Candidate Barack Obama Called President George W. Bush “Unpatriotic” for Adding $4 Trillion to National Debt



The MSM, the LEFT and all those whiny Democrats were no where to be found, never condemned hims and never asked for an apology when Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 called President George W. Bush “unpatriotic” for adding $4 trillion to the national debt, but they certainly have a different agenda when Obama is said to not love America. In fact the LEFT cheered. Double standard, you think?

Oh by the way Barack, have you seen what you have added to the National Debt now that it is at $18,135,185,690,000 and counting every second. By Obama’s own standard, if GWB was “unpatriotic,” that would mean Obama committed treason.

Ed Henry questioned White House spokesperson Josh Ernest a to whether Barack Obama regrets questioning the patriotism of the president of the United States. Of course the WH spox liar found a way to spin his way thru his answer. The truth, there are two sets of rules when it comes to Obama/Democrats and Republicans. You can call a Republican, Tea Party member, Conservative,r Republican anything you want. However, you can say nothing bad about a Democrat, even if it is true. And when it comes to Barack Obama, question anything of Obama and you are a racist.

Ed Henry to White House  – Does Obama Regret Calling Bush ‘Unpatriotic’?

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  • Comments

    2 Responses to “Candidate Barack Obama Called President George W. Bush “Unpatriotic” for Adding $4 Trillion to National Debt”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on February 23rd, 2015 5:17 pm

      Ed Henry needs to stay on the failures of Obama. This administration is all about denial. They are not the cause of any of their failures, it is always someone else.

      Obama is the least qualified individual to ever occupy the oval office as president. Everything he does is based on socialism and buying votes.

      There is no poof that Obama ever completed the requirements for a college diploma from any of the schools he attended.

      He is a scofflaw who did not pay his parking tickets until it became an impediment to his advancement in the political world. Why should the people be surprised that he does not follow the constitution in carrying out his duties.

    2. super dave on February 24th, 2015 7:45 am

      I call an illegal african cheating his way into our politics unpatriotic.

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