READING, WRITING & RAPE: 2 People Arrested, Up to 20 Involved in Gang Rape of 15 Year Old Girl Outside Richmond, CA High School Home Coming Dance

WTF!!! What is going on in our schools … Reading, Writing and Rape.

Some stories just offend every sensibility of our human nature that it is impossible to be objective. The following is one of those heinous and despicable stories.

Two people have been arrested and as many as 20 may have been involved in the gang rape of a 15 year old girl outside a Richmond High School home coming dance in Richmond, CA. According to the police, a 15 year old girl was gang raped Saturday night over a 2 1/2 hour.

Police posted a $20,000 reward Tuesday for anyone who comes to them with information that helps arrest and convict those involved in what authorities describe as a 2½-hour assault on the Richmond High School campus in suburban San Francisco.

Two teenage suspects have been jailed, but more arrests, as many as 20 total, are expected, according to a police detective.

According to reports as many as 10 people took part in the actual rape while another 10 people looked on and did absolutely nothing. NOTHING!!! A 15 year old girl is brutally savaged for 2 1/2 hours and not one person did anything to help this poor girl. UNBELIEVABLE. Instead if a human reaction by the 10 to help, they just watched. Although how many of us think that some one captured pics or video of the rape on their cell phone?

Who knew that Big Dan’s Tavern was alive and well at Richmond High School? For those of you unfamiliar with the Big Dan’s Tavern reference, this was the rape case made popular by the Jodie Foster movie, The Accused.

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People Magazine Has First Pic, Photo of Kidnap Survivor Jaycee Dugard … ” I’m So Happy to be Back!”

Jaycee Dugard tells People Magazine … I’m So Happy to be Back!

Jaycee Dugard had been missing since January 10, 1991. The 11 year old was last seen walking to her bus stop in Lake Tahoe, CA when she was abducted. No one had ever seen or heard from her since.

Flash forward 18 years …

After being kidnapped and held against her will for 18 years … Jaycee Lee Dugard was found SAFE and ALIVE!!!

After 18 years, 29 year old Jaycee Lee Dugard walked into a California police station. A convicted sex offender and his wife were arrested in the kidnapping of Jaycee Lee Dugard. For 18 years Jaycee Lee Dugard had been kept as a sex slave. How many times do we need to say it, there is no such thing as a one time sex offender and they cannot be cured. Paroling sex offenders and unleashing them on an unsuspecting society should never be an option.


This is what 11 year old Jaycee Dugard looked like when she was abducted and subsequently held for 18 years. Sadly, Jaycee Dugard had children with her convicted sex offender captor, 58 year old Phillip Garrido.

Now People Magazine has the first, exclusive pics, photos and story of kidnap survivor Jaycee Dugard. Read the amazing story … 18 years in the making.

Jaycee Dugard released her first public statement and current photograph.

It’s the story that all families, friends and loved ones can grab a hold of and hope for a positive outcome of a missing person of their own. Although these cases are too often to few of such and unexpected outcome … some times all a family has is hope. Jaycee Dugard’s story provided that hope to many families of missing persons.

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 – Polanski’s Got the Blues in Jail … Wonder How his 13 Year Old Victim Felt After the Rape, Rape?

  • The Oscar-winning director and confessed child rapist complains of depression while awaiting extradition in prison. Read the court transcript HERE and HERE as to what Polanski did to this 13 year old and see if you feel sorry for him. After pleading guilty to the Rape, as a 13 year old cannot given consent, Polanki fled the US as he thought the judge would deny the plea deal and give him a more harsh sentence. Hmm, I wonder why Polanski would have thought that? If you read the transcript, you will know why. Maybe the bleeding hearts in Hollywood should do as well.

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Posted October 13, 2009 by
Bizarre, Crime, Sex Offender | no comments

Former Racine Mayor Democrat Gary Becker Awaits Trial for Attempt to Arrange on-line Sex Tryst With 14 Year Old Girl

When is a 14 year old girl not a 14 year old girl? When the 14 year old is a state agent posing as a minor as part of an Internet sex sting. So former 52 year old Gary Becker Racine, WI  Democrat mayor found out the hard way. Becker awaits trail as his attorney tried to change the venue, but were denied.

Becker was nabbed and arrested in an on-line sting chatting with a state agent posing as a 14 year old girl. Becker was also found to be in possession of child porn.

Becker was taken into custody at Brookfield Square Mall in Brookfield on Tuesday afternoon. He was arrested on charges of child enticement, possession of child pornography, exposing a child to harmful materials, attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child, use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime and misconduct in public office, according to the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation

Becker resigned as mayor on January 20, 2009, five days after he was charged with multiple felonies. Becker is married and has two children.

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Bad Daddy: John Forehand Used Facebook to Locate and Sexually Proposition his Daughter

“Bad Daddy” … Bad Move … GOOD GRIEF!!!

According to AG Tom Corbett, 39 year old John Forehand of Lititz, PA allegedly used Facebook to sexually proposition his own biological 13 year old daughter. Forehand obviously taking the Facebook social networking space to a whole new, disgusting and perverted level. Forehand had not had any contact with his daughter, go figure, for 10 years. He actually used Facebook to track her down and proposition her for sex. Ephrata Police arrested Forehand when he arrived at a predetermined meeting location and he is being held on $400,000 bond.

John Forehand_predator

John Christopher Forehand, Bad Daddy will be winning no Father of the Year contests any time soon

According to the criminal complaint, Forehand proposed meeting the girl for sex and explained in graphic detail the sex acts, telling her “not many other fathers and daughters are this brave, so not many of them are so lucky to experience all these pleasures.”

Corbett said the girl alerted her mother, who contacted the Ephrata Borough Police Department. The state Child Predator Unit and Ephrata Police arrested Forehand when he arrived at a predetermined meeting location on October 7. Agents seized a camera, tripod and an unopened box of condoms from Forehand’s vehicle, along with a digital camera, camcorder, computers and data-storage devices from his home.

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Posted October 10, 2009 by
Bizarre, Crime, Facebook, Sex Offender, WTF | 4 comments

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