Judge to Determine Whether to Toss Porn Charges against John Mark Karr


Imagine after all that has transpired with the John Mark Karr circus that the five misdemeanor child porn charges in California are thrown out as well? Sound bizarre? Not when it comes to this case. John Mark Karr had recently rejected a plea deal offered. With the prospect of getting off scott-free, who wouldn’t? If these charges are dropped, Karr will have effectively been provided free transportation from Thailand to the US. No DNA in the JonBenet case, no suspect, and possibly no child porn charges. What a mess.


Judge Cerena Wong is set to consider Wednesday whether the five misdemeanor charges Karr faces should be thrown out. She criticized prosecutor Joann Risse for not telling her that the computer was lost even though she has known about it since Aug. 30.

The judge said she also would consider whether to unseal evidence in the case because she previously had issued the sealing orders based on statements Risse made about continuing efforts to obtain more information from the computer.

Risse said her office has printouts of 1,600 photographs from the computer, including the five suspect images, but the original computer images are missing. (AP)

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  • Comments

    15 Responses to “Judge to Determine Whether to Toss Porn Charges against John Mark Karr”

    1. Miss-Underestimated on September 26th, 2006 9:37 am

      Oh so we let him go, like there is nothing else to get him on to keep his butt in jail. This doesn’t surprise me.
      Hey Judge, how about lying to officials? I here he may have a book deal. Freeze the proceeds to pay for the circus to get the kook in the US.

    2. KELMAL on September 26th, 2006 9:52 am

      WHAT A COUNTRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. para2legal on September 26th, 2006 10:01 am

      Boulder should prosecute for Karr giving false testimony and recoup the cost of the 1st class airline tickets. Though it’s different states, if the runaway bride had to pay restitution to the city of Duluth for costs incurred because of her lies, Karr should too.

    4. Scared Monkeys on September 26th, 2006 10:05 am

      can everyone just imagine how much this circus actually cost? Its not just his plane ticket. The tisckets for the police that went over and back to extradite John Mark Karr. Hotel and food expenses while they were in Thailand. Cell phone calls from Thailand back to US. Let alone the time and man hours spent researching case and wasted court time.

      Lets just hope the Judge does not dismiss the case.


    5. Miss-Underestimated on September 26th, 2006 10:17 am


      About your remark, if you pay attention, you see that the people here will hold those responsible for eff ups, toes to the fire for wrong doing, unlike your buddies in Aruba.

      We don’t perfume any pigs here.

    6. julie on September 26th, 2006 11:31 am

      i believe kelmal is joran or one of his close aquantances ,they all are cowards.too afraid to take off the mask of deception,and let the truth be seen.baukk baukkkk run chickens run.not one REAL MAN on the whole island except jose manseur.crime does not pay.BE NOT DECIEVED FOR GOD IS NOT MOCKED,FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH THAT HE SURELY SHALL REAP.jehovah has not forgotten natalee and her family.he works in his own timming for his own reason.VENGENCE IS MINE SAYETH THE LORD AND I WILL REPAY.i had rather have mans punishment than gods any day.really and truley that whole bunch needs praying for,because they are so deep in sin they dont even realize it.but god will reveal it to them the depths of thier sin and shame,and hopefully draw them to repentance and salvation.i pray for thier souls and salvation,then the truth will flow like a river.PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU AND DESPITEFULLY USE YOU FOR IN DOING SO YOU WILL BE HEAPING COALS OF FIRE ON THIER HEAD.MAY GODS WILL BE DONE NOW AND FOREVER.

    7. para2legal on September 26th, 2006 2:06 pm

      #4- yep – make Karr pay back all costs associated with his sick fiasco and DEFINITELY keep him away from children. This man shouldn’t be walking our streets. And tell him to quit buttoning all the buttons on his shirts. He looks like a grown-up “Pee-Wee Herman” – yukko – he gives me the creeps.

    8. Laura on September 26th, 2006 3:32 pm

      Yep you’re right Julie! Always jumping the gun and saying things without knowing what the heck he is talking about! Time to send it the “TROLL PATROL”

    9. KELMAL on September 26th, 2006 7:10 pm

      julie, What if the killer prays to god for forgiveness. That is why God died on the cross. To forgive our sins. Just someting for you to think about !!!!

    10. KELMAL on September 26th, 2006 7:35 pm

      para, I agree with you. He doesn’t belong on our streets. But many here think it is OK as long as he pays all of the costs for getting here. I hope and pray he doesn’t get to their kids.

    11. kangol24 on September 27th, 2006 10:57 am

      karr did nothing worse than the actor paul reubnes who played pee-wee herman. he was arrested for 30,000 images and 170 of them involved two young naked boys in sexual positions. they were so offensive the police destroyed them. pee-wee was given a 100$ fine. not much punishment in the california state which is where karr is too. child porn is considered a misdemeanor not a felony.

    12. para2legal on September 27th, 2006 11:43 am

      Anyone in possession of child pornography is a sick puppy. Viewing innocent children being used to pose in various sexual positions is devient behavior. IMO it’s either a pedophile or one in the making that procures said activity. State laws should be changed. We truly need to protect our children from predators.

    13. KELMAL on September 27th, 2006 3:18 pm

      para2, I agree with you 100% !!!!!!

    14. ras1 on September 27th, 2006 9:09 pm

      He needed to get out of thailand fast,that was what it was all about.

    15. Kelly Allen on October 2nd, 2006 7:14 pm

      As a parent, I find the allegations and media accounts surrounding Mr. Karr troubling. Thru the Jon Benet / Karr media circus, not once did I ever hear Karr say”I Killed Her”. Although Karr may have uttered what to me were strange opinions, he never said he was the killer. Now you know the prostitution is in trouble when Nancy Grace concedes that he did not actually say he killed JonBonet.

      In my role as an American citizen, I have a greater concern for the appearance of unfair prosecution, in light of the latest evidence debacle. These are five misdemeanor charges, and the strong arm of the government is sparing no expense to crush the little man.

      Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Cerena Wong who is no stranger to judicial misconduct has undermined our protections as American citizens by allowing this kangaroo trial to proceed under the current circumstances. Remember, if we allow the court to trample over Mr. Karr’s constitutional rights, what’s to stop them from railroading yours.

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