Ben Carson Says I’m Promised a Spot in Trump Administration … The Art of the Deal

Should this come as a shock from the man who wrote “The Art of the Deal?”

Well who didn’t see this coming? Dr. Ben Carson revealed on Newsmax TV Monday that he will work in Donald Trump’s administration. Well what did anyone expect after Carson ended his presidential run and the suddenly endorsed Republican front-runner Donald J. Trump? Obviously he was promised something for his endorsement, especially considering some of the vile words that Trump said about the mild mannered Ben Carson. Who could blame Trump for wanting a good man like Carson in his cabinet, I would want him. More importantly, who is surprised, this is what the Trumpster does, he makes deals. If it turns out this is what pushes Trump over the top in Ohio, it just makes the deal simply brilliant.


Dr. Ben Carson revealed on Newsmax TV Monday that he will work in Donald Trump’s administration — at least in an “advisory capacity” — if the Republican presidential front-runner is elected to the White House.

But Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon who recently endorsed Trump after dropping out of the race of the GOP nomination, declined to say exactly in what capacity he will serve or whether it’s a cabinet position.
“I do believe, and certainly in my discussions with Donald Trump, he does love America and he does want to be successful. He will surround himself with very good people,” Carson told “The Steve Malzberg Show.”

Asked whether he will be one of those people, Carson responded:

“I will be doing things as well … Certainly in an advisory capacity [in Trump's administration].”

Carson said Trump’s decision to bring him into the presidential fold came after he sat down with the billionaire developer to talk about the future.

As to whether his expertise in medicine or education will be tapped, Carson was mum.

Honestly, my only fear with Trump is that he will make deals with Pelosi and Schumer. I want him to enforce his will upon them, not make deals. If Trump is elected president that will most likely mean he would also have a Republican Senate and House. If that is the case, you don’t make deals, you look to reverse the disastrous 8 yeas of Obama and that does not include make deals with far left Dems.

Ben Carson Plans to Endorse Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson plans on endorsing Donald Trump. Carson, who just last week suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, plans to endorse Trump on Friday. Hmm … wonder what position Ben Carson would get in a Trump Administration? Last night during the 107th Republican debate on CNN, Trump referenced that Carson would be endorsing him. Talk about your Odd Couples. Could there be two candidates farther apart in style? I have to say that Ben Carson must have the thickest skin ever of anyone running for president or The Donald made him an offer he could not refuse. Remember when Trump likens Carson’s ‘pathology’ to that of a child molester during previous debates? Really Ben, this is who you would endorse?

This is obviously a key endorsement and coming right ahead of the Ohio and Florida primaries. A key endorsement indeed.

Conservative favorite Ben Carson, who last week suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, plans to endorse Donald Trump on Friday morning, according to two people familiar with his thinking.

The endorsement, perhaps the most high-profile nod for Trump since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie backed him, was finalized Thursday morning when Carson met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, the luxury club owned by the Republican front-runner, the people said. The sources requested anonymity to discuss private conversations.

Friday’s announcement will also take place at the club in Palm Beach, Fla., where the onetime rivals will appear alongside one another at a news conference.

Donald Trump Defends The Size Of His Hands, Endowment: “I Guarantee You There Is No Problem” … Rubio Defends His Attacks on Trump


How sad and pathetic have we become and what has happened to the culture in this country as it is now perfectly okay to reference penis size during a presidential debate. I thought I had heard it all until last night. While watching a presidential debate, as candidate Donald Trump is vying for the President of the United States and the leader of the free world actually bragged about his penis size. SHAMEFUL. Shame on Marco Rubio for bringing up Trump’s hand size in the first place, shame on FOX News for stirring the pot and asking the ridiculous question, shame on Donald Trump for making a reference to the size of his manhood and shame on the American people, Conservatives and Trump supporters for not being offended. I don’t even know what to say anymore . A note to Republicans and Conservatives … what would you be saying and feel about these comments had Bill Clinton or Barack Obama made such a comment?

“Look at those hands. Are they small hands? And he referred to my hands if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee you.”

The Washing Free Beacon:

Well, I also happen to call him a lightweight, OK, and I have said that,” Trump said. “So I would like to take that back. He’s really not that much of a lightweight. I have to say this. He hit my hands.”

Trump held up his hands for the audience.

“Look at those hands. Are they small hands? And he referred to my hands if they’re small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee you,” Trump said.

The crowd whooped and the debate moderators quickly moved on. The first half-hour of the debate has been marked by constant arguing and interrupting by Rubio and Trump, whose war of words has escalated dramatically over the past two weeks.

Ahead of Super Tuesday Primaries Conservative Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Endorses Donald Trump (VIDEO)


Just ahead of the Super Tuesday primaries, or as some refer to as the SEC primaries, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions came out and endorsed Donald Trump. On Sunday, February 28, 2016 at a campaign rally in front of over 30,000 people in Madison, AL, Donald Trump was endorsed by U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Look for Donald Trump to sweep every primary on Tuesday except Texas. Although, this endorsement from a conservative heavy-weight in the Senate, is most likely going to finish Ted Cruz off. And then there is Marco Rubio who because of his immigration Gang of 8 involvement does not have a chance of winning the GOP primary or even his home state of Florida.

As Powerline opines, forget the inconsequential Chris Christie endorsement of Trump, the one that really matters is Jeff Sessions endorsement. I could not agree more.

Forget the Chris Christie endorsement; here’s the one that really matters — Jeff Sessions has endorsed Donald Trump. He did so at a campaign rally in Huntsville, Alabama this morning.

This endorsement is more than a little consequential, coming as it does two days before a large cluster of Southern states — including Sessions’ Alabama — vote. And even apart from its timing, this endorsement comes from arguably the nation’s most influential strongly conservative office holder.

Real Clear Politics:

“There is an opportunity this year, Tuesday, and we have the opportunity — we have an opportunity Tuesday. It may be the last opportunity we have for the people’s voice to be heard. You have asked for 30 years, and politicians have promised for 30 years to fix illegal immigration,” Sessions said.

“The American people have known for years these trade agreements have not been working for them,” Sessions stumped. “We now have and will soon have a vote on the Transpacific Partnership TPP), Obamatrade, and it will damage America. It will create a commission that undermines our sovereignty, and it should not pass. Donald Trump when he gets elected president will see it does not pass.”

Sessions said Trump is not perfect, but nobody is and endorsed the candidate.

“This movement, he doesn’t take money from political groups and lobbyists. He is committed to leading this country in an effective way. You know, nobody is perfect. We can’t have everything, can we, Mr. Trump? But I can tell you one thing, I think at this time in my opinion, my best judgment, at this time in America’s history, we need to make America great again!” Sessions said, repeating Trump’s campaign slogan.

“I am pleased to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States,” Sessions endorsed.

Daily Commentary – Friday, February 26, 2016 – Will Super Tuesday Be The End of the Carson and Kasich Campaigns?

  • I don’t think either one is planning on dropping out any time soon

Daily Commentary – Friday, February 26, 2016 Download

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