GOP Primary: Donald Trump Wins Indiana in Landslide


Donald Trump wins Indiana in a landslide.

With 81% of the vote counted, Trump leads with 53%, Cruz was a distant second with 37% and Kasich third with 8%. It appears that Trump will win all 57 delegates in Indiana.

Donald Trump virtually clinched the Republican nomination for president Tuesday night, a stunning victory for the brash billionaire who was considered more a celebrity curiosity than a serious candidate when he entered the race less than a year ago. He soundly defeated Ted Cruz, his last real rival, in the Indiana primary and the Texas senator quickly dropped out.

“Thank you Indiana, we were just projected to be the winner,” said Trump, still highly controversial in his own party but a long shot no more.

Trump still must win about 200 more delegates to clinch the nomination. But his victory in Indiana — where he picked up at least 45 of the state’s 57 delegates — made it all but impossible for Cruz to block him from doing so.

Ted Cruz Confronts Rude Donald Trump Supporter in Marion, Indiana (VIDEO)


Ever wonder just what appeals to a Trump supporter? All you need to do is take a look at the exchange below between Ted Cruz and a Trump supporter in Indiana. UNREAL. All the Trump supporter had was sound bytes and insults. Hmm, sound familiar? Because that is all Donald Trump has too. Take a good listen to the rude, obnoxious and ignorant behavior of this Trumpist as he is presented with facts about The Donald and he dismisses them all, even though they are facts and not lies. But because Trump calls everyone else liars, his supporters believe only Donald can be telling the truth.

But I must say, I am a bit surprised at Cruz for actually trying a debate a true believer. Legal Insurrection is spot on when they refer to this Trump supporter similar to what Republicans went through in 2008 with Barack Obama. Remember, fact don’t matter in this election; they never do when cults of personality take hold as happened in 2008 with Obama. Cruz is 100% correct, Trump is playing you all as the fool.

What gets me is that FOX News, the Donald Trump super PAC is playing this video continuously like its a badge of honor.

Hot Air:

Why Cruz would bother debating Trump fans, especially Trump fans who are heckling him, I don’t know. It’s like Hillary trying to turn Obama supporters with a few words on the rope line in 2008. That’s not the way cults of personality work and Cruz knows it. Jamie Weinstein thinks Cruz was going for some sort of viral confrontation on the eve of the vote, knowing that the media would end up giving his case here against Trump lots of free coverage tonight when they re-run this incident on the news. That seems too clever by half. Arguing with a Trumper, especially one who’s spoiling to get in Cruz’s face, was as likely to produce some sort of trainwreck scene of Trump fans chanting “GO BACK TO CANADA” as it was a long disquisition against Trump. I don’t think there’s anything more complex behind this than Cruz’s supreme confidence that he can out-debate anyone, even some dude in shades smirking at him and howling about his “Goldman Sachs jacket.” This is a guy who talked his way into a Senate seat at age 41 and who outlasted 15 other Republican presidential candidates in the primaries this year. If Donald won’t debate him, why shouldn’t he go toe-to-toe with a Trump fan for a few minutes? I think he missed an opportunity, though, in not trying harder to bait the guy. Imagine how much more viral this clip would have been if he had said, “So, what do you think we should do with the Muslims?”

Don’t we make fun of Hillary Clinton supporters when we ask them what are her qualifications to be president, what has she accomplished and what do you like about her? The above Trump supporter struggled when asked the same question and could only come up with Trump is going to build a wall. A note to Republican, Conservative and Independent voters, this is the same type of voter you condemned in 2008 and 2012 who voted for Obama.

Ted Cruz Names Carly Fiorina as VP Running Mate


Yesterday Ted Cruz named Carly Fiorina to be his VP running mate in an effort to jump start his GOP primary presidential campaign. Cruz praising Fiorino, a former Republican presidential nominee, as a fierce competitor “not intimidated by bullies” who has “shattered glass ceilings” in both business and politics. One might think this was a strange move by Cruz to announce a VP candidate so soon, but hasn’t this entire primary season been nothing shore of different and bizarre? In the grand scope of the primary races on both the Republican and Democrat sides, this actually seems quite normal. But the real question remains, will this unorthodox move change the momentum in the GOP primary race from Trump to Cruz and the primary vote next Tuesday in Indiana?


Ted Cruz announced Wednesday that Carly Fiorina will be his vice presidential nominee if he’s the Republican Party’s pick for president.

If nominated, “I will run on a ticket with my vice-presidential nominee, Carly Fiorina,” the Texas senator said at an Indiana rally before the crowd began chanting “Carly.”

