Daily Commentary – Friday, October 2nd, 2009 – Wendy Murphy’s Letter to Whoopi

  • Wendy Murphy addresses Whoopi’s statement regarding Roman Polanski in two thoughtful letters, which Dana reads in full.

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Friday, October 2nd, 2009 – A Letter to Whoopi [8:22m]: | Download

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Thursday, October 1, 2009 – Special Guests: Robin Sax, Dawna Kaufmann and Anna Moss


Listen to the Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio

Tonight Dana Welcomes Special Guests:

  • Author Dawna Kaufmann, - Co-Author Of A Question Of Murder will be here to discuss recent developments in the Anna Nicole Case
  • Former LA Sex Crimes Prosecutor Robin Sax will be here to discuss Roman Polanski
  • Domestic Violence Expert and Author Anna Moss will be here to discuss Warnings Signs Of A Abused Individual 

icon for podpress  The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Thursday, October 1, 2009 – Special Guests: Robin Sax, Dawna Kaufmann and Anna Moss [53:29m]: | Download

Daily Commentary – Thursday, October 1st, 2009 – Whoopi Goldberg Opens Mouth about Roman Polanski – An Out of Touch View

  • The actress, by way of excusing Roman Polanski, claimed that having non-consensual sex with a 13-year-old isn’t rape. Maybe not in whatever universe she hails from.

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Thursday, October 1st, 2009 – Whoopi Goldberg Opens Mouth – Hot Gas Escapes [2:03m]: | Download

Jessica Lunsford’s Killer, John Evander Couey, Dies in Prison … Good Riddance … Predator Off to Hell

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

51 year old John Evander Couey, the man who kidnapped, raped and murdered Jessica Lunsford is dead. Couey was pronounced dead at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday at Jacksonville Memorial Hospital. It couldn’t have happened to a more appropriate predator.

John Evander Couey_dead

Couey, you are looking in the wrong direction … you will be residing in Hell

John Evander Couey, 51, had been ill for some time and died in a Jacksonville hospital where he had been since Aug. 12, said Department of Corrections spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger.

John Evander Couey may have cheated the state executioner; however, as Jessica’s grandmother, Ruth Lunsford said … “God took control of it. He took him out of this world.” We can only say good riddance and have a nice time in the 7th level of hell Couey. For what this sexual predator did to Jessica Lunsford and never showed remorse, have a great time with eternal damnation in hell. And Couey thought what he did was heinous. There is one saving grace in the fact that Couey is dead and that is the Lunsford family never has to deal with ridiculous appeals from Couey.

Although no details were released from the hospital due to privacy reasons, it has been reported that Couey had been diagnoses with cancer and had been in serious condition.

Comments from Ruth Lunsford, 77, Jessica’s paternal grandmother:

“Thank you, Lord,” “I wanted to live long enough to see him die,” she said at her West Snowbird Court home in this quiet Homosassa subdivision. “It’s done, it’s finished. I’m glad we didn’t have to wait too long for him to get the needle.”

Our prayers go out to Mark Lunsford and his family as this must be a bitter sweet day.

Posted September 30, 2009 by
Crime, Deceased, Murder, Sex Offender | 4 comments

Why Isn’t President Barack Obama Interested in Child Sex Slaves and Human Trafficking or Find it Important?

MMM, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama: Why does President Barack Obama not think that child prostitution and human trafficking is an important issue?

How many posts and radio shows have we devoted to sex crimes and child sex crime and the heinous crime of human trafficking?

The ACORN “pimps and prostitutes” scandal and videos have been plastered all over the Internet even before the MSM decided to cover the story. The underlying content and crime related to these videos were that Acorn employees were providing advice to facilitate federals crimes including but not limited to child prostitution, under age sex slave trafficking, child porn, illegal immigration and defrauding the US Government.

The result of these videos where ACORN workers are providing tax advice to a pimp and prostitute played by filmmakers James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles have been the non-profits defunding by the House and Senate. The US Census and IRS have also severed all ties with ACORN.

However, what is some of the most disturbing,  heinous and over the top were the actions of ACORN employees that had no problem and condoned the notion that they were providing advice to a child prostitution ring and the human trafficking of under age girls into the United States. The ACORN employees even went so far as to provide advice to say that the underage sex slaves could be used as dependents when filing taxes. Folks, this is the human trafficking of underage girls to be sex slaves. Does anyone think that is important? Does anyone not think that human trafficking is not an issue?

We now digress back to the summer of 2007 where we questioned why the Reverend Wright and Trinity Church’s most famous pew sitter had issues with a missing white girl …

In August 2007 we asked the question, “What Does Barack Obama, Rev. Jeremiah Holloway1Wright Jr. & Trinity United Church of Christ Have against Natalee Holloway?” The post came from comments that were made by Barack Obama’s pastor for 20 years Reverend Jeremiah Wright who for some reason could not see that we are all God’s children, but instead would rather break it down by race instead.

For some reason Wright had an issue with a missing American high school girl, Natalee Holloway who went missing in Aruba in 2005, be a news story. Sadly, Obama’s pastor made the story of missing Natalee Holloway who would never been seen again alive, a  racially divisive story. Did it not matter that any American individual went missing and was murdered in for foreign country?

Wright on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway: “Black women are being raped daily in Africa. One white girl from Alabama gets drunk at a graduation trip to Aruba, goes off and gives it up while in a foreign country and that stays in the news for months.” (News Max)

We flash forward to 2009 and President Barack Obama’s comments regarding the importance he places on underage child prostitution and the human trafficking of sex slaves …

 It’s not something that I followed closely … It’s not something that I am paying attention to. Afghanistan is a big issue, that is worth talking about.

We reference the above post because it is rather peculiar that the following comments came from Barack Obama’s mouth recently on a Sunday talk show with reference to the recent ACORN video scandals. We referred to the story of Natalee Holloway, not because we think she was a victim of human trafficking, but because Wright/Obama made an issue that there were other news stories that should have been covered of people of color.

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