…and lives under a false name…

    65. Fox Fire on October 25th, 2008 12:17 pm

      Yeah, we know… the WHOLE nation is wrong and YOU are the only one that’s right. All you have to do is look at the numbers. On November 4th the people will speak, loud and clear, and it won’t be as a result of believing the spin and rhetoric that is posted to this blog, everyday.

      We aren’t a bunch of ‘Joe’ six-packs or ‘Joe’ plumbers, whom EVERYBODY, but you, knows isn’t really a plumber… and we will cast our ballots based on something a lot stronger than your ability to write rumors, innuendo and spin, but rather, we will base their votes on truth.



      I was, honestly, concerned that you might be sitting behind bars with a black eye and a back-ward ‘B’ on your cheek… sounds like something you and your cheerleaders might do… ANYTHING to draw attention to yourselves and to insert lies into a race that has nothing to do with race… except in the mind of the mindless!


      and… Sharon #44:

      YOU and those like you are the very reason why there’s wind beneath our wings…

      You need to get your own Church and preach your own sermon of hatred… because you are no different than Reverend Wright. All white people don’t live in mansions and all black people don’t live in the slums that you seem familiar with… but that’s okay:

      Just like Reverend Wright,

      you have the Right

      to say anything you Like…

      But we don’t have to Bite.


      Sharon and Brie… two of a kind!


    66. Fox Fire on October 25th, 2008 12:30 pm

      And, now, McCain is thinking about ranting

      about Reverend Wright in his infomercials!

      What a sight to behold.

      A candidate for President…

      Stomping on our Constitutional Rights…

      To worship in any church we like!


      Once again, he will fall, right on his face!


      Perhaps McCain should use a cane!

      Or, better yet… a WALKER!


      My mother always taught me

      you need to learn to walk

      before you can RUN!


      Obama/Biden 2008!

    67. michelle on October 25th, 2008 12:43 pm


      You are wasting your time trying to talk to these dems they are so brainwashed that they can not be reached no matter how hard you try. You can present them with the facts over and over again and they continue to remain ignorant. They want to believe the Smooth Talking sheep in wolves clothing.
      Barrack Obama promises good things for the people of America and of course we all know he wouldn’t deceive the American public since he is an American himself.

      Barrack is a crock

      I meant to say a wolf in sheep’s clothing but I got so frustrated with the Dems my fingers didn’t work properly

    68. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 1:00 pm

      Is an organization of the reverse KKK, a place of hate-speech, really a church? Do they get a tax break?

      If someone trampling on your Constitutional Rights by pointing out the Rev. Wright is fostering hate rhetoric, and dividing a nation, while reaping the benefits of tax policies, you don’t have to listen. It doesn’t prevent you from going to that church. It doesn’t prevent you from speaking out.

      I doubt if John McCain will mention it much, if at all; but I will. What the man said is anti-American hate speak. Rev. Wright talked racial hatred, and Obama listened.

      All a 527 organization has to do is play the Rev. Wright tape over and over, in an endless loop. Rev. Wright speaks for himself, condemns himself with his own words.

      Where does it say that your Constitutional Rights prevent others from hearing the truth and deciding for themselves. Your right do not include decision making for others.

      You have choices, and are willing to shut down the choices of others. Close your ears and go to church.

    69. dePlume on October 25th, 2008 1:14 pm

      Perhaps McCain should use a cane!

      Or, better yet… a WALKER!


      My mother always taught me

      you need to learn to walk

      before you can RUN!

      - – - – -
      McCain walked, ran, and suffered–all probably before you were born. John McCain was part of a group of brave persons who made it possible for some to shoot off their mouths. Did your Mother teach you that, too?

      Did your Mother happen to mention respect for your elders? How about laws of discrimination against race, sex, and AGE? It’s all involved in this election.

      Your mother may have tried to teach you many things, it appears you weren’t listening.

    70. Maggie on October 25th, 2008 2:48 pm

      Ministers aren’t even suppose to endorse candidates. Could you imagine John McCain attending a church where David Duke was the minister preaching against African Americans? Then saying he has a right to freedom of religion. lol

      For the one before talking about the rape statistics of Alaska.. Chicago has the highest murder rate in the USA.. CHICAGO (CBS) ? Chicago is the Second City in nickname and the third in population, but when it comes to murder, the city has the dubious distinction of being second to no city in America.