The two appeared together in an hour-long event in Indianapolis, with Cruz alternating between lauding Fiorina and maintaining that he has a path forward in the race despite suffering a series of losses over the last two weeks. Fiorina, who followed Cruz, shared stories about her own background and about Cruz, and even sang to his two young daughters from the stage, as she also railed against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

She delivered a wide-ranging speech on Wednesday that highlighted Cruz’s embrace of conservative principles and of the Constitution, but she also aimed to highlight a softer side of Cruz, describing time spent on the campaign bus with him and noting how much his daughters “adore their dad.” She sang several bars of a song to his daughters.

“I know two girls that I just adore,” Fiorina sang. “I’m so happy I can see them more. ‘Cause we travel on the bus all day…we get to play.”

Donald Trump Sweeps I95 Primaries (CT, DE, MD, PA, RI) … But Do You Know the Real Story of the Night?


Donald Trump swept through the I95 primaries last night taking all five states, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Is it just me, but since when do Conservatives like candidates who win in liberal blue states? Wouldn’t that generally be a RINO?


What Fox News will tell you, the suddenly recent cable channel turned Trump Super PAC, other media outlets and many what I thought was once Conservative bloggers that Trump had a HUGE night, his best ever and that all others should get out of the race. They will some how make it appear that winning liberal dark blue states in a GOP primary is a good thing. FOX News et all will talk about Trump getting to 60% and this is the most fantastic and awesome thing ever. REALLY? Just curious, has anyone taken a look at the vote count in the 5 primary states from Tuesday, April 26? Is anyone mentioning how both Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders amassed a blistering number of votes Tuesday night that towered far above The Donald? The delegates may be important for Trump winning the GOP presidential nomination, but the voting shows that Trump does not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning any one of these five states in a general election.

Folks, you need to take a look at the volume of votes cast in ct, DE, MD, PA and RI. Its not even close. Did The Donald win 5 of 5 states last night? Yes he did. But please don’t get lost in the spin and the BS put out by others, including FOX News and their Trump love-fest.

The math does not lie America, most notably Republicans and Conservatives. Honestly, who cares whether Trump won all 5 states in last nights primary, they are all dark blue or blue states where a Republican presidential candidate will never win in a general election. All it tells me is that Trump is the most liberal of the three remaining GOP candidates. That is hardly a badge of honor.

CT:     Donald Trump: 122,519 – John Kasich: 60,447 – Ted Cruz: 24,779 (Total # of votes: 207,745)
Clinton: 169,763 – Sanders: 152,895 (Total # of votes: 322, 658)

DE:    Trump: 42,472 – Kasich: 14,225 – Cruz: 11,110 (Total # of votes: 67,807)
Clinton: 55,950 – Sanders: 36,659 (Total # of votes: 92,609)

MD:    Trump: 237,132 – Kasish: 100,333 – Cruz: 82,286 (Total # of votes: 419,758)
Clinton: 533,656 – Sanders: 281,700 (Total # of votes: 815,356)

PA    Trump: 892,702 – Cruz: 340,201 – Kasich: 304,793 (Total # of votes: 1,537,696)
Clinton: 918,649 – Sanders: 719,911 (Total # of votes: 1,638,560)

RI:    Trump: 39,059 – Kasich: 14,929 – Cruz: 6,393 (Total # of votes: 60,381)
Sanders: 66,720 – Clinton: 52,493 (Total # of votes: 119,213)

 Hmm, Remember when Conservatives actually supported Conservative candidates?

Five States Primary (PA, MD, CT, RI, & DE) Today Expected to Help Trump and Clinton Widen Their Leads

Today’s 5  state “Amtrak Primary” is expected to help the two presidential front-runners, Republican Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. But what really will primaries in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware tell us about Donald Trump and the GOP primary? NOTHING. A note to those that are Republicans, Conservatives and Independents that lean right, these 5 states are blue and dark blue states. None of these states in a general election will vote for the GOP nominee, no matter who wins the nomination. Just like with Trump’s victory in the New York primary, not even Donald Trump stands a chance of winning against Hillary Clinton in Blue liberal states in a general presidential election.


Five states began voting Tuesday in the “Amtrak Primary” in contests expected to help the two presidential front-runners, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, rack up ever-wider leads in their parties’ crucial delegates counts.

For Republicans, the race for delegates remains a key focus, with Trump hoping to secure the 1,237 delegates needed before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. His rivals Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Ohio Gov. John Kasich — now loosely aligned in hopes of stopping Trump — are not expected to significantly cut into the billionaire’s lead.

“I just hope everybody goes out and votes,” Trump said on Fox News on Tuesday as he continued to decry the electoral process as rigged and corrupt.

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