NYT/CNBC’s Debate Moderator John Harwood Advises Clinton Campaign & Gloats About Provoking Donald Trump At GOP Primary Debate
The latest Wikileaks emails show that NYT/CNBC’s John Harwood purposely tried to provoke Donald Trump in a Republican primary debate and than later gloated about it to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. UNREAL. What a shock, anther cozy relationship between the MSM and the Democrat party’s presidential nominee. Harwood also emailed Podesta last year in May alerting him to watch out for Ben Carson’s campaign. Isn’t the media supposed to report and investigate the candidates, not be in bed with them?
This crap has got to come to an end. The medias job is to inform the people, not be a propaganda wing of the Democrat party.
The latest batch of emails from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta show New York Times reporter and CNBC anchor John Harwood giving the Clinton campaign tips about other candidates and bragging about feeling vindicated by provoking Donald Trump as a debate moderator.
In a December 2015 email to Podesta, Harwood bragged about his much-criticized debate performance in which he asked Trump “Let’s be honest, is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign?”
Harwood titled the email “I imagine…” and continued the sentence in the body of the email, writing, “…that Obama feels some (sad) vindication at this demonstration of his years-long point about the opposition party veering off the rails.”
Following the pathetic performance by moderator John Harwood, Trump ripped him a new one and later said, Harwood’s carer is over or severely threatened. After getting caught with the above kind of email and that he is obviously in the tank for Hillary and part of the Democrat media complex, his career should be over.
Posted October 12, 2016 by Scared Monkeys CNBC, Debates, Democrat-Media Complex, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Media, Media Bias, Primaries, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Bill Kristol Promises ‘Impressive’ independent candidate as Choice Other then Trump or Hillary (Update: Donald French, Who?)(Update: Kristol, Maybe You Are a Jack Ass)
So sore loser Bill Kristol promises an Independent presidential candidate that will be impressive to offer an alternative to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Honestly, I am not buying it. No matter whether they are impressive or not, the independent candidate will split the GOP vote and Hillary will win. Brilliant work Bill Kristol. IDIOT! I was not a Trump voter in the primaries and frankly I don’t like many of his views and he is no way conservative enough for me. Sadly, the American voters fell for the BS when they had their chance to vote for a real conservative. That being said, although Donald Trump is not my first choice, Hillary is no choice. Why anyone would help Hillary Clinton win the presidency when so much is on the line is contemptible. Yes, I am referring to you Bill Kristol.
“Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate — an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance,” Kristol said in a message on Twitter.
Kristol has been leading an effort to recruit an independent candidate to take on Clinton and Trump, who each have unusually high negative favorability ratings.
It was not clear from Kristol’s message whether the name of a candidate would be produced over the weekend or at an undisclosed date in the future. However, time for the purported candidate is already short. The deadline for making it on the November ballot in Texas passed on May 9. The next deadline is in North Carolina, where the candidate will need to provide about 90,000 signatures from supporters by June 9 in order to make it on the ballot.
At some point those that lost need to figure out a way to make Donald Trump win. He is the far lesser of the two evils. I am not sure if I am going to say that Kristol’s actions are a betrayal of the GOP, but its close. But I am also not going to take the “hope springs eternal” approach and believe for one second that such actions by those in the GOP establishment, who can’t stand losing, is a good thing.
UPDATE I: Kristol on Trump: At least I’m not ‘a roaring jackass’.
Actually, Bill Kristol, you might just be one yourself. For you to actually think that only you can come up with the proper candidate for the GOP might just make you a jackass. The privileged class of Republican pundits who have given us the GOP party of today might as well just take a walk too. I was not a Trump supporter, however, he is going to be the GOP nominee. So you can either vote for Trump, vote for Hillary, and gum up the works like Kristol is doing that will cause Hillary to work. Nice. I think that might make you worse than a jack ass.
Bill Kristol may be a loser in Donald Trump’s eyes, but at least he’s not “a roaring jackass,” the Weekly Standard editor said Tuesday in response to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s verbal attack.
During a news conference inside Trump Tower on Tuesday, Trump argued that he doesn’t refer to some Republicans and conservatives as “losers.”
“I said Bill Kristol is a loser,” Trump explained, before launching into Kristol’s criticism of Trump, such as his ultimately incorrect predictions that Trump would lose certain states in the Republican primary. Kristol also tweeted over the weekend: “There will be an independent candidate–an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.”
“I didn’t say everybody. Many, but I didn’t say everybody,” Trump continued. “Bill Kristol is a loser. His magazine is failing, as you know. It’s gonna be down — I don’t think it even survives,” Trump said. “He’s getting some free publicity, but Bill Kristol, I’ve been watching this for two years.”
UPDATE II: Donald French for President?
Actually Bill Kristol, you just might be a roaring, idiotic, out of touch jackass. Wow, this is your guy, seriously?
As Donald Trump stomped his way to the Republican nomination in recent months, Bill Kristol has been stuck on the first stage of grief: denial.
While it becomes ever-clearer that Trump and Hillary Clinton will face off as history’s most unlikeable presidential choices, the so-called wrongest man in politics has repeatedly teased the prospect of an “independent” candidate mounting a challenge—at Kristol’s behest, of course.
At first Kristol was smitten with criminal-justice anti-reformer Tom Cotton, but that went nowhere. Months later, the neocon thought leader backed “The Boy Tweeter of the Platte,” Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse. The energy for that dissipated before it could form. And then it was the revisiting of a Mitt Romney candidacy. Because that worked out so well in 2012.
