deletes 29,000 sex offenders from its Service


MySpace … and you were waiting for what exactly?, who has recently come under attack for its younger member falling Internet_safetyvictim to adult sex predators posing as minors, has deleted 29,000 accounts.    MySpace detected and deleted 29,000 convicted sex offenders on its service. 29,000!!! This represents a number that is 4 x’s the original amount of 7,000 that MySpace had initially stated. MySpace needs to police itself better if they wish to be a social networking community. The combination of age requirement, social networking and the internet make it a breeding ground for sex predators.

“The exploding epidemic of sex offender profiles on MySpace — 29,000 and counting — screams for action,” Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said in a statement.

Blumenthal, who led a coalition of state authorities to lobby MySpace for more stringent safeguards for minors, and other state AGs have demanded the service begin verifying a user’s age and require parental permission for minors.

The minimum age to register on MySpace is 14. (Reuters)

Previous MySpace sex predator postings has found more than 29,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the popular social networking Web site

“I’m absolutely astonished and appalled because the number has grown so exponentially over so short of time with no explanation,” said Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who also had pressed the company earlier for sex offender data. (ABC News)

Some facts and tips regarding MySpace

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  • Comments

    10 Responses to “ deletes 29,000 sex offenders from its Service”

    1. on July 25th, 2007 10:59 am

      And note: those are just the ones they’ve found so far. I suggested they go for a new domain name: MyPredatorSpace

    2. aghar on July 25th, 2007 11:23 am

      You know what’s really scary? There’s hundreds of thousands of sex offenders on the internets RIGHT NOW! There’s probably even dozens IN YOUR TOWN! Ban all registered sex offenders everywhere, now! Hang em high! Never forget!

    3. dennisintn on July 25th, 2007 11:30 am

      these people weren’t register on myspace for no reason. there’s no telling how many innocent youngsters will be saved by this action. kudos to myspace, and keep up the good work.

    4. Miss-Underestimated on July 25th, 2007 2:41 pm

      Dennis, I agree 100% great move for myspace.

      Now, how did my space find them and the law can’t?

    5. mrs. red on July 25th, 2007 2:42 pm

      Great point Kata – those are just the ones they have uncovered.

    6. Allan K on July 25th, 2007 5:05 pm

      Watch Out 29,000 predators off line now and ready for the streets. Could they give out names, screen names and locations so people could take care of their kids.

    7. Maggie on July 25th, 2007 5:09 pm

      #3 ditto dennis…

    8. buster on July 25th, 2007 7:31 pm

      I wonder if Urin vandersweat was one ???

    9. chloe on July 25th, 2007 8:38 pm

      I think it’s a good move, but I wonder how much it will really help. You can register under any name. You don’t have to use your real name. And they don’t ask for your address either. It’s like hotmail. Anyone can get an account. I hope these guys don’t just go out and make a new account with a fake name. That being said, it’s not myspace’s responsibiliy alone to take action. I wish we could monitor offenders’ internet use somehow. Like by satellite. I’m sure it would be really expensive though. I guess the best we can do is monitor our own children on the internet and warn them about the dangers.

    10. Ree78 on July 29th, 2007 6:04 pm

      I agree with chloe. I think it is great that MySpace is taking action and doing something about this issue. I hope it helps! Has anyone gone to the site? It shows you where sex offenders live, you just have to put in your address and it will show you all registered offenders in your area. Scary, but good to know. The site even gives their address! I also agree that the best thing to do is monitor children online and educate them about internet safety, especially on sites like MySpace. There are some great resources and experts like to help parents with the issue. I also wish that we could somehow monitor sex offenders internet use or tag them in some sort of way. I read a while ago that Florida is going to have special license plates to show who the offenders are.

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