No Surprise in Indiana or Vermont US Senate Seat … Bernie Sanders – VT (I) Wins Easily as Does Lugar – IN (R)

Bernie Sanders won the Vermont Senate seat now held by another independent, retiring Senator James Jeffords. Heaven help us … what ever happened to VT?

Dick Lugar (R) of Indiana will win easily as well and go back for a 6th term in the US Senate.


Posted November 7, 2006 by
Politics | 4 comments

Let the Election Games Begin … Why is it so difficult to Vote these Days?


Election Sign

Why does it seem like after the Al Gore contested Presidential election of 2000 that all we hear about on election day is lawyers present at voting stations, people unable to vote and just plain voting foolishness?  Thank you Al Gore for the farce that you have made election day. Thank you to those that proclaim voter fraud before one ballot is cast.

Why is it that after 2000, people became unable to vote? Those that use PC’s and are on the internet 24–7 some how are unable to use electronic voting. What ever happened to an individual simply just waiting in line, going into a voting booth and casting their ballot like had been done over the past 100 years?

Its not a pop quiz nor a trick question. One really begin to wonder, do people know how to vote? And why are not poll workers better educated? Enough of the complaints of waiting in line and the weather. Why do Democrat attorney constantly need poll hours to be extended?   

One gets to the point of having to say … “shut up and vote or stay home”. Voting is a privilege. People in Iraq braved standing in line to vote at the risk of being blown up. Standing in a line is not asking to much. Sorry to inconvenience your right to voice a political vote. It is hard to fathom that in the year 2006 voting has become so difficult. Instead we get the following:


Posted November 7, 2006 by
Bizarre, Politics, WTF | one comment

Oops, she did it again … Britney Spears Files for Divorce

File this one under … what took so long … It’s over for Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.Brittany

Breaking news from CNN … Oops, she did it again. If you had 2 years, one month and one day on the over/under in the Spears second marriage you lost.  Brittany Spears has officially filed for divorce according to court documents. This time is Kevin Federine who bites the dust. After her first marriage that lasted a whopping 55 hours to Jason Alexander, this time Britney’s marriage lasted a little over 2 years and one month. This does bode well for potential husband #3. reports that Spears filed legal papers Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, citing “irreconcilable differences.” Spears is asking for legal and physical custody of their two children, 1-year-old Sean Preston and 2-month-old Jayden James.

The date of separation was listed as Monday. (TMZ)

The reason for the divorce? Irreconcilable differences. One could argue those may have been the same reason why the two were married.

UPDATE: (11/8/06) This is Priceless … Britney’s Timing: Was It All About the Prenup?

As they always say, follow the money. In this case its the prenup. This is too funny, personally I don’t blame Britney one bit. The reason for the day picked by Ms Spears reads more like a sports contract. Seems that her “slacker” beau will not be given an option for a third year with incentives. LOL.

Britney Spears didn’t pick Nov. 6 as the day to file for divorce from Kevin Federline by accident.

She filed two years and one month from the day of her marriage, on Oct. 6, 2004. Her prenup, according to legal theorists, evidently carried increases for Federline for every year of their marriage. And those deadlines, they say, likely had 30-day grace periods.

Hence, Nov. 6 would have been Britney’s last chance to get out of paying a third year of alimony settlement to a basically talentless slacker who was a drain on her finances. (Fox News)


Posted November 7, 2006 by
Celebrity, Fun, Hollywood | 26 comments

Tony Shiu, A California doctor accused of Taking Nude photos of patients … and worse, missing after Warrant Issued

Let’s hope no one out there in the reading audience was a patient of Dr. Tony Shiu in Dublin, CA. If you were, you may want to contact the authorities. This is not quite the bed-side manner that patients are looking for. Dr. Tony Shiu is accused of taking nude photos of patients and sexual assault of two men at his home. Read the full story at Missing & Exploited.

Posted November 7, 2006 by
Bizarre, Crime | 6 comments

Its down to the Wire in Missouri for US Senate with Jim Talent & Claire McCaskill … Record Turnout Expected

Its down to the very end in Missouri with the last poll showing incumbent Republican Jim Talent ahead of   Democrat Claire McCaskill   49 — 48. Even after  TV ads misrepresenting Talent that  he was against “stem cell” research.

Adult stem cell research, that is. I know, but watching Michael J. Fox’s near-slanderous attack on Senator Jim Talent, you’d have no idea that when Fox says that Talent opposes research into “stem cells,” he means “embryonic stem cells. (Red State)

Will Michael J. Fox and the stem cell (Amendment 2) play a factor? Or should be say the “Pro-Cloning Amendment


Click on picture for MJF ad

(Vanderbilt — ’06)

Claire McCaskill has made “cloning” part of her platform. Of course she tells the voters of MO with the aide of Fox that it is Embryonic Stem Cell research, or should we even say “stem cell”. Of course it would have been nice if Michael J. Fox had actually read the Amendment that he was so vigorously campaigning for. Way to be informed on the issues that you are trying to convince other of. How irresponsible can one be? You are shilling for a candidate and your cause and you have no idea what the Amendment really says because you “never read it”. How typical. Telling others what to think while purposely being misinformed yourself.

Fox: Well, I don’t think that’s true. You know, I campaigned for Claire McCaskill. And so I have to qualify it by saying I’m not qualified to speak on the page-to-page content of the initiative. Although, I am quite sure that I’ll agree with it in spirit, I don’t know, I— On full disclosure, I haven’t read it, and that’s why I didn’t put myself up for it distinctly. (ABC News)

Maybe the guys at   Scrappleface have it best in their parody ad. Parody is such an effective tool, subtle but cuts to the point.

According to the Gateway Pundit there is supposed to be 70% turnout in Missouri, not counting the registered voting dead and the 35,000 questionable ACORN Registration Forms.

The Gateway Pundit will be following the race throughout the night.

Posted November 7, 2006 by
Politics | 2 comments

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