Senate Democrats Votes to Keep White House Tours Closed to “We the People”
Democrats, Lost in Smallness …
Via the Washington Times, Democrat controlled Senate votes to keep the White House tours closed. So much for the White House being the “People’s” House. It must just be for the Democrat privileged elites and lobbyists. And of course the special, beautiful people who will attend Michelle Obama’s birthday. Because why should we let the St. Paul’s 6th graders from Waverly, Iowa tour the White House. How petty is this president and Democrats to try and score political points at the expense of children and “We the People”. The smallness of Barack Obama is without bounds.
Senators voted Wednesday to make the first significant changes to the budget sequesters, shifting money to keep slaughterhouse inspectors on the job full time but refusing to rearrange money to reopen the White House for public tours.
The votes came as the Senate debated and passed a bill to fund the government through the rest of the fiscal year — sending it back to the House for final expected approval later this week and averting a government shutdown.
In the end, it’s never about “We the People”.
Posted March 21, 2013 by Scared Monkeys America - United States, Barack Obama, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Lost in Smallness, Obamanation, Partisan hack, Politics of Fear, Senate, Sequestration, We the People, WTF | 2 comments |
South Dakota First State in US to Allow Teachers to Carry Guns in School to Protect Children
Finally, a law that actually allows for the protection of school children … Reading, Writing and Revolvers.
South Dakota has become the first state in the Nation to enact a law explicitly authorizing school employees to carry guns on the job. The bill was signed into law on Friday by Gov. Dennis Daugaard. The law is in response to the call to arms to protect school children following the Newtown, CT Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting that left 20 dead. What better way to protect innocent children from the Adam Lanza’s of the world than taking away ”gun free zones”. As the Right Wing News opines, such places are considered easy pickings by those crazoids who are hell bent on mass murder and taking out as many as possible before they take their own life. This law specifically authorizes teachers to possess a firearm in a K-12 school. Protecting children in schools is not about taking law-abiding citizens Second Amendment rights away, it’s about a show of force against those that would cause harm to innocents. Why would a crazed killer attack a school, a movie theater or a mall, because they are gun free zones. Create a barrier or perception that they are not gun free and a cowardly killer would think twice. That, or they will be gunned down before too much damage is done.
South Dakota became the first state in the nation to enact a law explicitly authorizing school employees to carry guns on the job, under a measure signed into law on Friday by Gov. Dennis Daugaard. Several other states already have provisions in their laws — or no legal restrictions — that make it possible for teachers to possess guns in the classroom. In fact, a handful of school districts nationwide do have teachers who carry firearms. But South Dakota is the only known state with a statute that specifically authorizes teachers to possess a firearm in a K-12 school, according to Lauren Heintz, a research analyst at the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Representative Scott Craig, a freshman Republican in the South Dakota House who sponsored the bill, said he hoped the measure would shift the country’s discourse on school safety.
“Given the national attention to safety in schools, specifically in response to tragedies like in Connecticut, this is huge,” he said. He added that, hopefully, “dominoes will start to fall, people will see it’s reasonable, it’s safer than they think, it’s proactive and it’s preventive.”
So Punks, do ya feel lucky trying to target a school in South Dakota?
The Hypocrisy of the LEFT … Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Sen. Feinstein’s Assault Weapons Ban Bill
We have known for quite some time that the LEFT have considered themselves better than “We the People” and that they live by a different set of rules, even though they tell us to do just the opposite. However, the hypocrisy from the LEFT might have hit an all time high, or low as the case may be. U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-D) has for decades tried to ban assault-style weapons and infringe upon our Second Amendment rights. Her latest bill is just yet another attempt to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. But there is one little provision that seems to have been overlooked. For all of Feinstein’s grandstanding and exploiting the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, for all of her appearances in the MSM calling assault-style guns and the other weapons on her banned list evil, government officials are exempt as weapons used by government officials and law enforcement will not be prohibited by the law!!!
Not everyone is exempted from owning military-style assault weapons under new legislation proposed by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
Weapons used by government officials and law enforcement will not be prohibited by the law proposed by the California Democrat, which would prohibit the sale, manufacture and importation of 158 specifically named semi-automatic weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Any weapons legally owned before the bill’s enactment would also be exempt, although those firearms would have to be registered in a national database.
In addition, more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles and manually operated firearms would also be exempt.
Check out all of the weapons under Feinstein’s bill that John Q. Public is not allowed to have, but the privileged class of the government is exempt from and will be able to own.
Since when is the government more important than “We the People”? Since when are the people treated like second rate citizens as compared to the ruling class? This is exactly what Our Founding Fathers set out to prevent when they created the United States of America. UNBELIEVABLE! Just curious, if these weapons are so dangerous, why would government officials be allowed to have them? Could it be because they are a great form of protection against the bad guys? This really is nothing more than a gun grab by the LEFT.
Posted January 28, 2013 by Scared Monkeys 2nd Amendment, Abuse of Power, America - United States, Barack Obama, collusion, Corruption, Diane Feinstein (CA-D), Government, Gun Control, Hypocrisy, Misrepresentation, Second Amendment, US Constitution, We the People | 12 comments |
Teachers Shouldn’t Use Red Colored Pens to Mark Students Homework Because It’s Like Shouting and Upsets Them
How on Earth are today’s kids going to be able to cope with any problems in the future. There in lies the rub, maybe they already can’t and explains the irrational fatal responses to dealing with issues and confrontation of today’s children.