      As CBS 2′s Mike Puccinelli reports, the Chicago Sun-Times pointed out on Friday that Chicago has seen 426 homicides this year through Tuesday, compared with 417 in New York and 302 in Los Angeles.

      Also one of the highest sales taxes in major usa cities.

      That is Obama’s district.

      Joe is still a plumber today like he was 2 weeks ago.

    71. ANewGirl on October 25th, 2008 3:28 pm

      #67— I agree completely. Katablog is one of the utmost respected bloggers to post here—I find her own website very informative and credible.

      Try as she might-they have been hypnotized beyond any reasonable measure. Too much Kool-Aide.

      They’ll see. They think we are already eating crow??? We know Obama stands an excellent chance to win this election—we are just warning them of what to expect should he get in. They should come back here and witness many of the predictions on here that will most likely prove to be true…..

      Oh, Pass the Kleenex you Whiners! Should that be the case—we’ll have plenty on hand.

      ****McCain/Palin ’08***

    72. Fox Fire on October 25th, 2008 6:49 pm


      Where the funk does that come from?

      I don’t even LIKE kool-aide!


      Ten more days,

      and we’ll ALL see!

      The voice of America will be heard.

      We will have a new beginning,

      leaving the Republican years of lies,

      cheating and stealing far behind us…

      Not to mention, our sons will come home

      from a war that never shoulda been

      and that put this country

      on the verge of bankruptcy!

      Personally, I can’t wait…


      I can’t believe that there are people in this country who come on here, day in and day out begging for the GOP and the status quo… and then, you have the nerve to laugh at those that are less educated than you? Put your money where your mouth is, instead of complaining, constantly. Vote for the man that tries to get a better education for our children, instead of the one that would put a gun into their hands and send them off to a war that was nothing more than a ‘special interest’ of his favorite buddy, Bush!

      Do you, honestly, want four more years, of THAT?

      Thanks, but, no!


      Obama/Biden 2008!
      SM: America will regret the 4 years of socialism they are about to embark on. Unfortunately people do not learn from history. We are about to elect Jimmy Carter. We all now how that ended.

      Looks like people will have to re-learn history and what double digit inflation, unemployment and interest rates were like.

      Change to something that is not what America was founded on is not a good thing.

      A Democratic controlled Senate, House and President will damage the US for years to come.

    73. ANewGirl on October 25th, 2008 7:36 pm

      @ #72—–Red’s comment at the end of Fire Fox’s quote:

      Amen. Amen to it all.

    74. Fox Fire on October 25th, 2008 7:48 pm


      I respect your opinion. But, I think it’s time that we get some unity and alliance in this country. Bush has been a joke for the past eight years. We are in a state of quadruple deficits. I think the lessons learned over the past eight years have nothing to do with socialism, but rather how damaging a President can be, if he is allowed to run his own agenda, with no regard to checks and balances.

      Don’t get the Jimmy Carter comparison. But this country is in worse shape than it was, either before or after, Carter was President. The rich got richer during the Reagan years, but the poor got extremely poor. The trickle, didn’t trickle down… I don’t, really, remember anything getting much better until Clinton took office and unemployment came down to, like 1%. He had a democratic controlled Senate and House, as well as a surplus when he left office!

      Best Regards,


      For those that REALLY want change to come about, we need to vote a straight Democratic ticket!

      Out with the OLD…

      In with the NEW!



      The only choice that makes any kind of sense!

    75. Sharon Chicago on October 25th, 2008 8:03 pm

      Fox It…you are so FULL OF IT!

      Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, Spin spin spin…
      bla bla bla…

      We don’t care about your empty suit silver
      tongue O’Bomba from Kenya!

    76. Fox Fire on October 25th, 2008 8:28 pm


      John McCain bought into the notion that the only way to solve problems was hiding in a fox hole, with a gun in your hand. He offered up his life in a war that was, strategically, controlled by a mad-man in the White House. He was a P.O.W. in Viet Nam. A war that was winnable, if only, bad politics and huge investors weren’t involved. In many people’s eyes, it was a fiasco that left over 50,000 soldiers dead and over 100,000 in a state of severe depression that, eventually, took their lives.

