Rep. Paul Ryan Says to Arrogant IRS Commissioner John Koskinen … “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!”


US Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) ripped into IRS Commissioner John Koskinen during yesterday’s Ways and Means Committee Hearing on the investigation of the IRS targeting conservative non-profit groups and more specifically, the sudden revelation that former IRS head Lois Lerner’s emails disappeared due to a convenient hard drive crash. Ryan said to the arrogant and defiant  IRS Commissioner, “I don’t Believe You”.

It’s about time some one put the IRS in its place and defended the American people against this rogue agency.

“You are the Internal Revenue Service. You can reach into the lives of hardworking tax payers and with a phone call, an email or letter you can turn their lives upside down. You ask tax payers to hang on to 7 years of their person tax information in case they are ever audited and you cant keep 6 months worth of employee emails? And now that we are seeing this investigation you don’t have the emails, hard drives crashed. You learned about this months ago and you just told us and we had to ask you on Monday. This is not being forthcoming, this is being misleading again. This is a pattern of abuse, a pattern that does not give us any confidence that this agency is being impartial. I don’t believe you.”

VIDEO Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

The Politico:

A defiant IRS Commissioner on Friday refused to apologize for the loss of ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s emails, and said the agency produced what they could, at a combative hearing marked by accusations by Republicans of IRS deceit.

The meeting comes a week after the agency revealed that two years worth of emails to and from Lerner, the ex-official at the center of the tea party targeting controversy, were lost when her hard drive crashed in 2011.

“I don’t think an apology is owed,” chief John Koskinen told Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp after the Republican lawmaker asked for one at the first hearing on the email issue.

But of course the IRS claims they did not conceal anything and did not mislead the committee yet, as discussed at Hot Air, the White House notified of missing IRS e-mail 6 weeks before Congress?

Remember when IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform on March 26, 2014 and told Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) during the hearing that former IRS employee Lois Lerner’s emails were archived and not just necessarily in her sent box in Outlook. Koskinen said it would take a long time even as he argued whether he would would would not comply with the House subpoena.

Chaffetz asks IRS Commissioner: “Are you going to comply with subpoena?”

Watergate IRS-gate is a long way from over and the rate this is going with the Obama administration and their cronies attempting to stonewall and have the American people believe the improbable and the impossible, it is going to come to a head right around the 2016 elections.

Congressman Charlie Rangel Compares Tea Party To Hamas Terrorists (AUDIO)

If there was aver a reason for term limits or competency tests for politicians, the below audio of Charles Rangel is exhibit one.

In an interview expected to air tonight on Talkline Communications with Zev Brenner, Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) compared the Tea Party to the Hamas terrorist group. Really Charlie, comparing the Tea Party to a terrorists group who kills innocent people? In a discussing with Rangel, who could barely make sense and struggled to connect the dots,  Rangel went on to say that the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party is equivalent to the Hamas terror group as part of the newly created Palestinian unity government.

Who knew the the principles of Our Founding Fathers were like Hamas? In the mind of a radical Leftist like Rangel, Constitutional Conservatives are terrorists. Who knew that a balanced budget, being fiscally responsible and spending withing your means with no deficit spending, protecting free markets, eliminating the national debt, eliminating excessive taxes and allowing the people spend their money not the federal government, reducing the size of government, promoting  civic responsibility and actually abiding by the United States Constitution was a terrorist act?

And Rangel says you can’t talk rationally to the Tea Party, eh? Sadly, this 84 year old fossil ethically challenged and tax cheat has been a Congressman since 1971 and will be reelected again.

JP Updates:

“We know that these victims these kids are being held by people that have no moral standards… the question is how do we handle these types of people who don’t mind dying. They hate so much that they don’t mind dying themselves,” Rangel asserted. “And you have to admit this complex to have someone to think that attacking human beings and innocent by missiles, and destroying the lives of children that they are going to get some reward after they die. That’s worst than the tea Party’s thinking.”

At this point, the radio host interrupted the congressman, “You can’t compare the Tea Party to Palestinian terrorists!”

“Well, i am just saying that is a cult type of thinking-its’ a poor analogy when you talk about terrorism-but when you talk about not recognizing the United States as a nation, not recognizing the president, trying to repeal bills that are already law and sticking to the principles of the civil war, you know these are people that you cannot talk rationally to and the president can’t,” Rangel explained the comparison. “And at some point, if the Palestinians come to the table and say they can’t control the people in the backroom, the same way Republicans say they can’t control the Tea Party — the Republican Party would no longer exits because they can’t control the Tea Party — and the Palestinian Authority… if they believe in this partnership with terrorists.. then they cannot come to the table.. You cannot talk to a person who says their primary goal is to have you distinguished. There is no conversation there.”

