Daily Commentary – Tuesday, April 19, 2016 – Preview of Tonights Dana Pretzer Show with Wendy Murphy and Elicka Peterson Sparks

  • Don’t miss tonight’s show. Wendy Murphy will be with us to discuss campus rape and author Elicka Peterson Sparks will be with us to discuss her book, “The Devil You know”.

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Download

Trump whining About Losing in Colorado … Blames Everyone But Himself … Educate Yourself as to Why Trump Lost


Sorry, but I am getting really tired of Donald Trump’s act. He is beginning to make it almost impossible to like him, even if he wins. Trump is the epitome of a sore loser. When he wins everything is great, the people are great and he loves all the people of the state that some how voted for him and did not see through his act. However, when he loses … the process is unfair, its rigged and he was screwed out of votes. REALLY?

Such was the case in Colorado where Trump lost to Cruz in a major way. Trump lost his mind because he lost and has no one to blame but himself. If you don’t know the rules of a primary, don’t bother to care to know them and don’t even have a presence in a state, what the hell do you expect to happen? With all the whining that Trump has done when he loses about things not being fair, he is beginning to sound like a liberal. Of course Trump had no issue where he gained less than 50% of the vote in South Carolina or Florida and won all the delegates. So when the rules benefit Trump is a happy camper and when they do not, he’s a whiner. Wake up folks.

Take a good listen to an interview with Conservative radio host Mark Levin and US Congressman Ken Buck from Colorado.

Mark Levin radio promo

Listen to the interview HERE via Right Scoop

The Right Scoop:

Buck, who knows the system inside and out, explained to Levin why voters were not disenfranchised as Trump is suggesting and why there is no fury about the process.

Buck explained that the caucus process for Colorado has been for a long time that voters would make a non-binding straw vote. Delegates were not bound by the vote to any candidate.

However four years ago a national rule changed by the RNC that would have bound the delegates to a candidate by the vote. So the central committee in Colorado met last fall and decided to abandon the straw vote because they didn’t want delegates bound at that stage.

Buck said the last time they had a straw poll in Colorado, Rick Santorum won, but by the time they got to the convention he was no longer in the race. So if they had done what the RNC wanted, they were worried the delegates would be bound to a candidate no longer in the race.

One point that Buck made was that 40% of the delegates at the state assembly and at each of the congressional district assemblies were new voters. They had never been through this process before but they figured it out. He said they showed up at their caucus, felt strongly about Ted Cruz, got elected to the county assembly, then the state assembly and then cast their votes for the candidate. Meaning, this is not an exclusive process, but a very inclusive process.

Buck said up until a week before the state assembly, Trump had no presence in the state. And Trump chose not to speak at the convention, even though he was encouraged to do so

Ted Cruz Won’t Apologize for Calling Mitch McConnell a Liar … Why Should He?


In an interview with CNN, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and presidential candidate says an apology “ain’t gonna happen” for calling GOP Senate Majority leader a liar. Exactly why should Cruz apologize? The fact is Mitch McConnell is a liar. No one should have to kiss the ring of the establishment. This is what the American people are sick of. The reason why Cruz is one of the last people standing for the GOP in the Republican presidential primary is because he did call the Republican leader of the Senate a liar.

An apology from Ted Cruz for calling Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar “ain’t gonna happen,” the presidential hopeful said during a Thursday interview with CNN’s Dana Bash.

“If the Washington lobbyists want to see that happen, they can hold their breath a long, long time,” Cruz said. “My focus is on the American people.”

Last summer, Cruz made headlines when he accused McConnell of lying to him over a deal to vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.

He brushed aside suggestions from Bash that an apology could help unite more Republicans behind him in his race for the party’s nomination.

