The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, April 22, 2008 – SPECIAL EDITION Discussing the Becca McEvoy Case – Guests Include Aden McEvoy, Rhonda Wheelus, Jessica Taloney, Wendy Murphy and Robin Sax

This week, Dana brings us up-to-the-minute news on today’s decisions regarding Becca’s case. Join him as he discusses the case with:

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Judge to Rule Whether Becca McEvoy gets Justice … Victims Rights!!!

Should a victim lose their rights because they die? It never seems that the suspects in crimes care anything about the rights of their victims. Funny, it’s only when its about a suspects defense does the concern of rights matter. Then again, its only about those her are on trial and their rights.

Should Becca McEvoy have less rights than her abuser?

Who is looking out for Becca McEvoy?

This is what is preventing Justice for Becca from a Sexual Abuser … a car crash.  A car crash that took the life of Becca. How is someone’s death supposed to benefit a child abuser?  You should all be outraged by the lack of Victim’s Rights in our legal system.

(Car crash video)

Media Continues to Not Cover Becca McEvoy Case … What are you Waiting For, Becca to be Victimized Again?



Does Becca McEvoy not deserve justice?

Has the media ever bothered to look into the case of 11 year old Becca McEvoy? There is a case right there in front of you that has all of the compelling elements for what the media cares about most, ratings. We are not even going to try and talk to the fact that there is a human, touching and gut wrenching side to this story that would appeal to viewers. No American ever wants to see an 11 year old child sexually abused let alone done so by the US Court system.Rebecca pics 034

An 11 year old girl is allegedly sexually assaulted by her step-father, Bob Ingle, and then because of a horrible car accident tragedy Becca is killed prior to the case going to trial. Bob Ingle was charged with rape, sodomy and sexual abuse. Thus, a man who committed repeated crimes against his step-daughter may walk because of the fact that an accused get to face his/her accuser. Is a victim of rape supposed to lose their rights because they die?


Mark Lunsford … HERO! A Parent Living the Worst Nightmare … Jessica Lunsford’s Legacy will help Children for Years to Come

Thank you Mark Lunsford for … JESSICA’S JUSTICE.

Hero:  a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities. One that Mark_Lunsford2shows great courage.

Mark Lunsford never thought that he would be one of the most known and respected children’s advocates of sex crimes. Mark Lunsford also never thought that he would lose his 9 year old daughter Jessica Lunsford in the manner he did and be living “a parent’s worst nightmare.”

“I didn’t spend my life raising kids so that somebody could one of them away,” he says.

But his daughter, nine-year-old Jessica, was taken away, abducted from home, sexually assaulted and murdered by convicted sex offender John Couey.

“The problem that we have in the United States with sexual predators and offenders is actually it’s insulting to all the people that these kind of crimes could go so lightly punished,” Mark explains.

However, out of the ashes and the tragedy arose a true American hero. We are constantly presented with strories in the media of what’s wrong with America. Or during this election year, what makes people bitter. We should never forget nor have to be reminded what makes America great. People like Mark Lunsford who take the worst of tragedies and turn them into causes for good are exactly the stuff of what hero’s are made of.   


Mark Lunsford is a perfect example that no parent ever thinks or expects that it will be their children who fall prey to such ruthless and vicious sex offenders like John Couey. What John Couey did to 9 year old Jessica Lunsford is well documented and makes even the most non-violent person want to stone him to death. Why do we love Mark Lunsford? Because he says it as it is. There is no political PC nonsense. Mark is not a politician. He is a parent on a mission, one to protect children and their rights. One that is all too often forgotten by law makers because children do not vote.

“My crusade is mandatory sentencing, 25 years to life. If you sexually abuse a child or you molest a child, I firmly believe you don’t have a right in society,” he says.

Now all he hopes is that his story, his nightmare will make a difference.

“She was just like the little girl that you would change the world for, plus ten,” he says describing his daughter, Jessica..

Mark Lunsford has become a hero to all and especially to sexually exploited, abused and murdered children at the hands of sex offenders. For that we owe Mark Lunsford a debt of gratitude that he has made it his person mission in life that other parents children may benefit for what happened to Jessica. Call it the legacy of Jessica Lunsford. Call it a father’s mission and Jessica’s Justice.

Justice for Rebecca “Becca” McEvoy … Please do not let Becca be Victimized Twice (Part 2)

Becca McEvoy & her family need your help … Justice for Becca


The question that every one needs to ask themselves is should a victim of a crime be denied justice because they die? Should people suspected of heinous crimes be allowed to walk because their victim dies a part from the initial crime? Does that mean the crime never happened?



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Please go to ipetitions and make your outrage be heard. Deceased victims of crimes and their families are allowed justice.

Becca McEvoy was a victim of sexual abuse. The story is beyond heart breaking. A child who was a victim of unspeakable crimes allegedly by her step father Bob Ingle. Becca then dies in a car accident before the trail ever takes place against the man who victimized her. Now, our legal system may do the same thing to the memory of Becca.


Please help this family and make this story be heard. Email the media and your State and Federal representatives. DO NOT LET A CRIME HAPPEN TO BECCA A SECOND TIME.


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