      Perhaps these are the lessons that we need to learn; and not be so quick to fly our boys half way across the world to settle differences in a country who can’t seem to stay out of a state of war… like Viet Nam and Iraq. Besides, we may never know if there’s any truth to the rumor that our government, under the direction of George Bush, Sr. told Saddam that he could extend his borders into Kuwait? We, now, know that all those stories about babies dying in hospitals and doctors being beheaded were, just that, stories! There are, still, those that think the whole thing was over oil and who better to be at the helm when it comes to fighting over oil, than George Bush, Sr.? I’ve learned a lot of things from my parents. My brother was one of the 100,000 that came home, only to die as a casualty of war, later.

      I will never vote for a man who, publicly, declares that he would not negotiate with his enemies, or sit across the table from a world leader that has a problem with our ideals or policies; because I know what it means to lose someone to the casualty that we call war and I can’t help but feel that a little diplomacy can go a long way.

      You attract a lot more flies with honey,

      than you do with vinegar.


    77. michelle on October 25th, 2008 8:55 pm

      You cannot reason & negotiate with terrorist. They only know that we are the enemy. They hate us and they do not care about becoming friendly with us. It is ludicrous to believe otherwise. We have tried in the past to sit down with these people and all you get are lies from them. Please, do you really think that Obama is going to be able to sit down and negotiate with terrorists? I do not.

    78. Fox Fire on October 25th, 2008 9:50 pm


      What’s so, terribly, wrong with coming to an agreement with those countries that make up the Middle East? What’s wrong with coming to a compromise with those that think that Israel is treated with favoritism, being the most powerful nation in the region, and being allowed to possess some of the most sophisticated weapons in the world, including nuclear weapons? If you lived in that area wouldn’t you hate us? We support one of the most violent countries in the region. We gave them the weapons to rage war upon people who were only allowed to protect their homes with sticks and stones. We, also, supplied them with the tanks that bulldozed those homes into the ground. People don’t hate, just for the sake of hating, and many of the things that we have allowed Israel to do to the Palestinians, only increased their hatred for us.

      My point is this:

      The hate has to stop somewhere and the continuance of this notion that we can solve our problems with weapons and acts of terrorism needs to become a thing of the past… on both sides. The more we allow bombing on their people, the longer we allow them to think that we support a genocide against Arabs and Muslims, the worse off we will be; and the more we insist on being involved in their affairs, because of their oil, the more hated we shall become.

      We are a country that stands firm in the notion that everyone should be free. Don’t they have the right to be free, without us trying to manipulate who should be the dictator in their regimes that subject their own people to tyranny? Look at the history of Iran and Iraq and, I’m sure you’d be surprised about who it was that was supplying those weapons that the Shaw and Suddam In-Sane used against their own people.

      Maybe there are some things that we can do to make them see that we don’t want war and bloodshed anymore than they do.

    79. Ray on October 26th, 2008 12:21 am

      Be careful what you vote for,you may get it. Remember Italy and Germany voted in the Fascist govt that got them into WW2.

    80. brie. on October 26th, 2008 5:36 am

      You cannot negotiate with terrorists, look at some of the people that come on here and the things they post, especially Fire Fox, that is the ugliest of all…telling people what might happen to them…you can’t post the truth or your threatened with might happen to you….

    81. A New Girl on October 26th, 2008 8:54 am

      #50—Once again, Katablog’s post is RIGHT ON POINT.

      #78—My Friend, Fox— you said

      “My point is this:

      The hate has to stop somewhere and the continuance of this notion that we can solve our problems with weapons and acts of terrorism needs to become a thing of the past… on both sides. ”
      Once again- want to point out that NOONE, I mean NOONE I know of REP/DEM/LIB or INDY…NO ONE LIKES OR WANTS WAR. Difference here is- many Monkeys DO UNDERSTAND AGAIN THAT THE PRICE OF OUR FREEDOM—it’s not really free. We are dedicated to all of our US Veterans, who either have served or continue to protect our safety at home . It is because of them, we can sleep soundly at night and watch our children grow up WITHOUT the fear of terrorisim being even more real than it is now.

