Daily Commentary – Thursday, July 26th, 2007 – Judicial System Frees Accused Child Rapist Mahamu Kanneh

  • Dana Pretzer discusses Mahamu Kanneh freed after 9 counts of rape and sex abuse are dismissed by Judge Katherine Savage. Lack of Liberian “Vai” dialect interpreter cited as reason for denial of a “speedy trial.”

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Thursday, July 26th, 2007 – Judicial System Frees Accused Child Rapist Mahamu Kanneh [2:19m]: | Download

MySpace.com deletes 29,000 sex offenders from its Service

MySpace … and you were waiting for what exactly?

MySpace.com, who has recently come under attack for its younger member falling Internet_safetyvictim to adult sex predators posing as minors, has deleted 29,000 accounts.    MySpace detected and deleted 29,000 convicted sex offenders on its service. 29,000!!! This represents a number that is 4 x’s the original amount of 7,000 that MySpace had initially stated. MySpace needs to police itself better if they wish to be a social networking community. The combination of age requirement, social networking and the internet make it a breeding ground for sex predators.

“The exploding epidemic of sex offender profiles on MySpace — 29,000 and counting — screams for action,” Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said in a statement.

Blumenthal, who led a coalition of state authorities to lobby MySpace for more stringent safeguards for minors, and other state AGs have demanded the service begin verifying a user’s age and require parental permission for minors.

The minimum age to register on MySpace is 14. (Reuters)

Previous MySpace sex predator postings

MySpace.com has found more than 29,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the popular social networking Web site

“I’m absolutely astonished and appalled because the number has grown so exponentially over so short of time with no explanation,” said Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who also had pressed the company earlier for sex offender data. (ABC News)

Some facts and tips regarding MySpace

Terapon Adhahn Avoids Death Penalty By Leading Police to the Body of 12 Year Old Zina Linnik

This is a perfect example of how predators game our legal system to save themselves. Terapon_rapistThere is no more deserving recipient of the death penalty than Terapon Adhahn, the child predator who abducted, assaulted and killed 12 year old Zina Linnik. However, prosecutors made a deal with Terapon taking the death penalty off the table in return that he bring them to Zina Linnik. Of course Tarapon Adhahn knew at the time he made the deal  he had murdered the innocent 12 year old and was just saving his own bacon.

However, Adhahn is being investigated for the sexual assault and murder of others including Adre’Anna Jackson. If found guilty of other crimes we can only hope that the death penalty is brought back into play for this individual who have more than earned it.

With a man in custody, but no way of knowing whether Zina was still alive, Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney Gerald Horne weighed an offer that could potentially spare the lives of both victim and suspect.

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The Dana Pretzer Show – Monday, July 23rd, 2007 – Special Guests Larry Synclair, Jossy Mansur, LaDonna Meredith, Attorney Jay Paul Deratany

The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio

Special Guests: 

  • Larry Synclair – Discusses The PARENT ACT “Proposed Legislation” – The Parental Abduction Recovery, Enforcement and Network Training Act
  • Jossy Mansur - Discusses The Natalee Holloway Investigation
  • LaDonna MeredithLet’s Bring Them Home, a national missing person’s advocacy group, announces the launch of Project Dead Zone – an initiative to find answers in the cases of missing persons along the 100-mile stretch from Shreveport, Louisiana to Houston, Texas dubbed as the “dead zone.”
  • Attorney Jay Paul Deratany – Discussing the To Catch a Predator sting which was conducted with law enforcement in Murphy, Texas and Perverted Justice.

icon for podpress  The Dana Pretzer Show – Monday, July 23rd, 2007 – Special Guests Larry Synclair, Jossy Mansur, LaDonna Meredith, Attorney Jay Paul Deratany [58:10m]:  | Download

What Are Our Court Thinking? Accused Child Rapist Set Free Because of No Interpreter

Another judicial outrage. Suspects rights trump victims rights again. So a suspected child rapist makes it through high school and community college and conveniently cannot understand English when charged with a crime. Mahamu Kanneh, a Liberian national who was accused of repeatedly raping a 7 year old girl, Judge Katherine Savage dismissed the charges and set this suspected child predator free because they could not find an interpreter. Under the right to have a speedy trial, a judge allowed a suspected child rapist to go free.

Charges against a man accused of repeatedly raping and molesting a 7-year-old girl were dismissed last week because the court could not find an interpreter fluent in the suspect’s native West African language. Mahamu Kanneh, a Liberian native who received asylum in this country and attended high school and community college here, according to The Washington Post, was denied a speedy trial after three years awaiting a court-appointed interpreter who could speak the tribal language of Vai. (Fox News)

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