Natalee Holloway, Evening Update

The Birmingham News, Progress of Aruba probe under question

The release from jail of a party boat disc jockey a day after the freeing of a second suspect raised questions Monday about the progress of the investigation into the disappearance of an Alabama teenager on a school trip to the Caribbean.

The three people who remain detained in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway were among the last seen with her on May 30. The next day, she didn’t show up to fly back to Alabama.

Aruban officials say a murder conviction is possible without a body, but requires strong evidence such as a confession, reliable statements and forensic evidence of wrongdoing.

Massive searches that have included Aruban authorities, FBI agents, Dutch Marines and thousands of islanders have found nothing.

Attorney General Caren Jannsen declined to say whether the judge’s decision to free the two men harmed the case.

“We are still hoping to find the truth,” Jannsen said.

To further add fuel to the fire with questions of the investigation, it has been reported by Bill O’Reilly on The Factor that the Aruban government has not given the OK for 200 Dutch Marines to help in the search further insinuating that the Aruban government was not interested in solving the mystery. A rather peculiar situation as the Dutch marines were part of the initial searches for Natalee. As per Aruban sources,

“According to an old interview in the beginning, the marine spokeswoman said that the government requested three additional days, and that’s all that the marines could give them. Why I don’t know, it’s not like we’re at war here”.

It was also my understanding that seems to be backed up by some in Aruba that it would be the Dutch who would control the Marines not the Aruban government. Although because this is an Aruban police investigation, the Aruban government would need some type of formal request. Seeing that they allowed it in the beginning, it is rather peculiar they would not continue.

Also according to our sources in Aruba regarding the search of the quarry today into this evening, nothing was found yet.

Wow, think the Aruba story is not one of the most watched news events? Just ask Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. (Drudge Report)




Oh to be a producer or staff member of the “Factor” right now.

Video of Tim Miller from Texas EquuSearch courtesy of the Political Teen. Tim discusses the search of the quarry today and well as background into why he started Texas EquuSearch. He can truly empathize with the Holloway and Twitty’s.

Posted June 27, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | 601 comments

Afternoon Update

Riehl World has some updates.

Just had a communication from Aruba – search dogs have gotten a “hit” in quarry near the Van der Sloot house, dive team being rounded up.

On Fox News, Angela Munzenhofer from Aruba Today, say that she spoke with Steven Croes, and that he says all he did was over hear a conversation that Deepak was having on the telephone. He went to the police to tell them and was arrested.

UPDATE:: We have word from multiple sources that divers are in the water at a quarry near the Van Der Sloots home. There are evidence flags up around the area. We will post as more information is available.

” I knew that I was innocent, but I got myself in something without thinking how big it could get. ”
Steve Croes on Top 95, the most popular station in Aruba. Thanks ArubaGirl!

Update 3: 21:00 Confirmation was received that nothing was found at the Quarry search site.

Posted June 27, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | 743 comments

Mountain Brook Community Turns Out For Natalee Holloway & Family


On Saturday the community of Mountain Brook, AL including many of Natalee Holloway’s classmates turned out for a fund raiser for the Holloway family. The community came together in support of the Holloway/Twitty’s symbolized by group of Natalee’s teenage girl friends put on their matching silver wishbone necklaces, a sign of their lasting friendship.

At the fund-raiser Saturday afternoon, a group of six Mountain Brook teenage girls put on matching silver wishbone necklaces, a sign of their lasting friendship. “Natalee still has hers,” Mallie Tucker said at the concert raising money for the search for Holloway. “Natalee is my best friend and I’d do anything to bring her home.” “We just get together and pray,” said Frances Ellen Byrd, also wearing her wishbone necklace. “We can’t wait for her to get home.”

The benefit was held at Oteys, co-owned by Doug and Joy Smith, with musicians Matthew Mayfield and Will Mason of the Moses Mayfield band performing as well as donated items being auctioned off.

“This is a way we can show our support,” Joy Smith said. “It’s a strong community,” Doug Smith said. “Everybody’s ready to do everything they can.”

Some of our own Scared Monkeys attended the benefit and described it follows:

Well, driving up to it gave me goosebumps. There were yellow balloons everywhere, people spilling out all over the parking lot, and the age range was from newborn (12 weeks) to this adorable couple AT LEAST in their 70′s. Coolers of beer, soft drinks, etc. and tables with hot dogs and such were all out on the patio – free for the taking. A girl had a table set up for people to make donations – there was always a line. Another table was set up w/ a silent auction for these beautiful crosses made by Anita Miles (she who started the yellow ribbon campaign w/out even knowing the family). I’m sure that will bring in hundreds. Lots and lots of teenagers, but just as many grown ups. I was also pleasantly surprised to see some friends of mine that didn’t know the family at all – provided support just because they wanted to.

While I was waiting to introduce myself to Marcia Twitty, (Natalee’s aunt, sister in law of Jug and Beth), I overheard Paul DeMarco, local state representative, asking what he could do to help and offering to go to Aruba.

We had asked some of our Scared Monkeys to pass out fliers to show our support and to ask the community of Mountain Brook to feel free at any time to email us about any events, occurrences or stories that they wished to share regarding Natalee Holloway. Our Scared Monkeys did not disappoint.

I took the fliers with me but wanted to make sure with Marcia that it was appropriate to distribute them and she was more than OK with it.

YellowribbonAnother one of our Monkeys (aka Charlotte) that attended the benefit described it like this:

I would say about 300 people there. Otey’s, the place where it was held is in a shopping center in Crestline Village which is one of the 3 villages of Mountain Brook. Otey’s is pretty small so everyone was outside. It seemed to me there were all ages there from students to their parents, to younger parents with young children. It kind of had the atmosphere of a big block party- just people getting together for a common cause. This community has been extremely supportive of the Twittys. You have to understand that Mountain Brook has always had the reputation of being an upper class, somewhat snobby community, which is really not the case. I have never been so proud to live here as I am now, seeing how some many people, most of whom didn’t even know Natalee have pulled together to help this family.

The mood of the benefit wasn’t a sad event at all as we were told and our reader managed to catch a glimpse of Frances Ellen Byrd and Ruth McVay who she recognized from TV. Another one of our fellow Monkeys that attended the benefit said, “the people I spoke with were generally positive. Also, just heard on the local news here that 19,000 dollars was raised”. However, what most stuck out in another one of our Scared Monkey’s mind of the entire benefit was this moving image she will always remember:

I think the most vivid picture that stands out in my mind is the brick, 2-story, 4 sided clock that you see as you enter Crestline Village and the huge yellow bows placed on each of the 4 sides.

Posted June 27, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | 221 comments

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