      You say the hate “has to stop somewhere”…sure it does. I’m not by ANY means a political expert-but that statement is naive and not the mind-set of many of our enemies or those other countries globally that cannot be trusted. Many still GENUINELY despise America and look forward to our overall failure….you know that!

      You’ve got to be realistic, Fox—THAT IS the reality. When America’s economy thrives again as it will since everything is cyclical— we will be envied EVEN MORE than we ALREADY ARE… I think you misinterpret ENVY and JEALOUSY…that is what much of it is! We are always envied/then despised by others- why? The United States of America has a lot going for us—-we are, still–in my mind- THE BEST NATION IN THE WORLD! To be the BEST_–jealousy, envy, competition, all the nature of the beast when you are THE BEST! Come on—why does every foriegner want to live here and come here to educate themselves in our Colleges & Universities..??.get our top shelf medical care—take JOBS AWAY from AMERICANS born here—whether they carry cards or not—-THEY ARE TAKING OUR JOBS—getting our generous, liberal benefits and WE, THE AVERAGE AMERICAN—we are falling behind and being left in the frey. THINK ABOUT IT! Everyone complains about the US–but they are still pouring in by the millions….hmnnnn.,guess because the US is so horrible right? Problems here in the States! MANY….in sharp decline in more ways than one? Yep. Ability to pull out of it and return to all of our former Glory? Oh, indeed! WE WILL PREVAIL.

      Much of what you are saying from a humanitarian perspective is lovely—it would be my vision for world peace as well. Why do we have to keep reminding you that NO ONE LIKES WAR?? Why do you assume we all WANT war? Support war? Encourage war or being at war indefinetly?? WE DON’T !!! We just understand war and the military better than you. UNFAIRLY—VERY UNFAIRLY—many “disgusted” Americans are blaming every blunder of the past 8 years on GWB and the GOP—that is not balanced or FAIR. ALSO- UNFAIRLY ASSUMING and THINKING that JOHN McCAIN wants our country to BE AT WAR FOREVER. That reasoning is BOGUS! John McCain wants peace and prosperity like anyone else. You cannot hold his military experience against him! HE KNOWS WAR. HE KNOWS HOW TO END ONE, GET OUT OF ONE, NEVER ENTER INTO ANOTHER ONE WHILE HE IS IN OFFICE- and BETTER YET—THERE IS NO OTHER MAN RIGHT NOW MORE QUALIFIED TO THE INTRACACIES OF WAR OR TERRORISM OR THE GLOBAL PEACE YOU SO CHERISH! He’s all we have up there now…we only have 2 choices and the other one’s experience in this crucual area is—oh wait–NONE. HE HAS NONE AT ALL!!!!!!!!! Too dangerous and risky….to put someone that green behind the ears in charge as our Commander-in-Chief.

      Don’t kid yourself, Fox. Even when we are completely out of Iraq…we will still have a military presence there afterwards. (Think Korea…55+ years later–we still have American bases there in S. Korea and a strong presence) Why? Because as a Democratic nation—we believe in FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY AND PROTECTING OUR OWN LIBERTIES HERE AT HOME & ABROAD…and not abandoning our allies. Do you HONESTLY think–that for ONE MOMENT after all active military troops have been sent home—it’s game over?

      NO WAY FIRE! Not just in the Middle East–but EVERYWHERE—there will always be active pockets of Terrorists in all places…all shapes and forms. If you read the news- you read CONTINUALLY of their strikes and the havoc and death they bring to innocent civilians over this world. THERE IS NO GETTING AWAY FROM IT, Fire. We, in the US have learned first hand after 9/11 that we ARE STILL VULERNABLE …we are- like many other countries—STILL A NATION AT RISK. YOU AND MANY MILLIONS OF AMERICANS DO NOT GET IT ! YOU JUST DON’T! But you tell us—we don’t get it? No- we do- you just don’t want to hear it. Do you think because we have not had an attack on our own soil in 7 years that it cannot or will not happen again??? WAKE UP!!!!!!! Osama Bin Laden is still out there and his thirst for harming us again and bringing us to our knees even harder this time HAS NOT BEEN SATIATED!

      You and others have taken for granted that we are untouchable again since 9/11. WRONG. We have the strongest military in the world and it needs to stay that way. RIGHT!

