Little Girl, “Madison,” from Sex Tape Found Safe … Chester Arthur Stiles Sought by Police for Questioning

The little girl who was sexually assaulted and videotaped has been found safe in Nevada. The story is one of the more disturbing ones seen by investigators in their many years. The assault that was videotaped occurred when the girl was 3 or 4 years old. Chester Arthur Stiles has gone from a “person of interest” to a “suspect” according to police. Stiles is being sought by police and there is a man hunt for this individual.

(Chester Arthur Stiles)

“We found the victim. She’s safe,” Nye County sheriff’s Detective David Boruchowitz told The Associated Press.

Widespread media accounts of the case led to the crucial tip that helped find the girl, Boruchowitz said. He did not provide details of her identity, where she lives or how she was located.

Earlier in the day, authorities put the name “Madison” to the haunting face of the young girl authorities believe was 4 or 5 years old when she was raped and sexually assaulted in the video.  (CBS News)

The tape of the sexual assault originally surfaced when Darren Tuck came forward Darren Tuckwith it after stating he had found it in the desert. Tuck has since been arrested by police.

A 26-year-old Pahrump man, Darren Tuck, surrendered the tape to Nye County sheriff’s investigators Sept. 8 after another man reported seeing it, Boruchowitz said.

Tuck was arrested on charges of promoting child pornography and possession of child pornography, both felonies, and released without bail pending an appearance Nov. 26 in Pahrump Justice Court. The top charge carries a possible sentence of up to life in prison.

Tuck told detectives he found the videotape in the desert outside Pahrump more than five months ago. Investigators don’t think Tuck made the tape, Boruchowitz said.

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Frank Laine Hall Honored as One of Best Teachers in Utah Guilty of Sexually Abusing 11 Students

Another teacher busted for using their job as their own sexual playground

They may want to take back the Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education from Frank Laine Hall2006 honoring 37 year old Frank Laine Hall as one of the best teachers.  It would appear that Frank Hall was doing just a bit more than reading, writing and arithmetic with his students. Frank Laine Hall, a former first grade teacher at Rosamond Elementary school in Riverton pleaded guilty to sexually abusing 11 students in a plea agreement that dismissed five other counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child. You heard that correct, a first grade teacher.

Frank Laine Hall could get up to 30 years and would have to register as a sex offender. I wonder if Hall would be considered to attractive to serve time in jail if he was say … a woman like Debra Lafave? There is a reason why none of these teacher/student sexual abuse cases should ever be taken lightly.

Hall pleaded guilty to 10 counts of attempted aggravated sex abuse of a child and one count of sex abuse of a child in a plea agreement that dismissed five other counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child, Ybarra said.

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Maybe This is the Answer … Confessed Rapist Bobby James Allen Castrated

A confessed rapist, Bobby James Allen, was sentenced to 25 years in prison, days Rapist_cartoonafter he voluntarily underwent castration as part of a plea deal to avoid life in prison. For a mere $2000 a castration of a sex offender could aide in keeping our streets safer. Bobby James Allen was known 1999 as the “Ninja Rapist,” and he had a “signature” style to his crimes as he usually dressed in black, wore a mask and was armed with a knife. Voluntarily huh? OK, who thinks that maybe this should be the punishment for repeat rapists and child sex offenders? Take the “voluntary” part out of the mix and we will see just how many crimes occur and the lack of repetition.

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Posted September 21, 2007 by
Child Welfare, Crime, Sex Offender | 27 comments

Federal Prosecutor John David R. Atchison Arrested In Child Sex Sting

File this one under … “ICK”!!!Atchison

A US Justice Department official, 53 year old John David R. Atchison, has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit, MI to have sex with a 5 year old. Atchison is being charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity.

An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police. Prosecutors said Atchison flew from Pensacola, Fla., to Detroit on Sunday intending to have sex with the 5-year-old girl.

He was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

The detective, acting as the child’s mother, allegedly arranged a sexual encounter between Atchison and her 5-year-old daughter, police said.

As Above the Law states, During his tenure as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales made it a policy priority to “keep our children safe” from creeps on the internets and now it turns out this sleeze worked for the DOJ.

This story is bad enough on the surface, but gets even worse when one reads the deposition of what this sick and twisted individual was saying, “I only like it soft and nice.” And this sicko was working for the DOJ, dear Lord. Maybe even more if not equally disturbing is the fact that Atchison stated, “Just gotta go slow and very easy. I’ve done it plenty.” PLENTY OF TIMES!!! Florida police best look into just how many times this man has committed child rape.

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The Apologizing Sex Attacker William Beebe Released from Prison After Serving Six Months

One wonders exactly how the conversation went with William Beebe and the judge behind closed doors. Judge, I am sorry I raped Liz Seccuro in college and scared her for life but I apologize after all these years. Becuase this is not about the damage that I may have caused my victim and they fact that they never received justice, its about me and how I feel. So must have gone the conversation when William Beebe admitted to raping Seccuro fraternity party back in 1984. What’s the price for that crime? Can you believe less than 6 months! Why do they even call it justice anymore?

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Posted September 14, 2007 by
Crime, Judicial, Sex Offender, WTF | 4 comments

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