Donald Trump Officially Announces his VP Pick … Indiana Gov. Mike Pence

This morning Donald Trump officially announced Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his VP for the 2016 GOP Presidential ticket. Trump described Pence as ‘a man of honor, character and honesty’. Trump heaps praise on Mike Pence and his character and honesty in contrast with lying, crooked Hillary. We shall see if this pick helps bring the Republican party together. Probably not a bad choice by Trump with all things considered.

Billionaire Donald Trump praised his newly minted running mate Mike Pence as ‘a man of honor, character and honesty’ on Saturday, using their official coming-out party as a platform to contrast the Indiana governor with his November opponent Hillary Clinton.

‘Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of corruption. She’s a corrupt person,’ he said.

When Pence spoke nearly a half-hour later, saying he was ‘deeply humbled,’ he drew a standing ovation for a line he uttered Tuesday, during the pair’s only other joint public appearance: ‘Hillary Clinton must never become President of the United States of America.’

The 57-year-old Indianan lauded Trump, ‘this builder, this fighter, this patriotic American who has set aside a legendary career in business to build a stronger America.’

Of course NBC has to try and divide the ticket before the ink was dry on the GOP 2016 presidential logo. One would think its more of a bold move to choose some one with a different set of opinions rather than a “yes” man or woman. But when you are the MSM, you try and cause hate and division of the GOP at all cost.

Donald Trump’s newly-named running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, has shored up discrepancies over his contrasting stances with Trump on several key policies, including past U.S. trade deals, the Muslim ban and the proposal to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

“You know, you shut the door, you tell the boss exactly what you think,” Pence said on Fox News when asked by host Sean Hannity how he’d work through disagreements with Trump.

“But when the door opens, the job of the vice president is to stand right next to the president and implement the policy that he’s decided. And I’m prepared to do that.”

Justice Clarence Thomas Possibly the Next to Leave the SCOTUS

THIS CAN’T NE A GOOD THING … Clarence Thomas may be next to leave SCOTUS.

Maybe the reporting that Conservative Constitutionalist Justice Clarence Thomas might be the next to step down from the SCOTUS will make GOP jackasses that are hell bent on going against Trump and all but ensuring a Hillary Clinton victory will wake the hell up. Elections have consequences and the next president of the United States looks like they will be choosing 3 justices.

Washington Times:

Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement after the presidential election, according to court watchers.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died, they said. He likes to spend summers in his RV with his wife.

His retirement would have a substantial impact on control of the court. The next president is expected to immediately replace the seat opened by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, providing a one-vote edge in the court that is currently divided 4-4.

Should Thomas leave, that slight majority would continue if Donald Trump becomes president. If it’s Hillary Clinton, then she would get the chance to flip two Republican seats, giving the liberals a 6-3 majority.

However, as per The Right Scoop, his wife has denied this on Facebook.

Former Establishment Republican Speaker John Boehner Calls Ted Cruz ‘Lucifer in the Flesh’ & a ‘Miserable Son of a Bitch’


Hey Boehner, have another drink and a cry. Former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner called Sen. Ted Cruz ‘Lucifer in the flesh’ and further went on to say Cruz was a ‘miserable son of a bitch’. Hmm, coming from the likes of Boehner, Cruz should wear these words with a badge of honor. Sorry America and especially my fellow Conservatives, I find Boehner and his crying pathetic self exactly what is wrong with the GOP. Boehner is the epitome of the country club establishment Republican who forgot along time ago what the GOP party platform stood for and that government was of, by and for the people.

I find it quite interesting that the poster child who Conservatives danced with glee when Boehner left office and is the face of the establishment GOP is actually “golfing and texting buddies” with Donald Trump. Flashback, the Gateway Pundit reported one last cry from Boehner. That should give many pause for concern. Many have stated that they are supporting Trump because he is a political outsider, really? Who do you think was buying politician’s influence? When Conservatives were battling Pelosi, Reid and Obama, Trump was donating to them. So Boehner, who openly hated the Conservative movement, condemns Cruz and loves Trump. WAKE THE HELL UP CONSERVATIVES, ADMIT YOU MADE A MISTAKE AND DO THE RIGHT THING.