      WE NEED A LEADER THAT SENDS A CLEAR MESSAGE SO THAT WE CAN CONTINUE TO STAY UNHARMED HERE IN THE U.S. We DO NOT need a leader who wants to go “talk” to our enemies and see if he can work things out through …what???—a frickin’ tea party and spreading the warmth and hugs around? PUHLEEZE.

      JOHN McCAIN is RIGHT. We don’t talk. Negotiations of any kind to certain foes ARE LIMITED and the MESSAGE HAS TO BE CLEAR—Mess with us- and we will not hesitate to defend ourselves.

      Can’t be any clearer—-interpret that or tear it apart any way you want.

      WE NEED A PRESIDENT WHO IS EXPERIENCED , VERY EXPERIENCED IN THIS CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT ISSUE. We need a man like JOHN McCAIN who is NOT AFRAID to also reach across the aisle —right here in the US and go up against even those in his own party.

      STOP PLEASE with the “we need to stop the hate” thing, the flowers, the peace sign- praising an UNEXPERIENCED CANDIDATE because he is refreshing, different, calm and well-spoken. That’s all appealing to the naked eye—LOOK BEYOND! Think simply. It’s all there!

      BARACK OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST! He has very close past associations with a known EXTREMIST, MARXIST and other ties with corrupt politicians, etc. REZKO, etc. —-OH !!!!!! A RACIST, ANTI-AMERICAN PASTOR- REVEREND WRIGHT!!!! —AYERS— ACORNNNNNNN! yadda yadda yadda—it’s all there…the PROOF is in the pudding.

      We’re getting tired of pointing out these things again and again and again.


      The election is in less than 2 weeks. Your mind is made up. Go ahead, I, for one- will stop trying to convince or sway you. Vote for Obama because you are MESMERIZED, HYPNOTIZED you still REFUSE to read this own man’s books!!! How the HELL can you fight for someone so hard without reading what he had to write before ANYONE EVEN KNEW WHO HE WAS!!!!???!!!!!!!!! If you HAD read them- you could SEE FOR YOURSELF what is embedded deep in his mind—what his VISION truly is. YOU WILL BE SHOCKED! If you have read them and still believe what you type here about the man—were you paying attention to HIS OWN WORDS??? Have you read Michelle Obama’s graduating thesis (which is on line) from Stanford?? I doubt it. She shares many of the same views as her husband—SCARYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY stuff in that, too!

      My rant is ending, but really Fox- I do respect your writing and your opinions but you just REFUSE to understand—you don’t want to! OK! You’ll go down with your gloves on fighting for your man—so will we. Even if he loses.


      We know he is not like the second coming of Christ, the Great Savior or the CHOSEN ONE as the MSM has chosen to portray OBAMA. He’s just John McCain. He’s gritty, he’s smart, he’s tough, he is OH MY GOD! What? VERY EXPERIENCED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      McCain and PALIN—- ARE BOTH PROUD AMERICANS WHO LOVE THEIR COUNTRY AND WILL PUT AMERICA FIRST! How dare ANY MOTHER! ANY WOMAN! in the US talk crap about Sarah Palin—HER SON IS OVERSEAS AS YOU TEAR THIS WOMAN APART!!!!!! How disrespectful, HATEFUL AND RUDE! Who cares if she shops at Neiman-Marcus—ONCE AGAIN I AM DISGUSTED AT HER TREATMENT FROM MANY MEN/WOMEN for STARTERS! DISPICABLE. She has MORE–MUCH MORE experience than OBAMA and people are saying she doesn’t know what she is doing? SHE’s UNEXPERIENCED? Oh, God—how blind can they be?

      McCain/Palin will not fix everything in 4 years—no man or woman can do that—-what they CAN AND WILL DO THOUGH is at a minimum -make a huge dent in it and considerable progress. Open your mind- stop thinking McCain is McSame or George W. He is not! Also—give GWB the RESPECT AND CREDIT HE IS DUE FOR KEEPING HIS COUNTRY SAFE FROM ANOTHER ATTACK AFTER 9/11 ! HE EARNED THAT !!! Made some mistakes along the way, sure—but GEORGE W. BUSH EARNED MY RESPECT FOR THAT. PERIOD.