Who in there life has not got a test or paper back in school marked up in read showing the misspelled words, errors and teachers comments? That may be a thing of the past. In the wussified world we live in today because “red” pens make children feel uncomfortable, researchers at University of Colorado in the U.S say that teachers should use more neutral colors like blue. GOOD GRIEF!!! The researchers behind the study say that teachers should not use red pens to mark homework and tests because it could upset schoolchildren. GOOD, THAT IS THE POINT SO THEY DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE IN THE FUTURE.
Teachers should stop using red pens to mark homework and tests because it could upset schoolchildren, U.S researchers say.
A study showed students think they’ve been assessed more harshly when their work is covered in red ink compared to more neutral colours like blue.
Sociologists Richard Dukes and Heather Albanesi from the University of Colorado told the Journal of Social Science: ‘The red grading pen can upset students and weaken teacher-student relations and perhaps learning.’
In 2008, hundreds of schools banned teachers from using red ink to correct work because they considered it ‘confrontational’ and ‘threatening’.
But Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, slammed the findings saying: ‘In my own experience of 35 years in teaching is that children actually prefer teachers to use red ink because they can read comments more easily.
The entire point of marking a child’s paper, test, exam and quiz in red is to stand out from the blue or black ink or pencil that was used by the student. What a joke and candy-a$$ country we have become if a child cannot take having their exam graded in red ink. It might upset them? Really, maybe it should upset them so that they learn from their mistakes and get it right the nest time? But the liberals who have destroyed today’s public schools would rather the children feel better and not have anything upset them, rather than actually learn.
What have we come to in this country? I am sorry, but no one can tell me that the school system today. Between educators are more worried about teaching ‘Heather has Two Mommies’, charging children on terroristic threats when in possession of a Hello Kitty bubble gun, teaching sex-ed at far too young an age and gumming down the educational system with “No Child Left Behind’, allowing children to retake tests until they pass. We now have these fools worried about upsetting the children with red ink. Guess what, when you get a 100% or A+, that is in big bold red ink as well. Is that upsetting them as well? AMERICA, when are the parents going to stand up and make educators understand that it is during a child’s learning years that they understand how to cope with mistakes and failures that will serve them later on in life? Then again, many of the times, the parents are also to blame for their coddling of little Bobby or Suzie who were made to feel uncomfortable by getting a bad grade.
We have already taken away dodge ball and any thing that would promote completion in public schools. Picking teams is history because those who are chose last are made to feel inferior. Is it any wonder why when you do nothing but coddle children that they have no idea how to perform in the real world?
Any school that would follow the banning of red ink, should maybe have their decision makers be provided a pink slip as well.
Posted January 24, 2013 by Scared Monkeys America - United States, child abuse, Child Welfare, Culture, Education, Liberal Indoctrination, Liberals, Restoring America, We the People, WTF | 6 comments |
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta Removes Military Ban on Women in Combat
In one of his last acts as Barack Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta removes the military ban on woman in combat. The change will open thousands of positions to woman on the front line. The recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff overturns a 1994 rule prohibiting women from being assigned to smaller ground combat units.
With all due respect to woman in the military, this is a terrible idea on so many levels. The US military, Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines, should be about having the greatest fighting force on the planet, not an equal opportunity, Title IX experiment. Many woman might even be able to handle the physical, mental and shooting proficiency of a front line combat soldier; there is more to the role than that.
The Pentagon is lifting its ban on women serving in combat, opening hundreds of thousands of front-line positions and potentially elite commando jobs after generations of limits on their service, defense officials said Wednesday.
The changes, set to be announced Thursday by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, will not happen overnight. The services must now develop plans for allowing women to seek the combat positions, a senior military official said. Some jobs may open as soon as this year, while assessments for others, such as special operations forces, including Navy SEALS and the Army’s Delta Force, may take longer. The services will have until January 2016 to make a case to that some positions should remain closed to women.
The groundbreaking move recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff overturns a 1994 rule prohibiting women from being assigned to smaller ground combat units.
What is going to happen when a woman is captured and held captive by America’s enemies and the public brutality and rape that will be broadcast to the public? Will a woman POW have a different reaction from “We the People” than a guy? The answer is yes and the enemy knows that. Will woman who have to pass lesser physical standards then men be allowed in front line military action? Sorry, but men are hard-wired to protect woman. What is going to happen in a time of war when a male soldiers is confronted with that choice? Then there is the bond of soldiers of front line military troops, there is a reason why its called, ‘Band of Brothers’, not Band of Brothers and Sisters. No matter how you slice it, once you introduce both sexes together, the dynamic changes. Many are going to be quick to say that this is the same as when blacks and gays were not allowed in the military. Not even close. If people have not yet figured out that men and women are different, they have not been paying attention. There is a lot more to being a front line military soldier than just physical and mental ability. There is a reason why they are cohesive units and it is not because they are coed. After all, Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus.
America, in the end some things are more important than gender equality and that is the protection and defense of the United States and its freedom and liberties.
Posted January 24, 2013 by Scared Monkeys America - United States, Military, POW-MIA, US National Security, WTF | 5 comments |