Fox News Poll: Donald Trump Leads Ted Cruz in Indiana, 41% to 33%
According to a FOX News poll ahead of the all important Indiana primary, Donald Trump leads by 8 points. According to the polls Trump has 41%, Ted Cruz is second with 33% and John Kasich is a distant third with 16%. Interestingly enough, without Kasich in the race, it’s 44 % for Trump and 42% for Cruz.Trump appears to lead among likely male and female voters over Cruz.
Full poll results can be found HERE.
Trump is ahead of Cruz by an eight-point margin among Indiana likely Republican primary voters: 41-33 percent. That’s at the edge of the poll’s plus or minus four point margin of sampling error. John Kasich comes in third with 16 percent.
Men are the key to Trump’s advantage. He receives 44 percent to Cruz’s 33 percent, while Kasich takes 13 percent.
Among women, Trump ekes out a three-point edge (36-33 percent), while 20 percent back Kasich.
Cruz is preferred over Trump among self-described “very” conservative GOP primary voters (46-35 percent).
The vote among white evangelical Christians splits: 41 percent Cruz vs. 39 percent Trump. This stands in sharp contrast to nearby Wisconsin, where the Fox News exit poll showed Cruz winning this group by a wide 22-point margin (55-33 percent).
Posted April 23, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Primaries, Republican, Ted Cruz (TX-R) | no comments |
Donald Trump Wins Rigged and Corrupt Republican New York Primary … Once Again Trump Benefits from the Process He Whines About
Last night Donald Trump won the Republican New York primary with 60.5% of the vote, Ohio Gov. John Kasich came in second with 25.1% and Sen. Ted Cruz in third with 14.5%. But wait, it would appear that Trump garnered 89 delegates, Kasich 3 and Cuz 0. Three delegates are still outstanding. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE, HOW CORRUPT!!! But Donald Trump was all happy, smiles and giggles last night saying, “We love News York”. Of course he was because he won. Had he lost he would have been the miserable, sore loser that we have seen in the past. Let’s hope the shake up in the Trump team means this guy will act with a little more class as Trump has to mend many GOP fences if he does not want to get creamed in a general election, if he wins the Republican nomination.
First of all, did any one not think that Trump was going to lose New York or even that it would be close? Its Trump’s home state, he better have won. And for the folks and those at the FOX News Donald Trump super pac, Cruz would have won by the same amount had Rubio not been in the race at the time of the Texas primary.
Seriously Mr. Trump, how can you be happy with winning only 60.5% of the vote, but taking 96.7% of the delegates? Why should you get 36.2% more of the delegates than the votes you received? I think Donald needs to give the delegates he received through this rigged and corrupt process back to Kasich and Cruz. Its only fair. Under the Donald Trump plan, he should have received 56 delegates, Kasich 23 and 13 for Cruz. NOT 89!!! But this dude still has the CO-JONES to actually whine about a process that he has benefited from. UNREAL. In his victory speech Trump said, “No body should get delegates withing voting”. Really Donald? Care to give the ones that you did not win to your opponents?
In a campaign where both sides debated New York values, what New York values most is candidates who call it home, it seems.
The ultimate value of New York, though, is questionable in the march to the party nominations. Wins by the front-runners don’t alter stubborn mathematical realities that are likely to leave Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton with company in the race for a while longer.
Trump blasted through his supposed ceiling by reaching a new high-water mark, and in the process kept his hopes of capturing a delegate majority alive. He did not and could not, though, significantly widen his narrow path to a first-ballot win.
Clinton dispatched with Bernie Sanders in the state Sanders was born in, and where Sanders outspent Clinton substantially. But neither this nor any likely subsequent wins will end the Sanders challenge, not to mention the issues his candidacy has elevated, to Clinton’s regular discomfort.
Um, everyone does realize that Trump did not win Manhattan, right? Of all places in New York ti lose. There very location where his mighty Trump Towers and empire is located. Who honestly thinks that Trump could beat Hillary Clinton in a general election in New York? Never going to happen.
