Your Hard Earned Tax Dollars … Welfare Recipients Drawing Taxpayer Funds at Strip Clubs, Liquor Stores & Porn Shops
This gives a whole new meaning to the term “pole” tax. Isn’t this special … welfare leaches are withdrawing tax payer funds via their EBT cards at strip club, liquor store and porn shop ATM’s. Even though, the Agriculture Department prohibits the purchase of alcohol, tobacco and non-food items, recipients are withdrawing cash at these types of establishment ATM’s and obviously purchasing bread and milk for their families. NYC Mayor Bloomberg is all about the regulating of the size of a soda, but not welfare funds. More typical liberal logic.
An investigation into where welfare recipients are using their Electronic Benefit Transfer cards has revealed that some are withdrawing taxpayer money from EBT-friendly ATMs at strip clubs and liquor stores.
The New York Post, looking at a database of 200 million EBT records from January 2011 to July 2012 obtained through a Freedom of Information request, discovered that some people receiving government benefits have been using their EBT cards to withdraw cash at several questionable New York establishments: Hank’s Saloon, a porn shop called Blue Door Video, the Patriot Saloon, the Club Eleven strip club, the Club Heat strip joint and Drinks Galore.
Food stamps and cash assistance from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program are accessible through EBT cards. EBT cash benefits can be withdrawn from participating ATMs.
Just curious, why are any welfare recipients allowed to withdraw cash from an EBT card? This is an obvious recipe for fraud. For what purpose would the welfare recipients need cash? If they are able to purchase goods, food and other necessary items via there EBT card, for what purpose do they need cash? Sorry, but there is no, let me emphasize this, NO REASON WHY OUR HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS SHOULD BE USED IN THIS MANNER!!!
This is how much the Federal and States care about the proper utilization of hard earned tax payer dollars. We are called greedy and uncaring for questioning why individuals need such welfare funds, yet these leaches are allowed to get away with this fraud and the feds and state governments could care less. Talk about passing the buck. The Feds, the Department of Health and Human Services say its the responsibility of the states and the states say its the retailers obligation. In the end, NO ONE REGULATES THE LOCATIONS … ARE YOU FRIGGIN SERIOUS? The following is the ignorance of the program. If one is taking cash out, how would anyone know what the cash is for? Oh, it’s the honor system. AIN’T THAT GRAND!!!
Welfare recipients receive food stamps and cash assistance under the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Both benefits are accessed through an EBT card, but only cash assistance — meant for housing, utilities and household necessities — can be accessed at ATMs.
A single-person household could receive a maximum $200 in monthly food stamps plus $158 in cash assistance. A family of four could get as much as $668 in food stamps and $433 in cash.
More government brilliance, or the lack thereof. Obviously this program has been set up to encourage fraud.
A spokesman with the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees TANF, told the Post that states are responsible for making rules governing the use of EBT cards. New York’s welfare office explained that it is the retailers who decide if they house an EBT-compatible ATM, not the state, which does not regulate the locations.
Some one needs to explain the following … how is it that our tax dollars taken by the feds and sent to the states have no regulations in place to make sure that there is no fraud taking place? So one can just make continual cash withdrawals with their ETB card at ATM’s and purchase illegal drugs, cigarettes, guns and extra large sodas?
Posted January 6, 2013 by Scared Monkeys collusion, Corruption, Crime, Facebook, Food Stamp President, Food Stamps, Government, Obamanation, Welfare, WTF | one comment |
Welfare State on Steroids … Welcome to America Where it Does not Pay to Work
Welcome to Obama Land, a “welfare” state on steroids … For Every 1.25 People in Private Sector, 1 Person Gets a Government Check.
Remember an America where individuals believed in hard work and perseverance? Remember an America where individuals took pride in their work and believed in an honest days wage for an honest days work? Remember when we believed in getting ahead over entitlement? NOT ANY MORE. Welcome to an Obama world where many do not want to work a normal work week but expect to be paid for it. Welcome to the Obama progressive welfare state where the slackers succeed off those that work hard. America just elected a president who spent $5 trillion during his first term and looks to double down in this second one. Who really gets hurt by this, the rich? Nope, the middle class. For those in the middle class who work for a living to put food on their families table and a roof over their head, have been sold down the river by federal and state governments that have created a welfare system on steroids. How bad has it become in the United States, it does not pay to work. This country is about to hit a tipping point and the point of no return. Who thinks that this was the vision of Our Founding Fathers?
The grim and disturbing news from Zero Hedge Fund:
[I]t is now more lucrative – in the form of actual disposable income – to sit, do nothing, and collect various welfare entitlements, than to work. This is graphically, and very painfully confirmed, in the below chart from Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (a state best known for its broke capital Harrisburg). As quantitied, and explained by Alexander, “the single mom is better off earning gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045.“
As aptly stated by Powerline, Those who work for a living have been sold out by federal and state governments that have created a welfare system gone mad.
Posted November 28, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Economy, Food Stamps, Government, Government Dependent Class, Jobs, Nanny State - Big Government, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Out of Control Spending, Progressives, Wasteful Spending, Welfare | 3 comments |
Obama: “I Want To Live In A Society That Is Fair” … Who Decides What is Fair & What’s Envy?
Barack Obama said the following at a town hall event in Virginia earlier in the week, “I want to live in a society that’s fair. “Not just out of charitable reasons, but because it improves my life.” Really, fairness improves his life and who is it that determines what is fair? To claim one is for fairness and then pander to those that Obama thinks are being treated in an unfair manner, is simple class warfare. Nothing less.
Great pic, Hat Tip: Left Coast Rebel
Fairness? What does it really mean to live in a society that is fair? Does it mean that when one works harder than another, they are not supposed to be rewarded? In Obama’s world that is the case. Obama believes in taking from those who are the earners and giving it to those that expect a hand out. In Obamaland, as Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion states, “The age of Obama is the age of envy and jealousy couched as fairness. ”
How bad is Obama’s policies and view when even the socialists get in it Europe? From the UK Telegraph comes, “Welfare handouts aren’t fair – and the public knows it”.
As we report today, Policy Exchange – supposedly the Prime Minister’s favourite ideas outlet – has done a brave and unusual thing. Rather than polling the public just on policy and voting intention, it has put a far more abstract moral issue before them. It instructed the pollsters at YouGov to find out precisely what the public thought the most powerful term of approbation in the political lexicon – “fair” – actually amounted to.
The quite unequivocal reply that was received (with breathtakingly enormous majorities in some forms) came as no surprise to this column. To most voters, fairness does not mean an equal distribution of resources and wealth, or even a redistribution of these things according to need. It means, as the report’s title – “Just Deserts” – implies, that people get what they deserve. And what is deserved, the respondents made clear, refers to that which is achieved by effort, talent or dedication to duty: in other words, earned on merit.
How is it possible that the Brits get it and we in American do not? Have we become that envious and lazy of a nation? Be very careful America as to what a pandering, class warfare, socialist, desperate President passes off as fairness. Those who take risks and make the money, and who also pay the majority of the taxes, are the ones who employ people. Fairness is not taking what is not yours, its what is rightfully yours based upon merit, not what is given to you because you did nothing to earn it. Yet another wake up call from the UK, a poll showing that an overwhelming majority believe that people should work for their unemployment benefits. What a novel concept. Actually be productive rather than a coach potato collecting benefits. Let’s add drug testing to the collection of welfare as well. If an individual has to pass a drug test to get a job, then they should as well to get tax payer benefits.
Posted April 24, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Government, Nanny State - Big Government, Obama in Wonderland, Obamanation, Polls, Socialism, Unemployment, Welfare, World | 13 comments |