UPDATE 17:30:

“Comparing a vicious terrorist organization responsible for the murder of innocent civilians, including children to the Tea Party is offensive to the families of Hamas’ victims and to all Americans and Israelis,” Espaillat supporter Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz told JP. “I find the Tea Party beneath contempt and disagree with their extremist policies on every issue, but it is reckless to put them in the same category as Hamas. I am surprised that the Congressman would make such a senseless statement.”

“This comparison minimizes the magnitude of the evil acts of Hamas and should be retracted,” Dinowitz added.

WOW, Just WOW … Dave Brat Defeats Incumbent Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia GOP Primary, 55.5% – 44.5%

Down goes Frazier Cantor, down goes Frazier Cantor, down goes Frazier Cantor!!! 

Establishment Republicans were rocked this evening when US Rep. Eric Cantor, the Republican House Majority Leader lost to virtual unknown Dave Brat. To borrow a line from Al Michaels from the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY was the USA defeated the Soviet Union, “Do you believe in Miracles … YES!!! It was thought by many in the establishment that Cantor was the next in line for the Speakership; however, “We the People” had other ideas.  So much for the notion that money wins these elections, Brat trailed Cantor in fundraising, pulling in $200,000 this cycle compared to Cantor’s $2 million.

KUDOS to Dave Brat!!!


In an upset for the ages, Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, the second-most powerful man in the House, was dethroned Tuesday by a little-known, tea party-backed Republican primary challenger carried to victory on a wave of public anger over calls for looser immigration laws.

“”This is a miracle from God that just happened,” exulted David Brat, a political science professor, as his victory became clear in the congressional district around Virginia capital city.

Speaking to downcast supporters, Cantor conceded, “Obviously we came up short” in a bid for renomination to an eighth term.

The victory was by far the biggest of the 2014 campaign season for tea party forces, although last week they forced veteran Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran into a June 24 runoff, and hope State Sen. Chris McDaniel can prevail then.

Dave Brat

So much for Eric Cantor’s internal polling that showed him ahead of David Brat by 34 points. Oops, missed it by that much.

The poll, shared with Post Politics, shows Cantor with a 62 percent to 28 percent lead over Brat, an economics professor running to Cantor’s right. Eleven percent say they are undecided.

The internal survey of 400 likely Republican primary voters was conducted May 27 and 28 by John McLaughlin of McLaughlin & Associates. It carries a margin of error of +/-4.9 percentage points.

VA GOP 2014 Primary_Brat_Cantor


Eric Cantor Concedes.

Cantor conceded the race around 8:25 p.m. — shortly after the Associated Press pronounced Cantor’s 13-year political career at least temporarily over. With nearly 98 percent of precincts reporting, Brat had 55 percent of the vote, while Cantor had 44 percent. People close to Cantor said internal polls showed him hovering near 60 percent in the runup to the race.

It’s one of the most stunning losses in modern House politics, and completely upends the GOP hierarchy in both Virginia and Washington. Cantor enjoyed a meteoric rise that took him from chief deputy whip, to minority whip to majority leader in the span of 13 years.

Cantor was seen by many as the next speaker of the House, biding his time until Ohio Rep. John Boehner wanted to retire.

UPDATE I: Victory Speech … Dollars do not Vote, You Do!

Koch Brothers Donate $25M to the United Negro College Fund … Sen. Harry Reid (NV-D) Was Unavailable for Comment

Because the mind is a terrible thing to waste, even though Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi do it on a daily basis

Koch Industries Inc. and the Charles Koch Foundation, which are headed by Charles and David  Koch  have donated $25 million to the United Negro College Fund to create a new scholarship program that will help motivated and deserving students not just get to and through school, but to become our next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. Oh those evil Koch Brothers. What say you Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV-D), are you going to vilify the Koch brothers for this as well, like you do as a diversion to create a GOP bogeyman?


The billionaire industrialist Koch brothers, known best for shepherding big money to conservative causes and candidates, have given a $25 million grant to the United Negro College Fund, the organization announced Friday.

The money will come from Koch Industries Inc. and the Charles Koch Foundation, which are headed by the brothers. Most of the money ($18.5 million) will go toward a scholarship program. The other $6.5 million is provided for general support to historically black colleges and universities and the UNCF, $4 million of which will be set aside for loan assistance.

The UNCF is the nation’s largest minority education group.