Posted April 20, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Republican | one comment |
Donald Trump Says Regarding Contested Convention: ‘I Hope It Doesn’t Involve Violence’
Donald Trump said Sunday in Staten Island, NY. “I hope it doesn’t involve violence, and I don’t think it will. But I will say this, it’s a rigged system, it’s a crooked system. It’s 100 percent corrupt.” Really Donald, you are still whining about this near one week later? With regards to Trumps comments that he hopes there is not violent, I would say, you are hardly doing anything to prevent it as you get people to a fever pitch with your rhetoric. There are plenty of things in politics that are rigged and corrupt, however, this is not one of them. I wonder is this is how he acts in his own business when he has to follow the rules that are set up to bid a contract? It is disconcerting that Trump does not seem to grasp the delegate process that has been around forever. If he cannot understand and navigate his way thru this process, what is he going to do when it comes to the electoral college and the job of president of the United States?
Folks, you don’t get to be a king when you are president. Note to Republicans, isn’t that one of your main gripes about Barack Obama?
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sunday that he hopes a contested Republican convention in July “doesn’t involve violence” if he is denied the nomination during second-ballot voting.
“I hope it doesn’t involve violence. I hope it doesn’t. I’m not suggesting that,” Trump told reporters on Sunday here in Staten Island. “I hope it doesn’t involve violence, and I don’t think it will. But I will say this, it’s a rigged system, it’s a crooked system. It’s 100 percent corrupt.”
Trump said Saturday that the Republican National Committee is in for a “rough July” if he does not receive the nomination despite his overwhelming delegate lead. If the billionaire fails to cross the 1,237-delegate threshold necessary to clinch the nomination outright, anti-Trump conservatives hope to challenge him at the convention and install an establishment-friendly alternative.
More from Ann Althouse …
Said Donald Trump today. Does he sound like he’s encouraging violence even when he’s saying he hopes there won’t be violence? If so, it’s because he doesn’t say “I don’t want violence” or “I urge my supporters to refrain from violence.” There’s something oddly passive about “I hope it doesn’t involve violence” — as if he holds no sway with his supporters, as if he’s suggesting it’s up to the other side to resist doing the things that will necessitate violence from my people. So I hear a vague, deniable threat. And this too contains a vague, deniable threat:
Posted April 18, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Primaries, Republican, Violence | one comment |
Despite Constant Whining from Trump … GOP Delegate System Has Benefitted The Donald (VIDEO)
Hey Donald, don’t ask for things they might come true. Hmm, it is a rigged and disgusting system and guess what, its benefiting Donald Trump. I agree with Trump, lets make the delegate system more fair and make it all depended upon the vote of the people. If that is the case, we would be taking delegates away from Donald Trump and giving them to the other candidates. The GOP delegate process favors the front-runner, it always has. The truth of the matter is that Donald Trump is benefiting from the GOP delegate system. Wake up America and pay attention … Donald Trump is actually benefiting from the delegate rules and has more delegates with the current process than if he applied his own “Trump” rule.
Donald Trump and his mouth pieces just cannot shut up and stop whining about losing Colorado as he got his clock cleaned there. But interesting enough how come Trump is not bitching and moaning about the unfair practices in Florida where he only gained 46% of the vote and all 99 of the delegates? Or in Missouri where he beat Cruz by .2% of the vote and gained 10 more delegates? TRUMP, JUST SHUT UP AND STOP WHINING, ITS GETTING REALLY OLD. YOU SOUND LIKE AL GORE AND THE REST OF THE LIBS!
Donald Trump blasted the GOP’s delegate rules Sunday, saying a “corrupt” system is denying him delegates in states he won. According to a new NBC analysis, however, Trump has benefited far more than Ted Cruz under the party’s arcane rules for allocating delegates.
Trump now leads the Republican field with 756 delegates — or 45 percent of all delegates awarded to date. Yet he has won about 37 percent of all votes in the primaries, according to the NBC analysis, meaning Trump’s delegate support is greater than his actual support from voters.
For each percentage point of total primary votes that Trump has won, he has been awarded 1.22 percent of the total delegates.
In other words, as a matter of Republican Party math, Trump has been awarded a delegate bonus of 22 percent above his raw support from voters.
For each percentage point of total primary votes that Trump has won, he has been awarded 1.22 percent of the total delegates.
