Nifong Dropping Duke Rape Charges But Keeping Kidnapping and Sexual Offense Charges

It looks like the rape charges against the Duke Lacross Players are dropped according to reports. The charges of kidnappng and sexual assault are being upheld. Breaking:

Prosecutors dropped rape charges Friday against three Duke University lacrosse players accused of attacking a stripper at a team party, but the three still face kidnapping and sexual offense charges.

According to court papers filed Friday by District Attorney Mike Nifong, the accuser told a prosecution investigator on Thursday that she now does not know if she was penetrated during the alleged attack.

Nifong had previously said he would rely on the woman’s account because of a lack of DNA evidence against the players.

Lacking any “scientific or other evidence independent of the victim’s testimony” to corroborate that aspect of the case, Nifong wrote, “the State is unable to meet its burden of proof with respect to this offense.”

Nifong did not immediately return calls seeking comment Friday, and a sign posted on his office door read, “No media, please!” via the AP

Daily Commentary – Tuesday December 19th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • How Sentencing an 85 Year Old Man To 10 Years in Jail For Kidnapping Compares to the Charges Given By Judges for Sex Crimes on Minors

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More Lessons for Aruba, Rape of tourist in South Africa sparks boycott

Aruba, think there are not consequences to not properly investigating and prosecuting crimes? Sometimes there are consequences to the fact that a crime is even committed.  Jossy Mansur of Diario has indicated many times that the suspect statements indicate a sexual assault as Natalee Holloway was going “in and out of consciousness”.

Dompig confirmed that there is a sexual assault, he not only believes it, he confirmed it.   That is a great question we have all been asking ourselves, why have their not been arrests on sexual assault? (Jossy Mansur, The Line Up )

Maybe Aruba better learn a lesson from South Africa for travel tour operators are calling for a boycott due to the gang rape of a French tourist. They have at least arrested suspects in this case, what have you done Aruba?

International tour operators are threatening to “pull the plug” on Durban following the gang rape of a French tourist.

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Aruba, Maybe You can use South Africa as an Example … Hint: Rape is one of the worst offenses

It would appear the courts in South Africa seem to think rape is a terrible offense. They seem to thing that gang rape is even worse. A particular Caribbean island might want to read this article and rethink their position. What does one think going in and out of consciousness mean?

An East London High Court judge sentenced a gang rapist to life imprisonment, describing the “arrogant” attack at knife-point as “one of the worst offenses”. Life sentences were handed down in the gang rape.

What message does that send to the world, especially since we are hosting the 2010 World Cup.”

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Posted December 8, 2006 by
Crime, Sex Offender, World | 65 comments

New Zealand Seems to be Able to Handle Crimes Against Tourists .. Why Can’t or Won’t Aruba?

New Zealand police get it, why can’t or won’t other?BayofIslands_Zealand

A Dutch newlywed couple on were abducted at gun point in the Bay of Islands by two men. The Dutch tourist couple was forced to withdraw money from ATM’s and the woman was assaulted before the two attackers dumped the couple on the side of a road.

Police say more charges are likely in the case of two men accused of abducting two Dutch tourists in the Bay of Islands.

The men, aged 27 and 29, were arrested on Tuesday night and face joint charges of rape, sexual violation, stupefying and aggravated robbery while armed with a 12-gauge shotgun. (TVNZ)

Kudos to the New Zealand police for carrying out a major operation which resulted in the arrests of a 27 and 29 year old men who attacked the couple. If only it was that way elsewhere when tourists are faced with crimes perpetrated against them.

(Hat Tip: RR)


Posted November 22, 2006 by
Aruba, Crime, Sex Offender, Travel, World | 15 comments

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