Check out the following VIDEO, “We Will Remember” from Haley Barbour and Republican Governors Association. Talk about a powerful and effective video documenting Obama’s regime and his henchman like Reid and Pelosi’s attempts to change the United States of America into something that no one voted for.

Never has America seen such an assault on their economy, freedom and prosperity. Obama and his band of liberal Democrats looks to transform the United States into a socialist Western European country.

Do not let them … stand up and Remember in November. Make a difference.

We Will Remember from Republican Governors Association on Vimeo.

As the Gateway Pundit states, Remember November so that we can return to the principles of Our Founding Fathers.

Remember November so that we can return America to its founding principles of freedom, personal responsibility and economic liberty. We Remember November so we, our children, and grandchildren can live with the freedoms our founding fathers intended.

Add your name to the list HERE.

Protein Wisdom comments on the LEFT’s reaction. To answer their question, Yes, they are that desperate. How absolutely pathetic Time magazine.

Is the Left really this desperate? Is Scherer just trying to see how far he can dupe the Left into spreading such a ridiculous meme? I would venture the majority of TEA Party participants might vaguely recognize the name “Guy Fawkes” but not immediately recall the history. And Scherer makes his case for the Republican Governors “call to violence” from focusing more on how Fawkes’ story was adapted for the graphic novel turned into movie V for Vendetta — for most TEA Party participants, that itself would be even further from their attention.

The LEFT is so hell-bent on comparing anyone who would dare oppose Obama, the Democrats and their socialist policies as terrorists. It is a tired, lame and self-defeating approach. It is quite a stretch that this video would some how allude to anti-government British terrorist Guy Fawkes. A stretch indeed.

It can explain why independents have run from Obama and the Democrat party. People are sick of being demonized because they are the voice of dissent against Barack Obama. A dissenting public might I add that represents a majority of Americans.


From Red State and I have to agree, it was the first thing I thought of as well when viewing the video, one of the best signs I have seen from Tea Parties …

Awesome. To me, it brings to mind my new favorite quote from a sign at a recent tea party rally:

“I can see November from my house.”

60% of Americans Say Capitalism is Better than Socialism

60% of Americans believe that capitalism is better than socialism while 18% believe living in Cuba or Venezuela would be better. Sadly, there are 21% who are so clueless that they cannot differentiate between the two.

Only 43% of Democrats think that capitalism is better than socialism. What has happened to this party? Is there any wonder why independents and those not affiliated with any party have run away from the Democrat party.

Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.

Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better.

These polls should be worrisome for Obama and Democrats who thrive on the notion that big government  is the answer to all problems.

Last year at this time, among all adults, only 53% said capitalism was better.

In fact, despite tepid support for capitalism, 77% of Americans prefer a free market economy rather than a government.

Posted April 24, 2010 by
Economy, Polls, Socialism | one comment

Republicans on Obamacare … We Told You So, Govt Releases Numbers on Obamacare Costs

Republicans to America … WE TOLD YOU SO.

So many times we and on our other sites write about crimes and True crime stories with regards to individuals committing crimes against others. How about when your government commits a crime against WE THE PEOPLE. The following with regards to Obamacare and the skyrocketing costs that were never reported to the People are truly CRIMINAL!

Democrats and President Obama rammed health care through against the will of the people. Democrat Speaker of the House went so far as to say that “we have to pass the bill to find out what was in it”.

SURPRISE! Obamacare increases health care costs, not lower them as Obama promised. However, this is no surprise to Republicans, they had been telling the American people that from the beginning the ills of Obamacare reform.

We are going to spend more on health care as a nation, not less.

Video Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit of Special Report

What did the report say from the Medicare and Medicaid actuaries say:

  • About 14 million people would lose their employer based health coverage by 2019 as smaller employers terminate coverage and workers who currently have employer coverage become enrolled in Medicaid because it will be cheaper to pay the fine than insure them.
  • Medical costs will skyrocket rising $389 billion 10 years.
  • 21 Million of Americans will still be left without health insurance, the very people who should have been targeted in the first place.
  • 18 million Americans will be dumped on to an already burdened Medicaid system. Medicaid reimburses so little that many doctors will never participate with Medicaid and thus those forced into CAID will have limited care.
  • Medicare cuts will be deeper than previously expected from $475 billion to $575 billion.
  • The actuaries also note that the Medicare cuts are counted twice in Obama’s fuzzy math, once to extend the life of Medicare and then to pay for new subsidies for insurance entitlement program.
  • 4 million families will be hit with tax penalties who fail to get health insurance.

