Unhappy Valley: Joe Paterno’s Family Responds to Penn State Penalties and Sanctions over Sandusky Sexual Abuse Crimes … “defamed the legacy and contributions of a great coach and educator”


The family of Joe Paterno responds to the harsh sanctions handed down today by the NCAA in the wake of the heinous and hideous sexual abuse crimes of former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. Among the penalties were $60 million sanction, four year ban on bowl games, loss of scholarships and most peculiar, Penn State vacating all wins from 1998 through 2011. What is a little trite about this punishment is the fact that I fail to see how this properly punishes PSU and makes it better in the future. Granted, the vacating of wins makes Paterno no longer the winniest division I coach in NCAA history and slots former Florida St coach as the new #1. What a way to become number one. That being said, the NCAA said it did not want to punish current players with their sanctions. Well, what about former ones? So all players that took part in Nittany Lion football from 1998 to 2011 didn’t exist?

I realize the crimes that Sandusky did were beyond comprehension, but there just seems to be a bit of vindictiveness in the vacating of games. I can understand the $60 million fine and the money to go to groups that deal with abused and exploited children. I can understand the bowl ban and the loss of scholarships. I more than understand the steps to create a compliance policy and an independent group to oversee PSU. However, if one is going to go out on a limb and make accusations against anyone, including JoePa, they best get all the information from all parties. Just because there was blood in the water and some one needed to take the fall, does not mean you bypass the process. The family of Joe Paterno released a statement.

“Sexual abuse is reprehensible, especially when it involves children, and no one starting with Joe Paterno condones or minimizes it. The horrific acts committed by Jerry Sandusky shock the conscience of every decent human being. How Sandusky was able to get away with his crimes for so long has yet to be fully understood, despite the claims and assertions of the Freeh Report.

“The release of the Freeh Report has triggered an avalanche of vitriol, condemnation and posthumous punishment on Joe Paterno. The NCAA has now become the latest party to accept the report as the final word on the Sandusky scandal. The sanctions announced by the NCAA today defame the legacy and contributions of a great coach and educator without any input from our family or those who knew him best.

“That the President, the Athletic Director and the Board of Trustees accepted this unprecedented action by the NCAA without requiring a full due process hearing before the Committee on Infractions is an abdication of their responsibilities and a breach of their fiduciary duties to the University and the 500,000 alumni. Punishing past, present and future students of the University because of Sandusky’s crimes does not serve justice. This is not a fair or thoughtful action; it is a panicked response to the public’s understandable revulsion at what Sandusky did.

“The point of due process is to protect against this sort of reflexive action. Joe Paterno was never interviewed by the University or the Freeh Group. His counsel has not been able to interview key witnesses as they are represented by counsel related to ongoing litigation. We have had no access to the records reviewed by the Freeh group. The NCAA never contacted our family or our legal counsel. And the fact that several parties have pending trials that could produce evidence and testimony relevant to this matter has been totally discounted.

“Unfortunately all of these facts have been ignored by the NCAA, the Freeh Group and the University.”

Rush Limbaugh stated it best as to the double-talk coming from NCAA President Emert. How can you sat that you did not want to punish the player that had nothing to do with this scandal when you take away current scholarships, tell them they cannot play in a bowl and forfeit all of Penn States wins from 1998 to 2011. How is this not punishing those that were not responsible?

But when you vacate all of the victories, and then you tell the existing team that they can’t go to a bowl game for four years, and there’s no championship for you, how are you not punishing the people that didn’t have anything to do with it? The $60 million fine is about what they say the Penn State football program generates every year. They’re gonna take that one year of revenue of $60 million and they’re gonna set up basically a charity for abused kids to deal with those who are and to prevent it from ever happening again.

Sex Offender Gian Verdelli Arrested For 169th Time After Groping Woman On NY/NJ PATH Train

So much for three strikes and your out laws … How about 169 strikes?

61 year old sex offender Gian Verdelli was arrested for the 169th time on Monday and charged with groping a woman on a NY/NJ PATH train. 169 TIMES!!! The alleged serial groper, sorry after being arrested 168 previous times you lose the right to have alleged before the crime, would target crowded rush hour trains, pressing his flesh against other passengers and molesting young women. What an alleged dirt bag. Verdelli was charged with two counts of criminal sexual misconduct and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. We are going to go out on a limb and say he is incurable. Good grief, spare the women the embarrassment of being sexually harassed and molested by the deviant and lock him away.

credit: Port Authority Police Department/CBS

A registered sex offender from Brooklyn has been arrested on charges he groped a New Jersey woman aboard a PATH train on two occasions, Port Authority police said.

