Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder Plays Sargent Schultz … Claims He Knows Nothing About “Fast & Furious”

Attorney General Eric Holder does his best Hogan’s Heroes Sargent Schultz imitation … he knows nothing about the “Fast & Furious” operation. Let’s have a show of hands, who really believes that Holder is telling the truth? The real question probably is whether knowledge of the “Fast & Furious” gunrunning program to Mexican drug cartels goes high than Holder into the Executive Branch, hint, that would be Barack Obama.

Eric Holder as Sargent Schultz

The head of the U.S. Justice Department launched his strongest personal defense yet in the growing furor over Operation Fast and Furious, the controversial sting targeting Mexican drug cartels and American gunrunners.

On Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder said for the first time that not only he but also other higher-ups at the Justice Department were not aware of the operation as it was being carried out. Holder also suggested politics could be a driving force behind Republican lawmakers’ forceful inquiries into the matter.

“The notion that somehow or other this thing reaches into the upper levels of the Justice Department is something that. . . . I don’t think is supported by the facts,” Holder told reporters at an unrelated press conference in Washington. “It’s kind of something I think certain members of Congress would like to see, the notion that somehow or other high-level people in the department were involved. As I said, I don’t think that is going to be shown to be the case — which doesn’t mean that the mistakes were not serious.”

A spokeswoman for the Republican leading a congressional investigation described Holder’s comments as baseless “whining,” and earlier Wednesday the House Republican himself said the issue is about more than who knew what, when.

Somebody get the the bottom of “Fast & Furious” as to who knew what, where and when. When you have an incompetent gunrunning scheme hatched to some how track guns back to drug cartel killers that in turn kills an American border agent … in the immortal words of Humphrey Bogart, “someone is going to have to take the fall”. Could you imagine how Democrats and the MSM would be reacting if this happened during a GOP Presidency.

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, August 16, 2011- 20 Man Police Force Resigns in Mexico

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, August 16, 2011- 20 Man Police Force Resigns in Mexico: Download

Mexico Border Town of Ascension Police Force Quits after Attack & Killings … America-Mexico Border Wars, WINNING?

The entire new police  force of Ascension, Mexico, has quit after multiple attacks against them. The attacks have killed their police chief and five officers. You know what they say, when the going gets tough, the 20 man police force in Ascension get going. Ascension is southwest of Ciudad Juarez, the border city across from El Paso, Texas, that is one of Mexico’s most violent cities.

An entire 20-man police force resigned in a northern Mexican town after a series of attacks that killed the police chief and five officers over the last three months, state officials said Thursday.

The officers’ resignation Thursday left the 13,000 people of Ascension without local police services, Chihuahua state chief prosecutor Carlos Manuel Salas said. State and federal police have moved in to take over police work, he said.

The mass resignation appeared to be connected to a Tuesday attack by gunmen that killed three of the town’s officers, Salas said.

We can hardly consider this a victory on the Mexic0-US drug gang border wars. The police force had looked to end the killings, kidnappings and extortion that have ravaged the area. The results … not so much.

Terrorist Group Hezbollah Opens Up Shop Across the Mexican Border

Not so Southern comfort …

So how secure is the Mexican-US border? Is drug and human trafficking really the United States biggest fear on our Southern border? Hardly. It appears that the terrorist group Hezbollah is opening up shop across the Mexican border. Could you imagine that terror groups are now partnering with Mexican drug cartels and we are told by our government that all is well.

A terrorist organization whose home base is in the Middle East has established another home base across the border in Mexico.

“They are recognized by many experts as the ‘A’ team of Muslim terrorist organizations,” a former U.S. intelligence agent told 10News.

The former agent, referring to Shi’a Muslim terrorist group Hezbollah, added, “They certainly have had successes in big-ticket bombings.”

Some of the group’s bombings include the U.S. embassy in Beirut and Israeli embassy in Argentina.

However, the group is now active much closer to San Diego.

But nothing to fear as Atlas Shrugs states, imagine an Iranian proxy jihad group infiltrating the US, a Muslim group with huge “success in big ticket bombings” — but not to worry, Obama tells us our borders are safe. When will the US ever take the issue of the Mexican border serious? Will it take another terror act to occur for our government to get serious?

Northern Arizona University Professor Veronica Perez Rodriguez Kidnapped at Gunpoint in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico (UPDATE: Found Safe)

35 year old Veronica Perez Rodriguez, an associate archaeologist professor at the University of Northern Arizona was kidnapped at gunpoint as she visited her mother in the violent Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.  Ciudad Juarez is one of the most violent Mexican border cities where at least 39 US citizens were killed in the city last year which had a murder rate above 3,000.

Pic:Verónica Pérez Rodríguez: NAU

An American university professor has been kidnapped in a violent Mexican border city by a group of armed men.

Veronica Perez Rodriguez was snatched by the gunmen in Ciudad Juarez after visiting her mother, who lives there, on Friday afternoon.

The archaeologist has been an associate professor of anthropology at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona since 2003.

Good grief, then there is this diddy from the Jawa Report regarding the  U.S. Consular Affairs and their lack of ability of multi-tasking.

Ivna Giauque with the Department of U.S. Consular Affairs told CNN they hadn’t been alerted about a kidnapping because they’ve been focused on the earthquake that hit Japan on Friday.

As stated at GretaWire, Dear Mr. President, there is a war going on in Mexico and our US-Mexican border. Previously, Secretary Clinton said that Mexico is ‘like Columbia of 20 years ago.’ For her actions, she was rebuked by both President Calderone and President Obama. How many more murders, kidnappings and drugs need to flow across the border before this administration will take notice?

UPDATE I: FOX News Phoenix is reporting that Northern Arizona University Professor Veronica Perez Rodriguez has been found safe after being kidnapped. Veronica Perez Rodriguez said to be a victim of “express kidnapping”.  The all to common practice in Mexico of kidnapping Mexicans who appear to be wealthy or middle class for fast cash ransom.

A Northern Arizona University professor is reported to be safe and back with her family in Mexico after being briefly kidnapped.

School officials said Saturday that Veronica Perez Rodriguez was the victim of a kidnapping late Friday while visiting family members in Ciudad Juarez.

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