Remember what President Barack Obama said … reform was supposed to get health care costs under control. Guess what, Obamacare does not.

After all is said and done, 21 million people, the poorest of the poor will still be without health insurance. These are the very people that supposedly Obamacare was supposed to help. So America, do you still think Obamacare was about reform … or government control?

There is a reason why so many people were against the Democrat health care reform and many more want to repeal it. However, the state run MSM ran cover for Obama and Democrats all during the debates and labeled Republicans as the “Party of No”.

Looks like Republicans were the Party of … We are warning you America, be wary of Obamacare.

Trouble for Those Who Voted for Bail Outs … 57% Have More Trust In Those In Congress Who Voted Against Bailouts

Most Americans still believe today that government is not and should not be the answer to our problems.

There is trouble on the horizon for all those who have in the past voted for bail outs. In a recent Rasmussen poll, 57% of American voters stated that they have more trust for those in Congress who voted against the bail outs than those who voted for. Only 21% stated that they trusted the judgment of a Congress member who voted for the bailouts.

Government bailouts are still a sore subject with most voters. But the Political class remains supportive of efforts to have taxpayers bail out troubled and failing companies.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 57% of likely U.S. voters have more confidence in the judgment of a member of Congress who voted against bailouts than in the judgment of one who voted for them. Just 21% trust the judgment of a Congress member who voted for bailouts more. Another 22% are undecided.

Middle income voters are more supportive of bailout opponents than those with higher or lower incomes.

This can explain why Democrats trail Republicans badly in the Rasmussen Generic Congressional poll and trail in the Real Clear Politics average polling as well.

“Government is not the solution to our problem; Government is the problem.”

This is the issue of this election, whether we believe in our capacity for self government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far distant Capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.  (10/24/64 – Ronald Reagan)

Most people think that the bail outs were bad for America and the economy. By a 56% to 30% margin, the voters feel bail outs were a bad idea.  President Ronald Reagan once said that “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” No truer words were ever more self evident today in 2010. Once again, the big government, nanny state Democrats have real issues to deal with the voters in the upcoming 2010 and 2012 elections. Independents and voters not affiliated with a political party are strongly against the bail outs and those who voted for them.

Seventy-nine percent (79%) of Republicans and 62% of voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties trust a member of Congress who voted against bailouts more. Democratic voters are narrowly divided on the question.

Similarly, 82% of Republicans and 59% of unaffiliated agree with Reagan that government is the problem, not the solution. Fifty-one percent (51%) of Democrats disagree.

Take a good listen to Ronald Reagan’s comments on Capitalism vs. Socialism. Never have the two been more simply explained.

“Socialists ignore the side of man that is of the spirit.  They can provide shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you are ill, all the things that are guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. They don’t understand that we also dream …”

Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Praises “Positive Sides” of the Tea Party … Guess they Don’t Amuse Turbo Tax Tim

And now for something completely different … These people will say anything … THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION WAS FOR THE TEA PARTY AFTER THEY WERE OPPOSED TO THEM!

Obama Treasury Secretary Turbo Tax Tim Geithner praises the positive sides of the Tea Party. Priceless, Geithner suggests that The Tea Party movement’s concern with deficit spending and an out of control and record deficits under Obama could align the group with the administration in the future. What, Obama fiscally responsible, now that’s PRICELESS.


This makes as much sense as Bill Clinton claiming expertise in marital fidelity, Obama’s discretion in choosing friends and pastors, Nancy Pelosi’s (choices) in plastic surgeons…..

Then again, the head of the IRS wasn’t quite bright enough to navigate ‘Turbo Tax’ software, so who knows?

We go from Obama mocking the Tea Party to Geithner praising them. Talk about good cop, bad cop … or is it just typical BS! Looks like some damage control for Obama’s ill advised comments the other day.

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