Gian Verdelli, 61, was arrested Monday in Jersey City by undercover officers, who identified him by using a cell phone photo the 28-year woman took of her alleged attacker after a July 3 incident. She said the same man had also groped her on June 30.

What’s it going to take this deviant to rape a woman or a child before the law takes him seriously? Then when it does occur everyone will act all shocked and outraged that nothing had been previously done to deal with this sex offender.

More Trouble for Penn State in Sandusky Child Sex Scandal … Disturbing Emails Show that PSU President Graham Spanier & Others Knew About Shower Incident and Decided to use “Humane” Approach Rather than Call Authorities … Referred to Child Victims as “Guests” (VIDEO)

PSU: Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive … this case is about to blow up on ‘Happy Valley’.

The Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse trial might be over as the convicted sex offender was found guilty on 45 of 48 counts facing 442 years in prison; however, the tip of this scandalous PSU cover-up iceberg has not even yet to be touched. Alleged emails have arisen that show that Penn State University was involved in a deep cover up on the sexual abuse conducted by Sandusky. This brings back the questions as to when did PSU officials know of Sandusky’s sexual abuse and what did they know? More to the fact, what did they do about it once they knew? The Penn State/Sandusky sex abuse just went from individual sex crimes act to a conspiracy to cover up the crime.

Unlike, the over-egregious prosecutor in the George Zimmerman bond hearing who looked to make a federal case out of Zimmerman and his wife misleading the court as regards to their funds, as if no one has ever perjured themselves on the witness stand … in the case of the PSU sex scandal and the cover up of Sandusky’s heinous and reprehensible acts, these facts go directly to the heart of the case and the crimes committed against the sexually abused children. The Zimmerman prosecutor talked about the code that Zimmerman and his wife used to discuss the Paypal funds. Take a look at the cryptic code that PSU officials were using to reference sexual abuse occurring on their college campus.  Good grief, ousted Penn St President Graham Spanier allegedly acknowledges Penn State could be “vulnerable” for not reporting the incident, “The only downside for us is if the message (to Sandusky) isn’t ‘heard’ and acted upon, and we then become vulnerable for not having reported it.” Oh dear God, they actually referred to the child sex victims as “GUESTS”.

The alleged e-mails among Spanier, Schultz, 62, and former Athletic Director Tim Curley, 57, never mention Sandusky by name, instead referring to him as “the subject” and “the person.” Children that Sandusky brought on campus –some of whom might have been victims — are referred to as “guests.”

From CNN:

With convicted serial child sex abuser Jerry Sandusky behind bars, new questions are surfacing about what Penn State officials knew about a 2001 incident involving the former assistant football coach’s encounter with a boy in the shower — and whether they covered up the incident.

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Steven Powell, Father in Law of missing Utah Mother Susan Powell Could be Released from Prison in Less than 1 Year Despite Conviction on 14 Voyeurism Counts of Little Girls

Talk about the punishment  not fitting the crime … this story just gets worse and worse.

Steven Powell, the father-in-law of missing Utah mom Susan Powell, could actually be released from prison in less than one year even though he was convicted of 14 voyeurism counts. More to the point, he was taking pics and video of two under age neighbor girls. Even though prosecutors asked for 10 years, the judge gave him a slap on the wrist and only sentenced this perv to 2-1/2 years which will translate into less than a year. How sick. I still cannot comprehend how processing child porn got him such a weak sentence. One has to wonder, what is more perverse, Steven Powell taking pics of little girls or the punishment handed down as so-called Justice?

Steven Powell, left – Susan Powell, rt.

The father-in-law of missing Utah woman Susan Powell may be released from prison in less than a year, despite being convicted of 14 voyeurism counts.

Steven Powell was sentenced earlier this month to 2 1/2 years in prison for recording images of two neighbor girls in their bathroom. After factoring for time served, good time and reductions because he is a nonviolent offender, the state has calculated his potential release date as May 23, 2013.

Prosecutors had asked for Powell to be sentenced to 10 years.

Susan Powellwent missing and was last seen the evening of December 6, 2008.  She has never been seen or heard from since. Josh Powell, the husband and main suspect in the disappearance of Susan Powell, would later kill himself and his two children in a fiery blaze murder-suicide.

Jerry Sandusky Perp Walk in Handcuff Out of Court Following Conviction on 45 of 48 Child Sexual Abuse Crimes (VIDEO)


Following the juries verdict, Jerry Sandusky guilty on 45 of 48 sexual abuse crimes against little boys, Sandusky was made to do the “PERP WALK” in handcuffs back to jail Bail was denied following the verdict and the former Penn State assistant football coach will face sentencing in the near future. Sandusky faces a maximum of 442 year.

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