So, Mr. Speaker, how do you really feel?

John Boehner, the famously blunt ex-House speaker, left no doubt he’s not a fan of fellow Republican Ted Cruz, leaping off the sidelines of the presidential race Wednesday night to unleash a stunning verbal lashing of the Texas senator, reportedly calling him “Lucifer in the flesh” and a “miserable son of a bitch.”

The longtime Ohio powerhouse had not been very outspoken on the race since retiring last year, but he held little back when asked about the Texas senator and underdog GOP presidential candidate during a forum at Stanford University.

“I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life,” he said, according to The Stanford Daily.

He reportedly said he’s played golf with front-runner Donald Trump, describing them as “texting buddies,” and said his relationship with Ohio Gov. John Kasich “requires more effort” but they’re friends “and I love him.” He also said he’d vote for Trump in a general election – but not Cruz.

And yet another GOP insider and Republican who should be ashamed of himself, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) stated, “I fully agree with John Boehner, and maybe it gives Lucifer a bad name by comparing him to Ted Cruz.” King accused Cruz of having “perpetrated a fraud and a hoax” with his push in 2013 to defund ObamaCare, which eventually led a government shutdown. Really, it was a fraud and hoax to try and to defund Obamacare? This was the very reason why Republicans were voted in majorities in the House and the Senate to do just that. Defunding and abolishing Obamacare is what the GOP ran on in 2010, 2012 and 2014 to do. And because the establishment Republicans did not do what they claimed they were going to do, in other words, lied to the very people who voted them into office, they establishment GOP finds itself with Donald Trump as their presumptive presidential nominee.

Hmm, it seems like all do not agree with Boehner and King, some Satanists are furious that Boehner compared Ted Cruz to the Dark Lord. Good grief.

Ted Cruz Names Carly Fiorina as VP Running Mate


Yesterday Ted Cruz named Carly Fiorina to be his VP running mate in an effort to jump start his GOP primary presidential campaign. Cruz praising Fiorino, a former Republican presidential nominee, as a fierce competitor “not intimidated by bullies” who has “shattered glass ceilings” in both business and politics. One might think this was a strange move by Cruz to announce a VP candidate so soon, but hasn’t this entire primary season been nothing shore of different and bizarre? In the grand scope of the primary races on both the Republican and Democrat sides, this actually seems quite normal. But the real question remains, will this unorthodox move change the momentum in the GOP primary race from Trump to Cruz and the primary vote next Tuesday in Indiana?


Ted Cruz announced Wednesday that Carly Fiorina will be his vice presidential nominee if he’s the Republican Party’s pick for president.

If nominated, “I will run on a ticket with my vice-presidential nominee, Carly Fiorina,” the Texas senator said at an Indiana rally before the crowd began chanting “Carly.”

The two appeared together in an hour-long event in Indianapolis, with Cruz alternating between lauding Fiorina and maintaining that he has a path forward in the race despite suffering a series of losses over the last two weeks. Fiorina, who followed Cruz, shared stories about her own background and about Cruz, and even sang to his two young daughters from the stage, as she also railed against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

She delivered a wide-ranging speech on Wednesday that highlighted Cruz’s embrace of conservative principles and of the Constitution, but she also aimed to highlight a softer side of Cruz, describing time spent on the campaign bus with him and noting how much his daughters “adore their dad.” She sang several bars of a song to his daughters.

“I know two girls that I just adore,” Fiorina sang. “I’m so happy I can see them more. ‘Cause we travel on the bus all day…we get to play.”

The Dana Pretzer Show – Tuesday, April 19, 2016 – Don’t Miss Tonights Show with Wendy Murphy and Elicka Peterson Sparks



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