      DO NOT KEEP TRYING TO CONVINCE MOST OF US MONKEYS OTHERWISE about how rotten ALL Rep’s are. Just not true.

      We believe in what we know- which are SIMPLE FACTS. I don’t want ANOTHER SOCIALIST IN OFFICE! (Think Jimmy Carter…ugh!) was one—DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED!? DO YOU REMEMBER THE MESS THE COUNTRY WAS LEFT IN OVERALL from the Peanut Farmer? Double Ugh.

      Fire- if you want my rants and any of my long-winded rants to cease once and for all- then you must GET OFF OF IT!

      WE Monkeys—WE are in the know. We GET IT. We don’t want or need you to tell us one more time that we don’t GET IT. WE DO! WE DO! WE DO!

      Vote for your man, go ahead. Then, bend over- put your head in between your knees and kiss prosperity goodbye.

      SAY HELLO TO ALL THE THINGS Red has itemized clearly and simply on this blog that will happen.

      MARK OUR WORDS. Let it sink in, and MARK OUR WORDS if OBAMA gets elected. Mark them…sad thing is—-will we get any joy out of them when they are proven to be correct? No. Not at all—but don’t say we didn’t tell you so and you just could not see it.



      ******** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*******


      God Bless you, Fire ! Nothing but love…just had to go off…it makes me a little fiesty that you think we don’t “get it.” Honestly! WE DO.

      Like you, Fox—we will stand by our candidates until the end…and even if we lose—we still stand by them and WHAT THEY STOOD FOR. PROUDLY—we STAND BY THEM, EVEN IN DEFEAT! We don’t jump ship like Colin Powell. EVEN IN DEFEAT- most of us WILL stand by them, their convictions and beliefs.

      ****McCain/Palin ’08****


    82. Michelle on October 26th, 2008 11:58 am


      Bravo! Bravo! Well said girl…..

    83. ANewGirl on October 27th, 2008 7:22 am

      If I may take the liberty—this POST was so well written and SO ACCURATE—-wanted to put it up again at the end of this thread:

      By Deplume:


      While you’re down there rolling in the aisle, sniffing the Dem-glue, you might consider thinking about the huge portion of crow you’ll have to swallow. There is a reason you don’t see what some of us see, you’ve been watching and listening to all the propaganda the Mainstream Media can feed you and not looking at everything.

      Take the blinders off and look around. You don’t have a wrench, or 6-pack, and you really believe you will escape from your “Great One.” He’s going to spread your income around, and mine. Obama’s “set-up Congress” is already thinking about how they can get to your 401K, and make it their own, partly under their control. When they give most of it to Billy (under the Billboard) we’ll hear you screeching.

      Just give your computer to the guy in the soup line, so we don’t have to hear you blame this on someone else. Add another brickload to the sinking Ship of State, and hope someone tosses you a lifeline.

      Obama is going to tax you ’til you’re broke, because he wants to and because he believes taxes are the answer for his social programs.

      Take a moment from feeding at the Dem-trough. The Democrats are the ones preoccupied with giving everyone a house; regardless of ability to pay. Who pays if the homeowner can’t . . . well, this time it’s YOU, baby. Congress smoothed it over for years. Congress looked the other way, and sold YOU a bill of goods; and then, Congress told you it wasn’t the Democrats fault . . . it was those nasty Republicans. You bought it and now we’ll all have to pay for it. We will not be paying alone; you will be right there, too.

      The “free lunch” program was poisonous. Obama and his Democrat Crews (Congress) will be giving out more. Grab your lunch while you can. We don’t have much time, so eat fast.

      Suck it up! You will have no excuses. Your only chance is your vote. You’ve already made your choice.

      If Obama wins . . . see you at the BOTTOM. I’ll probably be waiting to welcome you.


      YesSiree! We will be there either waiting to welcome you- or by some miracle of God—working hard at restoring everything to it’s former state if McCain/Palin do get in. Either way, America! We’ve got a long road ahead….can we FINALLY work together on some of these important issues no matter WHO is elected into office? That would be encouraging and more productive overall, don’t you think?

      A New Girl from Boston

    84. Kele Stanier on March 24th, 2009 2:59 pm

      Obama would never have done this soft tyranny had he not seen the bottom dropping out of this poll numbers.

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