In other words, as a matter of Republican Party math, Trump has been awarded a delegate bonus of 22 percent above his raw support from voters.
By contrast, Cruz has been awarded about 1.14 percent of the delegates for each percentage point of votes he has won — a delegate bonus of 14 percent above his raw support.
If you wanted a real rigged system, that would be the Democrat party system where “super delegates,” not the voters are determining the race in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. That is truly a rigged system where the fix is in for Hillary.
Posted April 15, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Republican | 2 comments |
Donald Trump Whines Once Again, the Rules are ‘Stacked Against Me’
There is no doubt that the mood of the country is against establishment government and that is especially the case where Republicans are against the establishment GOP politicians. Thus the rise of outside candidates like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on the Republican side and Bernie Sanders for the Democrats. However, Trumps latest whine that he was screwed in Colorado and it was unfair is tiresome and old. If Trump wins, everything is golden, if he loses, a travesty has taken place. Now Trump is claiming the process is stacked against him. Really? Truth be known, the GOP set up the primaries and caucuses to benefit the front-runner.
If Trump does not understand the delegate process, who is going to explain the electoral college to him?
Let’s get a couple things correct, Trump lost in Colorado because he failed miserably on following the rules of how tat state’s delegate process works. Donald, the rules are the rules. But I guess the rules don’t apply to Donald Trump. Wow, just what we need, another president like Obama who thinks the rules don’t apply to them. My personal opinion with Trump is that he has no idea what the delegate process is and has no idea that it is different from state to state. I think Trump actually believed that every state has a vote like a general election. Welcome to the Republic that is the United States from its founding. Trump was supposed to know the rules when he decided to run. No one just changed the rules for these state delegate processes just to screw over The Donald. Really Mr. Trump, get over your self. Trump said during a town hall with CNN, “We’re really way up in votes in votes, in terms of the voters. But the Colorado thing was very, very unfair.” And I am sorry to say to all the Trump supporters and mis-guided Conservatives who support Trump, he is beginning to sound like a whining liberal.
Donald Trump said Tuesday night that the political system is “stacked against me,” and accused the Republican Party of conspiring to stop him from clinching the party’s nomination.
At a special CNN town hall in New York City ahead of next Tuesday’s crucial New York primary, Trump said: “I know the rules very well, but I know it’s stacked against me by the establishment.”
His comments elicited a tough response from Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who tweeted: “Nomination process known for a year + beyond. It’s the responsibility of the campaigns to understand it. Complaints now? Give us all a break.”
The feud between Trump and rival Ted Cruz engulfed the RNC Tuesday night, after the GOP presidential front-runner at CNN’s town hall blasted “unfair” results in Colorado. He was swept there in the delegate hunt by Cruz at a party convention this weekend. A similar outcome emerged from Louisiana, where he won the primary but Cruz is seeking to sway delegates.
What I find interesting is Donald Trump, the Art of the Deal, proclaims to be such a shrewd business man and able to close big deals was ill-prepared for Colorado and its delegate process. When he got his hat handed to him by Cruz in a big way, Trump did not take it like a man, he whined, blamed others and called the system unfair. I really have to wonder whether this guy has the make up to be president.
Cooper pointed out that Cruz had invested a lot of time and effort in Colorado “going out, reaching out to people who wanted to be delegates, to run the process.”
“I mean, it was a whole electoral process to get delegates,” Cooper said.
But Trump wouldn’t budge, repeating his argument that the rules were simply stacked against him. He further said he would have won Colorado had the rules not been changed last year to the current system.
“You disagree with the process as it was in Colorado,” Cooper said. “But you had months to prepare.”
The CNN anchor continued:
Your critics say it says something about your leadership ability — for somebody who touts himself as somebody who’s an organizational genius, who’s created this amazing business organization, that you couldn’t create an organization on the ground that could beat Ted Cruz’s organization.
Trump again responded by touting his overall status at the Republican frontrunner.
“Well, if my organization’s not so good, how come I’ve won many more states than him?” he said.
Posted April 13, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Colorado, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Primaries, Republican, Ted Cruz (TX-R) | one comment |