Could the Establishment Finally Be Warming up to Cruz … Jeb Bush Endorses Ted Cruz

Politics really does make strange bed fellows … Or, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush endorses Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. However, is the endorsement too late and will it even matter in the long run? In fact, could it hurt Cruz? Red State opines it could be the kiss of death. What it does show is the continued efforts of the establishment to prevent Donald Trump from being the GOP’s presidential nominee. Jeb Bush has been extremely outspoken about Trump’s “divisiveness and vulgarity.” Is it just possible that the establishment would is warming up to Cruz and would rather have the Texas senator as president as compared to Trump? Many pundits had thought just the opposite as Ted Cruz as been a principled conservative in the US Senate and a thorn in the side of establishment republican politics.

Cruz_Jeb Bush

In a surprise announcement, Jeb Bush will endorse Ted Cruz on Wednesday as an antidote to the “divisiveness and vulgarity” of Donald Trump, providing a badly needed boost to the Texas senator – but it’s one that comes dangerously late in a game that Trump is dominating.

Cruz, in New York City on Wednesday, planned to celebrate with a victory lap of three network morning shows. The endorsement comes 32 days after a beaten Bush dropped out of the GOP presidential race, and eight days since Sen. Marco Rubio abandoned his own quest after being rebuffed by Bush, his fellow Floridian and one-time mentor.

Bush says in a statement to be released by the Cruz campaign: “Ted is a consistent, principled conservative who has demonstrated the ability to appeal to voters and win primary contests.”

“For the sake of our party and country, we must move to overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena, or we will certainly lose our chance to defeat the Democratic nominee and reverse President Obama’s failed policies,” the statement continues.

The news will surely irk Rubio, who could have benefited greatly from Bush’s embrace. But a Republican source said: “Jeb came to believe Marco was not up to the job of being President. It was never really under serious discussion.” POLITICO reported on Monday that Rubio had rejected the idea of joining a “unity ticket” with Cruz.

Bush and Cruz sealed the endorsement agreement with a phone call on Monday. “They have kept in touch over the last few weeks and Senator Cruz has been diligent about keeping Governor Bush up to date on his campaign,” a source close to Bush said.

Ben Carson Says, Donald Trump Calling Me A Child Molester … “It Did Work”


Wow, former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson admitted that Trump attacking him and even calling him a child molester worked. Carson stated that the attacks of person distraction did work to an extent and some people must have believed him. Carson also went on to say he chalked it up to politics. REALLY BEN? Sorry, this is not politics, its disgusting. Which makes Ben Carson’s endorsement of Trump even more surprising. It was not the Cruz campaign’s so-called lies that Carson was getting out of the race that cost Carson votes in Iowa as Trump railed on, it was Trump’s viscous attacks on Carson’s character. The fact that Carson never fought back on such hideous comments was puzzling. Carson was asked this type of attack should be the political norm. Carson stated no, ”but neither should always retaliating.” Actually Ben, this was worth fighting back over. Americans did not think that Carson was a child molester as Trump opined. What Americans thought was, if you are not going to defend your self over such vile personal attacks, how were you going to defend them?

I am not sure Mr. Carson if we want this to become the political norm and you just set a precedent for it.


After his surprising endorsement of Donald Trump, former candidate Ben Carson said Wednesday that he understands why Trump attacked him during his campaign, even calling him a child molester, saying “it did work.”

Yahoo News and Finance Anchor Bianna Golodryga asked Carson what he thought of some of Trump’s more vicious attacks against him during his time in the 2016 race, citing when Trump insulted Carson’s intelligence and questioning whether or not he was a child molester. The retired neurosurgeon chalked it up to politics.

“He said it was political, he was concerned about the fact that he couldn’t shake me,” Carson said. “I understand, you know, politics, and particularly the politics of personal distraction. You have to admit to some degree that it did work. A lot of people believed him.”

Golodryga asked if this type of attack should become the norm and if, by Carson’s logic, she should teach her son to do the same as Trump did.

“It shouldn’t become status quo,” Carson said. “But neither should always retaliating.”

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