Posted June 1, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Establishment candidates, Politics, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Republican, WTF | 2 comments |
Bernie Sanders Destroys Hillary Clinton in West Virginia Democratic Primary, 51% – 36%
Coal country is no longer Clinton country as Hillary Clinton found herself getting her miners hat handed to her by socialist Bernie Sanders in the Democrat West Virginia primary. When the dust steeled Sanders beat Clinton 51% to 36%, a much wider victory than polls had indicated. What a turn of events for Hillary Clinton. In the 2008 Democrat primary, Clinton beat Obama in WV, 67% to 23% and got over 240,000 votes. Flash-forward to 2016 and Hillary received a mere 84,000 votes.
Not so fast Hillary in pivoting to the general election, you still have a socialist on your tail who has now won a remarkable 19 states. It is safe to say that Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democrat nominee, who is limping over the finish line, has no chance of victory in the general election in West Virginia. On the GOP side, Trump wins in WV and Nebraska as he ran unopposed.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has won the West Virginia Democratic primary, NBC News projects, a victory that will add yet more fuel to his argument that he should remain in the race despite badly trailing front runner Hillary Clinton in the overall delegate count.
The win comes one week after Sanders prevailed in Indiana’s Democratic primary and two weeks after Clinton dominated a series of contests in the northeastern United States.
Democrats also voted on Tuesday in a presidential “beauty contest” in Nebraska, although the delegates from that state were all previously assigned during a March 5 caucus. In that contest, Sanders won 15 pledged delegates, compared to 10 for Clinton.
“With this outcome, we now have won primaries and caucuses in 19 states,” Sanders said in a statement after the results were in. “We are in this campaign to win the Democratic nomination and we’re going to stay in the race until the last vote is cast.”
It is hard to believe that Bernie Sanders continues to make political life difficult for Hillary Clinton. An unknown, 74 year old socialist is showing just how weak a candidate Hillary Clinton really is. No one, and I mean no one, including Democrat strategists saw this coming. Not even Bernie Sanders.
Posted May 11, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Liberals, Primaries, Primaries, Progressives, Socialist | no comments |
Bernie Sanders Upsets Hillary Clinton in Democrat Indiana Prmary 52% to 48%
A funny thing has happened on the way to Hillary Clinton’s Democrat presidential coronation, she continues to lose to a socialist. Last night self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in the Democrat Indiana primary 52% to 48%. WOW, that’s going to leave a mark. Not so fast Ms. Clinton, let’s forget about looking to the general election just quite yet, you have a socialist on your tail. Sanders shocked Clinton last night defeating her by 4 percentage points as all of the polls leading up to the Indiana primary had Clinton leading between a margin of 4 and 13 percent.
The longer the Democrat primary goes on and more embarrassing losses for Clinton, the more divisive the Democrat party will become.
Hillary Feels the Bern in Indiana
Bernie Sanders upset Hillary Clinton in Indiana’s Democratic primary Tuesday night, giving his flagging campaign another reason to carry on to Philadelphia even though he has virtually no chance of overtaking Clinton for the nomination.
With more than three-quarters of precincts reporting, Sanders led 53 percent to 47 percent.
The win bolstered Sanders’ pledge to remain in the race through the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia despite trailing in the overall and pledged delegate counts. Because Indiana allocates delegates proportionally, though, it will produce more of a psychic boost for Sanders and his supporters than an actual dent in Clinton’s lead.
The calendar for the rest of May portends favorably for Sanders, as well, with West Virginia up next on May 10, followed by Kentucky and Oregon on May 17.
Prior to the Indiana primaries according to RCP polling, Clinton led Sanders 50% to 43%.
Up next for the Democrats is West Virginia where Clinton looks to get politically whacked by Sanders. But that is what happens when you tell coal miners you are looking to shut down the companies they work for. Heading into the the final weeks of the campaign Hillary Clinton hardly looks like a strong candidate as the presumptive Democrat nominee limps access the finish line.
Who would have thought at this point, certainly not the bias MSM, that it would be the Republican primary that was over and had a presidential nominee and the Democrats would still be duking it out. Go Bernie, Go!!!
Posted May 4, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Liberals, Primaries, Primaries, Primary Challenge, Progressives, Socialist | no comments |
Following Indiana Priamry Loss Ted Cruz Ends His Presidential Bid
Following tonight’s overwhelming primary loss in Indiana to Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has ended his 2016 Presidential bid. Honestly, Cruz had no other alternative after the drubbing tonight in Indiana. The hand writing was on the wall and Cruz did the honorable thing and suspended his campaign. In his concession speech Cruz told supporters, “Together we left it all on the field in Indiana.” Cruz went on to say, “We gave it everything we’ve got. But the voters chose another path.” Cruz further went on to say that we was suspending his campaign but would “continue to fight for liberty”.
Ted Cruz bowed out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday following a crushing loss to Donald Trump in Indiana, clearing the path for the real estate mogul to clinch the GOP nomination.
It was a remarkable turn of events in a presidential primary race that seemed destined — just weeks ago — to end in a contested convention this summer. Even in the final hours of the race in the Hoosier State, Cruz insisted he was staying in the race until June 7 — going so far as to attack his rival during a news conference as a “pathological liar” unfit for the White House.
In the end, the growing strength of Trump’s candidacy and Cruz’s own stumbles in the past two weeks were too much for Cruz to overcome. The Cruz, Kasich and anti-Trump forces had concocted elaborate plans to try to deprive Trump of the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the nomination outright. But those plans hinged on money and momentum. After Tuesday night, it appeared that Cruz would have neither.
“We left it all on the field in Indiana. We gave it everything we’ve got but the voters chose another path,” Cruz said. “So with a heavy heart but with boundless optimism for the long-term future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign.”
Posted May 3, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Primaries, Primaries, Republican, Ted Cruz (TX-R) | one comment |