Just how much heat will Michael Lomax, UNCF president and chief executive, receive for the praising of the Koch brothers? He said, “UNCF is proud to announce this new scholarship program that will help motivated and deserving students not just get to and through school, but to become our next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs We are enormously grateful to Koch Industries and the Charles Koch Foundation for their long-standing support of UNCF and for helping to create new opportunities for earned success and a better future for our students.”

Statement from The United Negro College Fund:

The overarching goal of the UNCF/Koch Scholars Program is aimed at broadening educational opportunities so that aspiring African American students can better understand how entrepreneurship, economics, and innovation contribute to well-being for individuals, communities, and society. A key component of the program is based on research from UNCF’s Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute, which found that an annual $5,000 scholarship dramatically increases UNCF’s recipients’ rate of retention and likelihood of completion. Those who graduate with a college degree are expected to earn $1 million more than their peers with a high school diploma over a lifetime. And 79 percent of college-educated African Americans actively participate in the labor force, 3 percentage points higher than Caucasians. Furthermore, multiple studies show that those who earn at least a bachelor’s degree have higher rates of employment, have greater lifetime earnings, are more civically-engaged, and are more likely to establish a college-going tradition in their families. The new program will dedicate $1 million to supporting research to help understand the drivers of success for students in college and beyond.

Charles Koch said, “Increasing well-being by helping people improve their lives has long been our focus.” He went on to say, “We have tremendous respect for UNCF and we are hopeful this investment will further its effectiveness in helping students pursue their dreams.” Just curious Harry Reid, Nanny Pelosi and Barack Obama, what have you really done for African-Americans in pursuing their dreams except keep them government dependent and under this administration more unemployed?

Since Democrats cannot blame GWB anymore and cannot run on Obamacare, the economy or foreign or domestic policy … its blame the Koch brothers 24/7.

The ball is in your court Harry Reid.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz Wins 2016 Presidential Straw Poll at a Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana

If Ted Cruz is Constitutionally allowed to run for President … He will be a real threat to Democrats and establishment Republicans …

Texas Senator Ted Cruz won the 2016 Presidential straw poll at a Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Cruz finished first with 30.33%, Dr. Ben Carson second with 29.38% and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul finished third with 10.43%. They were followed by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and Texas Governor Rick Perry rounded out the top five, at 5.06% and 4.90%, respectively. Moderate RINO’s Florida’s former Governor Jeb Bush came in 7th with 4.42% and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie came in dead last with 1.11%. During his speech Cruz said that Republicans would take back the Senate, they will retire Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and remove Harry Reid as Majority Leader.

Cruz finished in first place in the annual conference’s presidential straw poll at 30.33%. Dr. Ben Carson, a Fox News commentator and conservative activist, finished in second with 29.38% while Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, was third with 10.43%.

Fox News host and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Texas Governor Rick Perry rounded out the top five, at 5.06% and 4.90%, respectively.

Neither Carson nor Paul spoke at the conference, but their support was a show of confidence by the traditionally more conservative crowd. The annual meeting of activists features of who’s who of big-name Republican politicians. It is an important appearance for potential presidential candidates to make.

More moderate Republicans also skipped the conference, but many fared much worse in the straw poll. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie came in dead last with 1.11% while Florida’s former Gov. Jeb Bush and current Sen. Marco Rubio and came in seventh and eighth at 4.42% and 3.32 %, respectively.

Nobody Cares what any politicians in Washington says. Power in politics, sovereignty in America is with We the People!


Ted Cruz, an ardent defender of The Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment said during his speech, “In Texas, we define gun control real simple. That’s hittin’ what you aim at.” Cruz Also went on to say, “that following the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT the president didn’t do  what she should have done. What he should have done is he should have stood up and said we are going to go after violent criminals  and we are going to come down on violent criminals like a ton of bricks.    instead he used it as an excuse to come after the rights of law abiding citizens.”

Cruz consistently pointed out that Democrats and establishment gray-beard Republicans both says that things can’t get done. Yet time after time in examples of drone strikes against Americans, Second Amendment gun control, foreign affairs and provisions in the International monetary fund.  All won by conservatives.

Too often the establishment GOP says it can’t be done because they are afraid to take a position. In order for there to be change, not only must Democrats go, so must the establishment Republicans who have long forgot what they were sent to Washington, DC to do.


Cruz went on to blast the establishment same old-same old way of doing things within the GOP of trying to win elections. There is a cluster of political consultants who keep running losing campaigns, making the same mistakes and keep coming back to donors to make the same failed mistakes that did not win the previous times. He stressed that the way you win elections is you stand for principle and you empower the people.

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